404 research outputs found

    Multifractality of quantum wave functions in the presence of perturbations

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    We present a comprehensive study of the destruction of quantum multifractality in the presence of perturbations. We study diverse representative models displaying multifractality, including a pseudointegrable system, the Anderson model and a random matrix model. We apply several types of natural perturbations which can be relevant for experimental implementations. We construct an analytical theory for certain cases, and perform extensive large-scale numerical simulations in other cases. The data are analyzed through refined methods including double scaling analysis. Our results confirm the recent conjecture that multifractality breaks down following two scenarios. In the first one, multifractality is preserved unchanged below a certain characteristic length which decreases with perturbation strength. In the second one, multifractality is affected at all scales and disappears uniformly for a strong enough perturbation. Our refined analysis shows that subtle variants of these scenarios can be present in certain cases. This study could guide experimental implementations in order to observe quantum multifractality in real systems.Comment: 20 pages, 27 figure

    Two scenarios for quantum multifractality breakdown

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    We expose two scenarios for the breakdown of quantum multifractality under the effect of perturbations. In the first scenario, multifractality survives below a certain scale of the quantum fluctuations. In the other one, the fluctuations of the wave functions are changed at every scale and each multifractal dimension smoothly goes to the ergodic value. We use as generic examples a one-dimensional dynamical system and the three-dimensional Anderson model at the metal-insulator transition. Based on our results, we conjecture that the sensitivity of quantum multifractality to perturbation is universal in the sense that it follows one of these two scenarios depending on the perturbation. We also discuss the experimental implications.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, minor modifications, published versio

    Semiclassical approach to fidelity amplitude

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    The fidelity amplitude is a quantity of paramount importance in echo type experiments. We use semiclassical theory to study the average fidelity amplitude for quantum chaotic systems under external perturbation. We explain analytically two extreme cases: the random dynamics limit --attained approximately by strongly chaotic systems-- and the random perturbation limit, which shows a Lyapunov decay. Numerical simulations help us bridge the gap between both extreme cases.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures. Version closest to published versio

    Entanglement-screening by nonlinear resonances

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    We show that nonlinear resonances in a classically mixed phase space allow to define generic, strongly entangled multi-partite quantum states. The robustness of their multipartite entanglement increases with the particle number, i.e. in the semiclassical limit, for those classes of diffusive noise which assist the quantum-classical transition

    Quantum phase estimation algorithm in presence of static imperfections

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    We study numerically the effects of static imperfections and residual couplings between qubits for the quantum phase estimation algorithm with two qubits. We show that the success probability of the algorithm is affected significantly more by static imperfections than by random noise errors in quantum gates. An improvement of the algorithm accuracy can be reached by application of the Pauli-random-error-correction method (PAREC).Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Research avilable at http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr

    Symmetry Violation of Quantum Multifractality: Gaussian fluctuations versus Algebraic Localization

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    Quantum multifractality is a fundamental property of systems such as non-interacting disordered systems at an Anderson transition and many-body systems in Hilbert space. Here we discuss the origin of the presence or absence of a fundamental symmetry related to this property. The anomalous multifractal dimension Δq\Delta_q is used to characterize the structure of quantum states in such systems. Although the multifractal symmetry relation \mbox{Δq=Δ1−q\Delta_q=\Delta_{1-q}} is universally fulfilled in many known systems, recently some important examples have emerged where it does not hold. We show that this is the result of two different mechanisms. The first one was already known and is related to Gaussian fluctuations well described by random matrix theory. The second one, not previously explored, is related to the presence of an algebraically localized envelope. While the effect of Gaussian fluctuations can be removed by coarse graining, the second mechanism is robust to such a procedure. We illustrate the violation of the symmetry due to algebraic localization on two systems of very different nature, a 1D Floquet critical system and a model corresponding to Anderson localization on random graphs.Comment: Closest to published versio

    Two critical localization lengths in the Anderson transition on random graphs

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    We present a full description of the nonergodic properties of wave functions on random graphs without boundary in the localized and critical regimes of the Anderson transition. We find that they are characterized by two critical localization lengths: the largest one describes localization along rare branches and diverges with a critical exponent Μ∄=1 at the transition. The second length, which describes localization along typical branches, reaches at the transition a finite universal value (which depends only on the connectivity of the graph), with a singularity controlled by a new critical exponent Μ⊄=1/2. We show numerically that these two localization lengths control the finite-size scaling properties of key observables: wave-function moments, correlation functions, and spectral statistics. Our results are identical to the theoretical predictions for the typical localization length in the many-body localization transition, with the same critical exponent. This strongly suggests that the two transitions are in the same universality class and that our techniques could be directly applied in this context

    Scaling Theory of the Anderson Transition in Random Graphs: Ergodicity and Universality

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    We study the Anderson transition on a generic model of random graphs with a tunable branching parameter 1<K<2, through large scale numerical simulations and finite-size scaling analysis. We find that a single transition separates a localized phase from an unusual delocalized phase that is ergodic at large scales but strongly nonergodic at smaller scales. In the critical regime, multifractal wave functions are located on a few branches of the graph. Different scaling laws apply on both sides of the transition: a scaling with the linear size of the system on the localized side, and an unusual volumic scaling on the delocalized side. The critical scalings and exponents are independent of the branching parameter, which strongly supports the universality of our results

    Phase space contraction and quantum operations

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    We give a criterion to differentiate between dissipative and diffusive quantum operations. It is based on the classical idea that dissipative processes contract volumes in phase space. We define a quantity that can be regarded as ``quantum phase space contraction rate'' and which is related to a fundamental property of quantum channels: non-unitality. We relate it to other properties of the channel and also show a simple example of dissipative noise composed with a chaotic map. The emergence of attaractor-like structures is displayed.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Changes added according to refferee sugestions. (To appear in PRA

    Frenkel-Kontorova model with cold trapped ions

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    We study analytically and numerically the properties of one-dimensional chain of cold ions placed in a periodic potential of optical lattice and global harmonic potential of a trap. In close similarity with the Frenkel-Kontorova model, a transition from sliding to pinned phase takes place with the increase of the optical lattice potential for the density of ions incommensurate with the lattice period. Quantum fluctuations lead to a quantum phase transition and melting of pinned instanton glass phase at large values of dimensional Planck constant. The obtained results are also relevant for a Wigner crystal placed in a periodic potential.Comment: RevTeX, 5 pages, 11 figures, research at http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.f
