894 research outputs found

    Does Arch Stiffness Influence Running Spatiotemporal Parameters? An Analysis of the Relationship between Influencing Factors on Running Performance

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    This study aimed to determine the influence of arch stiffness on running spatiotemporal parameters at a common speed for a wide range of endurance runners (i.e., 12 km h-1). In total, 97 runners, 52 men and 45 women, completed a treadmill running protocol at 12 km h-1. Spatiotemporal parameters were measured using the OptoGait system, and foot structure was assessed by determining arch stiffness. Since between-sex differences were found in anthropometric and foot structure variables, data analysis was conducted separately for men and women, and body mass and height were considered as covariates. For both sexes, a k-means cluster analysis grouped participants according to arch stiffness, by obtaining a group of low-arch stiffness (LAS group) and a group of high-arch stiffness (HAS group), with significant differences in arch stiffness (p < 0.001, for both men and women). No significant differences between LAS and HAS groups were found in running spatiotemporal parameters, regardless of sex (p 0.05). For both sexes, the partial correlation analysis reported no significant correlations (p 0.05) between foot structure variables and running spatiotemporal parameters. The results obtained show no differences in spatiotemporal gait characteristics during running at submaximal velocity between runners with low-arch stiffness and those with high-arch stiffness, regardless of sex. These findings may have important implications for clinicians and coaches by adding more evidence to the debate about the use of static foot classification measures when characterizing the foot and its biomechanics during running

    Un ejemplo de "genus demostrativum" en la "Rhetorica christiana" de Diego Valadés

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    En el presente trabajo se analiza la preponderancia concedida a la figura del Sumo Pontífice sobre la autoridad monárquica española en la “Rhetorica christiana” del franciscano Diego Valadés (Perugia, 1579). Se estudian los argumentos propios del “genus demonstrativum” que defienden la autoridad papal en asuntos de Indias y el soporte gráfico (“stemmata”) que lo ratifica.The present essay analyzes the prevalence granted to the figure of the “Summus Pontifex” on the authority of the Spanish monarchy in fr. Diego Valadés’s “Rhetorica christiana” (published in Perugia, 1579): the arguments of the “genus demonstrativum” that defend the papal authority in the New World and its graphical support (“stemmata”).peerReviewe

    TEL (Tecnology – Enhanced - Learning), sobre plataformas móviles para gamificación potenciada con realidad aumentada

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    Dentro del amplio campo de la Innovación Educativa, y atendiendo al específico de las Tecnologías para Potenciación del Aprendizaje (TEL), ya en los años 80 se empezaba a habla de “gamificar”, pero no fue hasta el año 2008 que se dio a conocer el término gamificación, desde entonces esta técnica ha ido en auge y cada vez más se va instalando en nuestra vida diaria, aunque no nos demos cuenta. La finalidad de este trabajo no es otra que usar dicha técnica, La Gamificación, en el ámbito educativo. Con este fin se ha creado una aplicación que debe ser soportada por los diferentes dispositivos móviles existentes, con el objetivo final de que los estudiantes aprendan con interés y motivación a la vez que consiguen una mejora en su rendimiento académico. Se utilizan así mismo algunos elementos de realidad aumentada, en la idea de potenciar la funcionalidad y el atractivo de la aplicación en su uso. Esta aplicación se desarrolla teniendo en cuenta los requisitos de la aplicación y se espera que sea de gran utilidad para los alumnos que cursen la mencionada asignatura o quieran aprender física. Como fase final del TFG, se ha elaborado un Test de Usabilidad, que nos ha servido para evaluar y mejorar la aplicación.---ABSTRACT---Within the broad field of education innovation, and according to specific technologies for enhancement of learning (TEL), already in the 1980s is began to talk about "gamify", but it was not until the year 2008 which became known the term gamification, since then this technique has been booming and increasingly is more in our daily life, although we do not realize. Therefore the purpose of this project is nothing other that use this technique, the Gamification, in an educational field. Due to this the purpose has been created an application that must be supported by the different existing mobile devices, with the goal that students learn with interest and motivation to achieve an improvement in academic performance. Also is used some elements of augmented reality, with the idea of enhancing the functionality and the attractiveness of their use This application will be developed taking into account the requirements of the application and is expected to be useful for students who study the aforementioned subject or want to learn physics. As the final phase of the TFG, it has developed a Usability Test, which has helped us to evaluate and improve the application

    La competencia emocional en el currículo escolar de español como lengua adicional en Australia y Reino Unido

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    The development of students’ emotional intelligence has become a priority in integral education since the beginning of this century. Existing mental health issues in young learners brought about by the pressures and challenges of a globalized capitalist society have been put in the spotlight and exacerbated by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, which explains the need to promote this type of intelligence in education. We will focus on Australia and the UK, two contexts where social and emotional learning (SEL) has been promoted via government directives and policy documents across the curriculum. However, since both educational contexts have monolingual policies, our objective is to analyse whether emotional competence is integrated and developed throughout the Languages curriculum, specifically, in the case of Spanish as an additional language in Primary education. Drawing from SEL´s theoretical framework, and using qualitative content analysis, we will examine the above- mentioned curriculum implemented both in New South Wales and England.Desde su expansión a principios de los años 2000, el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional de los estudiantes se ha convertido en un objetivo prioritario de la educación integral. Las exigencias y retos que plantea una sociedad capitalista y globalizada unidos a los impactos negativos de la COVID-19 no solo ha puesto en el punto de mira los ya existentes problemas de salud mental entre los jóvenes, sino que los ha agravado, de ahí la necesidad de promover este tipo de inteligencia a nivel educativo. Este trabajo se enfoca en Australia y Reino Unido, dos contextos donde existen directivas gubernamentales y políticas educativas que promocionan el Aprendizaje Social y Emocional (en inglés, SEL) a lo largo de la educación reglada. Sin embargo, dado que trata de dos contextos educativos con políticas lingüísticas monolingües, nuestro objetivo es analizar si la competencia emocional se desarrolla en el currículo de Lenguas, y, específicamente, en el de español como lengua adicional para Primaria. Para ello y, partiendo del marco teórico de SEL, realizamos un análisis cualitativo de contenido tanto del currículo de español implementado en Nueva Gales del Sur como en Inglaterra

    Ideal cardiovascular health predicts lower risk of abnormal liver enzymes levels in the Chilean National Health Survey (2009–2010)

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    High levels of gamma glutamyltransferase (gamma-GT) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), as well as fatty liver index (FLI) has been associated with higher cardiovascular disease risk factors in adults. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between gamma-GT, ALT, and fatty liver index FLI levels across a gradient number of ideal cardiovascular health metrics in a representative sample of adults from the Chilean National Health Survey 2009–2010. Data from 1,023 men and 1,449 women (≥ 15 years) from the Chilean Health Survey 2009–2010 were analyzed. Ideal cardiovascular health was defined as meeting ideal levels of the following components: four behaviours (smoking, body mass index, physical activity and diet adherence) and three factors (total cholesterol, blood pressure and fasting glucose). Adults were grouped into three categories according to their number of ideal cardiovascular health metrics: ideal (5–7 metrics), intermediate (3–4 metrics), and poor (0–2 metrics). Blood levels of gamma-GT and ALT were measured and the FLI was calculated. A higher number of ideal cardiovascular health index metric was associated with lower gamma-GT, ALT and FLI (p from trend analysis <0.001). Also, adults meeting at least 3–4 metrics were predicted less likely to have prevalence of abnormal levels of gamma-GT and FLI (p<0.001) compared to adults who met only 0–2 metrics. These findings reinforce the usefulness of the ideal cardiovascular health metrics proposed by the American Heart Association as a tool to identify target subjects and promote cardiovascular health in South-American adults

    Ideal cardiovascular health predicts lower risk of abnormal liver enzymes levels in the Chilean National Health Survey (2009–2010)

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    High levels of gamma glutamyltransferase (gamma-GT) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), as well as fatty liver index (FLI) has been associated with higher cardiovascular disease risk factors in adults. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between gamma-GT, ALT, and fatty liver index FLI levels across a gradient number of ideal cardiovascular health metrics in a representative sample of adults from the Chilean National Health Survey 2009–2010. Data from 1,023 men and 1,449 women (≥ 15 years) from the Chilean Health Survey 2009–2010 were analyzed. Ideal cardiovascular health was defined as meeting ideal levels of the following components: four behaviours (smoking, body mass index, physical activity and diet adherence) and three factors (total cholesterol, blood pressure and fasting glucose). Adults were grouped into three categories according to their number of ideal cardiovascular health metrics: ideal (5–7 metrics), intermediate (3–4 metrics), and poor (0–2 metrics). Blood levels of gamma-GT and ALT were measured and the FLI was calculated. A higher number of ideal cardiovascular health index metric was associated with lower gamma-GT, ALT and FLI (p from trend analysis <0.001). Also, adults meeting at least 3–4 metrics were predicted less likely to have prevalence of abnormal levels of gamma-GT and FLI (p<0.001) compared to adults who met only 0–2 metrics. These findings reinforce the usefulness of the ideal cardiovascular health metrics proposed by the American Heart Association as a tool to identify target subjects and promote cardiovascular health in South-American adults

    La competencia emocional en el currículo escolar de español como lengua adicional en Australia y Reino Unido

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    The development of students' emotional intelligence has become a priority in integral education since the beginning of this century. Existing mental health issues in young learners brought about by the pressures and challenges of a globalized capitalist society have been put in the spotlight and exacerbated by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, which explains the need to promote this type of intelligence in education. We will focus on Australia and the UK, two contexts where social and emotional learning (SEL) has been promoted via government directives and policy documents across the curriculum. However, since both educational contexts have monolingual policies, our objective is to analyse whether emotional competence is integrated and developed throughout the Languages curriculum, specifically, in the case of Spanish as an additional language in Primary education. Drawing from SEL´s theoretical framework, and using qualitative content analysis, we will examine the above-mentioned curriculum implemented both in New South Wales and England.Desde su expansión a principios de los años 2000, el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional de los estudiantes se ha convertido en un objetivo prioritario de la educación integral. Las exigencias y retos que plantea una sociedad capitalista y globalizada unidos a los impactos negativos de la COVID-19 no solo ha puesto en el punto de mira los ya existentes problemas de salud mental entre los jóvenes, sino que los ha agravado, de ahí la necesidad de promover este tipo de inteligencia a nivel educativo. Este trabajo se enfoca en Australia y Reino Unido, dos contextos donde existen directivas gubernamentales y políticas educativas que promocionan el Aprendizaje Social y Emocional (en inglés, SEL) a lo largo de la educación reglada. Sin embargo, dado que trata de dos contextos educativos con políticas lingüísticas monolingües, nuestro objetivo es analizar si la competencia emocional se desarrolla en el currículo de Lenguas, y, específicamente, en el de español como lengua adicional para Primaria. Para ello y, partiendo del marco teórico de SEL, realizamos un análisis cualitativo de contenido tanto del currículo de español implementado en Nueva Gales del Sur como en Inglaterra