2,998 research outputs found

    Contrastación de un modelo de ciberconsumo

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    El consumo de productos y servicios en Internet se ha estudiado a partir de dos hipótesis, según las cuales los usuarios compran productos o contratan servicios en la medida en que la información se percibe como útil o riesgosa. Por consiguiente, la utilidad percibida supone que los protocolos de in - formación digitales tienen mayores beneficios que costos, o bien, en comparación con otros modos de comercio, Internet resulta más compatible con estilos de vida implicados en dispositivos electrónicos. Sin embargo, la percepción de riesgo es un factor que no solo inhibe las transferencias electrónicas, sino que además hace más selectiva la búsqueda y compra de bienes de consumo o la contratación de servi - cios. Precisamente, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue establecer las dimensiones de la selectividad en torno al consumo electrónico. Para tal fin, se realizó una selección no probabilística de 188 internautas a los que se aplicó un cuestionario de ciberconsumo, el cual obtuvo una consistencia interna adecuada. A partir de un modelo estructural, se estimó la validez reflectiva de cuatro indicadores del consumo en Internet. Los resultados se discuten a partir del estado actual del conocimiento

    Demand for culture in Spain and the 2012 VAT rise

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    [EN] This paper analyzes the effects that the 2012 VAT rise in Spain had on household’ demand for cultural goods and services. Household’ demands are modeled as a two-stage QUAIDS. After estimating price and expenditure elasticities, and the pass-through parameter associated with the reform, our results show that the individual welfare loss and the increment in the tax bill increase, but less than proportionately, with income. Consequently, the reform can be considered as regressive. Relating the effects of the VAT reform to households’ incomes also implies a low quantitative effect, because of the low proportion of total household expenditure that cultural expenditure represents. From a social perspective, the size of the induced welfare loss would positively depend on society’s inequality aversion. Regardless of the latter, it cannot be concluded whether the reform would have increased or reduced inequality in the distribution of cultural spending. Our results prove qualitatively robust to alternative values of the pass-through parameter.This study was funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Fund of Regional Development (Grant Numbers ECO2015-64467-R and ECO2016-76884-P (MINECO/FEDER)) and by the Basque Government (Grant Numbers DEUI-IT-793-13 and DEUI-IT-783-13)

    Intermediate Macroeconomics : Self-evaluation exercises

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    This resource can be particularly helpful to students taking the Intermediate Macroeconomics course, which corresponds to the second year of the current Degree in Economics at the University of the Basque Country UPV/ EHU. The precise content of this resource is a collection of eight chapters of multiple-choice questions. For each question the user is asked to guess which the correct answer is. Finally, the tool will return all the correct answers for the whole test, thereby allowing the user to check the validity of his/her answers. A remarkable feature of the tool is that it has been edited in three versions, for the three languages (Spanish, Basque and English) in which the subject is taught at the UPV/EHU.26 p.This is a self-evaluation learning tool which is designed to serve as a supporting tool for all those interested in macroeconomic theory at an introductory level to medium

    The Economic Consequences of the Libyan Spring: A Synthetic Control Analysis

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    [EN] In 2011 a wave of revolutionary movements, the so-called Arab Spring, spread in the Middle East and North Africa. Libya was one of the most affected countries, ending Gaddafi’s dictatorship after an international intervention and a civil war. This paper assesses the effects that this revolution had on Libyan economy. The analysis is made by means of the synthetic control method. Our estimates for the 2011–2014 period show (i) a cumulative loss in the growth rate of per capita real GDP of 64.15%; (ii) a cumulative loss in per capita real GDP of 56,548 dollars; and (iii) a cumulative loss in the aggregate real GDP of 350.5 billion dollars.This work was supported by the Basque Government [grant numbers DEUI-IT-793-13 and DEUI-IT-783-13] and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Fund of Regional Development [grant numbers ECO2015-64467-R and ECO2016-76884-P]

    The economic cost of the Arab Spring: the case of the Egyptian revolution

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    [EN] This paper analyzes the effects that the Arab Spring and the subsequent revolution had on per capita real Gross Domestic Product in Egypt. The estimation procedure that we follow is the synthetic control method. After comparing the observed evolution of Egyptian real output in the period 2011–2017 with that of synthetic Egypt, our estimates show (i) an accumulated loss in the growth rate of per capita real Gross Domestic Product of 12.04% (a yearly average of 1.56%); (ii) an accumulated loss in the per capita real Gross Domestic Product of 6279.7 dollars (a yearly average of 897.1 dollars); and (iii) an accumulated loss in the aggregate real Gross Domestic Product of 582.5 billion dollars (a yearly average of 83.2 billion dollars).This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Fund of Regional Development [Grant Numbers ECO2015-64467-R and ECO2016-76884-P (MINECO/FEDER)] and by the Basque Government (Grant Numbers DEUI-IT-793-13 and DEUI-IT-783-13)

    Dimensiones de gobernanza para la sustentabilidad hídrica

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    Los recursos hídricos caracterizados por su escasez y desabasto suponen la emergencia de comportamientos de ahorro de agua que contrastan con las creencias de abundancia a las cuales se asocian conductas de derroche. Tales relaciones se intensifican a medida que las organizaciones civiles gestionan su distribución, ya que en vez de gestarse una cultura de conservación, se desarrolla una identidad de dispendio. Este ejercicio de exponer y discutir las dimensiones de gobernanza de los recursos hídricos pretende anticipar el futuro de la gestión del agua y sus formas imponderables de sustentabilidad

    “Métodos de remoción y degradación de antibióticos en medio acuoso”

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    En los últimos años, los antibióticos han sido considerados contaminantes emergentes debido a su aporte continuo y su persistente aparición en los ecosiste concentraciones. Estos contaminantes se han detectado en todos los cuerpos acuáticos del mundo, lo que indica su eliminación tratamiento convencionale

    Social Work Towards a Quality of Life and Well Being Subjective

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    The quality of life understood as satisfaction related to resources, values, norms, expectations, perceptions and capabilities is a central issue in the public health agenda for sustainable local development (García, 2013). Some studies on quality of life provide significant gender differences regarding transportation, employment and recreation (Baldi & Garcia, 2010). Furthermore, when pondering as a perceptual system resources around the individual and in reference to the parent group, it is considered a style of personal well - being that is geared to social integration (Barranco, Delgado, Meli, & Quintana, 2010). But quality of life is correlated with anxiety and depression in medical situations of uncertainty and deteriorating health (Machado, Anarte, & Ruiz, 2010). That is, the quality of life is the result of the perception of scarcity of resources rather than the hopes generated from personal abilities. Opportunities seem to boil down to a minimum and thus the responsibility of self increases and an improvement in expectations is observed through the links between the members of a social, family or school group. Grimaldo (2010) found eight alluding to the quality of life dimensions. This is the economic well - being, interpersonal relationship, family situation, neighborhood context, social capital and health. Therefore, the quality of life is a web of expectations that are based on a figurative nucleus to influence the decisions of resource allocation (Carreon & Garcia, 2013).This work was proposed to establish a correlative model to discuss the importance of other variables in the investigation of the quality of life. Once the relationships between the factors derived from the literature review were specified, it conducted a cross sectional study with a non - probabilistic sample of 245 students. When the validity and reliability of the instrument measured was obtained: life satisfaction, expected capabilities, expectations of opportunity, trust relationships, perception of justice, assessment of the environment, standards of context and perceived resources, a structural model was tested [X 2 = 12,35 (12 gl); p = 0.000; GFI = 0.975; RMR = 0.000] in which the perceived availability of resources indirectly correlated to life satisfaction through standards context (γ = 0.52). The results were compared with findings reported in the state of knowledge

    Social Work Towards a Quality of Life and Well Being Subjective

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    The quality of life understood as satisfaction related to resources, values, norms, expectations, perceptions and capabilities is a central issue in the public health agenda for sustainable local development (García, 2013). Some studies on quality of life provide significant gender differences regarding transportation, employment and recreation (Baldi & Garcia, 2010). Furthermore, when pondering as a perceptual system resources around the individual and in reference to the parent group, it is considered a style of personal well - being that is geared to social integration (Barranco, Delgado, Meli, & Quintana, 2010). But quality of life is correlated with anxiety and depression in medical situations of uncertainty and deteriorating health (Machado, Anarte, & Ruiz, 2010). That is, the quality of life is the result of the perception of scarcity of resources rather than the hopes generated from personal abilities. Opportunities seem to boil down to a minimum and thus the responsibility of self increases and an improvement in expectations is observed through the links between the members of a social, family or school group. Grimaldo (2010) found eight alluding to the quality of life dimensions. This is the economic well - being, interpersonal relationship, family situation, neighborhood context, social capital and health. Therefore, the quality of life is a web of expectations that are based on a figurative nucleus to influence the decisions of resource allocation (Carreon & Garcia, 2013).This work was proposed to establish a correlative model to discuss the importance of other variables in the investigation of the quality of life. Once the relationships between the factors derived from the literature review were specified, it conducted a cross sectional study with a non - probabilistic sample of 245 students. When the validity and reliability of the instrument measured was obtained: life satisfaction, expected capabilities, expectations of opportunity, trust relationships, perception of justice, assessment of the environment, standards of context and perceived resources, a structural model was tested [X 2 = 12,35 (12 gl); p = 0.000; GFI = 0.975; RMR = 0.000] in which the perceived availability of resources indirectly correlated to life satisfaction through standards context (γ = 0.52). The results were compared with findings reported in the state of knowledge

    Hacia una administración consensuada de los recursos hídricos en ecociudades

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    La administración de los recursos hídricos es un tema de suma discusión ya que de ella de- pende la construcción de una ciudad sustentable en su agenda, gestión y participación. Empero, las políticas públicas relativas al abastecimiento de agua parecen estar centradas en una oferta desmedida ya no por la disponibilidad ni el con- sumo, sino por la información que los medios di- funden acerca de una fuente de abastecimiento o conflicto entre autoridades y usuarios. En este sentido, es menester revisar los conceptos de opor tunidades, capacidades, responsabilidades, habitus y espacialidades para discutir su vincu- lación con otros tales como encuadre, agenda o sustentabilidad. En el marco de la ciudad sus- tentable, tal ejercicio, permitirá anticipar la relación existente entre autoridades y usuarios en referencia a los medios de comunicación. Preci - samente, la administración sería sustentable si el sistema de tarifas incluyera los conceptos que explican las relaciones entre los actores políti- cos, mediáticos y civiles implicados