5,174 research outputs found

    Unemployment duration among immigrants and natives: unobserved heterogeneity in a multi-spell duration model

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    This paper studies whether the unemployment dynamics of immigrants differ from those of natives, paying special attention to the impact of accounting for unobserved heterogeneity among individuals. Using a large administrative data set for Spain, we estimate multiple-spell discrete duration models which disentangle unobserved heterogeneity from duration dependence. Specifically, we estimate random effects models assuming that the distribution of the effects is discrete with finite support, and fixed effects models in which the distribution of the unobserved effects is left unrestricted. Our results show the importance of accounting for unobserved heterogeneity and that mistaken policy implications can be derived due to improper treatment of unmeasured variables. We find that lack of control for unobserved heterogeneity leads to the conclusion that immigrant males have a higher probability of leaving unemployment than natives and that the negative effect of unemployment benefits for immigrants lasts longer than for natives. Nonetheless, the estimates which do control for unobserved heterogeneity show the opposite results

    Unobserved Heterogeneity in Multi-Spell Discrete Time Duration Models

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    This paper considers the estimation of discrete time duration models. We highlight the enhance identification opportunities embedded in multiple spell data to separately identify the effect of duration dependence and individual time invariant unobserved heterogeneity. We consider two types of models: (i) random effects models specifying a mass point distribution for the unobserved heterogeneity; and (ii) fixed effects models in which the distribution of the effects is left unrestricted. The availability of multiple spell data allows us to consider this type of models, in the spirit of fixed effects discrete choice panel data models. We study the finite sample properties of different estimators for previous models by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, as an empirical illustration, we estimate unemployment duration models using Spanish administrative data with information on the entire labor history of the individuals.Duration models; Discrete choice; Multiple spells; Unobserved heterogeneity; Unemployment.

    Unemployment Duration among Immigrants and Natives: Unobserved Heterogeneity in a Multi-Spell Duration Model

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    This paper studies whether the unemployment dynamics of immigrants differ from those of natives, paying special attention to the impact of accounting for unobserved heterogeneity among individuals. Using a large administrative data set for Spain, we estimate multiple-spell discrete duration models which disentangle unobserved heterogeneity from duration dependence. Specifically, we estimate random effects models assuming that the distribution of the effects is discrete with finite support, and fixed effects models in which the distribution of the unobserved effects is left unrestricted. Our results show the importance of accounting for unobserved heterogeneity and that mistaken policy implications can be derived due to improper treatment of unmeasured variables. We find that lack of control for unobserved heterogeneity leads to the conclusion that immigrant males have a higher probability of leaving unemployment than natives and that the negative effect of unemployment benefits for immigrants lasts longer than for natives. Nonetheless, the estimates which do control for unobserved heterogeneity show the opposite results.Duration models; Discrete choice; Multiple spells; Unobserved heterogeneity; Unemployment; Immigration.

    Unobserved heterogeneity in multi-spell discrete time duration model

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    This paper considers the estimation of discrete time duration models. We highlight the enhance identification opportunities embedded in multiple spell data to separately identify the effect of duration dependence and individual time invariant unobserved heterogeneity.Duration models, Discrete choice, Multiple spells, Unobserved heterogeneity, Unemployment.

    Unemployment duration among immigrants and natives: unobserved heterogeneity in a multi-spell duration model

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    This paper studies whether the unemployment dynamics of immigrants differ from those of natives, paying special attention to the impact of accounting for unobserved heterogeneity among individuals. Using a large administrative data set for Spain, we estimate multiple-spell discrete duration models which disentangle unobserved heterogeneity from duration dependence. Specifically, we estimate random effects models assuming that the distribution of the effects is discrete with finite support, and fixed effects models in which the distribution of the unobserved effects is left unrestricted. Our results show the importance of accounting for unobserved heterogeneity and that mistaken policy implications can be derived due to improper treatment of unmeasured variables. We find that lack of control for unobserved heterogeneity leads to the conclusion that immigrant males have a higher probability of leaving unemployment than natives and that the negative effect of unemployment benefits for immigrants lasts longer than for natives. Nonetheless, the estimates which do control for unobserved heterogeneity show the opposite results.Duration models, Discrete choice, Multiple spells, Unobserved heterogeneity, Unemployment, Immigration

    Powers of the human mind: potentialities of paradigmatic and narrative intelligence

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    Este artĂ­culo trata de fundamentar la inteligencia social y emocional partiendo de las dos modalidades de pensamiento propuestos por J. Bruner: el pensamiento paradigmĂĄtico y el pensamiento narrativo. El anĂĄlisis de ambas modalidades de pensamiento se realiza desde una perspectiva multifuncional e integrada de la mente humana. En primer lugar nos aproximamos a las caracterĂ­sticas y funciones de la mente paradigmĂĄtica para analizar, a continuaciĂłn, las peculiaridades de la mente narrativa. Entiendo que la inteligencia narrativa humana se presenta en diferentes niveles de elaboraciĂłn que no responden a una secuencia jerĂĄrquica. Los procesos intencionales (deseos, propĂłsitos, sentimientos, inteligencia social y emocional) tienen su origen en la mente narrativa.This article tries to substantiate social and emotional intelligence based on two modes of thought as suggested by J. Bruner: the paradigmatic and narrative mind. The study of both models is based on a multifunctional and integrated human mind. First, I will describe the main characteristic and functions of the paradigmatic mind, and then I will present the characteristic of the narrative mind. To my understanding, the narrative human intelligence is presented in different levels of development that do not respond to a hierarchical sequence. Intentional human process (desires, volitions, human sentiments, social and emotional intelligence) have their origin in the narrative mind

    La onomåstica de la conversión: señas de identidad y transformación antroponímica de los moriscos de Granada (1500-1569)

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    Las transformaciones padecidas por los musulmanes de Granada a raĂ­z de la conversiĂłn masiva de 1499-1500 se reflejan en el cambio antroponĂ­mico inicial y su evoluciĂłn durante el siglo XVI. En este estudio se evalĂșa la autenticidad de los nombres ĂĄrabes en los documentos castellanos y se propone una metodologĂ­a onomĂĄstica que abarca dos sistemas diversos (el ĂĄrabe y el castellano) y que permite un cierto grado de sincretismo. La onomĂĄstica comparativa (sincrĂłnica y diacrĂłnica) desde la Edad Media hasta la Moderna, con muestras de otros colectivos permite calibrar el grado de aculturaciĂłn de los moriscos y descubrir patrones de comportamiento cultural que resultan difĂ­cilmente discernibles por otros medios.The Muslims of Granada experienced a series of transformations due to the widespread conversions of 1499-1500 which is mirrored in the initial anthroponymic change and its subsequent evolution in the sixteenth century. This study assesses the authenticity of Arabic names in Castilian records and proposes an onomastic methodology that bridges two diverse systems (Arabic and Spanish) and manifests a certain degree of synchretism. A comparative onomastic study (both synchronic and diachronic) from medieval to early modern times, using various samples of other social groups allows us to gauge the degree of acculturation of the Moriscos and to discover patterns of cultural behaviour that would otherwise be difficult to discern.Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias a la financiaciĂłn concedida en el marco del XIX Concurso de Ayudas a la InvestigaciĂłn para Temas MudĂ©jares 2007 del Centro de Estudios MudĂ©jares de Teruel

    Experiencia humana y mestizaje cultural en la sociedad de la informaciĂłn

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    En la movilidad espacial de las personas y las creaciones culturales se instauran las condiciones para el fenĂłmeno del mestizaje. Cada dĂ­a parece mĂĄs evidente la importancia de contenidos, actitudes y valores, calificados de transversales en el currĂ­culo. Entre ellas, se encuentra la denominada EducaciĂłn Intercultural. Esa transversalidad se nutre, precisamente, de los elementos fundamentales de las que Henri van Leer denominaba las humanidades del siglo XX. En la actualidad, tres procesos sociales estĂĄn revitalizando el problema: los movimientos migratorios y sus consecuencias sociales, el florecimiento de los nacionalismos, los atrincheramientos culturales y la sedicente apariciĂłn de un mundo nuevo hecho de informaciĂłn que, a semejanza de un agujero negro, todo parece absorberlo en una globalidad inĂ©dita de pensamiento Ășnico. En esta situaciĂłn de contacto intercultural generalizado, el fomento de la mentalidad pluralista y abierta se convierte en una meta de formaciĂłn bĂĄsica. Para el cultivo de esa mentalidad se proponen organizadores de contenidos, marcos para el fomento de actitudes, criterios para construir estrategias, posiciones desde las que descubrir el valor del entendimiento social entre ciudadanos diferente

    Universidad y sociedad: el derecho romano ante el espacio europeo de educaciĂłn superior (EEES)

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    [Resumen] Como preåmbulo a un anålisis acerca de qué sea el Derecho romano, su objeto y objetivos, se ofrece una reflexión sobre el contexto en el que estas preguntas se formulan: la Universidad española del año 2007, inmersa en el proceso de construcción de un Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Se trata de alertar acerca de los cambios estructurales y metodológicos que este proceso va a llevar consigo incidiendo en la singular importancia de los primeros, pese a que hasta ahora, por parte de todas las instituciones, se haya prestado mås atención a los metodológicos o docentes. Son realmente los cambios estructurales los que pueden conducir a una nueva concepción de la Educación Superior y, en consecuencia, de la Universidad. Por otra parte, llamados como docentes universitarios del siglo XXI a formar no a meros juristas nacionales, sino a juristas europeos, se aborda la cuestión de cuål pueda ser el papel que una materia histórica como el Derecho romano pueda tener en la formación de ese jurista en ciernes al que parece demandårsele como cualidad principal la de la versatilidad, tanto en sus conocimientos jurídicos como en sus actitudes vitales.[Abstract] As a preamble to an analysis about what Roman law is, its content and its objectives, we will offer a reflection on the context in which these questions are formulated: the Spanish university in 2007 immersed in the process of building a European Higher Education Area. It deals with alerting us to the structural and methodological changes that this process will bring about, stressing the unique importance of the first, in spite of the fact that until now all of the institutions have paid more attention to the methodological and teaching changes. In reality, the structural changes are the ones that can lead us to a new conception of Higher Education and, consequently, of the University. On the other hand, the university professors of the 21st century have been called to train not merely national jurists, but European jurists. We will tackle the question of what the role of a historical subject like Roman law should be in the training of these blossoming legal scholars whose principle quality must be versatility in both their legal knowledge and their life attitudes
