29 research outputs found

    New screens? New languages? Spanish Broadcast News Content in the Web

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    This paper examines how Spanish television networks are adapting to the Internet’s potential and how they are using the Web as a platform to elaborate and distribute news content. The redesign of the leading commercial networks Telecinco´s and Antena 3’s websites and the launching of an online news service by public channel RTVE indicate that Spanish broadcasters are increasing their convergence with online operations and are developing stronger journalistic offerings. This paper compares the online news services in each of these three networks, with the objective of finding similarities and differences, as well as outlining their main strategies. Using a content analysis methodology, the essential characteristics of online journalism are analysed in each website: multimedia, hypertext, interactivity, user-generated content and social networks. It is also enquired to what extent the journalistic content available in these websites is adapted to the online language or it rather maintains the basic audiovisual structure of conventional television narrative. The production of television and online news also shows an increasing level of newsroom integration in these media. Journalists’ changes in the working systems and routines, as well as their attitudes towards converged news production are explored, with particular emphasis on how it might influence the quality of their journalistic output

    Nuevos retos de la televisión ante la convergencia digital

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    Tras la imprenta y la revolución industrial, Internet está implantando profundos cambios en todos los órdenes de la vida, borrando fronteras institucionales, sociales y culturales. Cuando la comunicación multiplataforma se convierte en una estrategia clave, los canales televisivos buscan crear comunidades entre sus seguidores, lograr que a través de la w eb el público acceda a la programación de la cadena, y atraer a nuevos usuarios que encuentren contenidos atractivos. Los espectadores consumen contenidos a través de múltiples plataformas, de modo que Internet no sólo no canibaliza a la televisión, sino que la complementa y realza la oferta sinérgica y conjunta

    La visión de los productores sobre la televisión interactiva: el final de la utopía

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    La televisión interactiva (TVI) ha experimentado un amplio desarrollo aunque sin llegar a alcanzar la implantación masiva. Este artículo analiza los criterios que los productores de TVI están adoptando para conseguir que los nuevos programas satisfagan las expectativas de la audiencia y aprovechen al máximo las posibilidades del medio. En primer lugar, se identifican los temas esenciales que afectan a la producción de TVI y se formulan las hipótesis de la investigación, relacionadas con la selección de los contenidos, los estudios de mercado, el uso de la interactividad y los modelos de negocio. Se realizó una encuesta entre productores de empresas de TVI europeas y norteamericanas, con objeto de recabar sus opiniones al respecto. La mayoría de los productores considera que el modelo de TVI actual necesita un sólido modelo de negocio, incorporar los avances tecnológicos y potenciar las aplicaciones interactivas más demandadas por los usuarios. Los resultados indican que la industria de la TVI está dispuesta a abandonar la utopía del pasado y evolucionar hacia posiciones más pragmáticas y realistas

    The role of innovation labs in advancing the relevance of Public Service Media: the cases of BBC News Labs and RTVE Lab

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    As part of their social function, Public Service Media (PSM) organizations are devoted to innovation. In this context, a number of European PSM outlets have created laboratories based on the implementation of products, services and formats for multiplatform audiences. Our research focused on two case studies: a) BBC News Labs (UK) and b) RTVE Lab (Spain). We applied both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. We used content analysis techniques to examine products generated by the two laboratories between 2013 and 2017, quantifying and classifying each one according to categories related to the type and nature of the innovation. We carried out ethnographic research using participant observation over five days in each laboratory, both in London and Madrid. We also conducted open-ended interviews with five professionals at the BBC and three at RTVE, as well as with the head of EBU’s Media Strategy & Development department. Our results show that BBC News Labs implements a global innovation strategy through the design and engineering of products that facilitate journalists’ work. Projects include speechto- text software, prototypes for voice recognition and text analysis, chatbots and object-based media. On the other hand, RTVE Lab focuses on designing and producing interactive formats, multimedia narratives and social media content, with an emphasis on experimentation. The findings reveal the main barriers and incentives to innovation within each lab and show how the transfer of innovation could increase the diversity, universality and quality of their overall output

    La convergencia tecnológica en los medios de comunicación: retos para el periodismo

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    This article assesses the concept of media convergence from a technological perspective. It presents digitization as a major factor —but not the only one— that gives rise to the process of convergence in the media companies, since it makes possible the merging of their management structures, job profiles and multimedia content. Starting from that description, this paper provides a prospective overview of the changes that may shape journalism in the future. In this analysis, several opportunities and threats are identified, considering the challenges that technological convergence poses to the media companies and, in general, to journalism as a profession

    Four Dimensions of Journalistic Convergence: A preliminary approach to current media trends at Spain

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    Convergence is a very polysemous concept that has been used to describe various trends in journalism that have something in common: the blurring of the limits between different media, professional skills and roles. This paper proposes to analytically structure convergence into four dimensions: integrated production, multiskilled professionals, multiplatform delivery and active audience. This analytical grid can help in exploring convergence avoiding deterministic assumptions and allowing to map its development in different media companies as an open process with diverse outcomes. A sample of 58 Spanish cases is studied using the conceptual framework. Multiplatform delivery is the most popular convergence strategy, and in any given dimension developments tend not to radically change established professional routines and values. Integration and multiskilling dimensions seem to be closely related and mainly developed in local and regional media with small staffs. Delivery and audience strategies are more complex in national media

    Riociguat treatment in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: Final safety data from the EXPERT registry

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    Objective: The soluble guanylate cyclase stimulator riociguat is approved for the treatment of adult patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and inoperable or persistent/recurrent chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) following Phase

    La profesionalidad en el periodismo audiovisual: el caso de los manuales de estándares de las cadenas CBS, NBC y ABC

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    El 14 de abril de 1976, la dirección de los servicios informativos de la Columbia Broadcasting System distribuyó un manual de estándares para sus empleados. Dos años más tarde, en abril de 1978, se difundió el manual de la National Broadcasting Company entre sus redactores, y en marzo de 1982, vio la luz el de la American Broadcasting Company. Cada manual consta de unas sesenta páginas que recogen decenas de directrices sobre distintos ámbitos del trabajo del periodista en televisión. Dichos manuales competen exclusivamente al personal de los servicios informativos y, con algunas modificaciones, continúan vigentes en la actualidad [1] . La metodología empleada en la elaboración de los manuales se basa en la experiencia del ejercicio profesional, recogida en las aportaciones de un grupo de periodistas y directivos. Sus fuentes incluyen directrices internas, indicaciones escritas y normas de tipo consuetudinario, transmitidas oralmente. Se trata, por tanto, de una obra colectiva, aunque sólo figuran los nombres de los directores de informativos en el momento de la publicación del manual