99 research outputs found

    Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Infants Younger Than 90 Days Old Following Enterovirus and Parechovirus Infections of the Central Nervous System

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    Enteroviruses (EVs) and human parechoviruses (HPeVs) are a major cause of central nervous system (CNS) infection in young infants. They have been implicated in neurodevelopmental delay, however limited data are available. The aim of this study is to describe the clinical outcome of young infants and to assess and compare the medium-term neurodevelopment following CNS infections caused by EV and HPeV. A multicentre observational ambispective study was conducted between May 2013 and March 2018. Children under 3 months of age with EV or HPeV CNS infection excluding encephalitis were included. Infants were contacted 1 year after the acute infection and their neurological development was evaluated using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire-3 (ASQ-3). If any area assessed was abnormal during the first round of tests, a second round was completed 6 to 12 months later. Forty-eight young infants with EV and HPeV CNS infection were identified: 33 (68.8%) were positive for EV and 15 (31.3%) for HPeV. At first assessment 14 out of 29 EV (48.3%) and 3 out of 15 HPeV (20%) positive cases presented some developmental concern in the ASQ-3 test. EV-positive infants showed mild and moderate alteration in all domains analyzed and HPeV-positive infants showed mild alterations only in gross and fine motor domains. Significant alterations in communication were observed in EV-positive but not in HPeV-positive infants (31 vs. 0%, p = 0.016). At second assessment 4 out of 13 EV-positive patients (30.8%) showed mild to moderate concerns in communication and gross motor function domains and 3 out of 13 (23.1%) showed significant concern in fine motor function. Although CNS infections without associated encephalitis are generally assumed to be benign our study shows that at a median age of 18 months almost half of the EV-infected infants (48.3%) and 20% of HPeV-positive infants presented some developmental concern in the ASQ-3 test. We recommend monitor the neurological development of infants during the first years of life after HPeV CNS infection and especially after EV CNS infection, even in mild cases, for an early intervention and stimulation of psychomotor development if necessary.This study was partially supported by grant from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (number PI18CIII/00017).S

    Metallo-Liposomes Derived from the [Ru(bpy)3]2+ Complex as Nanocarriers of Therapeutic Agents

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    The obtaining of nanocarriers of gene material and small drugs is still an interesting research line. Side-effects produced by the toxicity of several pharmaceutics, the high concentrations needed to get therapeutic effects, or their excessive use by patients have motivated the search for new nanostructures. For these reasons, cationic metallo-liposomes composed by phosphatidylcholine (PC), cholesterol (CHO) and RuC1C19 (a surfactant derived from the metallic complex [Ru(bpy)3]2+) were prepared and characterized by using diverse techniques (zeta potential, dynamic light scattering and electronic transmission microscopy –TEM-). Unimodal or bimodal populations of spherical aggregates with small sizes were obtained depending on the composition of the liposomes. The presence of cholesterol favored the formation of small aggregates. ct-DNA was condensed in the presence of the liposomes investigated. In-vitro assays demonstrated the ability of these nanoaggregates to internalize into different cell lines. A positive gene transfection into human bone osteosarcoma epithelial cells (U2OS) was also observed. The RuC1C19 surfactant was used as sensor to quantify the binding of DNA to the liposomes. Doxorubicin was encapsulated into the metallo-liposomes, demonstrating their ability to be also used as nanocarriers of drugs. A relationship between then encapsulation percentage of the antibiotic and the composition of the aggregates has been established.Junta de Andalucía 2019/FQM-206, 2019/FQM-274Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación RTI2018-100692-BI00, PI-0005-2018, P18-RT-127

    Metallo-Liposomes of Ruthenium Used as Promising Vectors of Genetic Material

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    Gene therapy is a therapeutic process consisting of the transport of genetic material into cells. The design and preparation of novel carriers to transport DNA is an important research line in the medical field. Hybrid compounds such as metallo-liposomes, containing a mixture of lipids, were prepared and characterized. Cationic metal lipids derived from the [Ru(bpy)3]2+ complex, RuC11C11 or RuC19C19, both with different hydrophobic/lipophilic ratios, were mixed with the phospholipid DOPE. A relation between the size and the molar fraction α was found and a multidisciplinary study about the interaction between the metallo-liposomes and DNA was performed. The metallo-liposomes/DNA association was quantified and a relationship between Kapp and α was obtained. Techniques such as AFM, SEM, zeta potential, dynamic light scattering and agarose gel electrophoresis demonstrated the formation of lipoplexes and showed the structure of the liposomes. L/D values corresponding to the polynucleotide's condensation were estimated. In vitro assays proved the low cell toxicity of the metallo-liposomes, lower for normal cells than for cancer cell lines, and a good internalization into cells. The latter as well as the transfection measurements carried out with plasmid DNA pEGFP-C1 have demonstrated a good availability of the Ru(II)-based liposomes for being used as non-toxic nanovectors in gene therapy.España Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucía (Proyecto de Excelencia P12-FQM-1105, FQM-206 and FQM-274, and PI-0005-2018)España,, Universidad de Sevilla, VI Plan Propio Universidad de Sevilla (PP2018-10338)España Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RTI2018-100692-B-I00

    Serum lipid profile among sporadic and familial forms of Parkinson’s disease

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    Brain cholesterol metabolism has been described as altered in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. Serum lipid levels have been widely studied in PD with controversial results among different populations and age groups. The present study is aimed at determining if the serum lipid profile could be influenced by the genetic background of PD patients. We included 403 PD patients (342 sporadic PD patients, 30 GBA-associated PD patients, and 31 LRRK2-associated PD patients) and 654 healthy controls (HCs). Total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides were measured in peripheral blood. Analysis of covariance adjusting for sex and age (ANCOVA) and post hoc tests were applied to determine the differences within lipid profiles among the groups. Multivariate ANCOVA revealed significant differences among the groups within cholesterol and LDL levels. GBA-associated PD patients had significantly lower levels of total cholesterol and LDL compared to LRRK2-associated PD patients and HCs. The different serum cholesterol levels in GBA-associated PD might be related to diverse pathogenic mechanisms. Our results support the hypothesis of lipid metabolism disruption as one of the main PD pathogenic mechanisms in patients with GBA-associated PD. Further studies would be necessary to explore their clinical implications.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [RTC2019-007150-1], the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ISCIII-FEDER) [PI14/01823, PI16/01575, PI18/01898, PI19/01576], the Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo de la Junta de Andalucía [CVI-02526, CTS-7685], the Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social de la Junta de Andalucía [PI-0471-2013, PE-0210-2018, PI-0459-2018, PE-0186-2019], and the Fundación Alicia Koplowitz. Pilar Gómez-Garre was supported by the “Nicolás Monardes” program [C-0048-2017] (from Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health). Silvia Jesús was supported by the “Acción B Clínicos Investigadores” program from the Consejería de Salud y Familias de la Junta de Andalucía [B-0007-2019]. Daniel Macías-García was supported by the “Río Hortega” program [CM18/00142] from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII-FEDER). María Teresa Periñán was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports [FPU16/05061]. Miguel Ángel Labrador-Espinosa is supported by University of Seville [USE-18817-A].Peer reviewe

    Identidad Onubense: Opinión y prácticas sociales respecto a urbanismo, patrimonio y entorno

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    Presentation of the research results on the Huelva [Onubense] Identity, 2020-2021. The results were presented at the Conference on Knowledge Transfer held on November 25, 2021 (University of Huelva, ETSI). It corresponds to the project: Huelva Identity: Opinion and social practices regarding urban planning, heritage, and environment. See more information at: https://eseis.es/investigacion/identidad-onubensePresentation of the research results on the Huelva [Onubense] Identity, 2020-2021. The results were presented at the Conference on Knowledge Transfer held on November 25, 2021 (University of Huelva, ETSI). It corresponds to the project: Huelva Identity: Opinion and social practices regarding urban planning, heritage, and environment. See more information at: https://eseis.es/investigacion/identidad-onubenseCátedra de la Provincia, UHU - Diputación de Huelva. Facultad de Trabajo Social. Autoridad Portuaria de Huelva. Consejo Social, UHU. Grupo de investigación Estudios Sociales E Intervención Social (Grupo ESEIS). Centro de Pensamiento Contemporáneo e Innovación para el Desarrollo Social (COIDESO

    GEODIVULGAR: Geología y Sociedad

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    Fac. de Ciencias GeológicasFALSEsubmitte

    Educación & Retorno post pandemia: SARS-CoV-2, autocuidado, bioseguridad, salud emocional y compasión consciente

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    Proyecto de continuidad del P-100 Innova-Docencia UCM/2019 (Conviviendo en positivo: educación en salud, atención consciente, compasión activa y resiliencia). Extensión en la Universidad Nacional de Villa María (UNVM, Argentina), de la intervención desarrollada online durante la fase cero del periodo de confinamiento para facilitar conexión y respuesta adaptativa frente al impacto emocional generado por la situación sobrevenida por la declaración del estado de emergencia sanitaria ante la COVID-19. En el ámbito universitario, el miedo a nuevos rebrotes que saturasen el sistema sanitario, impuso incorporar cambios organizativos institucionales y normalizar nuevas formas de agrupamiento e interacción interpersonal, con dos escenarios posibles de presencialidad adaptada. Bajo estas nuevas condiciones de bioseguridad, el retorno post pandemia al curso académico crea un nuevo escenario de aprendizaje en convivencia positiva, ante un estado normalizado de serodiscordancia, potencialmente generadora de resiliencia. En cada uno de nosotros hay recursos excepcionales para reaccionar ante este estado excepcional, del mejor modo. Desde este paradigma, el programa “Presencia ante el estrés y gestión emocional”, surge ante la necesidad de incorporar intervenciones educativas no formales e innovadoras, que ayuden a los estudiantes a tener una visión global de la situación sanitaria que estamos atravesando, a identificar y normalizar las reacciones adaptativas que estamos experimentando, y para dotar a estudiantes y docentes de estrategias eficaces que les ayuden a gestionar mejor el impacto emocional derivado por la crisis sanitaria y económica. Medidas de seguridad en el entorno académico que entran en conflicto no solo con la convivencia no segura e insolidaria en ambientes de ocio, sino con la imposibilidad de mantenerlas durante desplazamientos en medios de transporte público; lo cual genera frustración y agotamiento. La crisis económica y la necesidad de estudiar/trabajar en remoto, nos lleva a entrar en modo “multitareas”. La invasión de las TIC en nuestro modo de vida, son un arma de “distracción masiva” que alimentan estados de “atención dispersa”, cuyo resultado es mayor presión, mayores errores y menor satisfacción. Todo esto genera mayor estrés mantenido y sus efectos: miedo, frustración, ira, tristeza, angustia, soledad y ansiedad. Un antídoto podría ser, desarrollar la atención consciente y cultivar la compasión. Si de modo transversal, se logra integrar en nuestras vidas formas de lucha y resistencia activa frente a otros virus (normalizando la convivencia en serodiscordancia y las pruebas diagnósticas rutinarias, no discriminando y desestigmatizando), al minimizarse la aparición de nuevos casos con diagnóstico tardío, podremos bloquear el avance y vencer definitivamente a otras pandemias. La transmisión del VIH es posible pararla entre todas y todos: pacientes diagnosticados y medicados, con niveles de virus indetectables e intransmisibles (objetivo 2030 OMS: el fin de la pandemia SIDA)

    Geodivulgar: Geología y Sociedad

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    Con el lema “Geología para todos” el proyecto Geodivulgar: Geología y Sociedad apuesta por la divulgación de la Geología a todo tipo de público, incidiendo en la importancia de realizar simultáneamente una acción de integración social entre estudiantes y profesores de centros universitarios, de enseñanza infantil, primaria, de educación especial y un acercamiento con público con diversidad funcional