2,686 research outputs found

    Efficiency diagnostic and advantages of procalcitonin and C-reactive protein in the early diagnosis of sepsis

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    The goal of our study is to assess the diagnostic profi tability of procalcitonin (PCT) in septic shock and another biomarker as C-reactive protein (CRP). Results: Fifty-four septic patients were assessed, 66% were males; mean age, 63 years. Eighty-eight percent was diagnosed as septic shock and 11% severe sepsis. Seventy-six percent were medical patients. Positive blood cultures in 42.5%. Sepsis origin: respiratory 46%, neurological 5%, digestive 37% and urinary 3%. Average SOFA score was 10.4. Conclusions: PCT and CRP have the same efficiency in early sepsis diagnosis. The PCT and CRP effi ciency diagnostic together is signifi cant but small. We suggest using both with the doubt of sepsis.Ye

    Anemia profile in critical septic patients hospitalized in the ICU

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    This article is part of the supplement: 31st International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency MedicineThe aim was to describe the anemia profile of medical or surgical patients with severe sepsis or septic shock in the ICU, assessing severity scale, length of stay and mortality. The prevalence of microcytic anemia is more than one-half of our septic patients. There are iron metabolism disorders without significant differences between medical and surgical patients. Transferrin, a protein related to malnutrition, inflammatory response and organ dysfunction, is significantly lower in the most severe patients with higher organ dysfunction scores.Ye

    Influencia de la expropiación forzosa en la disponibilidad de terrenos para la ejecución de obras de modernización de regadíos

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    La evolución de la economía del país, ha hecho que los tipos de interés hayan disminuido de manera continuada en los últimos años. El hecho de que la determinación del valor de expropiación desde el año 2.007 se lleve a cabo mediante capitalización de rentas y que, por lo tanto, el valor de indemnización dependa del tipo de interés, ha ocasionado un efecto económico difícil para las partes beneficiarias en una expropiación. En este trabajo se estudia la evolución de la normativa, se cuantifican los resultados para el caso de una finca concreta de una explotación de algodón de regadío en el valle del Guadalquivir y se analizan los resultados. En el estudio puede observarse que en los últimos ocho años, el valor de mercado de la tierra ha seguido una tendencia a la baja. Por el contrario, el valor de indemnización por expropiación de la misma se ha disparado, lo que hace inviable a las comunidades de regantes la participación en la modernización de regadíos, así como a la Administración la aplicación del Plan Hidrológico Nacional o Plan Nacional de Regadíos. Estas circunstancias han hecho que, en octubre de 2.015 (Ley de carreteras) y noviembre de 2.015 (Texto refundido de Ley de Suelo), la legislación haya intentado paliar la situación, aunque sigue siendo insuficiente. Por ello se proponen algunas medidas a modo de conclusión al final del trabajo.The evolution of the country's economy has made that interest rates have decreased continuously in recent years. The fact that since the year 2007 the determination of the value of expropriation is being carried out through revenue capitalization, in which the indemnification value depends on the interest rate, has caused a difficult economic impact in the recipient parties of an expropriation. In this paper we study the evolution of the expropriation regulations as well as the assessment of the amount of money corresponding to the expropriation of a farm dedicated the production of cotton in the Guadalquivir valley. In the study it can be seen that over the last eight years the market value of the land has followed a downward trend. On the other hand, the value of compensation for land expropriation has been triggered, making infeasible to the irrigation communities their participation in the modernization of the irrigation systems and hinders the Administration the implementation of the National Hydrological Plan or the National Irrigation Plan. These circumstances have led the Government to try to alleviate the situation with new regulations (road act of October 2015 and revised text of law of soil of November 2015) which remain insufficient. Therefore some legislative proposals are given as conclusions at the end of this work

    Patient information after hospitalization improves humanistic care in intensive care units

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    Introduction The purpose of the study was to assess the prognosis value of pro-adrenomedullin (pADM), C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin (PCT), lactate (LT), albumin (ALB), cholesterol (CHOL), white blood cell (WBC) and severity score in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock. Methods A prospective, observational study in adult patients with severe sepsis or septic shock in a polyvalent ICU. Demographics, severity scores (APACHE II and SOFA) and all of the biomarkers were studied within 24+ hours from septic shock onset. Descriptive and comparative statistical analysis was performed using the statistical software packages SPSS v.15 and MedCalc® Conclusion The protein pADM, LT and ALB showed good prognosis accuracy when measured on admission of septic patients to the ICU.Ye

    Activated protein C, severe sepsis and 28-day mortality

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    Protein C (PC) de ciency is prevalent in severe sepsis, studies showing that more than 80% of patients with severe sepsis have a baseline PC level below the lower limit of normal [1,2]. The aim of the study was to relate the anticoagulation activity evaluated by PC, with clinical parameters and 28-day mortality.Ye

    Two-step likelihood ratio test for item-level model comparison in cognitive diagnosis models

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    Hogrefe OpenMind Licens: Based on and Compatible with the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License, creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ (https://doi.org/10.1027/a000001)There has been an increase of interest in psychometric models referred to as cognitive diagnosis models (CDMs). A critical concernis in selecting the most appropriate model at the item level. Several tests for model comparison have been employed, which include the likelihood ratio (LR) and the Wald (W) tests. Although the LR test is relatively more robust than the W test, the current implementation of the LR test is very time consuming, given that it requires calibrating many different models and comparing them to the general model. In this article, we introduce the two-step LR test (2LR), an approximation to the LR test based on a two-step estimation procedure under the generalized deterministic inputs, noisy, “and” gate (G-DINA) model framework, the two-step LR test (2LR). The 2LR test is shown to have similar performance as the LR test. This approximation only requires calibration of the more general model, so that this statistic may be easily applied in empirical researchThis research was supported by Grant PSI2013-44300-P (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and European Social Fund


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    The flowering plants from the Serra del Maigmó (Alicante) in the south-eastern part of the lberian Peninsula has been studied. A list of the new or interesting species for the Alicante province is given.Como resultado de estudios florísticos en la Serra del Maigmó (Alicante, S.E. de España), se presenta un catálogo con los táxones más interesantes herborizados, muchos de los cuales suponen novedades provinciales