76 research outputs found

    Estimación de caudales óptimos y mínimos para el uso del Raft en el Alto Tajo

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    La creciente demanda de usos recreativos en los ríos y en especial de las actividades náuticas, tanto competitivas como de turismo activo, exige una respuesta razonada en cuanto a las necesidades de caudales circulantes por los ríos. Las Confederaciones Hidrográficas como gestoras del recurso “agua” deben coordinar las diferentes demandas del uso de este recurso en base a unas exigencias razonadas de los diferentes usuarios. En este trabajo presentamos por primera vez en España una metodología adaptada a las necesidades de este tipo de usos recreativos. Esta metodología se basa en la estimación de unos parámetros de uso que evalúan las capacidades de los cauces de los ríos, aplicando un programa informático que nos permite calcular caudales óptimos y mínimos para el uso recreativo por simulación de las condiciones hidráulicas del cauce bajo el supuesto de diferentes caudales circulantes por el mismo

    Estimació de cabals òptims i mínims per a l’ús del ràfting a l’Alt Tajo

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    La creixent demanda d’usos recreatius en els rius i de forma especial de les activitats nàutiques, tant competitives com de turisme actiu, exigeix una resposta raonada pel que fa a les necessitats de cabals circulants pels rius. Les Confederacions Hidrogràfiques, com a gestores del recurs “aigua”, han de coordinar les diferents demandes de l’ús d’aquest recurs tenint en compte unes exigències raonades dels diferents usuaris. En aquest treball presentem per primera vegada a Espanya una metodologia adaptada a les necessitats d’aquest tipus d’usos recreatius. Aquesta metodologia es basa en l’estimació d’uns paràmetres d’ús que avaluen les capacitats de les lleres dels rius, aplicant un programa informàtic que ens permet de calcular cabals òptims i mínims per a l’ús recreatiu, per simulació de les condicions hidràuliques del llit fluvial en el supòsit de diferents cabals circulant per la llera

    Attributes for assessing the environmental quality of riparian zones

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    Seven attributes of riparian systems are proposed to be considered for assessing the ecological status of riparian zones. They can be easily evaluated by taking into consideration some features of the structure and functioning of riverine systems, largely determined by their hydromorphological dynamics. The structure of riparian zones could be characterized by the longitudinal continuity of vegetation, the lateral dimensions (width) of the channel containing natural riparian vegetation and the composition and structure of riparian vegetation communities. These attributes basically define the morphology of riparian areas, reflecting a static view of the river. They also define the spatial dimensions where riparian functions take place, indicating the possibilities of carrying on riparian restoration activities at short time scales.The functioning of riparian systems may be assessed considering the ratio of natural woody species regeneration, bank conditions, lateral connectivity and permeability of riparian soils. These attributes indicate the temporal behaviour of riparian zones, that is showed in a more dynamic or video view of the river. They are more related to the potential of achieving riparian restoration at longer time scales, representing key elements to guarantee the self-maintenance of fluvial processes and riparian biodiversity. The aforementioned attributes provide a framework to assess the ecological status of riparian zones, and offer a minimum checklist of criteria to evaluate strategies for restoring and preserving river ecosystems.El estado ecológico de las riberas fluviales puede quedar caracterizado a través de siete atributos. Dichos atributos pueden ser fácilmente evaluados teniendo en cuenta diferentes aspectos de la estructura y del funcionamiento de los sistemas riparios, los cuales están fuertemente determinados por la dinámica hidromorfológica fluvial. La estructura de las riberas queda caracterizada por la continuidad longitudinal de la vegetación, las dimensiones laterales (anchura) del espacio fluvial conteniendo vegetación riparia natural y la composición y estructura de las comunidades vegetales riparias. Estos atributos definen básicamente la morfología de las riberas, y quedan reflejados en una visión estática o fotografía del río. A su vez, dichos atributos definen las dimensiones espaciales donde tienen lugar las funciones riparias, e indican las posibilidades de llevar a cabo la restauración fluvial a corto plazo. El funcionamiento de los sistemas riparios queda reflejado a través de la tasa de regeneración natural de las especies leñosas riparias, la condición de las orillas, la conectividad lateral del cauce con sus riberas y la permeabilidad de los suelos riparios. Estos atributos indican el comportamiento en el tiempo de las riberas, y su evaluación requiere una visión dinámica, reflejada en un vídeo del río. Dichos atributos están más relacionados con las posibilidades de lograr la restauración fluvial a más largo plazo, representando elementos claves para garantizar la sostenibilidad de los procesos fluviales y la biodiversidad de los sistemas riparios. Los atributos mencionados representan en su conjunto un esquema para evaluar el estado ecológico de las riberas fluviales, y sirven como criterios para evaluar las propuestas de estrategias de restauración y conservación de los ecosistemas fluviales

    Current Practices on the Water Frame Directive implementation in Spain: Problems and Perspectives

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    River typologies and methods for selecting reference sites and reference conditions are being discussed in Spain, starting from a single-scale, taxonomic classification of rivers and a relative experience on the use of biotic indexes for water quality monitoring. The present reductionistic tendency of using the biotic indexes for defining biological reference conditions is discussed, attending to the loosing of basic biological information and precision that occurs when the species composition list and abundance structure are expressed in single numbers. Ideas for alternative methods are presented, including a hierarchical, multiple-scale river classification scheme, from which selection of reference sites can be made, according to the status of hydromorphological and water quality elements. The importance of achieving the finest taxonomic resolution of the biological data for defining the reference conditions is remarked, in order to establish a solid, scientifically based pool of data from which the ecological status of rivers can be precisely estimated, preserving the peculiarities of each river type

    Fish communities as indicators of biological conditions of rivers: methods for reference conditions

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    Fish communities are a key element in fluvial ecosystems Their position in the top of the food chain and their sensitivity to a whole range of impacts make them a clear objective for ecosystem conservation and a sound indicator of biological integrity. The UE Water Framework Directive includes fish community composition, abundance and structure as relevant elements for the evaluation os biological condition. Several approaches have been proposed for the evaluation of the condition of fish communities, from the bio-indicator concept to the IBI (Index of biotic integrity) proposals. However, the complexity of fish communities and their ecological responses make this evaluation difficult, and we must avoid both oversimplified and extreme analytical procedures. In this work we present a new proposal to define reference conditions in fish communities, discussing them from an ecological viewpoint. This method is a synthetic approach called SYNTHETIC OPEN METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK (SOMF) that has been applied to the rivers of Navarra. As a result, it is recommended the integration of all the available information from spatial, modelling, historical and expert sources, providing the better approach to fish reference conditions, keeping the highest level of information and meeting the legal requirements of the WFD

    Brown trout redd superimposition in relation to spawning habitat availability

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    The relationship between redd superimposition and spawning habitat availability was investigated in the brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) population inhabiting the river Castril (Granada, Spain). Redd surveys were conducted in 24 river sections to estimate the rate of redd superimposition. Used and available microhabitat was evaluated to compute the suitable spawning habitat (SSH) for brown trout. After analysing the microhabitat characteristics positively selected by females, SSH was defined as an area that met all the following five requirements: water depth between 10 and 50 cm, mean water velocity between 30 and 60 cm s)1, bottom water velocity between 15 and 60 cm s)1, substrate size between 4 and 30 mm and no embeddedness. Simple regression analyses showed that redd superimposition was not correlated with redd numbers, SSH or redd density. A simulation-based analysis was performed to estimate the superimposition rate if redds were randomly placed inside the SSH. This analysis revealed that the observed superimposition rate was higher than expected in 23 of 24 instances, this difference being significant (P menor que 0.05) in eight instances and right at the limit of statistical significance (P = 0.05) in another eight instances. Redd superimposition was high in sections with high redd density. High superimposition however was not exclusive to sections with high redd density and was found in moderate- and low-redd-density sections. This suggests that factors other than habitat availability are also responsible for redd superimposition. We argue that female preference for spawning over previously excavated redds may be the most likely explanation for high superimposition at lower densities

    Physical habitat assessment in the Tajuna river (Spain) by means of the MesoHABSIM approach

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    Physical habitat was assessed in the Tajuña river (Tagus basin, Spain) by means of the MesoHABSIM approach. Long reaches of the Tajuña river are altered by agricultural use of the riverside. The main impacts are river rectification (straightening), channel entrenchment and incision, and degradation of riparian vegetation, along with important flow depletion and regulation. To our knowledge, this is the first application in Spain of MesoHABSIM, which is a physical habitat model based on the identification of habitat attributes - depth, water velocity, substrate, types of hydromorphologic units (HMU), and types of cover - on the mesohabitat scale. The river was stratified into 16 segments with similar habitat characteristics. Mesohabitats were mapped in one representative site (1-2 km long) within each segment to provide a hydromorphologic model of the river. Biological models were developed for fry, juvenile, and adult brown trout. To do this, preliminary models were generated based on literature about trout habitat requirements, and then they were calibrated with electrofishing data. These models were applied to the hydromorphologic model of the river to quantify the available habitat for brown trout in the current conditions. Finally, restoration action was designed to decrease channel entrenchment, increase river sinuosity, and recover its riparian vegetation. The physical changes after restoration were estimated by expert opinion, and the quantification of the available habitat was done with MesoHABSIM at each site. These results can be used to select the segments that are the best candidates for restoration.Se ha evaluado el hábitat físico en el río Tajuña (cuenca del Tajo, España) mediante la metodología MesoHABSIM. Una parte importante del río Tajuña está alterada por los usos agrícolas de las riberas. Los principales impactos son la rectificación, el encajonamiento e incisión del cauce, y la degradación de la vegetación riparia, junto con una importante extracción y regulación del caudal. Hasta donde conocemos, ésta es la primera aplicación de MesoHABSIM en España. Se trata de un modelo de hábitat físico, basado en la identificación de los atributos del h'abitat -profundidad, velocidad del agua, sustrato, tipo de unidad hidromorfológica (HMU) y tipo de cobertura o refugio- en la escala del mesohábitat. Se estratificó el río en 16 segmentos con características similares de hábitat. En cada segmento se muestrearon los mesohábitats en un tramo representativo de 1-2 km de largo, construyendo así un modelo hidromorfológico del río. Se generaron modelos biológicos para alevines, juveniles y adultos de trucha común. Para ello, se construyeron unos modelos preliminares a partir de bibliografía acerca de los requerimientos de hábitat de la trucha, y después se calibraron con datos obtenidos mediante pesca eléctrica. Estos modelos fueron aplicados al modelo hidromorfológico para cuantificar el hábitat disponible para la trucha común en las condiciones actuales. Finalmente se diseño una acción de restauración con el objetivo de disminuir el encajonamiento del cauce, aumentar su sinuosidad y recuperar su vegetación riparia. Los cambios tras la restauración se estimaron por opinión de experto, y la evaluación del hábitat resultante se realizó mediante MesoHABSIM. Estos resultados pueden emplearse para elegir los segmentos más apropiados para realizar la restauración propuesta

    Caracterización y clasificación de los regimenes de caudales de la cuenca del Ebro en función de su fluctuación intranual

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    Las pautas naturales de fluctuación intranual de los caudales varían de unos ríos a otros condicionando, tanto de forma directa como de forma indirecta mediante su efecto dinamizador de las características físicas que subyacen las comunidades biológicas, la distribución de las especies, su capacidad adaptativa, su capacidad de supervivencia, de dispersión, de reproducción,… y en definitiva la biodiversidad, producción y sostenibilidad de cada ecosistema fluvial

    Propuesta de caracterización jerárquica de los ríos españoles para su clasificación según la Directiva Marco de la Unión Europea

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    La clasificación de los ríos tiene un papel importante en el manejo y conservación de los ecosistemas fluviales, y representa una fase inicial en la implementación de la Directiva Marco del Agua. Según han ido evolucionando los conocimientos científicos de la ecología fluvial y las técnicas informáticas para la caracterización espacial de las regiones hidrográficas, han ido surgiendo diferentes sistemas de clasificación taxoómica y de regionalización del territorio, integrando finalmente el río en su cuenca vertiente. En este trabajo se presenta una revisión histórica de los principales sistemas de clasificación de los ríos, y se propone un esquema de caracterización jerárquica donde se contemplan diferentes escalas, de provincia biogeográfica, cuenca vertiente, segmento fluvial y tipo de hábitat, atendiendo a los principales factores que determinan las comunidades biológicas de los ecosistemas fluviales. El esquema de caracterización propuesto está diseñado para ser utilizado mediante sistemas de información geográfica, a partir de cartografías y de un trabajo de campo para la escala de hábitat fluvial. Es un método de caracterización abierto, de tipo arborescente, que admite la incorporación de nueva información y nuevas características y subclases en cada una de las escalas consideradas, permitiendo establecer un esquema de clasificación con base hidrológica y ecológica común para todo el territorio español, a la vez que contener información particularizada para las distintas regiones hidrográficas. Incluye todos los factores obligatorios de clasificación según la Directiva Marco, así como algunos de los elementos hidromorfológicos que establece la Directiva, para identificar el estado ecológico de los distintos tramos fluviales y proponer medidas para su gestión (restauración) y conservación.River classification has an important role in the management and conservation of fluvial ecosystems, and represents a first step in the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive. According to the development of scientific knowledge in fluvial ecology and computer techniques for the spatial characterisation of hydrographic regions, different systems of taxonomic and regional classification have been proposed, finally integrating the river within the context of its watershed. In this paper, the historical evolution of river characterisation schemes is reviewed, and a hierarchical characterisation approach is proposed according to different scales, biogeographic provinces, watershed, river segments, and river reaches attending to the main factors determining biological communities in river ecosystems. This proposed characterisation scheme is prepared to be used by GIS, from maps and fieldwork at the reach scale. It is an open-tree characterisation method, where new information can be incorporated and some of the criteria can be further detailed, adding new characteristics and subclasses at the different scales being considered, allowing for the development of a classification scheme based on hydrological and ecological criteria in common for the whole Spanish territory. It includes all the mandatory factors for river classification according to the Water Framework Directive, as well as some of the hydromorphological elements established by the Directive for identifying the ecological status of the different fluvial stretches, and for proposing management (restoration) and conservation measures

    Integrated methodology for assessing the effects of geomorphological river restoration on fish habitat and riparian vegetation

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    Changes in the geomorphology of rivers have serious repercussions, causing losses in the dynamics and naturalness of their forms, going in many cases, from a type of meandering channel, with constant erosion and sedimentation processes, to a channelized narrow river with rigid and stable margins, where the only possibility of movement occurs in the vertical, causing the only changes in channel geometry occur in the river bed. On the other hand, these changes seriously affect the naturalness of the banks, preventing the development of riparian vegetation and reducing the cross connectivity of the riparian corridor. Common canalizations and disconnections of meanders increase the slope, and therefore speed, resulting in processes of regressive erosion, effect increased as a result of the narrowing of the channel and the concentration of flows. This process of incision may turn the flood plain to be "hung", being completely disconnected from the water table, with important consequences for vegetation. As an example of the effects of these changes, it has been chosen the case of the Arga River The Arga river has been channelized and rectified, as it passes along the meander RamalHondo and Soto Gil (Funes, Navarra). The effects on fish habitat and riparian vegetation by remeandering the Arga River are presented. and Ttwo very contrasting situationsrestoration hypothesis, in terms of geomorphology concerns, have been established to assess the effects these changes have on the habitat of one of the major fish species in the area (Luciobabus graellsii) and on the riparian vegetation. To accomplish this goal, it has been necessary to used the a digital elevation model provided by LIDAR flight, bathymetric data, flow data, as inputs, and a hydraulic simulation model 2D (Infoworks RS). The results obtained not only helped to evaluate the effects of the past alterations of geomorphologic characteristics, but also to predict fish and vegetation habitat responses to this type of changes