28,164 research outputs found

    Universality in quantum chaos and the one parameter scaling theory

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    We adapt the one parameter scaling theory (OPT) to the context of quantum chaos. As a result we propose a more precise characterization of the universality classes associated to Wigner-Dyson and Poisson statistics which takes into account Anderson localization effects. Based also on the OPT we predict a new universality class in quantum chaos related to the metal-insulator transition and provide several examples. In low dimensions it is characterized by classical superdiffusion or a fractal spectrum, in higher dimensions it can also have a purely quantum origin as in the case of disordered systems. Our findings open the possibility of studying the metal insulator transition experimentally in a much broader type of systems.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, acknowledgment added, typos correcte

    On the role of the nonlocal Hartree-Fock exchange in ab initio quantum transport: Hydrogen in Platinum nanocontacts revisited

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    We propose a practical way to overcome the ubiquitous problem of the overestimation of the zero-bias and zero-temperature conductance, which is associated to the use of local approximations to the exchange-correlation functional in Density-Functional Theory when applied to quantum transport. This is done through partial substitution of the local exchange term in the functional by the nonlocal Hartree-Fock exchange. As a non-trivial example of this effect we revisit the smallest molecular bridge studied so far: a Hydrogen molecule placed in between Platinum nanocontacts. When applied to this system the value of the conductance diminishes as compared to the local-exchange-only value, which is in close agreement with results predicted from Time-Dependent Current-Density-Functional Theory. Our results issue a warning message on recent claims of perfect transparency of a Hydrogen molecule in Platinum nanocontacts

    Plasmonic amplifier of the evanescent field of free electrons

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    We show experimentally for the first time that free electron evanescent fields can be amplified by a plasmonic nanolayer in much that same way as optical evanescent fields are amplified in the poor-man's super-lens

    Comment on "X-ray resonant scattering studies of orbital and charge ordering in Pr1-xCaxMnO3"

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    In a recent published paper [Phys. Rev. B 64, 195133 (2001)], Zimmermann et al. present a systematic x-ray scattering study of charge and orbital ordering phenomena in the Pr1-xCaxMnO3 series with x= 0.25, 0.4 and 0.5. They propose that for Ca concentrations x=0.4 and 0.5, the appearance of (0, k+1/2, 0) reflections are originated by the orbital ordering of the eg electrons in the a-b plane while the (0, 2k+1, 0) reflections are due to the charge ordering among the Mn3+ and Mn4+ ions. Moreover, for small Ca concentrations (x<0.3), the orbital ordering is only considered and it occurs at (0, k, 0) reflections. A rigorous analysis of all these resonance reflections will show the inadequacy of the charge-orbital model proposed to explain the experimental results. In addition, this charge-orbital model is highly inconsistent with the electronic balance. On the contrary, these reflections can be easily understood as arising from the anisotropy of charge distribution induced by the presence of local distortions, i.e. due to a structural phase transition.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures.To be published Phys. Rev.

    InAs/InP single quantum wire formation and emission at 1.5 microns

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    Isolated InAs/InP self-assembled quantum wires have been grown using in situ accumulated stress measurements to adjust the optimal InAs thickness. Atomic force microscopy imaging shows highly asymmetric nanostructures with average length exceeding more than ten times their width. High resolution optical investigation of as-grown samples reveals strong photoluminescence from individual quantum wires at 1.5 microns. Additional sharp features are related to monolayer fluctuations of the two dimensional InAs layer present during the early stages of the quantum wire self-assembling process.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figures submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Topological and Entanglement Properties of Resonating Valence Bond wavefunctions

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    We examine in details the connections between topological and entanglement properties of short-range resonating valence bond (RVB) wave functions using Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS) on kagome and square lattices on (quasi-)infinite cylinders with generalized boundary conditions (and perimeters with up to 20 lattice spacings). Making use of disconnected topological sectors in the space of dimer lattice coverings, we explicitly derive (orthogonal) "minimally entangled" PEPS RVB states. For the kagome lattice, we obtain, using the quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet as a reference model, the finite size scaling of the energy separations between these states. In particular, we extract two separate (vanishing) energy scales corresponding (i) to insert a vison line between the two ends of the cylinder and (ii) to pull out and freeze a spin at either end. We also investigate the relations between bulk and boundary properties and show that, for a bipartition of the cylinder, the boundary Hamiltonian defined on the edge can be written as a product of a highly non-local projector with an emergent (local) su(2)-invariant one-dimensional (superfluid) t--J Hamiltonian, which arises due to the symmetry properties of the auxiliary spins at the edge. This multiplicative structure, a consequence of the disconnected topological sectors in the space of dimer lattice coverings, is characteristic of the topological nature of the states. For minimally entangled RVB states, it is shown that the entanglement spectrum, which reflects the properties of the edge modes, is a subset (half for kagome RVB) of the spectrum of the local Hamiltonian, providing e.g. a simple argument on the origin of the topological entanglement entropy S0=-ln 2 of Z2 spin liquids. We propose to use these features to probe topological phases in microscopic Hamiltonians and some results are compared to existing DMRG data.Comment: 15 pages, 19 figures. Large extension of the paper. Finite size scaling of the (topological) ground state energy splittings added (for the Kagome quantum antiferromagnet

    Probing the electron-phonon coupling in ozone-doped graphene by Raman spectroscopy

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    We have investigated the effects of ozone treatment on graphene by Raman scattering. Sequential ozone short-exposure cycles resulted in increasing the pp doping levels as inferred from the blue shift of the 2DD and GG peak frequencies, without introducing significant disorder. The two-phonon 2DD and 2Dâ€ČD' Raman peak intensities show a significant decrease, while, on the contrary, the one-phonon G Raman peak intensity remains constant for the whole exposure process. The former reflects the dynamics of the photoexcited electrons (holes) and, specifically, the increase of the electron-electron scattering rate with doping. From the ratio of 2DD to 2DD intensities, which remains constant with doping, we could extract the ratio of electron-phonon coupling parameters. This ratio is found independent on the number of layers up to ten layers. Moreover, the rate of decrease of 2DD and 2Dâ€ČD' intensities with doping was found to slowdown inversely proportional to the number of graphene layers, revealing the increase of the electron-electron collision probability

    Undecidability as solution to the problem of measurement: fundamental criterion for the production of events

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    In recent papers we put forth a new interpretation of quantum mechanics, colloquially known as ``the Montevideo interpretation''. This interpretation is based on taking into account fundamental limits that gravity imposes on the measurement process. As a consequence one has that situations develop where a reduction process is undecidable from an evolution operator. When such a situation is achieved, an event has taken place. In this paper we sharpen the definition of when and how events occur, more precisely we give sufficient conditions for the occurrence of events. We probe the new definition in an example. In particular we show that the concept of undecidability used is not ``FAPP'' (for all practical purposes), but fundamental.Comment: 10 pages, contributed to the Castagnino Festschrif

    Precise dispersive data analysis of the f0(600) pole

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    We review how the use of recent precise data on kaon decays together with forward dispersion relations (FDR) and Roy's equations allow us to determine the sigma resonance pole position very precisely, by using only experimental input. In addition, we present preliminary results for a modified set of Roy-like equations with only one subtraction, that show a remarkable improvement in the precision around the sigma region. We also improve the matching between the parametrizations at low and intermediate energy of the S0 wave, and show that the effect of this on the sigma pole position is negligible.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the proceedings of the Meson 2008 conference, June 6-10, Cracow, Polan
