1,221 research outputs found

    Música y emociones positivas como estímulo del aprendizaje

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    La educación emocional es una parte imprescindible en el desarrollo íntegro de cualquier ser humano para que éste logre tener una vida afectiva satisfactoria. Por esta razón, las emociones positivas han de ser fomentadas desde los primeros cursos escolares en todas las aulas, siendo la música el mejor elemento vehicular para ello por su carácter humano y emotivo. El estudio de la relación entre las teorías previamente formuladas sobre este tema y los distintos métodos de enseñanza de la música del último siglo nos mostrará cómo la música es capaz de despertar recuerdos y emociones positivas en los niños de 6–7 años de edad. A través de una propuesta de intervención educativa analizaremos las sensaciones producidas por distintas piezas musicales seleccionadas en base a distintos criterios. De este modo, dichas emociones podrán ser posteriormente utilizadas para la resolución de conflictos y la mejora del ambiente de aprendizaje en el aula

    La importancia de la educación musical en la etapa infantil

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    Este trabajo busca resaltar la importancia de la formación musical en Educación Infantil. Primero se hace una revisión del marco legislativo hasta llegar al que rige en nuestros días y se ofrece una visión general de los más destacados referentes de la pedagogía musical. Además se hace una propuesta personal de diferentes actividades diseñadas para realizar mejoras en los aprendizajes en estas edades tempranas. Aporta también las conclusiones siempre asociadas con resultados positivos obtenidos tras la intervención

    GIS-based assessment for the potential of implementation of food-energy-water systems on building rooftops at the urban level

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    This research develops a bottom-up procedure to assess the potential of food-energy-water (FEW) systems on the rooftops of buildings in an urban district in Spain considering the urban morphology of the built environment and obtains accurate assessments of production and developmental patterns. A multicriteria decision-making technique implemented in a geographical information system (GIS) environment was used to extract suitable rooftop areas. To implement this method, the slope (tilt), aspect (azimuth), shading, and solar radiation of the rooftops were calculated using LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data and building footprints. The potential of FEW system implementation was analysed at the building and morphology levels. The results showed several differences between residential and non-residential urban morphologies. Industrial areas contained the highest productivity for FEW systems. The production was 2.51 kg of tomatoes/m2, 48 kWh of photovoltaic energy/m2, and 0.16 l of rainwater/m2. Regarding the residential urban morphologies, the more compact tents resulted in better performance. Among the FEW systems, although water could best benefit from the features of the entire roof surface, the best production results were achieved by energy. The food system is less efficient in the built environment since it requires flat roofs. The methodology presented can be applied in any city, and it is considered optimal in the European context for the development of self-production strategies for urban environments

    Prescribed Burning and Clear-Cutting Effects on Understory Vegetation in a Pinus canariensis Stand (Gran Canaria)

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    [EN] Prescribed fires are a powerful tool for reducing fire hazards by decreasing amounts of fuel. The main objective is to analyze the effects of prescribed burning on the understory vegetation composition as well as on the soil characteristics of a reforested stand of Pinus canariensis. The study attempts to identify the effects of the preburning treatment of cutting understory vegetation on the floristic parameters of the vegetation community. This study was carried out for two years following a prescribed fire in a Canarian pine stand. Cutting and burning treatment affected species composition and increased diversity. Burnt and cut plots were characterized by a diverse array of herbaceous species and by a lower abundance of Teline microphylla (endemic legume), although burning apparently induced its germination. Cut treatment was more consistently differentiated from the control plots than burnt treatment. Soil K decreased after both treatments, pH slightly decreased after cutting, while P and Ca increased after fire. From an ecological point of view, prescribed burning is a better management practice than cutting the woody species of the understory. However, long-term studies would be necessary to evaluate the effects of fire intensity, season and frequency in which the prescribed burning is appliedSIConsejería de Medio Ambiente y Emergencias (Gran Canaria Council), especially UOFF and PRESA, for granting permission to work in Pinus canariensis forest, carrying out the prescribed fire, and partially supporting this study (CI02380503). They also thank the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC) of the Spanish Government, which provided financial support by granting C. García a FPU (Formación de Profesorado Universitario, AP2005- 4736) predoctoral fellowshi

    Parameter-based mechanism for unifying user interaction, applications and communication protocols

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    In the smart building control industry, creating a platform to integrate different communication protocols and ease the interaction between users and devices is becoming increasingly important. BATMP is a platform designed to achieve this goal. In this paper, the authors describe a novel mechanism for information exchange, which introduces a new concept, Parameter, and uses it as the common object among all the BATMP components: Gateway Manager, Technology Manager, Application Manager, Model Manager and Data Warehouse. Parameter is an object which represents a physical magnitude and contains the information about its presentation, available actions, access type, etc. Each component of BATMP has a copy of the parameters. In the Technology Manager, three drivers for different communication protocols, KNX, CoAP and Modbus, are implemented to convert devices into parameters. In the Gateway Manager, users can control the parameters directly or by defining a scenario. In the Application Manager, the applications can subscribe to parameters and decide the values of parameters by negotiating. Finally, a Negotiator is implemented in the Model Manager to notify other components about the changes taking place in any component. By applying this mechanism, BATMP ensures the simultaneous and concurrent communication among users, applications and devices

    DNA Hydroxymethylation in the Regulation of Gene Expression in Human Solid Cancer

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    Chromatin in cancer undergoes chemical and structural changes that alter gene expression patterns. One of the chemical modifications that impacts gene regulation is 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), also called DNA hydroxymethylation. 5hmC is a stable mark that is commonly associated with transcriptional activation. In cancer, the global loss of 5hmC is a hallmark. In addition, the deregulation of 5hmC in specific regions of the genome, such as enhancers, promoters, and body of the gene, alters the expression of genes in cancer. These alterations have been detected by the improvement in the mapping of 5hmC at genomic scale, which has allowed us to evaluate the sites where 5hmC alterations occur and the genes that are affected. In this chapter, the recent knowledge about the status of 5hmC in genome specific sites of human solid cancers, the relationship with enzymes ten-eleven translocation (TET) and isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) involved in the dynamic regulation of 5hmC levels, and the impact of the 5hmC aberrant changes on the genic expression in these malignances is reviewed

    A escola que teño, a escola que quero. Un achegamento ás prácticas educativas e ás necesidades nos CRA de Ourense

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    O estudo presentado forma parte dun proxecto financiado nunha convocatoria competitiva froito dunha colaboración entre a Deputación de Ourense e a Universidade de Vigo. O seu obxectivo é coñecer as necesidades educativas dos centros rurais agrupados (CRA) ourensáns orixinadas a partir da súa particular organización, así como estudar as barreiras e as fortalezas do ensino no rural desde a perspectiva dos axentes educativos (alumnado, familias e profesorado). Para darlles voz, a metodoloxía empregada foi de corte cualitativo, co uso de instrumentos e de ferramentas combinadas como as asembleas temáticas, fotovoz, ou debuxo-conversación e as frases incompletas. O tratamento dos datos apoiouse no software ATLAS.ti 22 empregando categorías emerxentes para analizar o contido. Os resultados amosan o mantemento da matrícula e a itinerancia do profesorado como unha das maiores barreiras ás que se enfrontan estas institucións. Pola contra, o medio rural e as relacións de proximidade entre toda a comunidade, que se producen grazas en gran medida ás contornas nas que se sitúan as escolas, preséntanse como as grandes fortalezas. Deste estudo despréndese unha forte necesidade de crer na prosperidade da escola rural como un espazo no que é posible combinar innovación e tradición a prol dunha aprendizaxe válida e de calidade

    Effectiveness of a new one-hour blood pressure monitoring method to diagnose hypertension: a diagnostic accuracy clinical trial protocol

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    INTRODUCTION: 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is the gold standard diagnostic method for hypertension, but has some shortcomings in clinical practice while clinical settings often lack sufficient devices to accommodate all patients with suspected hypertension. Home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) and office blood pressure monitoring (OBPM) also have shortcomings, such as the white coat effect or a lack of accuracy. This study aims to study the validity of a new method of diagnosing hypertension consisting of monitoring blood pressure (BP) for 1 hour and comparing it with OBPM and HBPM and examining the sensitivity and specificity of this method compared with 24-hour ABPM. The patient experience will be examined in each method. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: A minimum sample of 214 patients requiring a diagnostic test for hypertension from three urban primary healthcare centres will be included. Participants will undergo 24-hour ABPM, 1-hour BP measurement (1-BPM), OBPM for three consecutive weeks and HBPM. Patients will follow a random sequence to first receive 24-hour ABPM or 1-hour ABPM. Daytime 24-hour ABPM records will be compared with the other monitoring methods using the correlation coefficient and Bland Altman plots. The kappa concordance index and the sensitivity and specificity of the methods will be calculated. The patient's experience will be studied, with selected indicators of efficiency and satisfaction calculated using parametric tests. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The protocol has been authorised by the research ethics committee of the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona (Ref. HCB/2014/0615): protocol details and amendments will be recorded and reported to ClinicalTrials.com. The results will be disseminated in peer-reviewed literature, and to policy makers and healthcare partners. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT03147573; Pre-results

    Oral insulin-mimetic compounds that act independently of insulin

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    The hallmarks of insulin action are the stimulation and suppression of anabolic and catabolic responses, respectively. These responses are orchestrated by the insulin pathway and are initiated by the binding of insulin to the insulin receptor, which leads to activation of the receptor's intrinsic tyrosine kinase. Severe defects in the insulin pathway, such as in types A and B and advanced type 1 and 2 diabetes lead to severe insulin resistance, resulting in a partial or complete absence of response to exogenous insulin and other known classes of antidiabetes therapies. We have characterized a novel class of arylalkylamine vanadium salts that exert potent insulin-mimetic effects downstream of the insulin receptor in adipocytes. These compounds trigger insulin signaling, which is characterized by rapid activation of insulin receptor substrate-1, Akt, and glycogen synthase kinase-3 independent of insulin receptor phosphorylation. Administration of these compounds to animal models of diabetes lowered glycemia and normalized the plasma lipid profile. Arylalkylamine vanadium compounds also showed antidiabetic effects in severely diabetic rats with undetectable circulating insulin. These results demonstrate the feasibility of insulin-like regulation in the complete absence of insulin and downstream of the insulin receptor. This represents a novel therapeutic approach for diabetic patients with severe insulin resistance

    Point-of-care lung ultrasound assessment for risk stratification and therapy guiding in COVID-19 patients. A prospective non-interventional study.

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    Background Lung ultrasound is feasible for assessing lung injury caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, the prognostic meaning and time-line changes of lung injury assessed by lung ultrasound in COVID-19 hospitalised patients are unknown. Methods Prospective cohort study designed to analyse prognostic value of lung ultrasound in COVID-19 patients by using a quantitative scale (lung ultrasound Zaragoza (LUZ)-score) during the first 72 h after admission. The primary end-point was in-hospital death and/or admission to the intensive care unit. Total length of hospital stay, increase of oxygen flow and escalation of medical treatment during the first 72 h were secondary end-points. Results 130 patients were included in the final analysis; mean±sd age was 56.7±13.5 years. Median (interquartile range) time from the beginning of symptoms to admission was 6 (4–9) days. Lung injury assessed by LUZ-score did not differ during the first 72 h (21 (16–26) points at admission versus 20 (16–27) points at 72 h; p=0.183). In univariable logistic regression analysis, estimated arterial oxygen tension/inspiratory oxygen fraction ratio (PAFI) (hazard ratio 0.99, 95% CI 0.98–0.99; p=0.027) and LUZ-score >22 points (5.45, 1.42–20.90; p=0.013) were predictors for the primary end-point. Conclusions LUZ-score is an easy, simple and fast point-of-care ultrasound tool to identify patients with severe lung injury due to COVID-19, upon admission. Baseline score is predictive of severity along the whole period of hospitalisation. The score facilitates early implementation or intensification of treatment for COVID-19 infection. LUZ-score may be combined with clinical variables (as estimated by PAFI) to further refine risk stratification