968 research outputs found

    Drugs: a necessary educational review

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    La prevención de las drogodependencias ha sido, y continúa siendo una de las problemáticas sociales que más han preocupado a nuestra sociedad, eco de ello, y en un intento de poner vías de solución, el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas lleva ya trabajando en esta contienda veinte años. Ha llegado, pues, el momento de conocer los resultados, sus interpretaciones, corregir los errores y seguir apostando por una sociedad preparada para vivir en un mundo donde las drogas existen, han sido consumidas y seguirán siéndolo, donde su uso no constituya un problema social, y contribuya a mejorar nuestra calidad de vida en vez de menguarla. Todo análisis no puede ser desligado del contexto en el que se ha ido configurando, y nuestra contribución pretende proyectar algo de luz sobre este contexto guiado por unos modelos de intervención que, aunque aparentemente se presentan como opuestos, han funcionado como complementarios, si bien es cierto que se hace necesario seguir apostando por acciones educativas para la salud que capaciten a los individuos y a las sociedades.The prevention of the drug addictions has been and continues being one of problematic the social ones that have worried to our society, an echo of it, and in an attempt to put on new routes of solution, the National Plan on Drugs takes already working in this fight twenty years. It has arrived, then, the moment to know the results, his interpretations, for correcting the errors and for continuing betting by a prepared society to live in a world where the drugs exist, they have been consumed and they will continue being it, where its use does not constitute a social problem, and contributes to improve our quality of life instead of diminishing it. All analysis cannot be separated of the context in which it has been formed, and our contribution tries to add some light on this context guided by some intervention models that although apparently appear like opposite, they have worked like complementary, it is of course true that it becomes necessary to continue betting by the educative actions from the health education that empower to the individuals and the societies

    Electro-optical Simulation of a-Si Thin-Film-Transistor Liquid Crystal Display Pixels

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    An analysis of an amorphous silicon (a-Si) thin-film-transistor liquid-crystal display (TFT-LCD) pixel is presented. The electro-optical model combines the electrical properties of the switching element and the optical performance of a twisted nematic (TN) liquid-crystal cell.Publicad

    Regulation of bistability in the std fimbrial operon of Salmonella enterica by DNA adenine methylation and transcription factors HdfR, StdE and StdF

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    Bistable expression of the Salmonella enterica std operon is controlled by an AND logic gate involving three transcriptional activators: the LysR-type factor HdfR and the StdE and StdF regulators encoded by the std operon itself. StdE activates transcription of the hdfR gene, and StdF activates std transcription together with HdfR. Binding of HdfR upstream of the std promoter is hindered by methylation of GATC sites located within the upstream activating sequence (UAS). Epigenetic control by Dam methylation thus antagonizes formation of the StdE-StdF-HdfR loop and tilts the std switch toward the StdOFF state. In turn, HdfR binding hinders methylation of the UAS, permitting activation of the StdE-StdF-HdfR loop and concomitant formation of StdON cells. Bistability is thus the outcome of competition between DNA adenine methylation and the StdE-StdF-HdfR activator loop.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades [BIO2016–75235-P

    Evaluation of Electro-Optic Behaviour of Chiral Smetic Liquid Crystals Dispalys with V-shaped response

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    In the last years, chiral smectic liquid crystals with V-shaped electro-optic response have been reported as one of the most promising technologies for display applications. In this work,some experiments have been made in order to check electrooptical performance of this kind of materials. Particularly, frequency dependence of optical response and memory effect in transmission have been analyzed. Microscopic observations of intermediate transmission levels and measurements of apparent tilt angle and response time have been also carried out

    Arts Education and media competence in the curriculum of primary education

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    En este trabajo se realiza un análisis de la presencia de la competencia mediática en los objetivos, contenidos y criterios de evaluación del área de Educación Artística en la etapa de Educación Primaria. La metodología utilizada auna una perspectiva cualitativa y cuantitativa. Los resultados indican que la competencia mediática se evidencia en todos los elementos curriculares que integran esta área. Finalmente, se ofrecen propuestas un mejor desarrollo integral del alumnado vinculado a los medios de comunicación.This paper is an analysis of the presence of media competence in the objectives, content and evaluation criteria of Arts Education subject in Primary Education. The methodology combines qualitative and quantitative perspective. The results indicate that media competence is evident in all curricular elements that compose this subject. Finally, suggestions are offered better overall development of students linked to the media

    ¿Sabes más que un niño de Primaria? La competencia mediática del alumnado de 4º de Educación Primaria en Andalucía

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    The development of the media competence of the children and young people of our society needs from a formation or education in the use and consumption of the mass media. These must be realized from a critical perspective. For the design and inclusion of the mass media in the curriculum it is necessary to investigate firstly in the grade of attainment of the competence, situation that we present in this paper. Concretely we offer the results reached in a study on the achievement of the media competence in students of 4th level of Primary Education, carried out in Andalusia. To obtain the information a questionnaire was applied online. The results show the existence of three levels in the development of the media competence and significant differences between different variables, as sex and age.El desarrollo de la competencia mediática de los niños y jóvenes de nuestra sociedad requiere de una formación además de una educación en el uso y consumo de los medios de comunicación. Estas deben de ser realizadas desde una perspectiva crítica. Para el diseño e inclusión de los medios en el currículo es necesario indagar primero en el grado de consecución de la mencionada competencia, circunstancia que presentamos en este artículo. Concretamente ofrecemos los resultados alcanzados en un estudio sobre el logro de la competencia mediática en alumnos de cuarto de Educación Primaria, llevado a cabo en la comunidad autónoma de Andalucía. A través de la aplicación de un cuestionario online se ha podido determinar la existencia de tres niveles de consecución en el grado de movilización de dicha competencia, así como establecer la existencia de diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre distintas variables, como son el sexo y la edad

    Optical router for optical fiber sensor networks based on a liquid crystal cell

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    Optical fiber sensor networks are evolving rapidly. They are used because of the inert nature of optical fibers allowing no electromagnetic interference and safe applications in inflammable atmospheres; other relevant characteristics are their low weights and wide bandwidths as a transmission medium. In any case, it is very interesting to have specific components such as optical routers for selecting a certain path in a network with no optical to electrical and electrical to optical conversions. In this paper, we propose an all-optical router based on liquid crystals, polarizers, and a spatial split polarization beam splitter. The implemented device is designed to operate with visible light and it has been tested with plastic optical fibers. It has a crosstalk of 14 dB between selected ON channels and nonoperative OFF channels and 11-dB insertion losses. An average switch time of 100 ms is measured. The device checks the optical power level in each channel and, in case of failure, automatically switches to an operative channel while an alarm is activated.Publicad

    Differences Between and Within Genders in Gender Role Orientation According to Age and Level of Education

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    This study analyses the masculinity and femininity in a Spanish simple made upof 164 adult workers (88menand 76 women). To be specific, the objective was to demonstrate whether age and level of education were related to differences in masculinity and femininity, both when comparing between the two genders and when the comparisons are made within the same gender. The results indicated that the two variables predicted differences in women, but not in men. There were only differences between genders in masculinity and femininity between the ages of 20 and 39, and when the level of education is low. The results appear to support Hofstede’s hypothesis that there are fewer differences between genders in gender role orientation in feminine countries


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    Bowlby’s attachment theory suggested that the attachment experiences of early childhood influence adult approaches to close relationships. As a result of these experiences, the child develops typical mental schemas or internal working models. The aim of this study was to analyze how young people with different attachment styles perceive the benefits and costs involved in spending as much time as possible with their partner, and to determine whether their beliefs reflect the internal working models associated with their attachment style. A sample of 1,539 university students responded to the Relationship Questionnaire (Bartholomew & Horowith, 1991), and to a questionnaire about behavioral beliefs (perceived benefits and costs). Results show that young people with different attachment styles hold different beliefs about the consequences derived from engaging in a specific behavior in romantic relationships. Secure and preoccupied individuals perceived more benefits than costs associated with the behavior, whereas dismissing and fearful individuals perceived more costs than benefits. Furthermore, secure and preoccupied individuals rated those behavioral consequences leading to enhanced intimacy or closeness more positively than avoidant individuals, whereas dismissing individuals rated more negatively those consequences that involved a loss of independence. These results confirm that a congruity exists between the beliefs associated with the behavior studied and the internal working models related to each adult attachment style


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    R esearch to date has revealed that the association between gender, attachment and the quality and functioning of intimate relationships is complex. This study examined the relationship between gender and attachment styles in attitudes to communication with one’s partner and in the number of past relationships in a sample of 746 Spanish undergraduates. The Relationship Questionnaire was administered to them to determine the adult attachment style. The results revealed the existence of differences according to the adult attachment style and gender with regard to the two measured variables, and a significant effect of the interaction between gender and attachment. Dismissing men reported the highest average scores in the number of past relationships, with significant differences appearing when they were compared with secure and preoccupied men. However, dismissing women did not differ from the rest of the women with other attachment styles. When men and women with the same attachment styles were compared in this variable, the only significant differences were found between dismissing men and women (with the latter reporting fewer partners). In the case of attitudes to expressing feelings to one’s partner, dismissing men reported the most negative attitudes, compared with secure and preoccupied men. Dismissing women, unlike the men, did not differ in their attitudes either from preoccupied or fearful women. Moreover, clear differences were shown between dismissing men and women in these attitudes (more negative in the case of men)