1,628 research outputs found

    Incidencia de la reforma del IRPF sobre la oferta laboral y el bienestar de la familia española

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    En este trabajo se analizan los efectos de la Reforma del Impuesto sobre la renta efectuada en España en 1999 sobre la oferta de trabajo de las unidades familiares. En primer lugar se presenta el marco fiscal de las familias antes de la reforma del IRPF de 1999 y la situación impositiva de los hogares españoles después de dicha reforma. En segundo lugar, partiendo de la estimación de una ecuación de oferta laboral de los matrimonios, en la que se tienen en cuenta los efectos cruzados de los salarios y los diferentes tipos de renta de ambos cónyuges, se estudian los efectos de la Reforma sobre el bienestar por medio del cálculo de la variación equivalente asociada a la misma. Estas estimaciones se han realizado a partir de los datos del PHOGUE 94. Los resultados permiten inferir unas ganancias de bienestar ligeramente superiores para las mujeres que para los hombres, con independencia de la situación laboral de ambos. Analizando las ganancias de bienestar por hogares, las mayores ganancias se detectan en los de rentas medias y medias altas y, para cada uno de estos grupos de renta, son mayores a medida que aumenta el número de hijos. Classification-JEL : H24, H31, J22.Impuesto sobre la renta, oferta de trabajo, variación equivalente.

    La accesibilidad del vídeo bajo demanda. Una asignatura pendiente en la regulación europea y española

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    El auge de nuevas formas de consumo audiovisual, de entre las que destaca el vídeo bajo demanda y las plataformas SVOD (subscription video on demand) como Netflix, hace necesario extender el concepto tradicional de accesibilidad de la televisión a toda la comunicación audiovisual. Sin embargo, la normativa, tanto en el ámbito televisivo como en el caso del vídeo bajo demanda, parece ir siempre por detrás del mercado, mostrando una clara distancia entre la implantación de los nuevos servicios y la regulación de los mismos a escala europea y nacional. Este estudio pone de relieve la necesidad de extender la obligatoriedad de la accesibilidad de la televisión a los contenidos bajo demanda para garantizar el derecho a la libertad de expresión y a recibir información en igualdad, fundamental en sociedades democráticas. Este derecho se garantiza mediante la implantación del subtitulado, la audiodescripción, la lengua de signos y los audiosubtítulos en los contenidos audiovisuales. La revisión bibliográfica y documental es el método aplicado en este estudio e incluye la regulación al respecto en la Unión Europea y España, así como la literatura científica publicada en esta área. De entre ella destaca la directiva europea más reciente (Directiva 2018/1808), que en su propia denominación reconoce la modificación de la norma a consecuencia de la “evolución de las realidades del mercado”

    Variables motivacionales y teorías implícitas del aprendizaje en futuros profesores de Educación Secundaria

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    En el contexto del estudio del pensamiento del profesor, analizamos en esta investigación las relaciones existentes entre siete variables motivacionales y las teorías implícitas del aprendizaje en un grupo de 111 alumnos del Máster Universitario de Educación Secundaria en el curso académico 2011-2012. Se llevó a cabo un estudio cuasiexperimental, empleando para la medida de las teorías implícitas un cuestionario de 11 preguntas con triple opción de respuesta. Cada una de las opciones representa una de las tres teorías de dominio sobre el aprendizaje: directa, interpretativa o constructiva (Pozo y Scheuer, 1999). Paralelamente, se midieron siete variables de motivación contextualizadas en la Teoría de la Autodeterminación de Deci y Ryan (2000). Los resultados muestran la relación entre las concepciones actuales del aprendizaje de los estudiantes y las autopercepciones motivacionales, actuales y retrospectivas, sugiriendo la importancia de las experiencias educativas vividas en los años de Educación Secundaria sobre las concepciones del aprendizaje en la actualidad.Taking into account the teacher way of thinking, in this study we analyzed the relationship between seven motivational variables and the implicit learning theories in a group of 111 students taking the Master Degree on Secondary Education, in the academic year 2011-2012. We carried out a cuasi-experimental study. Implicit theories were measured by an eleven-item questionnaire with triple choice answers, each of them representing one domain of the three learning theories: direct, interpretative and constructivist (Pozo & Scheuer, 1999). Parallel, seven motivational variables from the Self-determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000) were measured. The results have shown the relationship between the students’ current learning conceptions and the current and retrospective motivational self-perceptions, suggesting that life experiences in Secondary School years have an important role in the current learning conceptions

    The generational digital gap within dual vocational education and training teachers

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    In our current society, Digital Competence is an essential and basic competence for teachers. The students need trained teachers who know how to use Information and communication technologies (ICTs) and develop them into pedagogy. However, some of them do not know how. This phenomena is called “The generational digital divide”, which occurs when teachers do not have sufficient digital or technological skills or do not adapt to them. This article aims to determine whether the age of teachers has an influence on their knowledge about Information and Communication Technologies. The objective is to detect if there really exists a digital gap between generations, specifically in Dual Vocational Education Training, a kind of education which has been growing in the recent years. To do so, a study with a quantitative and descriptive method has been carried out, with the participation of 1.568 teachers of this training modality in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. The data were extracted by means of a questionnaire to measure the level of digital teaching competence in Dual Vocational Education and Training schools. The results showed that the level of digital competence shown was medium to low across all dimensions. With regard to the age factor, only the problem-solving dimension was found to be age-dependent.This study has been financed by the "Study and analysis of technological resources and innovation in teacher training in the field of Higher Education and its applicability to the development of the Santander Region (Colombia)", in the Framework Cooperation Agreement for the strengthening of research and education, signed between the Corporacion Escuela Tecnologica del Oriente, the Secretariat of Education of Santander and the AREA (HUM/672) Research Group of the University of Granada. Code: ISPRS-2017-7202. Period: 2017 to 2021

    Gender and Digital Teaching Competence in Dual Vocational Education and Training

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    In recent decades, technological advances have been revolutionizing all areas of society, including the teaching resources and methodologies used in the world of education. Teachers are in the process of adapting to develop the digital skills they need for the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), a process that must be permanent and in which there are still knowledge gaps undermining its application. This study aims to determine whether this lack of digital skills is influenced by the gender of teachers, for example, whether there is a gender gap in ICT application in teaching, specifically Dual Vocational Education and Training, which is a teaching area that has been growing exponentially in recent years. A descriptive quantitative method has been used for this study with a sample of 1568 teachers of Dual Vocational Education and Training from the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, with data collected through a questionnaire. The results show that while the level of knowledge of ICT resources is medium among this group and is therefore improvable, there are no significant gender differences between teachers with respect to the application of e-skills by teaching professionals, despite the existence in other contexts of a large digital gender gap in new technology professionals

    Spectroscopy transmittance by LED calibration

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    Local administrations demand real-time and continuous pollution monitoring in sewer networks. Spectroscopy is a non-destructive technique that can be used to continuously monitor quality in sewers. Covering a wide range of wavelengths can be useful for improving pollution characterization in wastewater. Cost-effective and in-sewer spectrophotometers would contribute to accomplishing discharge requirements. Nevertheless, most available spectrometers are based on incandescent lamps, which makes it unfeasible to place them in a sewerage network for real-time monitoring. This research work shows an innovative calibration procedure that allows (Light-Emitting Diode) LED technology to be used as a replacement for traditional incandescent lamps in the development of spectrophotometry equipment. This involves firstly obtaining transmittance values similar to those provided by incandescent lamps, without using any optical components. Secondly, this calibration process enables an increase in the range of wavelengths available (working range) through a better use of the LED's spectral width, resulting in a significant reduction in the number of LEDs required. Thirdly, this method allows important reductions in costs, dimensions and consumptions to be achieved, making its implementation in a wide variety of environments possible.This research was funded by Seneca Foundation of the Región de Murcia (Spain) and “Hidrogea, Gestión Integral de Aguas de Murcia S.A”. Authors wish to thank the financial support received from the Seneca Foundation of the Región de Murcia (Spain) through the program devoted for training of novel researchers in areas of specific interest for the industry and with a high capacity to transfer the results of the research generate entitled: “Subprograma Regional de Contratos de Formación de Personal Investigador en Universidades y OPIs” (Mod. B, Ref. 20320/FPI/17).Authors wish to thank the financial support received from the Seneca Foundation of the Región de Murcia (Spain) through the program devoted for training of novel researchers in areas of specific interest for the industry and with a high capacity to transfer the results of the research generate entitled: “Subprograma Regional de Contratos de Formación de Personal Investigador en Universidades y OPIs” (Mod. B, Ref. 20320/FPI/17)

    Wastewater quality estimation through spectrophotometry-based statistical models

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    Local administrations are increasingly demanding real-time continuous monitoring of pollution in the sanitation system to improve and optimize its operation, to comply with EU environmental policies and to reach European Green Deal targets. The present work shows a full-scale Wastewater Treatment Plant field-sampling campaign to estimate COD, BOD5, TSS, P, TN and NO3-N in both influent and effluent, in the absence of pre-treatment or chemicals addition to the samples, resulting in a reduction of the duration and cost of analysis. Different regression models were developed to estimate the pollution load of sewage systems from the spectral response of wastewater samples measured at 380-700 nm through multivariate linear regressions and machine learning genetic algorithms. The tests carried out concluded that the models calculated by means of genetic algorithms can estimate the levels of five of the pollutants under study (COD, BOD5, TSS, TN and NO3-N), including both raw and treated wastewater, with an error rate below 4%. In the case of the multilinear regression models, these are limited to raw water and the estimate is limited to COD and TSS, with less than a 0.5% error rateThe authors wish to thank the financial support received from the Seneca Foundation of the Región de Murcia (Spain) through the program devoted to training novel researchers in areas of specific interest for the industry and with a high capacity to transfer the results of the research generated, entitled: “Subprograma Regional de Contratos de Formación de Personal Investigador en Universidades y OPIs” (Mod. B, Ref. 20320/FPI/17)

    Performing calibration of transmittance by single rgb-led within the visible spectrum

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    Spectrophotometry has proven to be an effective non-invasive technique for the characterization of the pollution load of sewer systems, enabling compliance with new environmental protection regulations. This type of equipment has costs and an energy consumption which make it difficult to place it inside a sewer network for real-time and massive monitoring. These shortcomings are mainly due to the use of incandescent lamps to generate the working spectrum as they often require the use of optical elements, such as diffraction gratings, to work. The search for viable alternatives to incandescent lamps is key to the development of portable equipment that is cheaper and with a lower consumption that can be used in different points of the sewer network. This research work achieved the following results in terms of the measured samples: First, the development a calibration procedure that enables the use of RGB-LED technology as a viable alternative to incandescent lamps, within the range of 510 to 645 nm, with high accuracy. Secondly, demonstration of a simple method to model the transmittance value of a specific wavelength without the need for optical elements, achieving a cost-effective equipment. Thirdly, it provides a simple method to obtain the transmittance based on the combination of RGB colors. Finally its viability is demonstrated for the spectral analysis of wastewater.The authors are grateful for the financial support received from the Seneca Foundation of the Región de Murcia (Spain) through the program devoted to training novel researchers in areas of specific interest for the industry and with a high capacity to transfer the results of the research generated, entitled: “Subprograma Regional de Contratos de Formación de Personal Investigador en Universidades y OPIs” (Mod. B, Ref. 20320/FPI/17)

    Non-homogeneous reaction in a non-linear diffusion operator with advection to model a mass transfer process.

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    It is the objective to provide a mathematical treatment of a nonhomogeneous and non-lipschitz reaction problem with a non-linear diffusion and advection operator, so that it can be applied to a fire extinguishing process in aerospace. The main findings are related with the existence and characterization of a finite propagation support that emerges in virtue of the the non-linear diffusion formulation. It is provided a precise assessment on different times associated to the extinguisher discharge process. Particularly, the time required to activate the discharge, the time required for the extinguisher front to cover the whole domain, the time required to reach a minimum level of concentration so as to extinguish a fire and the time required by the agent to reach some difficult dead zones where the extinguisher propagates only by diffusion and no advection. The equation proposed is firstly discussed from a mathematical perspective to find analytical solutions and propagating profiles. Afterwards, the application exercise is introduced.pre-print2494 K

    Percepção das organizações de pessoas deficientes sobre o tratamento que a mídia dá às pessoas deficientes nos espaços noticiosos

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    El tratamiento que los medios de comunicación dan a las personas con discapacidad es un asunto importante para su movimiento asociativo, que busca la inclusión y participación activa de las personas con discapacidad en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad. Aunque se ha avanzado en el modo en el que los medios informan sobre la discapacidad, persiste la preocupación en el colectivo por el tipo de noticias y los marcos desde los que se abordan. La metodología cualitativa del estudio es la entrevista semiestructurada a federaciones y confederaciones asociadas al Comité Español de Representantes de Personas con Discapacidad (Cermi). Los resultados apuntan a que persisten las perspectivas paternalistas o capacitistas que alejan la imagen mostrada de la realidad del colectivo. Se observan discrepancias entre los casos de las personas ciegas o con síndrome de Down, con una representación más ajustada, y las personas con discapacidad psicosocial, cuyo caso sigue estando estigmatizado. Las organizaciones ponen el foco en la mejora de la formación y la especialización de los profesionales de la información, así como en la colaboración con el colectivo para mejorar el tratamiento mediático. Se puede concluir que el espacio informativo dedicado sigue siendo insuficiente, estereotipado y desigual entre los distintos tipos de discapacidad.The media's treatment of people with disabilities is an important issue for their associative movement, which seeks the inclusion and active participation of people with disabilities in all areas of society. Although progress has been made in the way in which the media report on disability, there is still concern in the group about the type of news and the frameworks from which they are approached. The qualitative methodology of the study is the semi-structured interview with federations and confederations associated with the Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities (Cermi). The results point to the persistence of paternalistic or ableist perspectives that distance the image portrayed from the reality of the collective. Discrepancies are observed between the cases of blind people or people with Down syndrome, with a more accurate representation, and people with psychosocial disabilities, who are still stigmatized. The organizations put the focus on improving the training and specialization of professionals, as well as on collaborating with the associative movement to improve the media treatment of disability. It is concluded that the media space dedicated to them is still insufficient, stereotyped and unequal between the different types of disability.O tratamento da pessoa com deficiencia na mídia é uma questão importante para seu movimento associativo, que busca a inclusão e a participação ativa das pessoas com deficiência em todas as esferas da sociedade. Embora tenham sido feitos progressos na forma como a mídia reporta sobre deficiência, ainda há preocupação entre o grupo sobre o tipo de notícias e os quadros a partir dos quais elas são abordadas. A metodologia qualitativa do estudo é uma entrevista semi-estruturada com federações e confederações associadas ao Comitê Espanhol de Representantes de Pessoas com Deficiência (Cermi). Os resultados apontam para a persistência de perspectivas paternalistas ou fortalecedoras que distanciam a imagem mostrada da realidade do grupo. Observam-se discrepâncias entre os casos de cegos ou pessoas com síndrome de Down, com uma representação mais precisa, e pessoas com deficiências psicossociais, cujo caso ainda é estigmatizado. As organizações se concentram em melhorar o treinamento e a especialização dos profissionais da informação, bem como em colaborar com o grupo para melhorar a cobertura da mídia. Pode-se concluir que o espaço de informação dedicado a esta questão ainda é insuficiente, estereotipada e desigual entre os diferentes tipos de deficiência