482 research outputs found

    Case-control study of craniomandibular disorders in patients with fibromyalgia

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    Background: Fibromyalgia is a clinical syndrome characterized by chronic widespread pain, which is non-articular and is predominantly experienced in the muscles and vertebral column, and by extensive heightened sensitivity to local pressure at many specific points The purpose of this study was to measure differences in the level of painful symptoms and in the movements of the mandible in a group of patients who had been diagnosed as suffering from fibromyalgia, in comparison with a control group. The anxiety and subjective pain levels and their relation with mandibular mobility were also compared. Materials and Methods: A case-control study was designed. The temporomandibular joints and masticatory muscles of the cases (n=20) and controls (n=18) were examined, anxiety was assessed by the STAI index and subjective pain was measured on a visual analogue scale. The data analysis was carried out with SPSS v.19.0 software. The descriptive data were expressed as means and proportions at a 95% confidence interval. The proportions were compared with the chi-square test and the means with the Mann-Whitney U test. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to measure the association between quantitative variables. Results: The fibromyalgia patients (the case group) presented a higher level of pain following the musculoskeletal examination and significantly greater symptoms at the examination points. Regarding joint mobility, significant differences in mandibular opening were found (cases 43.4 mm vs controls 47.2 mm, p = 0.042). The mean pain score of the cases was significantly higher than that of the controls (4.03 vs 1.8, p = 0.001) but no significant differences were found in the anxiety index (23.8 vs 23.4). Conclusions: patients with fibromyalgia are affected to a greater extent by craniomandibular disorders, with lower mouth opening and higher pain levels than healthy persons. However, the anxiety levels of the two groups are similar

    Emotional and Psychosocial Factors Associated With Drunkenness and the Use of Tobacco and Cannabis in Adolescence: Independent or Interactive Effects?

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    Background: Although previous research has examined emotional and psychosocial factors associated with substance use, there is a paucity of studies examining both at the same time, and insufficient attention has been paid to how these factors may interact. Objectives: The aim of this study was to simultaneously examine the contributions from emotional (emotional control and depression) and psychosocial (peers’ conventional behaviour, peers’ substance use and parent-child relationships) factors to drunkenness and the use of tobacco and cannabis in adolescence. Methods: Sample consisted of 1,752 adolescents aged 15 to 16 years who had participated in the 2014 edition of the WHO Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey in Spain. Data were collected by means of anonymous online questionnaires, and hierarchical multiple regression models (with sex and age as controls and including interactions among the examined predictors) were used for statistical analysis. Results: Emotional and psychosocial factors showed significant interactive effects on substance use. Emotional control, which tended to buffer the effects of potential risk factors, and peers’ substance use were consistent predictors of substance use. In contrast, the role of other factors depended on the substance under study, with depression and peers’ conventional behaviour being part of interactive terms for tobacco use and cannabis use only, and the quality of parent-child relationships being absent from the final model on cannabis use. Conclusions/Importance: Exploring interactions and potential substance-specific effects is fundamental to reach a better understanding of how emotional and psychosocial factors work in concert relative to substance use in adolescence

    The cargo protein MAP17 (PDZK1IP1) regulates the cancer stem cell pool activating the Notch pathway by abducting NUMB

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    Purpose: Cancer stem cells (CSC) are self-renewing tumor cells, with the ability to generate diverse differentiated tumor cell subpopulations. They differ from normal stem cells in the deregulation of the mechanisms that normally control stem cell physiology. CSCs are the origin of metastasis and highly resistant to therapy. Therefore, the understanding of the CSC origin and deregulated pathways is important for tumor control. Experimental Design: We have included experiments in vitro, in cell lines and tumors of different origins. We have used patient-derived xenografts (PDX) and public transcriptomic databases of human tumors. Results: MAP17 (PDZKIP1), a small cargo protein overexpressed in tumors, interacts with NUMB through the PDZ-binding domain activating the Notch pathway, leading to an increase in stem cell factors and cancer-initiating–like cells. Identical behavior was mimicked by inhibiting NUMB. Conversely, MAP17 downregulation in a tumor cell line constitutively expressing this gene led to Notch pathway inactivation and a marked reduction of stemness. In PDX models, MAP17 levels directly correlated with tumorsphere formation capability. Finally, in human colon, breast, or lung there is a strong correlation of MAP17 expression with a signature of Notch and stem cell genes. Conclusions: MAP17 overexpression activates Notch pathway by sequestering NUMB. High levels of MAP17 correlated with tumorsphere formation and Notch and Stem gene transcription. Its direct modification causes direct alteration of tumorsphere number and Notch and Stem pathway transcription. This defines a new mechanism of Notch pathway activation and Stem cell pool increase that may be active in a large percentage of tumors.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad PI15/00045, CTS-1848Junta de Andalucía PI-00-96-2014, PI-0306-201

    Environmental change rate and dispersion pattern modulate the dynamics of evolutionary rescue of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa

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    The rate of biodiversity loss is so high that some scientists affirm that we are being witnesses of the sixth mass extinction. In this situation, it is necessary to ask the following question: can the organisms be able to resist the environmental changes that are taking place? Recent studies have shown the possibility of a population recovering from a stress situation through evolutionary rescue (ER) events. These events depend on the size of the population, its previous history and the rate of the environmental change. The aim of this work is to add more knowledge about the ER dynamics creating stress situations with selective agents (sulphur and salinity) and using the toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa as a model organism. The experiments are based on exposing populations to severe stress and analyze the effect of previous dispersal events and deterioration rates on the occurrence of ER events among populations. The model consists in three different rates of environmental change (constant, slow and fast; under salinity stress we only used the first two treatments) and three dispersal models (isolated, local or global). In total, 324 and 720 populations were exposed to stressful conditions caused by sulphur and salinity, respectively. The results showed that the dispersal modes and the environmental deterioration rates modulated the occurrence of ER events. It has been observed that dispersal favours ER events for both selective agents. Regarding the rate of environmental change, we observed an increase of ER events under constant changes in the populations exposed to sulphur stress. However, ER events were higher when there was previous deterioration (i.e., slow environmental change rate) under saline stress. As a conclusion, ER events in M. aeruginosa depend on selective agent, being the probability higher for salinity than for sulphur. Thus, it could be hypothesized that general conclusions in ER studies must take into account the selective agent.This work has been financially supported by the projects CGL2014- 53682-P (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) and CGL2017-87314-P (Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad), and the Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Effects of prenatal and postnatal exposure to chlordimeform on serotonin levels in brain regions of adult’s male and female rats

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    Introduction: Formamidines pesticides have been described to induce permanent effects on development of monoaminergic neurotransmitters systems. The mechanisms that induce these effects are not known but it has been suggested that these effects could be related to monoamino oxidase (MAO) inhibition. Chlordimeform is a formamidine pesticide which is a very weak inhibitor of MAO although it has been also described to produce neurodevelopmental toxicity. Objectives and methods: The effects of maternal exposure to chlordimeform on brain region serotonin levels of male and female offspring rats at 60 days of age were evaluated. Maternal and offspring body weight, physical and general activity development were unaffected by the exposure of dams to chlordimeform (5 mg/kg bw, orally on days 6–21 of pregnancy and 1–10 of lactation). Male and female offspring were sacrificed at 60 days of age and possible alterations in the content and metabolism of 5-HT was determined in brain regions by HPLC. Results: The results showed that this neurotransmitter system was altered in a brain regional-related manner. In male and female offspring, chlordimeform induced a significant decrease in the striatum and prefrontal cortex 5-HT and its metabolite 5-HIAA levels. This effect was with statistical distinction of sex in the prefrontal cortex. In contrast, chlordimeform caused an increase in 5-HT and 5-HIAA content in the hippocampus in male and female offspring with sex interaction. Chlordimeform evoked increases in 5-HT turnover in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus from females and males respectively but evoked a decrease in these regions from males and females respectively. Conclusions: The present findings indicated that maternal exposure to chlordimeform altered serotonergic neurochemistry in their offspring in prefrontal cortex, striatum and hippocampus, and those variations show that other mechanisms different from MAO inhibition are implicated. Keywords: Formamidines; neurodevelopmental toxicity; chlordimeform; rats; serotonin; human risk assessmentIntroducción: Se ha descrito que los pesticidas formamidinicos inducen efectos permanentes en el desarrollo de los sistemas de neurotransmisores monoaminérgicos. Los mecanismos por los que se inducen estos efectos no se conocen, pero se ha sugerido que podrían estar relacionados con la inhibición de la monoamino oxidasa (MAO). El clordimeformo, es un pesticida formamidinico, del que se han descrito efectos neurotoxicos en el desarrollo, aunque es un inhibidor muy débil de la MAO. Objetivos y métodos: En el presente estudio se evaluaron los efectos sobre los niveles de serotonina en regiones cerebrales de ratas macho y hembra a los 60 días de edad tras la exposición maternal al clodimeformo (5 mg/kg de peso corporal, por vía oral en los días 6-21 de la gestación y 1-10 de la lactancia). El peso corporal de las madres y las crías, y el desarrollo físico y de la actividad general no se vieron afectados por la exposición al clordimeformo. Las crías fueron sacrificadas a los 60 días de edad y las posibles alteraciones en el contenido y metabolismo de 5-HT se determinaron en regiones cerebrales mediante HPLC. Resultados: El clordimeformo indujo una disminución significativa en el cuerpo estriado y la corteza prefrontal de los niveles de 5-HT y su metabolito 5-HIAA. Este efecto fue estadísticamente influenciado por el sexo en la corteza prefrontal. Por el contrario, el clordimeformo causó un aumento del contenido de la 5-HT y de 5-HIAA en el hipocampo con influencia significativa por sexo. El clordimeformo provoco aumentos en la tasa de recambio de 5-HT en la corteza prefrontal y el hipocampo de hembras y machos respectivamente, sin embargo, provocó una disminución en estas regiones en machos y hembras respectivamente. Conclusiones: Los presentes resultados indican que las formamidinas y en particular el clordimeformo inducen tras la exposición maternal una alteración permanente del sistema serotoninérgico de forma región y sexo dependiente en la descendencia, las cuales muy probablemente se deban a mecanismos distintos de la inhibición de la MAO. Palabras clave: Formamidinas; neurotoxicidad en el desarrollo; clodimeformo; ratas; serotonina; evaluación del riesgo para el hombr

    Expresión de oncogenes, receptores hormonales esteroideos y marcadores de proliferación en el carcinoma endometrial

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    Para la realización de nuestro estudio, revisamos todas las historias clínicas del servicio de Anatomía Patológica del hospital "Lozano Blesa" de Zaragoza, desde Enero de 1994, hasta Diciembre de 1996 incluidos. Se seleccionaron 99 casos de adenocarcinoma de endometrio y en ellos se utilizaron tanto técnicas de rutina como inmunohistoquímicas, valorando la expresión de diferentes marcadores que se han visto relacionados con el desarrollo del cáncer, como son los receptores hormonales, el marcador de proliferación Ki-67, la proteína P53 y los oncogenes bcl-2 y c-erbB-2. Algunos de estos marcadores se conoce que están implicados en el mecanismo íntimo del ciclo celular, por lo que sus alteraciones conllevan a las células hacia la cancerización. Hemos observado, que tanto los receptores hormonales (R. Estrogénicos y R. Progesterona), como la proteína bcl-2 tienen una mayor expresión cuanto menor es el grado tumoral, y cuando el patrón histológico es de baja agresividad. Mientras que la proteína P53, Ki-67 (Mib-1) y el oncogén c-erbB-2 su expresión aumenta conforme el grado tumoral aumenta y cuando el tipo histológico de éstos es más agresivo. Podemos decir, que la presencia o ausencia de determinados marcadores, están implicados en la biología molecular del cáncer y nos parece de gran interes su valoración, dadas las medidas terapéuticas que puedan desarrollarse

    Alteraciones permanentes de los sistemas noradrenérgicos y dopaminérgicos de forma región y sexo dependiente tras exposición prenatal y postnatal al clordimeformo

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    Introduction: Formamidines pesticides have been described to induce permanent effects on development of monoaminergic neurotransmitter systems. The mechanisms that induce these effects are not known but it has been suggested that these effects could be related to monoamino oxidase (MAO) inhibition. Chlordimeform is a formamidine pesticide, which is a very weak inhibitor of MAO although it has been described to induce permanent and sex dependent alterations of serotoninergic system. Objectives and methods: In order to confirm that formamidines induce permanent alterations of monoaminergic neurotransmitter systems regardless of MAO inhibition, the effects of maternal exposure to chlordimeform (5 mg/kg bw, orally) on brain region dopamine and noradrenaline levels of male and female offspring rats at 60 days of age were evaluated. The results showed that chlordimeform induced a significant decrease of noradrenaline and dopamine levels in the prefrontal cortex and striatum and of dopamine levels in the hippocampus, showing an interaction by sex for these regions. Results: Chlordimeform also caused a decrease of DOPAC levels in the striatum and of MHPG and HVA metabolites levels in the prefrontal cortex and striatum. Moreover, it induced an increase in the content of metabolites DOPAC and HVA in the hippocampus and an increase in the metabolite content of DOPAC in the striatum. Lastly, it increased the turnover of DA in the hippocampus and striatum and decreased the turnover of NA and DA in frontal cortex, as well as the NA in striatum. Conclusions: The present findings indicate that maternal exposure to chlordimeform altered dopaminergic and noradrenergic neurochemistry in their offspring in a region and sex dependent way, and those variations confirm that other mechanisms different from MAO inhibition are implicated.Introducción: Se ha descrito que los pesticidas formamidínicos inducen efectos permanentes en el desarrollo de los sistemas de neurotransmisores monoaminérgicos. Los mecanismos por los que se inducen estos efectos no se conocen, pero se ha sugerido que podrían estar relacionados con la inhibición de la monoamino oxidasa (MAO). El clordimeformo, es un pesticida formamidínico, del que se han descrito que induce una alteración permanente del sistema serotoninérgico región y sexo dependiente, aunque es un inhibidor muy débil de la MAO. Objetivos y métodos: Con el objetivo de confirmar que las formamidinas produce alteraciones permanentes de los neurotransmisores monoaminérgicos independientemente de la inhibición de la MAO, se evaluaron los efectos sobre los niveles de dopamina y serotonina en regiones cerebrales de ratas macho y hembra a los 60 días de edad tras la exposición maternal al clordimeformo (5 mg/kg de peso corporal). Resultados: El clordimeformo indujo una disminución significativa de los niveles de noradrenalina y dopamina en las regiones cerebrales corteza frontal, cuerpo estriado, así como de la dopamina en el hipocampo mostrando una interacción por sexo en esta regiones. El clordimeformo además, originó un descenso de los metabolitos MHPG y HVA en corteza frontal y cuerpo estriado y del metabolito DOPAC en el cuerpo estriado. También, indujo un aumento en el contenido de los metabolitos DOPAC y HVA en hipocampo y un aumento del contenido de DOPAC en el cuerpo estriado. Por ultimo aumentó la tasa de recambio de DA en el hipocampo y cuerpo estriado y disminuyó la tasa de recambio de la NA y DA en corteza frontal y así como de la NA en cuerpo estriado. Conclusiones: Los presentes resultados indican que las formamidinas y en particular el clordimeformo, inducen, tras la exposición maternal, una alteración permanente de los sistemas dopaminérgico y noradrenérgico de forma región y sexo dependiente en la descendencia, lo cual confina que estas alteraciones se deben a mecanismos distintos de la inhibición de la MAO

    Obtaining a Hierarchy of Contextual Factors in Shaping the SOC of Male and Female Adolescents

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    Sense of coherence (SOC) is an important predictor of health and subjective well-being, but research on the factors that shape SOC development is scarce. Using structural equation modeling, this study obtained a hierarchy of the contributions of several contextual factors to SOC in a representative sample of adolescents (N = 4,943, M age = 15.43) selected for the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey in Spain. Goodness-of-fit indices consistent with good fit, logical parameter estimates and a level of explained variability of 38.2 % were found in the final model. The examination of parameter estimates provided a hierarchy of contextual factors in shaping SOC. Quality of parent–child relationships was the most influential factor and appeared at the top of the hierarchy. Positive models of behavior in the peer group, neighborhood assets and classmate support occupied intermediate positions, and teacher support appeared at the bottom of the hierarchy. Multi-group analysis revealed more commonalities than differences between male and female adolescents, with the exception of teacher support, which seemed to have a higher significance for the SOC of females.Ministerio de Educación AP2009-0978Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad de Españ

    School context and health in adolescence: The role of sense of coherence

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    The aim of this study was to examine the role of school variables and sense of coherence (SOC) in the explanation of health. For this purpose, data were collected from a representative sample of adolescents, aged 13 to 18 years, selected for the Health Behavior in School-aged Children survey in Spain. Using Structural Equation Modelling, three nested models were tested that represented different hypothesized models of the relationships among school factors, SOC and health. According to goodness-of-fit indices, in the best model, school-related stress and SOC mediated the influence of support from classmates and teachers on health, and SOC had a direct effect on stress. The results supported the idea that a supportive school climate and SOC are relevant to adolescents' health. Furthermore, SOC was the most influential variable; apart from its direct positive effect on health, SOC seemed to condition the degree to which students perceived school demands to be stressful. Specifically, students with a high SOC were less likely to suffer from high levels of school-related stress.Ministerio de Educación AP2009-097

    Las exposiciones interactivas para escolares como herramienta de motivación de los estudiantes de Ingeniería Forestal y del Medio Natural

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    El perfil de alumnado de nuevo ingreso en el Grado en Ingeniería Forestal y del Medio Natural (IFMN) de la UEX es, con frecuencia, el de un titulado de ciclo formativo de grado superior con importantes carencias en las materias de tipo técnico, lo cual reduce su motivación para el estudio de éstas. Por otra parte, en el Grado en IFMN del Centro Universitario de Plasencia existe una preocupación por la innovación docente (llevada a cabo a través de varios proyectos competitivos) para lograr una mejor formación del alumnado tanto en competencias técnicas como en competencias transversales (entre las que se incluye la inteligencia emocional) y, paralelamente, mejorar las tasas de éxito y rendimiento de las materias implicadas. En este sentido, se ha diseñado una estrategia innovadora, bajo el lema general de 'FOREXPO: enseñando se aprende más', consistente en una exposición interactiva sobre Espacios Naturales Protegidos, Física y Medio Ambiente, que es ofrecida por los estudiantes universitarios de Ingeniería Forestal a los escolares de la ciudad de Plasencia, que visitan dicha exposición cada primavera, desde 2013, para aprender de manera directa y amena a través de maquetas y exposiciones de tipo interactivo donde pueden experimentar, observar, etc.La novedad de esta estrategia denominada FOREXPO es que combina diversas metodologías innovadoras como el ABP (Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas, ya que los estudiantes universitarios deben confeccionar las maquetas o exposiciones con un objetivo final), el ApS (puesto que en su aprendizaje realizan un servicio a la sociedad, como es mostrar ciencia cercana y divertida a los escolares de primaria de la ciudad de Plasencia), el “learning by teaching” o enseñando se aprende más (pues les empodera y motiva enormemente poder hablar a un público no especializado sobre cuestiones científicas de una cierta dificultad como la Física ambiental) y, por último, supone una colaboración entre dos materias del Grado, de forma que no se funcione de manera estanca.Esta experiencia innovadora es muy bien valorada por los estudiantes universitarios, tanto por la autoestima científica que les proporciona en materias difíciles como Física, como por las competencias transversales adquiridas al realizar las tareas organizativas que el ABP plantea como objetivo secundario. Asimismo, la acogida por parte de los centros educativos de primaria es muy buena en la ciudad, tanto por el contenido científico expuesto como por el buen hacer de los “monitores” universitarios y por la posibilidad de conocer la titulación en una especie de jornada de puertas abiertas que contribuye a difundir también la labor del Ingeniero Forestal en la sociedad, especialmente mediante lo expuesto en la materia de Gestión de Espacios Naturales Protegidos