29 research outputs found

    Assessment of a New ROS1 Immunohistochemistry Clone (SP384) for the Identification of ROS1 Rearrangements in Patients with Non–Small Cell Lung Carcinoma: the ROSING Study

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    Introduction: The ROS1 gene rearrangement has become an important biomarker in NSCLC. The College of American Pathologists/International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer/Association for Molecular Pathology testing guidelines support the use of ROS1 immunohistochemistry (IHC) as a screening test, followed by confirmation with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or a molecular test in all positive results. We have evaluated a novel anti-ROS1 IHC antibody (SP384) in a large multicenter series to obtain real-world data. Methods: A total of 43 ROS1 FISH-positive and 193 ROS1 FISH-negative NSCLC samples were studied. All specimens were screened by using two antibodies (clone D4D6 from Cell Signaling Technology and clone SP384 from Ventana Medical Systems), and the different interpretation criteria were compared with break-apart FISH (Vysis). FISH-positive samples were also analyzed with next-generation sequencing (Oncomine Dx Target Test Panel, Thermo Fisher Scientific). Results: An H-score of 150 or higher or the presence of at least 70% of tumor cells with an intensity of staining of 2+ or higher by the SP384 clone was the optimal cutoff value (both with 93% sensitivity and 100% specificity). The D4D6 clone showed similar results, with an H-score of at least 100 (91% sensitivity and 100% specificity). ROS1 expression in normal lung was more frequent with use of the SP384 clone (p < 0.0001). The ezrin gene (EZR)-ROS1 variant was associated with membranous staining and an isolated green signal FISH pattern (p = 0.001 and p = 0.017, respectively). Conclusions: The new SP384 ROS1 IHC clone showed excellent sensitivity without compromising specificity, so it is another excellent analytical option for the proposed testing algorithm

    Characterization of different ozonized sunflower oils I. Chemical changes during ozonization

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    10 Páginas.-- 5 Figuras.-- 1 TablaVegetable oils are usually rich in unsaturated fatty acids which are susceptible to oxidation. The oxidation of vegetable oils has been one of the most widely studied fields within lipid chemistry, because it alters their properties and nutritive value, inducing the formation of harmful compounds and off-flavors. Moreover, oxidized vegetable oils display altered physical and chemical properties which are conferred by the newer oxygenated compounds they contain. This is the case of ozonized oils. Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent that mainly acts on olefinic compounds which generate ozonides and other peroxidic species that can decompose into carbonilic fragments. The action of the oxidant and the later reactions depend on the chemical environment of the reaction as well as the carbonyl termination products resulting from peroxide cleavage. In recent years, sunflower oils with different fatty acid compositions have been developed by breeding and mutagenesis. They displayed higher contents of oleic, stearic or palmitic acids, which mainly alters their triacylglycerol composition. Therefore, four different sunflower oils, common, high oleic, high stearic-high oleic and high palmitic-high oleic, were oxidized with ozone and the progress of the reaction was monitored by measuring the level of oil peroxygenation and the changes in the oils’ fatty acid compositions. The peroxidated species formed during ozonation were studied by FT-IR spectroscopy. The main conclusions of this work were that ozonation caused linear oxidation rates that were similar in all the oils assayed. The addition of water accelerated oxidation, which tended to occur in linoleic polyunsaturated fatty acid The FT-IR pointed to the presence of ozonide-derived peroxides as the major oxygenated species.Caracterización de diferentes aceites de girasol ozonizados I. Cambios químicos durante la ozonización. Los aceites vegetales son generalmente ricos en ácidos grasos insaturados susceptibles de oxidación. La oxidación de aceites vegetales ha sido un campo de estudio intensivo dentro de la química de lípidos ya que este proceso altera sus propiedades y valor nutritivo, induciendo la formación de compuestos perjudiciales y olores y sabores indeseados. Además, los aceites vegetales oxidados muestran propiedades físicas alteradas conferidas por los nuevos compuestos oxigenados que contienen. Este es el caso de los aceites ozonizados. El ozono es un agente oxidante enérgico que actúa sobre los compuestos olefínicos generando ozónidos y otras especies peroxídicas que se descomponen en fragmentos carbonílicos. La acción del oxidante y las reacciones posteriores dependen del entorno químico de la reacción además de los productos carbonílicos de terminación resultante de la rotura de los peróxidos. El aceite de girasol común es rico en oleico y linoleico, susceptibles de ataque oxidativo por parte del ozono. En los últimos años, aceites de girasol con composiciones diferentes de ácidos grasos se han desarrollado por selección y mutagénesis. Estos aceites muestran altos contenidos en oleico, esteárico o palmítico, los cuales alteran de manera importante su composición de triglicéridos. Este trabajo es el primero de una serie de dos en los cuales se estudian los cambios físico-químicos que dichos aceites de girasol experimentan durante la ozonización. Así, se oxidaron con ozono cuatro aceites de girasol diferentes, girasol común, alto oleico, alto esteárico-alto oleico y alto palmítico-alto oleico. Se monitorizaron las cantidades absorbidas de ozono, los niveles de peroxidación y los ácidos grasos que experimentaron oxidación. Las especies formadas en el proceso se estudiaron mediante espectroscopía FT-IR. El modo en que la composición de ácidos grasos del aceite afectó a las cinéticas de oxidación y los productos resultantes se comentaron a la vista de los resultados.This work was funded by the project ICOOP-COOPB20153 from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).Peer reviewe