18 research outputs found

    Mechanical fault detection in gearboxes through the analysis of the motor feeding current signature

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    The knowledge of the state of health of machinery gears helps developing cost effective maintenance plans, preventing costly down times caused by catastrophic failures. The widest spread strategy in industry to avoid faults and failures is based on preventive maintenance. Only its combination with a condition-based maintenance can detect early signs of potential machinery failures. Often, accurate information about the state of health of a piece of equipment is difficult to obtain. Strategies based on intelligent predictive maintenance could improve this situation. The most established method to gather information in mechanical systems using gearboxes relays in the use of accelerometers, which are expensive and whose installation is usually troublesome. The analysis of the electric signature of the electric motor that drives the gearbox provides a non-intrusive method, based on readily available information. Changes in the speed and load conditions of the gearbox produce correlated variations in the feeding current and voltage of the motor. A detailed analysis of these electrical signals can produce useful information about the state of health of the system. In this paper, a gear prognosis simulator (GPS) test bench equipped with a multistage gearbox is used to analyze different types of mechanical faults in the gears. Three fault families have been identified, high damage, moderate damage and low damage. Specific working conditions of the test bench have been selected to mimic the operation of different mechanical systems, such as machine tools or electro-mechanical actuators. The motor electrical current signature in the different conditions is analyzed to determine the health state of the gearbox. Signal descriptors (such as rms, kurtosis, peak-to-peak value, impulse factor, shape factor, etc.) are obtained from stationary speed. A selection of the most relevant descriptors has been carried, doing a one-way analysis. The results obtained reveal appreciable differences between the different faulty and nominal states of the gears, making possible the detection of the health state of the system using different advance data analysis techniques

    Elebakarren eta elebidunen euskararen jabekuntzaren erritmoaren inguruan

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    The present study examines the relationship between the linguistic input heard by children and their linguistic development in order to ascertain if the amount of input to which a child is exposed is a determining factor for the onset of language development.The development of Basque was studied in a sample of 950 children aged between 16 and 30 months who were exposed to different amounts of the language in the following proportions: A. monolingual children who only or mostly heard Basque (90-100% of input in Basque), B. bilingual children with high exposure to Basque (60-90% of input in Basque), C. bilingual children with largely equal amounts of exposure to Basque and another language (40-60% of input in Basque) D. bilingual children with low levels of exposure to Basque (less than 40% exposure to Basque).Development in vocabulary, morphology and syntax were analysed in the four groups at different ages. The groups were formed on the basis of parental report obtained by using the adaptation into Basque of the MacArthur Bates Communicative DeveLopment Inventories.The results show that up until the age of 26 months there are no significant differences between the four groups and that these can only be seen when children who only hear Basque, or who have a high degree of exposure to it (more than 60% of the time) are compared with those children with less exposure to Basque (less than 60% of the time)

    Elebakarren eta elebidunen euskararen jabekuntzaren erritmoaren inguruan

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    The present study examines the relationship between the linguistic input heard by children and their linguistic development in order to ascertain if the amount of input to which a child is exposed is a determining factor for the onset of language development.The development of Basque was studied in a sample of 950 children aged between 16 and 30 months who were exposed to different amounts of the language in the following proportions: A. monolingual children who only or mostly heard Basque (90-100% of input in Basque), B. bilingual children with high exposure to Basque (60-90% of input in Basque), C. bilingual children with largely equal amounts of exposure to Basque and another language (40-60% of input in Basque) D. bilingual children with low levels of exposure to Basque (less than 40% exposure to Basque).Development in vocabulary, morphology and syntax were analysed in the four groups at different ages. The groups were formed on the basis of parental report obtained by using the adaptation into Basque of the MacArthur Bates Communicative DeveLopment Inventories.The results show that up until the age of 26 months there are no significant differences between the four groups and that these can only be seen when children who only hear Basque, or who have a high degree of exposure to it (more than 60% of the time) are compared with those children with less exposure to Basque (less than 60% of the time)

    Kulturarteko harremanak Bigarren Hezkuntzan: ikasle etorkin eta bertakoen akulturazio-orientazioak

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    Cette étude analyse les orientations d'acculturation des étudiants Basques dans l'Enseignement Secondaire,en comparant les orientations des élèves selon leur origine et leur identité ethnolinguistique. Les résultats ont montré que les orientations d'acculturation plus acceptées sont l'individualisme, la ségrégation-séparation et l'intégration. Les orientations des deux groupes, étudiants autochtones et immigrants, coïncident. Les relations intergroupes résultantes de l'interaction de ces deux groupes seraient assez positives, sauf dans les cas de ségrégation-séparation, qui pourraient etre conflictuelles.Les étudiants autochtones ont été classés en trois groupes, selon leur identité ethnolinguistique: identité duale, identité polarisée basque, et identité polarisée espagnole. Les étudiants immigrants ont été classés en deux groupes: identité avec le pays d'origine et identité duale. Les résultats ne confirment pas l' hypothese selon laque lle les sujets avec identité duale présenteraient des orientations d'acculturation plus positives que les sujets d'identité polarisée.; Este estudio analiza las orientaciones de aculturación de escolares vascos de Educación Secundaria, comparando las orientaciones de los alumnos según su origen y su identidad etnolingüística. Los resultados mostraron que las orientaciones de aculturación mas aceptadas fueron el individualismo, la segregación-separación y la integración. Las orientaciones de ambos grupos, alumnos autóctonos e inmigrantes son coincidentes. Las relaciones inter grupo resultantes de las interacciones de las aculturaciones de ambos grupos serían bastante positivas salvo en los casos de segregación-separación que podrían resultar conflictivas. Los alumnos autóctonos fueron clasificados en tres grupos según su identidad etnolingüística: identidad dual, polarizada española y polarizada vasca. A su vez, los escolares inmigrantes se clasificaron en dos grupos: identidad con el país de origen e identidad dual. Los resultados no confirman la hipótesis de que los sujetos con identidad dual muestran orientaciones de aculturación más positivas que los sujetos con identidad polarizada.; This study analyzes the acculturation orientations of Basque students of secondary, and it compares the orientations by origin and ethno-linguistic identity. The results showed that the orientations of acculturation more accepted were individualism, separation segregation and integration. The orientations of both groups, native and immigrant students are coincident. Intergroup relations resulting from interactions of the acculturation of both groups would be quite positive except in cases of segregation-separation could be conflicting.Native students were classified into three groups according to their ethno-linguistic identity, dual identity, Basque 1dent1ty polanzed,and Spanish polarized identity. In turn, the immigrant students were classified into two groups: identity with the country of origin and dual identity. The results do not support the hypothesis that subjects with dual identity were more positive than subjects with polarized identity acculturation

    Lexikoaren eta gramatikaren garapen arteko erlazioaz

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    The gap produced between lexical and grammatical development is one of the basic psycholinguistic principies which govem the language acquisition process. lt is based on the fact tlzat the appearance of the first lexical units precedes the use of morphology and syntax in early child language.In this investigation, the relationship between lexical and grammatical development in children acquiring Basque as L1 is observed. The hypothesis put forth is that children need to acquire a critical mas s of vocabulary betore morphology and syntax become productive. And, consequently, that vocabulary size provides a better basis than age for determining the stage of children's linguistic development.For this purpose, data from 1417 children aged 8 to 30 months are studied. These data were collected witllin the frame of the adaptation to Basque of the lnstrument called MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development lnventory (http://sci.sdsu.edu). In the present study they are analysed both according to tllese children's age and to their vocabulary size. In addition to the global lexical development, the evolution of the different lexical categories, the first morpllOlogical marking used and the initial syntactic productions are analysed. Having observed a close relationship between lexical development and different morphological and syntactic features, we may conclude that our initial hypothesis is confirmed. In the first place, children need to acquire a vocabulary size of more than 100 units in order to start combining two or more words within an utterance. Secondly, morphology appears when vocabulary size has reached at least 200 units and thirdly, 400 or more lexical units are needed for the first VP markings to appear. It has also been observed that before reaching 400 units, children's vocabulary is mainly composed of noUn5, whereas above that limit, verbs occupy a more relevant position

    Lexikoaren eta gramatikaren garapen arteko erlazioaz

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    The gap produced between lexical and grammatical development is one of the basic psycholinguistic principies which govem the language acquisition process. lt is based on the fact tlzat the appearance of the first lexical units precedes the use of morphology and syntax in early child language.In this investigation, the relationship between lexical and grammatical development in children acquiring Basque as L1 is observed. The hypothesis put forth is that children need to acquire a critical mas s of vocabulary betore morphology and syntax become productive. And, consequently, that vocabulary size provides a better basis than age for determining the stage of children's linguistic development.For this purpose, data from 1417 children aged 8 to 30 months are studied. These data were collected witllin the frame of the adaptation to Basque of the lnstrument called MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development lnventory (http://sci.sdsu.edu). In the present study they are analysed both according to tllese children's age and to their vocabulary size. In addition to the global lexical development, the evolution of the different lexical categories, the first morpllOlogical marking used and the initial syntactic productions are analysed. Having observed a close relationship between lexical development and different morphological and syntactic features, we may conclude that our initial hypothesis is confirmed. In the first place, children need to acquire a vocabulary size of more than 100 units in order to start combining two or more words within an utterance. Secondly, morphology appears when vocabulary size has reached at least 200 units and thirdly, 400 or more lexical units are needed for the first VP markings to appear. It has also been observed that before reaching 400 units, children's vocabulary is mainly composed of noUn5, whereas above that limit, verbs occupy a more relevant position

    Euskararen erabilera azaltzeko eredu psikosoziala

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    Nola sustatu daiteke erabilera? Nola eragin gizatalde jakin bat(zu)ek egoera jakin batean euskara ¿erabil¿ deza(te)n? ... Galdera hauetatik eta antzekoetatik abiatuta osatu zuen Pablo Suberbiolak Topagunearen IV. Jardunaldietarako hitzaldia, eta han esandakoak dira hemen bildu ditugunak. Gero eta euskaldun gehiago gara, baina euskaldun horietatik gero eta gehiago dira gaztelaniaz euskaraz baina hobeto moldatzen direnak. Puntu hau funtsezkoa da erabilerari begira. Euskararen normalizazioa prozesu orokor bat bezala hartuta, ondorengo bi kontuok dira egilearen iritziz datozen urteetan bereziki ikertu eta landu beharrekoak erabileran aurreratu ahal izateko. BAT: Zein bide ditugu eta zeintzuk sor ditzakegu ¿nahiko ongi¿ hitz egin eta ulertzera iritsi diren hiztunak ¿oso ongi¿ hitz egitera hel daitezen? BI: Euskarazko ezagutza nahikoa baina gaztelerazko ohitura dagoen egoeretan nola eragin edo nola erraztu hizkuntz aldaketa? Eraginkorrak izango diren jarrerak definitzeko eta zabaltzeko, neurri egokiak hartzeko, dinamika positiboak eragiteko, ezinbestekoa da aurrerantzean prozesu hauek guztiak gehiago ikertzea, ezagutzea, eta arrakastatsuak edo eredugarriak diren esperientziak zabaltzea hizkuntz normalizazio lanetan ari direnen artean. Datozen urteetan euskararen erabileran aurrera egingo bada, bereziki zaindu beharrekoa izango da gabezi guztiotarako baliagarriak izango diren erantzun praktikoak diseinatzea, ikertzea, eta eredu izan daitezkeenak zabaltzea

    Gestos y palabras antes de los 2 años: efecto de la edad y el género

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    Los datos de producción gestual, comprensión y producción de vocabulario de 754 niños y niñas de entre 8 y 24 meses obtenidos con el CDI-1v (adaptación vasca del cuestionario parental CDI-1) confirman la relación existente entre el lenguaje temprano no-verbal y el verbal. Además del efecto de la edad, en todas las escalas, se aprecian algunas diferencias de género en el inventario de Gestos y acciones y en el tamaño del vocabulario (receptivo). Coincidiendo con estudios que muestran diferencias de género entre 8 y 18 meses, a favor de las niñas, en las escalas CDI-1 en otras lenguas, los datos obtenidos con el CDI-1v en una franja de edad más amplia (8-24 meses) evidencian diferencias, que varían en función de las escalas, no solo en grado (mayores en Gestos que en vocabulario), sino que también en direccionalidad (favorables a las niñas en algunos Gestos y acciones, pero a los niños en otros)

    Gradient-Boosting Applied for Proactive Maintenance System in a Railway Bridge

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    This article contributes in the research direction of the application of Machine Learning techniques in bridge safety assessment and it lays basis to further improve the accuracy of safety assessment including analysis of real data. The communication puts forward the process and model of scale measured points correlation of bridge monitoring system on the frequency domain as a tactic to control the influence of a railway device (crossing) located on the top deck of a railway bridge. The process and model are put forward mainly for the characteristics of the damage detection for long-term assessment, going from an intensive multi-sensor monitoring system to a softer one. Finally, a Gradient-Boosting multi-regressor method has been developed to be easily implemented in a warning system that provides predictive skills to the current preventive maintenance strategy. The method is validated by simulating the undamaged and abnormal scenarios with Monte Carlo method.The work presented here has received funding from Horizon 2020, the EU’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, under grant agreement number 690660 (Project: RAGTIME), and also under grant agreement number 769373 (Project: FORESEE)