1,222 research outputs found

    Modelación Física de un Invernadero para el Desarrollo de un Sistema de Control Climático

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    The physical model of a greenhouse is a very important tool for the development of a climate control system. This work presents the analysis and simulation of a model proposed by A. Slim (1993) for a greenhouse. The climate model is formulated with the help of energy balance processes such as conduction, convection, radiation, and vaporization. The analysis of this model allows us to explain the complex interactions of internal climatic variables and how they are influenced by the outside weather. Also, the elements of instrumentation and control necessary for calibration and validation of these models are presented.El modelo físico del clima de un invernadero es una herramienta de suma importancia para el desarrollo de un sistema de control climático en invernaderos. Este trabajo presenta el análisis y simulación del modelo climático de un invernadero propuesto por A. Slim (1993). El modelo está formulado con base en los procesos de transferencia de energía, tales como: conducción, convección, radiación y vaporización. El análisis de este modelo nos permite explicar las complejas interacciones entre las variables climáticas internas, y cómo éstas son influidas por el clima exterior; de tal forma que la información obtenida pueda ser introducida al sistema de control. Así mismo, se presentan los elementos de instrumentación y control necesarios para la calibración y validación del modelo

    Aplicación del código COBAYA3 al análisis multiescala con acoplamiento neutrónico-termohidráulico en reactores PWR

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    El desarrollo de la tecnología Nuclear ha permitido una visión cada vez más realista de los fenómenos que se producen en un reactor nuclear, y concretamente en los aspectos neutrónicos y termohidráulicos. Para ello es necesario, por un lado, el aumento del refinamiento de las mallas de cálculo utilizadas, que hasta el momento implicaban la homogeneización de grandes regiones del núcleo del reactor y, por otro, la resolución de forma acoplada de las ecuaciones correspondiente

    Descomposición espacial en subdominios para reactores de agua ligera a la escala de la barra de combustible

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar las capacidades que se han desarrollado en el código COBAYA3 en los últimos años. Dichas capacidades incluyen la implementación del acoplamiento multiescala neutrónico-termohidráulico (Jiménez et al., 2007), el desarrollo de la descomposición espacial en subdominios mediante disecciones alternadas y su integración dentro del proyecto Europeo NURESIM (Cacuci et al., 2006)

    Development and Performance of the ANDES/COBRA-III Coupled System in Hexagonal-Z Geometry

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    In this paper, the extension of the nodal diffusion code ANDES, based on the ACMFD method, to hexagonal geometry is presented, as well as its coupling with the thermal-hydraulic (TH) code COBRA-IIIc/MIT-2 for such hexagonal problems. In extending the ACMFD method to hexagonal assemblies, triangular-Z nodes are used, taking advantage of the mesh refinement capabilities implicit within that geometry. The existing TH coupling for Cartesian geometry applications has also been extended to hexagonal problems, with the capability to model the core using either assembly wise channels (hexagonal mesh) or a higher refinement with six channels per fuel assembly (triangular mesh). Achieving this level of TH mesh refinement with COBRA-IIIc code provides a better estimation of the in-core 3D flow distribution. Therefore, the work presented here introduces an improvement in the TH VVER core modelling, where in the best case scenario, just twenty axial layers and one channel per fuel assembly were used. As a result, the neutronic and thermal-hydraulics (N-TH) coupled code, ANDES/COBRA-IIIc, extensively verified in Cartesian geometry cores analysis, can also be applied to full threedimensional VVER core problems. Some verification results are provided, corresponding to 2nd exercises (HZP and HP steady states) of the OECD/NEA- VVER-1000 Coolant Transient benchmark and to the HZP and HFP steady states of the V1000CT2-EXT2 NURESIM benchmark

    Adiciones y revisiones al Atlas de flora vascular silvestre de Burgos, X

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    Se mencionan 61 táxones con citas y/o comentarios referidos a su existencia en la provincia de Burgos. De ellos, 3 suponen una novedad para el catálogo provincial61 taxa with either quotations or remarks, related to their existence within the province of Burgos, are mentioned. 3 out of these aforementioned ones mean a valuable novelty for the provincial catalogue

    Modeling and Simulation of Temperature and Relative Humidity Inside a Growth Chamber

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    Modeling and simulation of internal variables such as temperature and relative humidity are relevant for designing future climate control systems. In this paper, a mathematical model is proposed to predict the internal variables temperature and relative humidity (RH) of a growth chamber (GCH). Both variables are incorporated in a set of first-order differential equations, considering an energy-mass balance. The results of the model are compared and assessed in terms of the coefficients of determination (R2) and the root mean squared error (RMSE). The R2 and RMSE computed were R2 = 0.96, R2 = 0.94, RMSE = 0.98 C, and RMSE = 1.08 C, respectively, for the temperature during two consecutive weeks; and R2 = 0.83, R2 = 0.81, RMSE = 5.45%RH, and RMSE = 5.48%RH, respectively, for the relative humidity during the same period. Thanks to the passive systems used to control internal conditions, the growth chamber gives average differences between inside and outside of +0.34 C for temperature, and +15.7%RH for humidity without any climate control system. Operating, the GCH proposed in this paper produces 3.5 kg of wet hydroponic green forage (HGF) for each kilogram of seed (corn or barley) harvested on average

    Adiciones y revisiones al Atlas de la flora vascular silvestre de Burgos

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    Se mencionan 31 táxones con citas y/o comentarios referidos a su existencia en la provincia de Burgos. De ellos 8 suponen una novedad para el catálogo provincial.Additions and revisions for the “Atlas de la flora vascular silvestre de Burgos”, IX. 31 Taxa with either quotations or remarks, related to their existence within the province of Burgos, are mentioned. 8 out of these aforementioned ones mean a novelty value for the provincial catalogue

    The Impact of the Implementation of Brain-Based Learning Strategies to Enhance Intensive Basic English Students' Group 4 Oral Production at the Western Multidisciplinary Campus of the University of El Salvador, Semester I, 2020

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    The present Holistic Projective Research is focused on “The impact of the Implementation of Brain-Based Learning Strategies to enhance Intensive Basic English Students’ Group 4 Oral Production at the Western Multidisciplinary Campus of the University of El Salvador, Semester 1, 2020”. Altogether, researchers’ main purpose on this study is to accomplish the general objective which is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the “Brain-based learning Strategies” to help teachers better students’ oral production during semester I, 2020 at the Western Multidisciplinary Campus of the University of El Salvador