7,373 research outputs found

    CrĂłnica del III Congreso de la AsociaciĂłn de Autores de Teatro

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    Danza de los veraneantes

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    Crisis personal y crisis colectiva en el origen de los procesos de creaciĂłn

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    Do Gender, Discipline, and Mental Rotation Influence Orientation on “You-Are-Here” Maps

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    A common challenge people encounter in unfamiliar cities is finding their way using static maps. In the present study, we analyzed the relationship of a person’s mental rotation ability, college educational specialization (e.g., Architecture, Fine Arts, Psychology, and Business Studies), and sex with personal orientation when using “you-are-here” maps. We recruited a sample of 547 individuals, undergraduates who were tasked with orientation maps placed in different positions (e.g., 0º, 90º, and 180º). All three variables were related to the number of correct responses in orientation using these “you-arehere” maps. Participants with high mental rotation ability obtained significant higher correct orientations than those with low ability. Men obtained more correct orientations responses than women, and Architecture, Fine Arts, and Psychology undergraduates had more correct responses than Business Studies undergraduatesS

    Modelization and validation of acute toxicity on aquatic fauna applying classification and regression methods

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    L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte es el d’aplicar diferents mètodes de classificació i de regressió per a poder predir, en un futur, la toxicitat d’una substància química sobre una espècie de peix, Pimephales promelas, a partir de la seva estructura química. La finalitat és poder evitar la mort i el patiment d’aquests animals utilitzats per a les avaluacions toxicològiques Per això, s’ha obtingut una base de dades de 908 molècules amb la seva toxicitat sobre el peix d’estudi i, a través de l’empresa KODE Chemoinformatics s’han obtingut aproximadament 4000 indicadors moleculars per a cada substància els quals s’han reduït a 2500 a través d’un filtratge. Un cop obtinguda la base de dades i amb ajuda del programa Python, s’ha obtingut diferents combinacions de variables que s’han testat amb mètodes de Machine Learning de regressió y classificació aconseguint un error mitjà absolut normalitzat d’un 7,3% com a mínim a partir dels mètodes de regressió aplicats i amb els de classificació una precisió del 60%. Tot i l’obtenció d’uns resultats acceptables per regressió, no són prou fiables per a substituir el mètode tradicional d’avaluació de la toxicitat d’un químic ja que un error de càlcul podria esdevenir en resultats fatals

    Medida de la aptitud para rotar imágenes mentales

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    The aim of this study was to design an innovative test to measure the ability to rotate mental images. An unfolded cube was designed, which participants had to reassemble mentally, prior to mentally rotating the image, and answering 23 questions concerning the cube. The Measure of the Ability to Rotate Mental Images (MARMI) test was administered to 354 participants. Cronbach alpha was .90, and high correlations between this test and other image rotation and spatial image tests were found. However, poor correlations were observed between test scores and the responses to the visual imagery vividness questionnaire. Both test reliability and validity underscore that it is a good instrument for measuring the ability to rotate mental imagesEl objetivo del presente trabajo era construir un nuevo test que midiese la capacidad de rotar imágenes mentales. Para ello, se construyó un cubo descompuesto que los participantes debían componer mentalmente, y después rotar, también mentalmente, y contestar a 23 preguntas referidas al cubo. Se aplicó el test, Medida de la Aptitud para Rotar Imágenes Mentales (MARMI), a un grupo de 354 participantes. Se encontró un alfa de Cronbach de .90, y altas correlaciones del test con otros tests de rotación de imágenes y de imágenes espaciales. Sin embargo, se han encontrado bajas correlaciones entre las puntuaciones del test y las respuestas a cuestionarios de viveza de imagen visual. Tanto la fiabilidad como la validez del test lo convierten en un buen instrumento para la medida de la capacidad de las personas para rotar imágenes mentalesS

    Wellbeing of female employees: What workplaces attract women?

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    Purpose: Previous research has highlighted that employee wellbeing in the workplace is closely linked to equity, achievement, and interactions. However, gender inequality in employment opportunities, work-life imbalance, the gender pay gap, and the existence of the glass ceiling are workplace realities and generate failures that can reduce women’s happiness and wellbeing. Based on the theories of organisational justice, affective events, and transactional stress, this research attempts to identify the initiatives or actions that can act as true levers to promote equality and to contribute to the creation of inclusive and enchanting workplaces for female employees. Design: This study was carried out using the Delphi method. The panel consisted of a group of Spanish experts from the academic and professional fields who had close relationships with the topic of research. Findings: Parity objectives and flexibility measures are actions that can be effective in achieving gender equality in companies. Factors related to equitable, fair, and non-discriminatory treatment are the main determinants of female wellbeing in the workplace. The quality of female employment and having leaders capable of creating inclusive environments increases the attractiveness of organisations for women. Originality/value: This research yields interesting findings on the responsibility and role of companies in fulfilling the demands of female employees and in making women fall in love with the workplace. It may be especially relevant in the COVID-19 scenarioPeer Reviewe

    Development and implementation of a mobile AR-Based assistance system on the Android-platform for the SmartFactory kl

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    Campos GarcĂ­a, R. (2011). Development and implementation of a mobile AR-Based assistance system on the Android-platform for the SmartFactory kl. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/11632.Archivo delegad
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