405 research outputs found

    Paisaje arquitecturado y arquitectura en el paisaje: la fortificación del territorio en época moderna en el Baixo Miño

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    [ES] Este texto es el resultado de los trabajos arqueológicos desarrollados por un equipo del Laboratorio de Arqueología del Paisaje del Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento (CSIC-Xunta) y del Laboratorio de Patrimonio, Paleoambiente y Paisaje (IIT, USC), en el marco de la redacción del Plan Director de las Fortalezas Transfronterizas del Tramo Bajo del Río Miño, adjudicado por la Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Cultural de la Xunta de Galicia a la empresa Inzamac Asistencias Técnicas S.A. Estos trabajos consistían en la realización de un estudio arqueológico previo a la redacción del plan director de todas las fortificaciones emplazadas en la margen gallega del río Miño, donde éste hace frontera con Portugal, así como de los Bienes Patrimoniales que pudieran estar relacionados con las infraestructuras de dichas fortalezas. De dicho estudio derivarían unas propuestas de actuación. El estudio, realizado desde los planteamientos de la Arqueología del Paisaje y la Arqueología de la Arquitectura, ha permitido comprender la formación del territorio fortificado en el Baixo Miño en época moderna, que se articulaba en base a sistema defensivos, tanto para puntos concretos del Miño como para la totalidad de esta área.[EN] This text is the result of the archaeological work carried out by a team from the Laboratory of Landscape Archaeology from the Padre Sarmiento Galician Studies Institute (CSIC-Xunta) and the Heritage, Paleoenvironment and Landscape Laboratory (IIT, USC), as part of drafting the Master Plan Fortalezas Transfronterizas del Tramo Bajo del Río Miño, awarded by the Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Cultural of the Xunta de Galicia to the company Inzamac Technical Assistance S.A. This work consisted of conducting an archaeological survey prior to the writing of this master plan of all the fortifications located on the Galician margin of the Miño river, where it borders with Portugal, as well as the assets that may be related to infrastructure of these strengths. In this study derive some proposals for action. The study, from the approach of landscape archeology and the archeology of architecture, has elucidated the formation of the territory in the Baixo Miño fortified in modern times, which is articulated on the basis of defensive system, both for specific points of Miño as for the whole of this area

    Electron-beam modification of silica for integrated optics

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    Germanium-doped silica deposited by flame-hydrolysis deposition (FHD) is one of the materials most widely used for the fabrication of passive optical circuits for the telecommunication and bio-sensors industries. The development of novel fabrication techniques that reduce the number of processing steps while producing high-quality waveguides with tailored characteristics is desired. Electron-beam irradiation of silica increases the refractive index of the material, producing directly buried waveguides and leaving a flat wafer surface that allows easy integration with further processing steps. The aim of this thesis is to characterise the physical processes involved in electron-beam irradiation of germanium doped FHD silica and the influence of the different material and irradiation parameters on the change of optical properties. The use of electron-beam irradiation is a convenient way of fabricating different kinds of communication and bio-sensing devices. To that aim, the germanium-doped flame-hydrolysis silica employed was first characterized. A non-uniformity of the optical properties as a function of depth, was observed. In order to elucidate the origin of the graded-optical properties, compositional, structural and density analyses were carried out on the material. Once the properties of the initial material were known, the effects of electron-beam irradiation were studied. The electron-beam transfers energy to the material non-uniformly, which undergoes a structural rearrangement, which leads to change in the relative density and therefore, variation in the refractive index. The structural, density and refractive index changes were independently characterized and confirmed from theoretical calculations. Thermal annealing experiments were carried out in order to study the stability of the changes induced in the material and further information concerning the physical processes involved was found. Several waveguide devices were fabricated, exhibiting low-losses, thus confirming the suitability of the technique. Finally, the results obtained for electron-beam irradiation were compared with 2 MeV argon ion irradiation, finding that a common structural modification leading to the refractive index change mechanism must be present in both cases

    High index contrast passive potassium double tungstate waveguides

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    High-refractive-index-contrast potassium double tungstate waveguides have been experimentally demonstrated. A bulk KY(WO4)2 layer was successfully bonded onto a lower refractive index carrier using a UV curable optical adhesive and polished down to the thickness of 2.4 μm. A set of rib waveguides with ~2 μm width and 0.85 μm slab thickness were fabricated on the thin transferred KY(WO4)2 layer by focused-ion-beam milling. The upper-limit of the propagation losses of the fabricated waveguides is estimated to be 1.5 dB/cm at the wavelength of 1.55 μm using the Fabry-Perot method

    1000 dB/cm gain in Yb<sup>3+</sup>-doped double tungstates

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    La intervención escolar en los trastornos del espectro autista

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    [Resumen] La integración social y escolar de los niños con trastorno del espectro autista es un hecho consumado desde los últimos años. Sin embargo, su práctica debe considerar una serie de adaptaciones y ajustes. Las limita- ciones que manifiestan estos niños son muy variadas y heterogéneas, lo que en la práctica escolar debe traducirse por una actuación educativa que de respuesta a sus necesidades y habilidades. El objetivo del presente artícu- lo es revisar algunas cuestiones centrales para la intervención psicoeducativa de los niños con trastorno de espectro autista, las modalidades de escolarización y las adapta- ciones tanto curriculares como sociales. Se proponen algunas mejoras para la puesta en marcha efectiva de las diferentes medidas educativas a adoptar.[Abstract] The social and school integration of chil- dren with autistic spectrum disorders is a fait accompli in recent years. However, its practi- ce must consider a series of adaptations and adjustments. These children show a variety of heterogeneous limitations, what in the school practice must be translated into an educative performance that responds to their needs and abilities. The goal of this article is to revise some vital questions for the psychoeducative intervention in children with autistic spectrum disorders, for the different schooling systems and for the curricular or social adaptations. Improvements are proposed in order to carry out an effective launch of the different educa- tive measures that must be taken

    Study of sharp bends in anisotropic potassium double tungstate waveguides

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    Rare earth ion doped potassium double tungstate gain materials have recently shown a great promise for the development of waveguide amplifiers and lasers exhibiting excellent performance. To enable the use of this material in larger nanophotonic platforms, sharp bends are required. In this work we study the effect of the anisotropy of potassium double tungstates on the bend losses of high contrast waveguides using three different simulation methods. It is concluded that the existence of this anisotropy has not detrimental effect on the bend losses, therefore opening the door to the utilization of this material for integrated nanophotonics

    Highly efficient channel waveguide lasers at 1 µm and 2 µm in refractive-index-engineered potassium double tungstates

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    Epitaxial growth of rare-earth-ion-activated KY(1-x-y)Gd(x)Lu(y)(WO4)2 co-doped thin layers onto KY(WO4)2 substrates has enabled lattice-matched waveguides with high refractive-index contract and large variation of the active rare-earth-ion concentration. In Yb3+-activated micro-structured channel waveguides, we demonstrated lasers with 418 mW of continuous-wave output power at 1023 nm and a slope efficiency of 71% versus launched pump power at 981 nm. Channel waveguide lasers operating on the 981-nm zero-phonon line were demonstrated under pumping at 934 nm with an output power of 650 mW and a slope efficiency of 76% versus absorbed pump power. Lasing with a record-low quantum defect of 0.7% was achieved. In a feasibility study, a device comprising a tapered active channel waveguide and a passive planar pump waveguide, fabricated by multi-layer growth of lattice-matched layers, was demonstrated as a laser by diode-side pumping with a high-power, multi-mode diode bar. This approach offers the potential for significantly increased output powers from channel waveguide lasers. Tm3+-activated channel waveguide lasers demonstrated a maximum output power of 300 mW and slope efficiency of 70%, when pumping near 800 nm. Lasing was obtained at various wavelengths between 1810 nm and 2037 nm. These lasers were operated with resonators exploiting either butt-coupled mirrors, providing only a non-permanent solution, or based on Fresnel reflection at the waveguide end-facets, resulting in laser emission from both waveguide ends and without control of the laser wavelength. Currently we are inscribing Bragg gratings into the top cladding to provide a stable resonator configuration that allows for effective wavelength selection