11,638 research outputs found

    La intelección según Leonardo Polo

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    Se estudia en este trabajo la intelección en Polo, en los tres niveles que él distingue: el ser intelectual, la esencia intelectual y la operación intelectual. En los tres se descubre la dualidad de método y tema que impide la plena unidad de la perfecta intelección de sí.This work studies Intellection in Polo, in which he distinguishes three levels: the intellectual being, intellectual essence and intellectual operation. In all three the duality of subject and method, that prevents the full unity of perfect self-intellection, is discovered

    Leonardo Polo: la persona humana como ser libre.

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    Si actiones sunt suppositorum, en cambio no todos los actos del hombre son humanos. La transformación de la sustancia en subjetividad se justifica como intento de comprensión de lo estrictamente humano. Polo apunta cómo entender la libertad para descubrir en ella la existencia personalAlthough actiones sunt suppositorum, not all the man's acts are human. The transformation of the substance in subjectivity is justified for understanding of the strictly human. Leonardo Polo points how to understand the freedom to discover in her the personal existence

    Between Husserl and Heidegger: The articulation of time or the configuration of space; the appropriation of time and the facticity of experience

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    Pretendemos dar una visión de conjunto de la obra husserliana, que explique la evolución posterior a Ideas. Desde ella es hacedera una comparación con Heidegger, en particular en orden a precisar el carácter incorporado de la inteligencia humana. Estaremos en condiciones entonces de considerar la propuesta de Leonardo Polo sobre el estatuto del cuerpo humano latente bajo la intelección.We intend to give an overview of the Husserlian work, which explains the subsequent evolution to Ideas. From it a comparison with Heidegger is made, particularly in order to specify the built-in character of human intelligence. We will then be able to consider Leonardo Polo’s proposal on the status of the human body latent under intellection

    Conocimiento y libertad en el plano operativo y en el plano existencial

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    Polo ha propuesto que conocimiento y libertad son trascendentales del ser personal. Se esbozan en este trabajo algunas líneas de investigación para verificar esa propuesta, es decir, para elevar conocimiento y libertad desde el plano operativo al existencPolo has proposed that knowledge and freedom are trascendentals of personal being. Outlined in this paper a few lines of inquiry to verify that proposal, namely to raise knowledge and freedom from operations to existential level. (a

    Alfredo Baeschlin y la arquitectura popular vanguardista, Ibiza 1933-1934

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    El artículo pretende reflexionar sobre la casuística profesional y personal de Alfredo Baeschlin como paradigma de una época intrincada en el modo de entender la vida, las relaciones sociales y la profesión vinculada a la arquitectura como vía de aproximación entre la arquitectura tradicional y las corrientes arquitectónicas más vanguardistas. Para ello, se propone un análisis sobre lo que sucedió en Ibiza, isla conocida por sus flirteos con la modernidad, y escuela experimental, vital, emocional, idílica y utópica para intelectuales que buscaron un trance temporal que reordenara o aireara sus percepciones mediante una profunda inmersión en un mundo luminoso, espacioso y ancestral donde sólo algunos viajeros pudieron encontrar la inspiración rodeados del incomparable paisaje mediterráneo. El viaje y la experiencia cargaron de razones un mito al que muchos arquitectos recurrieron para investigar con el fin de comprender el presente y el futuro de una arquitectura popular vanguardista. El enfoque perceptivo, la imagen y el valor cultural fueron los encargados de reflexionar el ámbito arquitectónico de la época. (A

    Beyond the intangible/tangible binary: an analysis of historic built environments in Valencia

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    This paper is a theoretical reflection aiming to understand how specific assets of intangible heritage are affected by contemporary discourse. This approach focuses on understanding the protection, preservation and reenactment of the intangible heritage found in Spanish rural landscapes. By an analysis of the global, national and regional laws, the paper addresses the need to approach the intangible, understanding the peculiarities of places that shape the scenery. The places and ‘Assets of Cultural Interest’ analysed in this paper are defined as geographic areas associated with a historic event, activity, or people, which exhibit cultural and aesthetic values. Following this definition, these landscapes are experiential cultural spaces, involving a complex set of elements, fixed, semi-fixed and unfixed. The way in which these traditions are viewed and experienced by locals and foreigners plays a central role in many intangible heritage studies, as does the way in which it reflects integrity, authenticity, attachment and a sense of identity, and how it anchors collective memory. It is the intention of this paper to emphasise the need to transfer the phenomenon of intangible heritage from the realm of a lived experience to the world of living places. In doing so some questions arise: Is the intangible cultural heritage contained in rural landscapes authentic? Is it simply the materiality, the past act or the past cultural process, or is it the way the intangible cultural heritage has been managed until today? Are we applying critical considerations to inner and outer perceptions, appropriations and transmigrations when managing cultural heritage

    Epistemological paradigms in the perception and assessment of vernacular architecture

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    The current situation of vernacular architecture is a result of the different perspectives of agents who have some sort of direct or indirect relationship with the architecture of the past which has influenced attitudes and ways of thinking, thus guaranteeing its assessment and survival. Therefore, this article reviews recent currents of thought and theories encapsulating the increased value of vernacular architecture. In the eighteenth century, this architecture made the romantic ideals of rural society synonymous with its surroundings, territory and country. In the twentieth century, a select few modernist intellectuals carried out in-depth studies of this architectural type in relation to its formal values. Now, in the twenty-first century, it has become the object of technological and scientific analysis for many experts. The current situation still presents many unresolved problems, which are perhaps the result of little thought having been put into specific aspects of the process of vernacular architecture

    Are World Heritage concepts of integrity and authenticity lacking in dynamism? A critical approach to Mediterranean autotopic landscapes

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    This paper examines how contemporary on-going and lively debate on Critical Heritage Studies merges with previous discourses on World Heritage Cultural Landscapes and rural societies. The scholarly approach to authenticity and integrity, and the critical point of static and dynamic approaches to these terms allow the author to challenge previous World Heritage (WH) discourses with a view to obtaining innovative insight into abandoned vernacular landscapes. Two main arguments are thus developed in this study. The first of these is an overview of the dynamics of abandoned cultural landscapes on an international scale. The second is an inside view aiming to provide an accurate interpretation of how these landscapes should be scrutinised and understood. To do this, autotopias and heterotopias broach the fundamental issue of how the Outstanding Universal Value of attributes in abandoned cultural landscapes needs to be understood, enhanced, experienced, and managed in an innovative WH approach. In conclusion, complex proposals for these heritage landscapes should rely on understanding the dynamics of the material and the social construct of the habitats they contain in order to assess them effectively from the standpoint of a World Heritage Cultural process Assemblage rather than that of Outstanding Material Stratification