111 research outputs found

    The urban rabies in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina: origin-evolution-present times

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    La rabia es una enfermedad infecciosa, zoonótica, caracterizada por alteraciones del sistema nervioso, producida por el virus de la rabia, perteneciente al Género Lyssavirus de la Familia Rhabdoviridae. Es habitualmente transmitida por la mordedura de un animal rabioso que elimina el virus por la saliva. La rabia urbana es la que ocurre en las ciudades, siendo el perro el transmisor y afectado más importante, seguido por el gato y el hombre. El presente trabajo presenta un enfoque global sobre la rabia urbana, enfermedad de los animales y el hombre, en el territorio de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, hasta el año 2001. Esta provincia presentó el mayor foco de rabia urbana que registró el país desde su aparición en 1806 a consecuencia de las actividades de la 1º invasión inglesa, hasta su erradicación en el año 1984. Durante 1976, el territorio provincial registró 4.759 casos de rabia animal y trece decesos humanos. Se efectúa un encuadre de las situaciones geográficas y políticas de las épocas en que se produjeron acontecimientos importantes y del estado de los conocimientos científicos sobre la enfermedad en esos momentos, que condicionaron y caracterizaron la presentación, manejo y control de esta enfermedad en la provincia.Rabies is an infectious and zoonotic disease characterized by alterations of the nervous system, produced by the rabies virus, which belongs to the genus Lyssavirus of the Rhabdoviridae family. The disease is habitually transmitted by the bite of an infected animal, which eliminates the virus in its saliva. Urban rabies is the one that occurs in the cities, being the dog the most important affected and transmitter of the disease, followed by cat and man. The present work shows a global focus on rabies, animal and man affecting disease, in the territory of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. This province presented the biggest focus of urban rabies ever registered in the Argentinian Republic from the moment of the first appearance of the disease, consigned in 1806 and due to the activities of the 1 English Invasion, to the moment of the eradication of the disease in 1984. The subsequent panorama, until 2001 is also following presented. During 1976, the province´s territory registered 4759 cases of animal rabies and 13 human deaths. An alignment of the geographical and political situations of the periods during which important events happened is made. Besides, the state of the scientific knowledge about the disease during these periods, which conditioned and characterized the presentation, handling and control of this disease in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, is also analyzed.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    The urban rabies in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina: origin-evolution-present times

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    La rabia es una enfermedad infecciosa, zoonótica, caracterizada por alteraciones del sistema nervioso, producida por el virus de la rabia, perteneciente al Género Lyssavirus de la Familia Rhabdoviridae. Es habitualmente transmitida por la mordedura de un animal rabioso que elimina el virus por la saliva. La rabia urbana es la que ocurre en las ciudades, siendo el perro el transmisor y afectado más importante, seguido por el gato y el hombre. El presente trabajo presenta un enfoque global sobre la rabia urbana, enfermedad de los animales y el hombre, en el territorio de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, hasta el año 2001. Esta provincia presentó el mayor foco de rabia urbana que registró el país desde su aparición en 1806 a consecuencia de las actividades de la 1º invasión inglesa, hasta su erradicación en el año 1984. Durante 1976, el territorio provincial registró 4.759 casos de rabia animal y trece decesos humanos. Se efectúa un encuadre de las situaciones geográficas y políticas de las épocas en que se produjeron acontecimientos importantes y del estado de los conocimientos científicos sobre la enfermedad en esos momentos, que condicionaron y caracterizaron la presentación, manejo y control de esta enfermedad en la provincia.Rabies is an infectious and zoonotic disease characterized by alterations of the nervous system, produced by the rabies virus, which belongs to the genus Lyssavirus of the Rhabdoviridae family. The disease is habitually transmitted by the bite of an infected animal, which eliminates the virus in its saliva. Urban rabies is the one that occurs in the cities, being the dog the most important affected and transmitter of the disease, followed by cat and man. The present work shows a global focus on rabies, animal and man affecting disease, in the territory of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. This province presented the biggest focus of urban rabies ever registered in the Argentinian Republic from the moment of the first appearance of the disease, consigned in 1806 and due to the activities of the 1 English Invasion, to the moment of the eradication of the disease in 1984. The subsequent panorama, until 2001 is also following presented. During 1976, the province´s territory registered 4759 cases of animal rabies and 13 human deaths. An alignment of the geographical and political situations of the periods during which important events happened is made. Besides, the state of the scientific knowledge about the disease during these periods, which conditioned and characterized the presentation, handling and control of this disease in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, is also analyzed.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    The urban rabies in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina: origin-evolution-present times

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    La rabia es una enfermedad infecciosa, zoonótica, caracterizada por alteraciones del sistema nervioso, producida por el virus de la rabia, perteneciente al Género Lyssavirus de la Familia Rhabdoviridae. Es habitualmente transmitida por la mordedura de un animal rabioso que elimina el virus por la saliva. La rabia urbana es la que ocurre en las ciudades, siendo el perro el transmisor y afectado más importante, seguido por el gato y el hombre. El presente trabajo presenta un enfoque global sobre la rabia urbana, enfermedad de los animales y el hombre, en el territorio de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, hasta el año 2001. Esta provincia presentó el mayor foco de rabia urbana que registró el país desde su aparición en 1806 a consecuencia de las actividades de la 1º invasión inglesa, hasta su erradicación en el año 1984. Durante 1976, el territorio provincial registró 4.759 casos de rabia animal y trece decesos humanos. Se efectúa un encuadre de las situaciones geográficas y políticas de las épocas en que se produjeron acontecimientos importantes y del estado de los conocimientos científicos sobre la enfermedad en esos momentos, que condicionaron y caracterizaron la presentación, manejo y control de esta enfermedad en la provincia.Rabies is an infectious and zoonotic disease characterized by alterations of the nervous system, produced by the rabies virus, which belongs to the genus Lyssavirus of the Rhabdoviridae family. The disease is habitually transmitted by the bite of an infected animal, which eliminates the virus in its saliva. Urban rabies is the one that occurs in the cities, being the dog the most important affected and transmitter of the disease, followed by cat and man. The present work shows a global focus on rabies, animal and man affecting disease, in the territory of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. This province presented the biggest focus of urban rabies ever registered in the Argentinian Republic from the moment of the first appearance of the disease, consigned in 1806 and due to the activities of the 1 English Invasion, to the moment of the eradication of the disease in 1984. The subsequent panorama, until 2001 is also following presented. During 1976, the province´s territory registered 4759 cases of animal rabies and 13 human deaths. An alignment of the geographical and political situations of the periods during which important events happened is made. Besides, the state of the scientific knowledge about the disease during these periods, which conditioned and characterized the presentation, handling and control of this disease in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, is also analyzed.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Reconocimiento de Números Manuscritos

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    En la actualidad, el reconocimiento de texto manuscrito sigue siendo una fuente de intensa investigación. Este paper presenta una herramienta de software perteneciente al área de Reconocimiento Inteligente de Caracteres (ICR – Intelligent Character Recognition) para el reconocimiento de números enteros manuscritos. En ella se integra un clasificador basado en redes neuronales feedforward y un conjunto de técnicas pertenecientes al área de procesamiento de imágenes digitales que realiza las adaptaciones adecuadas sobre la imagen de entrada. De esta forma, se ingresa un número entero manuscrito formado por varios dígitos y se obtiene como resultado el reconocimiento de cada uno de los elementos que lo componen. Los resultados de la aplicación de esta herramienta sobre una base de números del repositorio UCI han sido satisfactorios. Es importante destacar que, si bien los resultados expuestos en este artículo se refieren exclusivamente al reconocimiento de números manuscritos, esta herramienta puede ser aplicada al conjunto de caracteres completo. Finalmente se incluyen algunas conclusiones así como algunas líneas de trabajo futuras.At present, handwritten text recognition still represents a wide source of research. This paper presents a software tool which belongs to the area of ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition) for the recognition of handwritten integers. A classifier based on feedforward neural networks and a set of techniques belonging to digital image processing area are incorporated to this tool, which make the suitable adaptations over the input image. In this way, a handwritten integer made up by several digits is entered and, as a result, the recognition of each of its elements is obtained. The results of applying this tool over a UCI repository number base have been successful. It is important to notice that, even though the results presented in this paper exclusively refer to handwritten number recognition, this tool can be applied to the complete set of characters. Finally, some conclusions are presented together with some future lines of work.V Workshop de Computación Gráfica, Imágenes Y VisualizaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Reconocimiento de Números Manuscritos

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    En la actualidad, el reconocimiento de texto manuscrito sigue siendo una fuente de intensa investigación. Este paper presenta una herramienta de software perteneciente al área de Reconocimiento Inteligente de Caracteres (ICR – Intelligent Character Recognition) para el reconocimiento de números enteros manuscritos. En ella se integra un clasificador basado en redes neuronales feedforward y un conjunto de técnicas pertenecientes al área de procesamiento de imágenes digitales que realiza las adaptaciones adecuadas sobre la imagen de entrada. De esta forma, se ingresa un número entero manuscrito formado por varios dígitos y se obtiene como resultado el reconocimiento de cada uno de los elementos que lo componen. Los resultados de la aplicación de esta herramienta sobre una base de números del repositorio UCI han sido satisfactorios. Es importante destacar que, si bien los resultados expuestos en este artículo se refieren exclusivamente al reconocimiento de números manuscritos, esta herramienta puede ser aplicada al conjunto de caracteres completo. Finalmente se incluyen algunas conclusiones así como algunas líneas de trabajo futuras.At present, handwritten text recognition still represents a wide source of research. This paper presents a software tool which belongs to the area of ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition) for the recognition of handwritten integers. A classifier based on feedforward neural networks and a set of techniques belonging to digital image processing area are incorporated to this tool, which make the suitable adaptations over the input image. In this way, a handwritten integer made up by several digits is entered and, as a result, the recognition of each of its elements is obtained. The results of applying this tool over a UCI repository number base have been successful. It is important to notice that, even though the results presented in this paper exclusively refer to handwritten number recognition, this tool can be applied to the complete set of characters. Finally, some conclusions are presented together with some future lines of work.V Workshop de Computación Gráfica, Imágenes Y VisualizaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The impact of chorionicity on pregnancy outcome and neurodevelopment at 2 years old among twins born preterm: the EPIPAGE-2 cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE To compare the short‐ and mid‐term outcomes of preterm twins by chorionicity of pregnancy. DESIGN Prospective nationwide population‐based EPIPAGE‐2 cohort study. SETTING 546 maternity units in France, between March and December 2011. POPULATION A total of 1700 twin neonates born between 24 and 34 weeks of gestation. METHODS The association of chorionicity with outcomes was analysed using multivariate regression models. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES First, survival at 2‐year corrected age with or without neurosensory impairment, and second, perinatal, short‐, and mid‐term outcomes (survival at discharge, survival at discharge without severe morbidity) were described and compared by chorionicity. RESULTS In the EPIPAGE 2 cohort, 1700 preterm births were included (850 twin pregnancies). In all, 1220 (71.8%) were from dichorionic (DC) pregnancies and 480 from monochorionic (MC) pregnancies. MC pregnancies had three times more medical terminations than DC pregnancies (1.67 versus 0.51%, P < 0.001), whereas there were three times more stillbirths in MC than in DC pregnancies (10.09 versus 3.78%, P < 0.001). Both twins were alive at birth in 86.6% of DC pregnancies compared with 80.0% among MC pregnancies (P = 0.008). No significant difference according to chorionicity was found regarding neonatal deaths and morbidities. Likewise, for children born earlier than 32 weeks, the 2‐year follow‐up neurodevelopmental results were not significantly different between DC and MC twins. CONCLUSIONS This study confirms that MC pregnancies have a higher risk of adverse outcomes. However, the outcomes among preterm twins admitted to neonatal intensive care units are similar irrespective of chorionicity

    Proyecto de extensión universitaria: Manipulación de Alimentos, Educación y Seguridad Alimentaria (M.E.S.A) relevamiento bromatológico y control de alimentos en instituciones educativas y recreativas de la ciudad de La Plata

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    El objetivo de este Proyecto es el de formar Agentes Multiplicadores con criterio bromatológico que fomenten normas de control sanitario, aseguren la calidad e inocuidad de los alimentos que llegan al consumidor y apoyen la transformación, a través de Capacitación y Asistencia técnica, teniendo como punto de partida la Educación para la Salud y la Educación Ecológica.Mesa: Alimentos y Vacunas.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Outcomes of Patients with Asymptomatic Aortic Stenosis Followed Up in Heart Valve Clinics

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    Importance: The natural history and the management of patients with asymptomatic aortic stenosis (AS) have not been fully examined in the current era. Objective: To determine the clinical outcomes of patients with asymptomatic AS using data from the Heart Valve Clinic International Database. Design, Setting, and Participants: This registry was assembled by merging data from prospectively gathered institutional databases from 10 heart valve clinics in Europe, Canada, and the United States. Asymptomatic patients with an aortic valve area of 1.5 cm2 or less and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) greater than 50% at entry were considered for the present analysis. Data were collected from January 2001 to December 2014, and data were analyzed from January 2017 to July 2018. Main Outcomes and Measures: Natural history, need for aortic valve replacement (AVR), and survival of asymptomatic patients with moderate or severe AS at entry followed up in a heart valve clinic. Indications for AVR were based on current guideline recommendations. Results: Of the 1375 patients included in this analysis, 834 (60.7%) were male, and the mean (SD) age was 71 (13) years. A total of 861 patients (62.6%) had severe AS (aortic valve area less than 1.0 cm2). The mean (SD) overall survival during medical management (mean [SD] follow up, 27 [24] months) was 93% (1%), 86% (2%), and 75% (4%) at 2, 4, and 8 years, respectively. A total of 104 patients (7.6%) died under observation, including 57 patients (54.8%) from cardiovascular causes. The crude rate of sudden death was 0.65% over the duration of the study. A total of 542 patients (39.4%) underwent AVR, including 388 patients (71.6%) with severe AS at study entry and 154 (28.4%) with moderate AS at entry who progressed to severe AS. Those with severe AS at entry who underwent AVR did so at a mean (SD) of 14.4 (16.6) months and a median of 8.7 months. The mean (SD) 2-year and 4-year AVR-free survival rates for asymptomatic patients with severe AS at baseline were 54% (2%) and 32% (3%), respectively. In those undergoing AVR, the 30-day postprocedural mortality was 0.9%. In patients with severe AS at entry, peak aortic jet velocity (greater than 5 m/s) and LVEF (less than 60%) were associated with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality without AVR; these factors were also associated with postprocedural mortality in those patients with severe AS at baseline who underwent AVR (surgical AVR in 310 patients; transcatheter AVR in 78 patients). Conclusions and Relevance: In patients with asymptomatic AS followed up in heart valve centers, the risk of sudden death is low, and rates of overall survival are similar to those reported from previous series. Patients with severe AS at baseline and peak aortic jet velocity of 5.0 m/s or greater or LVEF less than 60% have increased risks of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality even after AVR. The potential benefit of early intervention should be considered in these high-risk patients

    Proyecto de extensión universitaria: Manipulación de Alimentos, Educación y Seguridad Alimentaria (M.E.S.A) relevamiento bromatológico y control de alimentos en instituciones educativas y recreativas de la ciudad de La Plata

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    El objetivo de este Proyecto es el de formar Agentes Multiplicadores con criterio bromatológico que fomenten normas de control sanitario, aseguren la calidad e inocuidad de los alimentos que llegan al consumidor y apoyen la transformación, a través de Capacitación y Asistencia técnica, teniendo como punto de partida la Educación para la Salud y la Educación Ecológica.Mesa: Alimentos y Vacunas.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria