353 research outputs found

    Opplever foreldre at barnehagen har makt, og hvordan kan barnehagen som maktutøver ha en påvirkning på foreldre som samarbeidspartnere?

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    I barnehagelovens formålsparagraf står det at barnehagen i samarbeid og forståelse med hjemmet skal ivareta barnas behov for omsorg og lek, og fremme læring og danning som grunnlag for allsidig utvikling (Barnehageloven, 2005, §1). Ifølge Thoresen (2017, s. 85-86) ligger det største ansvaret hos barnehagen når det gjelder å legge til rette for et godt samarbeid, men det betyr ikke at foreldre kan trekke seg unna å tenke at de er mindre viktig. Glaser (2018, s. 52) skriver i sin bok om foreldresamarbeid at maktaspektet er sterkt framtredende i relasjonen mellom foreldrene og barnehagen. Dette ble utgangspunktet for å velge makt i samarbeidet mellom barnehage og hjem som tema for studien. Jeg har ønsket å få mer innsikt i foreldrenes opplevelse av samarbeidet med barnehagen i et maktperspektiv, og undersøke hvordan makt kan ha påvirkning på samarbeidet. Siden studien bygger på foreldreperspektivet, har jeg bevisst valgt å bruke samarbeid mellom barnehage og hjem i stedet for foreldresamarbeid. Problemstillingen min ble: Opplever foreldre at barnehagen har makt, og hvordan kan barnehagen som maktutøver ha en påvirkning på foreldre som samarbeidspartnere? Jeg vil presisere at denne studien ikke representerer foreldre som en gruppe, da oppgaven handler om noen utvalgte foreldres synspunkter og erfaringer.publishedVersio

    Verdivurdering av SAS AB

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    Denne siviløkonomutredningen er skrevet med det formål å gjøre en verdivurdering av SAS AB. Del 1 inneholder en presentasjon av selskapet, herunder dets konsernstruktur og forretningsområder, posisjon i markedet samt eierskapsstruktur. I del 2 følger en omfattende strategisk analyse av både flybransjen generelt og SAS AB spesielt, som viser at SAS opererer under vanskelige rammevilkår både i markedet og internt i selskapet. Deretter følger en regnskapsanalyse av selskapet, men fokus på selskapets utvikling i avkastning på investert kapital og finansiell risiko. Denne analysen avdekker at selskapet lenge har hatt økonomiske problemer, og at deres finansielle risiko er høy. Til slutt gjøres en omfattende verdivurdering av selskapet, med hovedvekt på en discounted cash flow (DCF) analyse. Denne analysen kommer frem til en verdi per aksje på 63 SEK, noe som tyder på at aksjen er overvurdert, siden aksjen per i dag (30. juni 2006) handles til 76 SEK på den svenske børsen. DCF-analysen underbygges til slutt med multiplikator- og sensitivitetsanalyser

    Mercury inputs to Great Salt Lake, Utah: Reconnaissance-Phase results

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    In response to increasing public concern regarding mercury (Hg) cycling in Great Salt Lake (GSL) ecosystem, a series of studies were initiated to differentiate between the mass of Hg from riverine versus atmospheric sources to GSL. Cumulative riverine Hg load to GSL during a 1 year time period (April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008) was 6 kg, with almost 50% of the cumulative Hg load contributed by outflow from Farmington Bay. Comparison of cumulative annual atmospheric Hg deposition (32 kg) to annual riverine deposition (6 kg) indicates that atmospheric deposition is the dominant input source to GSL. A sediment core collected from the southern arm of GSL was used to reconstruct annual Hg deposition rates over the past ~ 100 years. Unlike most freshwater lakes, small changes in water level in GSL significantly changes the lake surface area available for direct deposition of atmospheric Hg. There is good agreement between lake elevation (and corresponding lake surface area) and Hg deposition rates estimated from the sediment core. Higher lake levels, combined with sediment focusing processes, result in an increase in Hg accumulation rates observed in the sediment core. These same combination of processes are responsible for the lower Hg accumulation rates observed in the sediment core during historic low stands of GSL

    The United States as a World Power.

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    Fire safety of ventilation systems and fire incidence reports in Norwegian schools

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    School fires are causes of concern in many countries. Although most of these fires are minor in terms of heat release rate, the amount of smoke produced can be substantial and cause significant damage beyond the room of origin. Currently, Norwegian schools have a wide spread of different ventilation strategies and systems, and building owners struggle with how to test, maintain and keep them fire safe. A systematic survey of fire incidences and ventilation strategies in schools for three municipalities in Norway was done to gain better insights into fire safety in schools. The results indicated that the place of origin is often in locker rooms/toilets, kitchen, or outdoors, and the fires were usually deliberately set. For non-arson fires, electrical failure was the most common cause. The majority of the fire incidences were small but would often result in smoke damage and spread of soot in the building, leading to high restoration costs for the local municipality. A lack of documentation of the fire safety and the function of the ventilation system was also identified, indicating a need for improved routines and systems for registering fire incidences and documentation of the technical systems.publishedVersio

    Har det norske aksjemarkedet reagert annerledes enn det svenske, danske og tyske på krigen i Ukraina – og eventuelt hvordan?

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    Denne analysen undersøker hvordan den russiske invasjonen av Ukraina i 2022 har påvirket det norske aksjemarkedet, relativt til aksjemarkedene i Sverige, Danmark, Tyskland og globalt. Vi analyserer data i perioden 2018-2023 og søker å kartlegge både kortsiktige og langsiktige reaksjoner på invasjonen i Ukraina. Vi gjennomfører en hendelsesstudie og en langsiktig analyse av avkastning og risiko, samt sammenligninger i både lokale valutaer og amerikanske dollar. Hendelsesstudien viser en umiddelbar signifikant positiv reaksjon for den norske og danske børsen, signifikant negativ reaksjon på den tyske børsen og liten reaksjon på den svenske. Analysen av langsiktig avkastning viser en nedgang for alle markedene, men ingen signifikante forskjeller. Analysen av langsiktig risiko viser at børsene hadde svært like standardavvik, det norske aksjemarkedet utmerket seg med minst økning i standardavvik etter invasjonen. Videre viser analysen av verdensmarkedsbetaene at alle indeksene, unntatt OMX Copenhagen, hadde tilsvarende forhold til verdensmarkedet før invasjonen, men med større spredning etter. Oslo Børs skiller seg også ut med utvalgets laveste systematisk risiko og høyest andel landsspesifikk usystematiske risiko etter invasjonen.This analysis examines how the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has affected the Norwegian stock market, relative to the Swedish, Danish, German, and global stock markets. We analyze data from the period 2018-2023 and seek to map both long- and short-term reactions for the invasion of Ukraine. We conduct an event study and a long-term analysis of returns and risk, as well as comparisons in both local currencies and U.S dollars. The event study shows an immediate significant positive reaction for the Norwegian and Danish stock exchange, significant negative reaction for the German stock exchange and just minor reaction on the Swedish stock exchange. The analysis of long-term returns shows a decline for all markets, but no significant differences. The analysis of long-term risk shows that the stock markets had quite similar standard deviations and the Norwegian stock market stood out with the least increase after the invasion. The analysis of the global market betas shows that all indices, except OMX Copenhagen, had similar relations to the world marked prior to the invasion but with greater dispersion after. Oslo Børs also stands out with the lowest systematic risk and highest share country-specific unsystematic risk after the invasion

    Functional testing of ventilation systems in schools during activated fire alarm. Coherence with the fire safety strategy

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    The purpose of this paper is to present results from functional testing of ventilation systems in schools during activated fire alarm. It was investigated whether the results had coherence with the ventilation strategy in the fire safety concept and the function description for the ventilation system. Functional testing was performed at several schools in three different municipalities in Norway. Results from the preliminary mapping showed that some of the personnel responsible for maintenance of the ventilation systems lacked knowledge about the system's function during fire. Older schools often don't have a fire safety strategy at all, whereas newer schools and renovated schools normally have well documented fire safety strategies, including the ventilation system's function during fire. However, there is little or no information in the building's MOM-documentation (management, operation and maintenance) about how functional testing must be performed. The functional testing showed several incoherencies with the fire safety strategy of the school buildings.publishedVersio

    Development of robust targeted proteomics assays for cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in multiple sclerosis

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    Background: Verification of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers for multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases is a major challenge due to a large number of candidates, limited sample material availability, disease and biological heterogeneity, and the lack of standardized assays. Furthermore, verification studies are often based on a low number of proteins from a single discovery experiment in medium-sized cohorts, where antibodies and surrogate peptides may differ, thus only providing an indication of proteins affected by the disease and not revealing the bigger picture or concluding on the validity of the markers. We here present a standard approach for locating promising biomarker candidates based on existing knowledge, resulting in high-quality assays covering the main biological processes affected by multiple sclerosis for comparable measurements over time. Methods: Biomarker candidates were located in CSF-PR (proteomics.uib.no/csf-pr), and further filtered based on estimated concentration in CSF and biological function. Peptide surrogates for internal standards were selected according to relevant criteria, parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) assays created, and extensive assay quality testing performed, i.e. intra- and inter-day variation, trypsin digestion status over time, and whether the peptides were able to separate multiple sclerosis patients and controls. Results: Assays were developed for 25 proteins, represented by 72 peptides selected according to relevant guidelines and available literature and tested for assay peptide suitability. Stability testing revealed 64 peptides with low intra- and inter-day variations, with 44 also being stably digested after 16 h of trypsin digestion, and 37 furthermore showing a significant difference between multiple sclerosis and controls, thereby confirming literature findings. Calibration curves and the linear area of measurement have, so far, been determined for 17 of these peptides. Conclusions: We present 37 high-quality PRM assays across 21 CSF-proteins found to be affected by multiple sclerosis, along with a recommended workflow for future development of new assays. The assays can directly be used by others, thus enabling better comparison between studies. Finally, the assays can robustly and stably monitor biological processes in multiple sclerosis patients over time, thus potentially aiding in diagnosis and prognosis, and ultimately in treatment decisions.publishedVersio