186 research outputs found

    Appendicitis in the Elderly

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    Underpinning Hawley’s Risk Theory of Profit on Risk Intelligence and Sustainability Relations of SMEs in Nigeria

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    Sustainable development is one of the topical issues posing a global challenge to the business world. To remain successful in today's competitive business environment, Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises (SMEs) must find a way to exist by adapting to dynamic sustainability challenges. The study aimed to examine Hawley’s Risk Theory of Profit's underpinning role in explaining the connection between Risk Intelligence (RI) and SMEs’ sustainability (SUS). It was understood that risk could pose both opportunities and threats to business, and therefore, proactive detection is paramount to address the risk capable of ridiculing sustainability. Therefore, we proposed integrating the moderating role of financial performance in the relationship between Nigerian SMEs' risk intelligence and sustainability. The study found Hawley’s theory relevant to risk and sustainability tradeoff. Previous studies proxied risk intelligence by knowledge management, financial literacy, and risk-taking propensity, which paved the way for developing a framework for attaining sustainable SMEs in Nigeria. We concluded that SME’s sustainability could be ensured by effectively managing inherent risks and should be incorporated into Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) systems

    Relationship Between Physical School Climate and Teachers’ Effectiveness in Senior Secondary Schools in Yobe State, Nigeria

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    This study investigated the relationship between physical school climate and teachers’ effectiveness in senior secondary schools in Yobe State, Nigeria. This study adopted organic system theory propounded by Niskanem (1971).1 purpose, two research questions and 1 null hypothesis guided the study. The population was of the study was 5,322 subjects. The Sample size was 359 elements selected using Taro Yamane’s method. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the research questions.  linear regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. Findings: This study revealed  that a significant relationship exist between physical school climate and teachers’ effectiveness in senior secondary schools in Yobe State, Nigeria.This study also established that  Physical climate is moderate in Senior Secondary Schools in Yobe State as revealed by the mean score of 3.21 and teachers’ effectiveness is also  high in Senior Secondary Schools as revealed by the mean score of 4.13 Recommendation: Ade quate physical environment should be provided.  Principals and teachers should ensure proper planning and maintainance of the physical environment and  facilities in the school. Keywords: Physical, School, Climate, Teachers and Effectiveness DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-26-08 Publication date:September 30th 201

    Isolation, Characterization and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Escherichia coli from Diarrhoeic Lambs in Sokoto, Northwestern Nigeria

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    A total of 127 faecal samples were collected from diarrhoeic lambs and examined for Escherichia coli. The bacterial culture involved pre-enrichment in peptone water before C incubation at 37 for 24 hours. Out of the isolates obtained, 42 (36.84%) were positive for Escherichia coli. Characterization of the isolates revealed serotypes O157 (13), O118 (9), O111 (8), O26 (7), and O103 (5) as the most frequent strains. Their prevalence rates being 31.0%,21.4%, 19.0%, 16.7% and 11.9% respectively. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MICs) of the E coli strains to six antibiotics revealed tetracycline as having the lowest MIC, which ranged from 3.12ìg/ml - 50ìg/ml followed by chloramphenicol with an MIC ranging between 6.25ìg/ml -100ìg/ml. It was concluded that there was need for further research to study the pathogenicity of the E coli strains and that resistance to antibiotics was a problem which might have resulted from indiscriminate use of these drugs

    Studies on risk factors of mortality in lambs in Sokoto, Nigeria

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    Mortality in lambs is complex problem which may result from a variety of climatic, nutritional, management, infectious, genetic and other factors. Associated with death are other factors which could be of maternal or lamb origin that predisposes the young lamb to early death. Records of sex, breed, age, birth weight, type of birth, season of birth and age of ewe from 82 lambs that were dead and posted are recorded and analyzed as the associated risk factors contributing to mortality in these lambs. More male lambs died 49 (59.76%) compared to females 33 (40.24%) whilst mortality in lambs aged 0-7 days was 40 (48.78%). The effect of birth weight showed 47 (57.31%) mortalities in lambs less than 2kg at birth. Higher deaths were seen during the wet season 37 (45.12%) than during cool and hot seasons. Mortality was more in Uda breeds 29 (35.37%) than in other breeds. The outcome of the study showed that the knowledge of when and how mortality occurs could be helpful and to reduce mortality, the management of lambs particularly at early age is imperative

    Rainfall interpolation analysis on river Kaduna catchment for climate change assessment

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    The Inverse Distance Weighing (IDW) technique for rainfall interpolation considered by researchers as a suitable method for predicting missing rainfall records was used to estimate missing rainfall records in River Kaduna Catchment area from 1979-1990. Distances among respective rainfall stations were used to calculate the weighing factor for stations with missing records and radius of influence of 22.5-201km. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) was used to test the accuracy of the assessment and the results were validated using correlation coefficient. From the results of the analysis through optimization of steps of α values and radius of influence, the smaller the optimum parameter value the better the prediction and in most cases the accuracy increases at short optimum search radii, also small amount and long duration rainfall values enhances the prediction potential of the IDW.Keywords: Rainfall data, Inverse Distance Weighing, Interpolation, Optimum parameter

    Profitability of Striga tolerant maize variety (Sammaz 17) amongst smallholder farmers in Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria

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    The study was conducted in Lapai, Niger State, North central Nigeria to determine the profitability of improved maize variety (SAMMAZ 17) in cooperative farmer’s fields. Demonstration plots were cited in three cooperative farms where the improved variety and a local variety were planted. All agronomic practices were carried out uniformly and simultaneously on the plots. In addition, structured questionnaires were administered to 20 members of each of the cooperative farms. Participants were selected by means of simple random sampling techniques to solicit information on the performance of SAMMAZ 17 maize variety on their farms. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers, while gross margin analysis was used to compare the profitability of maize varieties. The results revealed that maize farmers were mostly male and small-scale in operations. The local maize variety supported high Striga infestation with low yield of 1.7 t/ha, while SAMMAZ 17 yield was 4.4 t/ha under less Striga infestation. The gross margin production of SAMMAZ 17 maize variety was  ₦ 254,127.40, while the gross margin for the production of farmer’s maize variety was  ₦ 102,517.90. Based on these findings, SAMMAZ 17 was found to be profitable and is therefore recommended for planting in Striga endemic fields in North Central Nigeria.Keywords: Maize, Striga tolerant, cooperative farm, action research, farmer’s variety, gross margin, profitability, extension implicatio

    Management of appendiceal mass

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    Management Of Appendiceal Mass

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    Background: The management of appendiceal mass is surrounded with controversy. Traditional management has been conservative, with interval appendicectomy performed weeks after the mass had resolved. This remains the most common approach at many centers in the world. Recently, an increasing number of studies have challenged this approach. This article reviews some of the controversial issues in the management of appendix mass, assesses current practice and suggests an appropriate approach for the management of appendix mass. Methods: A Medline, Pubmed and Cochrane database search were used to find such key words and combinations of: appendix, appendiceal, appendicular, interval, appendectomy, appendicectomy, mass, abscess, phlegmon, and appendicitis. Results were saved and managed by Reference manager 11. All articles were cross-referenced by the authors. Results: A conservative management is still a highly acceptable approach for appendix mass. This should be followed with interval appendicectomy especially in patients with persistent right iliac fossa pain. Conclusion: We recommend initially conservative approach to the management of appendiceal mass especially in our environment.Contexte: La prise en charge du plastron appendiculaire est entoure de controverses. Le traitement usuel a toujours \ue9t\ue9 conservateur avec l\u2019appendicectomie r\ue9alis\ue9e plusieurs semaines apr\ue8s la fonte de la masse. C\u2019est l\u2019attitude la plus commune dans la plupart des centres \ue0 travers le monde. R\ue9cemment, un nombre croissant d'\ue9tudes ont conteste cette approche. Cet article passe en revue certaines controverses dans la prise en charge du plastron appendiculaire, pr\ue9sente les pratiques actuelles, et sugg\ue8re une approche appropri\ue9e de la prise en charge du plastron appendiculaire. M\ue9thode: Une recherche dans les bases documentaires Medline, Pubmed et Cochrane ont \ue9t\ue9 faites par la recherche et la combinaison des mots cl\ue9s que sont: appendice, appendiculaire, intervalle, appendicectomie, masse, abc\ue8s, phlegmon et appendicite. Les r\ue9sultats ont \ue9t\ue9 sauvegardes et traites a l\u2019aide de R\ue9f\ue9rence Manager 11. Tous les articles ont \ue9t\ue9 recoupes par les auteurs. R\ue9sultats: Un traitement conservateur est encore une approche tr\ue8s acceptable pour le plastron appendiculaire. Cela devrait \ueatre suivi \ue0 distance par une appendicectomie particuli\ue8rement chez les patients ayant une douleur persistante de la fosse iliaque droite. Conclusion: Nous recommandons initialement une approche conservatrice pour la prise en charge du plastron appendiculaire particuli\ue8rement dans notre contexte
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