325 research outputs found

    Airborne trace contaminants of possible interest in CELSS

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    One design goal of Closed Ecological Life Support Systems (CELSS) for long duration space missions is to maintain an atmosphere which is healthy for all the desirable biological species and not deleterious to any of the mechanical components in that atmosphere. CELESS design must take into account the interactions of at least six major components; (1) humans and animals, (2) higher plants, (3) microalgae, (4) bacteria and fungi, (5) the waste processing system, and (6) other mechanical systems. Each of these major components can be both a source and a target of airborne trace contaminants in a CELSS. A range of possible airborne trace contaminants is discussed within a chemical classification scheme. These contaminants are analyzed with respect to their probable sources among the six major components and their potential effects on those components. Data on airborne chemical contaminants detected in shuttle missions is presented along with this analysis. The observed concentrations of several classes of compounds, including hydrocarbons, halocarbons, halosilanes, amines and nitrogen oxides, are considered with respect to the problems which they present to CELSS

    Coupled Electronic and Nuclear Motions during Azobenzene Photoisomerization Monitored by Ultrafast Electron Diffraction

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    Ultrafast electron diffraction is a powerful technique that can resolve molecular structures with femtosecond and angstrom resolutions. We demonstrate theoretically how it can be used to monitor conical intersection dynamics in molecules. Specific contributions to the signal are identified which vanish in the absence of vibronic coherence and offer a direct window into conical intersection paths. A special focus is on hybrid scattering from nuclei and electrons, a process that is unique to electron (rather than X-ray) diffraction and monitors the strongly coupled nuclear and electronic motions in the vicinity of conical intersections. An application is made to the cis to trans isomerization of azobenzene, computed with exact quantum dynamics wavepacket propagation in a reactive two-dimensional nuclear space

    Spectroscopic fingerprints of DNA/RNA pyrimidine nucleobases in third-order nonlinear electronic spectra

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    Accurate ab initio modeling of spectroscopic signals in nonlinear electronic spectra, such as bidimensional (2D) spectra, requires the computation of the electronic transitions induced by the incoming pump/probe pulses, resulting in a challenging calculation of many electronic excited states. A protocol is thus required to evaluate the variations of spectral properties, like transition energies and dipole moments, with the computational level, and to estimate the sensitivity of the spectra to these variations. Such a protocol is presented here within the framework of complete and restricted active space self-consistent field (CASSCF/RASSCF) theory and its second-order perturbation theory extensions (CASPT2/RASPT2). The electronic excited-state manifolds of pyrimidine nucleobases (thymine, uracil, and cytosine) are carefully characterized in vacuo employing high-level RAS(0,0|10,8|2,12)//SS-RASPT2 calculations. The results provide a reference data set that can be used for optimizing computational efforts and costs, as required for studying computationally more demanding multichromophoric systems (e.g., di- and oligonucleotides). The spectroscopic signatures of the 2D electronic spectrum of a perfectly stacked uracil–cytosine dimer model are characterized, and experimental setups are proposed that can resolve non-covalent interchromophoric interactions in canonical pyrimidine nucleobase-stacked dimers

    Simulating Plasmon Resonances of Gold Nanoparticles with Bipyramidal Shapes by Boundary Element Methods

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    Computational modeling and accurate simulations of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) absorption properties are reported for gold nanobipyramids (GNBs), a class of metal nanoparticle that features highly tunable, geometry-dependent optical properties. GNB bicone models with spherical tips performed best in reproducing experimental LSPR spectra while the comparison with other geometrical models provided a fundamental understanding of base shapes and tip effects on the optical properties of GNBs. Our results demonstrated the importance of averaging all geometrical parameters determined from transmission electron microscopy images to build representative models of GNBs. By assessing the performances of LSPR absorption spectra simulations based on a quasi-static approximation, we provided an applicability range of this approach as a function of the nanoparticle size, paving the way to the theoretical study of the coupling between molecular electron densities and metal nanoparticles in GNB-based nanohybrid systems, with potential applications in the design of nanomaterials for bioimaging, optics and photocatalysis

    Time-Resolved Optical Pump-Resonant X-ray Probe Spectroscopy of 4-Thiouracil: A Simulation Study

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    We theoretically monitor the photoinduced ∗ → n∗ internal conversion process in 4-thiouracil (4TU), triggered by an optical pump. The element-sensitive spectroscopic signatures are recorded by a resonant X-ray probe tuned to the sulfur, oxygen, or nitrogen K-edge. We employ high-level electronic structure methods optimized for core-excited electronic structure calculation combined with quantum nuclear wavepacket dynamics computed on two relevant nuclear modes, fully accounting for their quantum nature of nuclear motions. We critically discuss the capabilities and limitations of the resonant technique. For sulfur and nitrogen, we document a pre-edge spectral window free from ground-state background and rich with ∗ and n∗ absorption features. The lowest sulfur K-edge shows strong absorption for both ∗ and n*. In the lowest nitrogen K-edge window, we resolve a state-specific fingerprint of the ∗ and an approximate timing of the conical intersection via its depletion. A spectral signature of the n∗ transition, not accessible by UV-vis spectroscopy, is identified. The oxygen K-edge is not sensitive to molecular deformations and gives steady transient absorption features without spectral dynamics. The */n∗ coherence information is masked by more intense contributions from populations. Altogether, element-specific time-resolved resonant X-ray spectroscopy provides a detailed picture of the electronic excited-state dynamics and therefore a sensitive window into the photophysics of thiobases

    Hydroxylamine Reductase Activity of the Hybrid Cluster Protein from Escherichia coli

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    The hybrid cluster protein (HCP; formerly termed the prismane protein) has been extensively studied due to its unique spectroscopic properties. Although the structural and spectroscopic characteristics are well defined, its enzymatic function, up to this point, has remained unidentified. While it was proposed that HCP acts in some step of nitrogen metabolism, a specific role for this enzyme remained unknown. Recent studies of HCP purified from Escherichia coli have identified a novel hydroxylamine reductase activity. These data reveal the ability of HCP to reduce hydroxylamine in vitro to form NH3 and H2O. Further biochemical analyses were completed in order to determine the effects of various electron donors, different pH levels, and the presence of CN− on in vitro hydroxylamine reduction

    Luciferase-free Luciferin Electrochemiluminescence

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    Luciferin is one of Nature's most widespread luminophores, and enzymes that catalyze luciferin luminescence are the basis of successful commercial “glow” assays for gene expression and metabolic ATP formation. Herein we report an electrochemical method to promote firefly's luciferin luminescence in the absence of its natural biocatalyst—luciferase. We have gained experimental and computational insights on the mechanism of the enzyme-free luciferin electrochemiluminescence, demonstrated its spectral tuning from green to red by means of electrolyte engineering, proven that the colour change does not require, as still debated, a keto/enol isomerization of the light emitter, and gained evidence of the electrostatic-assisted stabilization of the charge-transfer excited state by double layer electric fields. Luciferin's electrochemiluminescence, as well as the in situ generation of fluorescent oxyluciferin, are applied towards an optical measurement of diffusion coefficients

    Renormalization--Group Solutions for Yukawa Potential

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    The self--similar renormalization group is used to obtain expressions for the spectrum of the Hamiltonian with the Yukawa potential. The critical screening parameter above which there are no bound states is also obtained by this method. The approach presented illustrates that one can achieve good accuracy without involving extensive numerical calculations, but invoking instead the renormalization--group techniques.Comment: 1 file, 12 pages, RevTe

    Bound States and Critical Behavior of the Yukawa Potential

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    We investigate the bound states of the Yukawa potential V(r)=λexp(αr)/rV(r)=-\lambda \exp(-\alpha r)/ r, using different algorithms: solving the Schr\"odinger equation numerically and our Monte Carlo Hamiltonian approach. There is a critical α=αC\alpha=\alpha_C, above which no bound state exists. We study the relation between αC\alpha_C and λ\lambda for various angular momentum quantum number ll, and find in atomic units, αC(l)=λ[A1exp(l/B1)+A2exp(l/B2)]\alpha_{C}(l)= \lambda [A_{1} \exp(-l/ B_{1})+ A_{2} \exp(-l/ B_{2})], with A1=1.020(18)A_1=1.020(18), B1=0.443(14)B_1=0.443(14), A2=0.170(17)A_2=0.170(17), and B2=2.490(180)B_2=2.490(180).Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables. Version to appear in Sciences in China