62 research outputs found

    Sorghum and pearl millet production in southern Africa

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    Sorghum and pearl millet are SADC's second and third most important cereal grains in terms of production area. Farmers in southern Africa annually sow over 1.9 million ha of sorghum and 0.9 million ha of pearl millet (Table 1). This compares with an aggregate production area of 12 million ha of maize. The area sown to sorghum and pearl millet in SADC has generally been increasing with the growth of smallholder farming populations

    Antibiofilm Activity of an Exopolysaccharide from Marine Bacterium Vibrio sp. QY101

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    Bacterial exopolysaccharides have always been suggested to play crucial roles in the bacterial initial adhesion and the development of complex architecture in the later stages of bacterial biofilm formation. However, Escherichia coli group II capsular polysaccharide was characterized to exert broad-spectrum biofilm inhibition activity. In this study, we firstly reported that a bacterial exopolysaccharide (A101) not only inhibits biofilm formation of many bacteria but also disrupts established biofilm of some strains. A101 with an average molecular weight of up to 546 KDa, was isolated and purified from the culture supernatant of the marine bacterium Vibrio sp. QY101 by ethanol precipitation, iron-exchange chromatography and gel filtration chromatography. High performance liquid chromatography traces of the hydrolyzed polysaccharides showed that A101 is primarily consisted of galacturonic acid, glucuronic acid, rhamnose and glucosamine. A101 was demonstrated to inhibit biofilm formation by a wide range of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria without antibacterial activity. Furthermore, A101 displayed a significant disruption on the established biofilm produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, but not by Staphylococcus aureus. Importantly, A101 increased the aminoglycosides antibiotics' capability of killing P. aeruginosa biofilm. Cell primary attachment to surfaces and intercellular aggregates assays suggested that A101 inhibited cell aggregates of both P. aeruginosa and S. aureus, while the cell-surface interactions inhibition only occurred in S. aureus, and the pre-formed cell aggregates dispersion induced by A101 only occurred in P. aeruginosa. Taken together, these data identify the antibiofilm activity of A101, which may make it potential in the design of new therapeutic strategies for bacterial biofilm-associated infections and limiting biofilm formation on medical indwelling devices. The found of A101 antibiofilm activity may also promote a new recognition about the functions of bacterial exopolysaccharides

    Combinatorial Auction with Time-Frequency Flexibility in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    In this paper, we tackle the spectrum allocation problem in cognitive radio (CR) networks with time-frequency flexibility consideration using combinatorial auction. Different from all the previous works using auction mechanisms, we model the spectrum opportunity in a time-frequency division manner. This model caters to much more flexible requirements from secondary users (SUs) and has very clear application meaning. The additional flexibility also brings theoretical and computational difficulties. We model the spectrum allocation as a combinatorial auction and show that under the time-frequency flexible model, reaching the social welfare maximal is NP hard and the upper bound of worst-case approximation ratio is root m, m is the number of time-frequency slots. Therefore, we design an auction mechanism with near-optimal winner determination algorithm, whose worst-case approximation ratio reaches the upper bound root m. Further we devise a truthful payment scheme under the approximation winner determination algorithm to guarantee that all the bids submitted by SUs reflect their true valuation of the spectrum. To further address the issue and reach optimality, we simplify the general model to that only frequency flexibility is allowed, which is still useful, and propose a truthful, optimal and computationally efficient auction mechanism under modified model. Extensive simulation results show that all the proposed algorithms generate high social welfare as well as high spectrum utilization ratio. What's more, the actual approximation ratio of near-optimal algorithm is much higher than the worst-case approximation ratio

    Spectrum Trading with Insurance in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Market based spectrum trading has been extensively studied to realize efficient spectrum utilization in cognitive radio networks (CRNs). In this paper, we utilize the concept of insurance in spectrum trading so as to improve spectrum efficiency in CRNs. We show that by additionally purchasing a specifically designed insurance contract from a PU, an SU can improve its utility since it will be insured against the potential accident, i.e., transmission failure incurred by excessively low SINR. Therefore insurance provides SUs more incentive to purchase PUs' channels and spectrum utilization in CRNs can be improved. In this paper, the original spectrum market including multiple PUs and multiple SUs are modeled as a hybrid market consisting of a spectrum market and an insurance market. In this hybrid market PUs serve as spectrum sellers as well as insurers and SUs act as spectrum buyers as well as insureds. We further model the hybrid market game as a four-stage Bayesian game between PUs and SUs. We characterize the second-best Pareto optimal (SBPO) market allocations and players' perfect Bayesian equilibrium (PBE) strategies. Furthermore, through extensive simulation, we have demonstrated that at the PBE, high risk and low risk SUs will respectively experience improvement in their utilities for approximately 23.5% and 4.6%

    A measurable refinement method of design and verification for micro-kernel operating systems in communication network

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    A secure operating system in the communication network can provide the stable working environment, which ensures that the user information is not stolen. The micro-kernel operating system in the communication network retains the core functions in the kernel, and unnecessary tasks are implemented by calling external processes. Due to the small amount of code, the micro-kernel architecture has high reliability and scalability. Taking the micro-kernel operating system in the communication network prototype VSOS as an example, we employ the objdump tool to disassemble the system source code and get the assembly layer code. On this basis, we apply the Isabelle/HOL, a formal verification tool, to model the system prototype. By referring to the mathematical model of finite automata and taking the process scheduling module as an example, the security verification based on the assembly language layer is developed. Based on the Hoare logic theory, each assembly statement of the module is verified in turn. The verification results show that the scheduling module of VSOS has good functional security, and also show the feasibility of the refinement framework

    Cooperative spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks: A distributed matching approach

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    We study the relay-based communication schemes for cooperative spectrum sharing among multiple primary users (PUs) and multiple secondary users (SUs) with incomplete information. Inspired by the matching theory, we model the network as a matching market. In this market, each PU proposes a certain proposal representing a combination of relay power and spectrum access time to attract the SUs, while each SU maximizes its utility by selecting the most suitable PU. We derive the sufficient and necessary conditions for a stable matching in which none of the PUs or SUs would like to change its decision. We further establish a distributed matching algorithm (DMA) and a DMA with utility increasing (DMA-UI) to achieve the equilibria in partially incomplete and incomplete information scenarios, respectively. Moreover, we provide detailed discussions on the implementation of the distributed algorithms in practical networks. Simulation results show that the losses of PUs' total utilities caused by incomplete information are diminished when the number of SUs increases. Specifically, the effects of the incomplete information are reduced as the competition among SUs (PUs) is more intensive than that among PUs (SUs). 1972-2012 IEEE.Scopus2-s2.0-8490654589

    Coalitional double auction for spatial spectrum allocation in cognitive radio networks

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    Recently, many dynamic spectrum allocation schemes based on economics are proposed to improve spectrum utilization in cognitive radio networks (CRNs). However, existing mechanisms do not take into account the economic efficiency and the spatial reusability simultaneously, which leaves room to further enhance the spectrum efficiency. In this paper, we introduce the coalition double auction for efficient spectrum allocation in CRNs, where secondary users (SUs) are partitioned into several coalitions and the spectrum reusability can be executed within each coalition. The partition formation process is not only related to the interference condition between SUs, but also the expected economic goals. Therefore, we propose a fully-economic spatial spectrum allocation mechanism by incorporating the coalition formation approach with auction theory. With the proposed scheme, the primary operator acts as an auctioneer, who performs multiple virtual auctions to form a stable partition of SUs and conducts a final auction to decide the winning SUs. Moreover, we propose a possible operation rules for the primary operator to iteratively change the partition, and prove that the virtual auctions could converge in finite time. Comprehensive theoretical analysis and simulation results are presented to show that our scheme can satisfy the crucial economic robustness properties of double auction, and outperform existing mechanisms.NSF China (No. 61325012, 61271219, 61221001, 61202373, 61102052); SRF for ROCS by SEM; Shanghai Basic Research Key Project (No. 13510711300, 12JC1405200, 11JC1405100); China Ministry of Education New Century Excellent Talent (No.NCET-10-0580); China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Grant 2012T50417; 2012ZX03001009; Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China 13005160; Research Fund of National Mobile Communications Research LaboratorySoutheast University (No. 2012D13) and Open Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications) (SKLNST-2013-1-16).Scopu

    Additional file 4: Table S3. of Genome-wide characterization and expression analysis of MYB transcription factors in Gossypium hirsutum

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    Location of MYB genes in the upland cotton genome. The positive (+) and negative (−) symbols following each gene represent forward and reverse orientations on the chromosome, respectively. (XLSX 45 kb
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