82 research outputs found

    CO2-verzet door onduidelijkheid

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    Door het openlaten van alle energiescenario’s, schept de overheid onzekerheid. Zo komt er geen draagvlak

    CO2-verzet door onduidelijkheid

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    Door het openlaten van alle energiescenario’s, schept de overheid onzekerheid. Zo komt er geen draagvlak

    Bijdrage van Green Deals aan de beleidsdoelen voor natuur en biodiversiteit

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    Het afsluiten van Green Deals (GDs), waarbij maatschappelijke partners worden uitgenodigd om metoplossingen voor groene groei te komen, is een optie waarmee de Nederlandse overheid innovatiestimuleert. In dit onderzoek is nagegaan wat de bijdrage is van de 41 GDs Biodiversiteit (eind 2016) aan debeleidsdoelen, zoals verwoord in de Rijksnatuurvisie 2014 en de Uitvoeringsagenda Natuurlijk Kapitaal. Deambities van de GDs blijken goed aan te sluiten op de verschillende beleidsdoelen. Ecologische effectenworden nauwelijks gemonitord. Desalniettemin lijkt het effect van veel GDs beloftevol, doordat vaak goedestappen worden gezet in het innovatieproces, met de juiste partijen, met concrete op natuur en biodiversiteitgerichte doelstellingen en met een grote potentie voor opschaling. Door een gerichtere sturing op deformulering van GD-doelen en de samenstelling van betrokken partijen, kan de effectiviteit van Green Dealsnog verder worden vergroot---The Natinonal Government carries system responsibility for nature. Some ambiguity in the understanding ofthe concept of system responsibility seems to exist, however. The ways in which system responsibility isimplemented vary in practice also. The Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment gives expression to itssystem responsibility within spatial planning in a largely facilitating manner, but its role also shows someregulating elements. With regard to water policy there is, on the contrary, a largely regulating interpretationwith some facilitating elements. The Ministry of the Interior has a facilitating role concerning the issue ofdemographic decline. The Ministry of Economic Affairs is still searching for a way to handle its systemresponsibility in nature policy and is showing at the time of this research (beginning 2013) an inclinationtowards a largely facilitating role. The Assessment of the Dutch Human Environment may be helpful with thissearch by clarifying the concept, indicating further options for implementation and making clear what theconsequences will be of the different possible roles

    The nature of social work research by Dutch universities of applied sciences:An overview

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    The knowledge base for Social Work is strengthening. Underpinning of Social Work deriving from scientific research is necessary given the growing complexity of the work and its context. How this research should be conducted and to what type of outcomes it must lead, is part of an ongoing debate. In the Netherlands, practice-based research at Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) is a relative new approach. Social Work research groups at UAS assert to conduct practice-based research in order to contribute to knowledge and support the objectives of Social Work. The current study was carried out to obtain insight into the characteristics of this research approach. A sample of publications was analysed in terms of knowledge purpose, methodology, and level and type of participation. Results show a strong focus on producing descriptive knowledge and to a lesser extent on control knowledge, using primarily qualitative research methods, and with limited direct participation by stakeholders. In order to practice more what they preach the research can strengthen by doing more empirical research, by diversifying the research in terms of design and methods and increasing the level of participation of stakeholder