8 research outputs found

    Evaluation efficiency of modern antidepressants by means of quantative pharmaco-EEG

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    An example perspective way to improve the pharmacotherapy of depression is to combine SSIRs with representatives of other groups of drugs. Great interest from this point of view is the hormone of pineal gland - melatonin (MT), which is an important element of the non-specific antistress system of body. Evaluation efficiency of the above regimes of pharmacotherapy of depressive frustration showed, that the application of valdoxan, and also combination fluoxetine+melaxen favorably affects the course of the disease and contributes to a more rapid normalization of bioelectric activity of brain than fluoxetine in isolation, both experimentally and clinicall

    Clinical and pharmacological basis of the use of testosterone drugs for hormonal replacement therapy for hypogonadism in men

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    Hypogonadism is a condition associated with a decrease in the functional activity of the testicles, accompanied by a decrease in the level of androgens and (or) a violation of the process of spermatogenesis. It is known that androgens and their main representative, testosterone, are of fundamental importance for the development and maintenance of the reproductive and sexual functions of the male reproductive system. At the same time, low testosterone levels are associated with both reproductive and metabolic disorders, including phosphorus-calcium, fat, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism. In addition, to date, data have been accumulated on the correlation of hypogonadism with cardiovascular diseases, which once again emphasizes the problem of testosterone deficiency, especially for patients of the middle and older age groups. However, carrying out testosterone replacement therapy always requires a strict and competent choice of a «target audience» among patients from a specialist. Today, on the pharmaceutical market, there is a wide arsenal of testosterone-containing drugs in various forms for use, which have an unequal «efficacy-safety» profile. In this review, we have analyzed modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of hypogonadism, the selection of a target group of patients to obtain the most effective and safe treatment outcome and described testosterone preparations and their dosage forms with potential advantages and disadvantages. Thus, the information presented in the article is aimed at optimizing the management of men with hypogonadism


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    Timely diagnosis and efficacious pharmacotherapy of depressive disorders are of immediate concern to the medical practice. The quantitative pharmaco-electroencephalography method enables differential evaluation of the affective disorder treatment efficacy. The aim of the study was to perform comparative evaluation of pharmacological  activity of two treatment regimens for moderate somatization disorders in patients with gastrointestinal pathology: monotherapy with fluoxetine — an antidepressant  of the selective serotonin  reuptake  inhibitors  class, and combination  therapy  with melatonin-containing medicine.  Methods: the severity of the depressive disorder and the efficacy of the treatment regimens were assessed using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS-17). The quantitative  pharmaco-electroencephalography (pharmaco-EEG) was used both before and during the treatment to analyse the effect of the medicinal products on the functional state of the brain in the patients with depressive disorder. Results: it was shown that the combination  of fluoxetine and melatonin  results in a more rapid regression of depressive symptoms according to the HDRS-17 scale. The quantitative pharmaco-EEG method helped to reveal specific differences between the effect of fluoxetin as monotherapy and in combination  with melatonin  on the bioelectrical activity on the patients brain. Conclusions: the analysis of the relative power of the patient brain rhythms by pharmaco-EEG demonstrated a more rapid restoration  of normal EEG rhythms in the patients who received the combination  of fluoxetine and melatonin, than in those patients who received fluoxetine monotherapy which did not result in complete remission of the existing depressive episode in a number of patients after the 42-day treatment course.Своевременная диагностика и эффективная фармакотерапия депрессивных расстройств  является  актуальной проблемой в медицинской практике. Метод количественной фармако-электроэнцефалографии позволяет дифференцированно оценить  эффективность лечения  данного  аффективного расстройства.  Цель работы: проведение  сравнительного анализа  фармакологической активности двух схем лечения  соматизированного депрессивного расстройства  средней степени  тяжести у пациентов с патологией  желудочно-кишечного тракта: монотерапии антидепрессантом из группы селективных  ингибиторов обратного захвата серотонина — флуоксетином и его комбинированного применения с лекарственным препаратом, содержащим  мелатонин. Методы: с помощью  шкалы  Гамильтона  (HDRS-17) проводилась оценка  степени  тяжести депрессивного расстройства  у пациентов и эффективности применения обозначенных схем фармакотерапии. Методом  количественной фармако-электроэнцефалографии  (фармако-ЭЭГ),  использовавшимся как до начала лечения,  так и на фоне проведения соответствующего  режима фармакотерапии, осуществлялся анализ влияния вышеуказанных лекарственных средств на функциональное состояние головного  мозга пациентов с депрессивным  расстройством. Результаты: показано, что комбинация флуоксетина с мелатонином способствует  более быстрому регрессу депрессивной симптоматики согласно шкале HDRS-17. Метод количественной фармако-ЭЭГ позволил выявить  характерные  различия  во влиянии флуоксетина при монотерапии или комбинированном применении с мелатонином на биоэлектрическую активность  головного  мозга пациентов. Выводы: проведенный анализ  относительного значения мощности ритмов головного мозга пациентов методом количественной фармако-ЭЭГ показал,  что восстановление нормальных значений ритмов ЭЭГ на фоне комбинации флуоксетина с мелатонином происходит быстрее, чем при монотерапии флуоксетином, прием  которого  не привел  к полной  ремиссии  текущего депрессивного эпизода у ряда пациентов при лечении в течение 42 сут

    Clinical and pharmacological risk assessment for thrombohaemorrhagic complications after total lower limb arthroplasty

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    Background. Anticoagulant and haemostatic drugs are used to prevent thrombosis and bleeding after arthroplasty. Combined therapy with these divergent agents, especially in comorbid patients, is not regulated in relevant clinical guidelines and may lead to a reduced effi cacy.Objectives. Assessment of the effect of time interval (TI) in variant combined settings of haemostatic and anticoagulant drugs and concomitant pathology on the development of thrombohaemorrhagic complications after hip or knee arthroplasty.Мethods. In a retrospective study, we analysed patients’ somatic status, haemostatic and anticoagulant drug regimes and their combined impact on the development of thrombohaemorrhagic complications in early postoperative period.Results. We analysed 253 case histories with total replacement of main lower limb joints. Two cohorts were defi ned with respect to TI between haemostatic and anticoagulant drug applications. TI was 17 h or less (n = 145; 57.31%) in cohort 1 and 18–24 h (n = 108; 42.68%) — in cohort 2. A total of 29 drug combinations were tested. Thrombohaemorrhagic complications were observed in 27 (10.67%) patients, with 22 (81.48%) in cohort 1. Thromboses in regimes with tranexamic acid developed in cohort 1 (p = 0.038) at a 2.2-folds higher rate than in cohort 2 (p < 0.05). Thrombosis development was infl uenced by grade 2 obesity (relative risk = 8.75, p = 0.037), type 2 diabetes (relative risk = 21, p = 0.00001), myocardial infarction (relative risk = 16.875, p = 0.00002), venous pathology (relative risk = 8.1, p = 0.045) and the patient’s age over 75 (relative risk = 6.8, p = 0.029). Age over 75 years increased the risk of bleeding by a factor of 12 (relative risk = 12, p = 0.015).Conclusion. After main joint arthroplasty, differential measures to prevent thrombohaemorrhagic complications include a minimal 18-h TI between haemostatic and anticoagulant agent applications, especially in tranexamic acid regimes, and the consideration of concomitant risk factors, such as grade 2 obesity, type 2 diabetes, myocardial infarction in history, venous pathology and age over 75 years

    Fulvic Acid: an Active Food Additive or Medication?

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    This review article is devoted to the fundamental task of pharmacology, i.e. the research and discovery of novel medications that render the maximal therapeutic effect at the minimal side consequences to health. Over recent years, the world has witnessed a growing interest towards natural organic compounds on the basis of humic substances (HS), which are broadly applied in animal husbandry, agriculture and veterinary medicine due to a wide spectrum of biologically active properties. The results of chemical and biological trials demonstrate that HS have a great potential for various fields of medicine.Numerous studies have demonstrated the cardioprotective, antioxidant, antitumour, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiallergic, membranotropic, hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory properties of HS. In addition, these substances exhibit a stimulating effect on metabolism, thus enhancing specific and non-specific organismal resistance. Published evidence suggests no toxicity of HS and no inherent teratogenic, embryotoxic, mutagenic or carcinogenic properties.Fulvic acid (FA) belongs to humic acids, a family of HS. In the present study, we review its chemical properties and biological activity from the standpoint of traditional medicine. Understanding biological properties of FA and its usage in novel drug design is a perspective avenue of research in contemporary medicine.Published sources referenced in this review are indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, MedLine, the Cochrane Library, eLIBRARY, PubMed and other relevant databases


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    Research goal was an evaluation of survival and electroencephalographic (EEG) indices in rats with experimental cerebral ischaemia (ECI) during the preventive application of cerebroprotective drugs: nootropics (piracetam (300 mg/ kg/day) and vinpocetine (5 mg/kg/day)) in combination with melaxen (0,25 mg/kg/day). Global CI was modelled by left and right common carotid arteries (CCA) ligation. It was founded that preventive combined application of vinpocetine and melaxen reduced significantly (about 2.5 times (р≤0,01)) rats lethality and influence of circulatory ischemia adverse effects on survived experimental animals brain functional state. Only in the rats receiving these drugs were registered frequency ranges close to the baseline, specifically, theta (θ)-rhythm was dominated over delta (Δ)-activity, indicating waking state of the rats’ brain. The results obtained can be used in clinical practice for prevention and treatment of ischemic brain diseases

    Evaluation efficiency of modern antidepressants by means of quantative pharmaco-EEG

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    An example perspective way to improve the pharmacotherapy of depression is to combine SSIRs with representatives of other groups of drugs. Great interest from this point of view is the hormone of pineal gland - melatonin (MT), which is an important element of the non-specific antistress system of body. Evaluation efficiency of the above regimes of pharmacotherapy of depressive frustration showed, that the application of valdoxan, and also combination fluoxetine+melaxen favorably affects the course of the disease and contributes to a more rapid normalization of bioelectric activity of brain than fluoxetine in isolation, both experimentally and clinicall


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    Timely diagnosis and efficacious pharmacotherapy of depressive disorders are of immediate concern to the medical practice. The quantitative pharmaco-electroencephalography method enables differential evaluation of the affective disorder treatment efficacy. The aim of the study was to perform comparative evaluation of pharmacological  activity of two treatment regimens for moderate somatization disorders in patients with gastrointestinal pathology: monotherapy with fluoxetine — an antidepressant  of the selective serotonin  reuptake  inhibitors  class, and combination  therapy  with melatonin-containing medicine.  Methods: the severity of the depressive disorder and the efficacy of the treatment regimens were assessed using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS-17). The quantitative  pharmaco-electroencephalography (pharmaco-EEG) was used both before and during the treatment to analyse the effect of the medicinal products on the functional state of the brain in the patients with depressive disorder. Results: it was shown that the combination  of fluoxetine and melatonin  results in a more rapid regression of depressive symptoms according to the HDRS-17 scale. The quantitative pharmaco-EEG method helped to reveal specific differences between the effect of fluoxetin as monotherapy and in combination  with melatonin  on the bioelectrical activity on the patients brain. Conclusions: the analysis of the relative power of the patient brain rhythms by pharmaco-EEG demonstrated a more rapid restoration  of normal EEG rhythms in the patients who received the combination  of fluoxetine and melatonin, than in those patients who received fluoxetine monotherapy which did not result in complete remission of the existing depressive episode in a number of patients after the 42-day treatment course