1,175 research outputs found

    Continuous intravascular blood gas monitoring: development, current techniques, and clinical use of a commercial device

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    This review focuses on the development, current techniques, and clinical use of continuous intravascular blood gas monitoring (CIBM) devices in anaesthesia and intensive care. The operating principles, range of application, performance, limitations, costs, and impact on patient treatment and outcome, are discussed. Studies of early and currently available CIBM devices were analysed. At present, the Paratrend 7+® (PT7+®) for adults and Neotrend™ (NT™) for newborns are the only commercially available CIBM systems. The PT7+® contains three optical sensors to measure Po2, Pco2 and pH, as well as a thermocouple to measure temperature. The NT™ is a modification of the PT7+® to continuously monitor Po2, Pco2, pH and temperature in newborns. Under laboratory conditions, good performance over a wide range of blood gas values was observed with the Paratrend 7® (PT7®). Performance in the clinical setting was not as satisfactory, especially for Po2 values. However, the performance and accuracy of CIBM devices appear to be sufficient for clinical use and they are being used clinically in selected patient groups. Several factors affecting the performance of CIBM are considered. Br J Anaesth 2003: 91; 397-40

    Continuous intravascular blood gas monitoring: development, current techniques, and clinical use of a commercial device

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    This review focuses on the development, current techniques, and clinical use of continuous intravascular blood gas monitoring (CIBM) devices in anaesthesia and intensive care. The operating principles, range of application, performance, limitations, costs, and impact on patient treatment and outcome, are discussed. Studies of early and currently available CIBM devices were analysed. At present, the Paratrend 7+® (PT7+®) for adults and Neotrend™ (NT™) for newborns are the only commercially available CIBM systems. The PT7+® contains three optical sensors to measure Po2, Pco2 and pH, as well as a thermocouple to measure temperature. The NT™ is a modification of the PT7+® to continuously monitor Po2, Pco2, pH and temperature in newborns. Under laboratory conditions, good performance over a wide range of blood gas values was observed with the Paratrend 7® (PT7®). Performance in the clinical setting was not as satisfactory, especially for Po2 values. However, the performance and accuracy of CIBM devices appear to be sufficient for clinical use and they are being used clinically in selected patient groups. Several factors affecting the performance of CIBM are considered. Br J Anaesth 2003: 91; 397-40

    Distributed Formal Concept Analysis Algorithms Based on an Iterative MapReduce Framework

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    While many existing formal concept analysis algorithms are efficient, they are typically unsuitable for distributed implementation. Taking the MapReduce (MR) framework as our inspiration we introduce a distributed approach for performing formal concept mining. Our method has its novelty in that we use a light-weight MapReduce runtime called Twister which is better suited to iterative algorithms than recent distributed approaches. First, we describe the theoretical foundations underpinning our distributed formal concept analysis approach. Second, we provide a representative exemplar of how a classic centralized algorithm can be implemented in a distributed fashion using our methodology: we modify Ganter's classic algorithm by introducing a family of MR* algorithms, namely MRGanter and MRGanter+ where the prefix denotes the algorithm's lineage. To evaluate the factors that impact distributed algorithm performance, we compare our MR* algorithms with the state-of-the-art. Experiments conducted on real datasets demonstrate that MRGanter+ is efficient, scalable and an appealing algorithm for distributed problems.Comment: 17 pages, ICFCA 201, Formal Concept Analysis 201

    Towards a generalisation of formal concept analysis for data mining purposes

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    In this paper we justify the need for a generalisation of Formal Concept Analysis for the purpose of data mining and begin the synthesis of such theory. For that purpose, we first review semirings and semimodules over semirings as the appropriate objects to use in abstracting the Boolean algebra and the notion of extents and intents, respectively. We later bring to bear powerful theorems developed in the field of linear algebra over idempotent semimodules to try to build a Fundamental Theorem for K-Formal Concept Analysis, where K is a type of idempotent semiring. Finally, we try to put Formal Concept Analysis in new perspective by considering it as a concrete instance of the theory developed

    Clones in Graphs

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    Finding structural similarities in graph data, like social networks, is a far-ranging task in data mining and knowledge discovery. A (conceptually) simple reduction would be to compute the automorphism group of a graph. However, this approach is ineffective in data mining since real world data does not exhibit enough structural regularity. Here we step in with a novel approach based on mappings that preserve the maximal cliques. For this we exploit the well known correspondence between bipartite graphs and the data structure formal context (G,M,I)(G,M,I) from Formal Concept Analysis. From there we utilize the notion of clone items. The investigation of these is still an open problem to which we add new insights with this work. Furthermore, we produce a substantial experimental investigation of real world data. We conclude with demonstrating the generalization of clone items to permutations.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Präoperative Nüchternzeiten: Sicht der Patienten

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Mit dem Ziel der subjektiven perioperativen Qualitätsverbesserung scheint es wünschenswert, die präoperativen Nüchternzeiten im Rahmen der als sicher geltenden Grenzen so kurz als möglich zu halten. Diese Maßnahmen sollten mit einer messbaren Verminderung von präoperativem Hunger und Durst einhergehen und v.a. in einer Verbesserung der präoperativen Befindlichkeit resultieren. Welchen Einfluss Durst und Hunger aus Patientensicht auf den präoperativen Komfort haben, ist jedoch weit gehend unbekannt. Ziel dieser Studie war es, das Ausmaß der Beeinträchtigung der Patienten durch eine traditionelle Nüchternheitsregelung abzuschätzen. Patienten und Methoden: Ein Kollektiv von 412Patienten der "American-Society-of-Anesthesiologists"- (ASA-)RisikoklassenI und II, das sich einem kleineren chirurgischen Eingriff unterzog, wurde mithilfe eines Fragebogens zum Ausmaß und Stellenwert von präoperativem Durst und Hunger befragt. Ergebnisse: Es hatten 33% der Patienten mäßigen oder starken Durst, 19% mäßigen bis starken Hunger. Von den Befragten möchten 47% vor der Operation noch trinken, 72% hätten gern noch ein leichtes Frühstück eingenommen. Die mittlere Nüchternzeit war 12,8±3,4h für Flüssigkeiten und 15,5±4,4h für Essen. Durst wurde von 3,3% und Hunger von 0,8% der Patienten als Hauptgrund für die Beeinträchtigung des präoperativen Wohlbefindens genannt. Das lange Warten (8,5%), Nervosität (6,5%) und Angst (4,8%) wurden am häufigsten genannt. Die Antworten waren unabhängig von der Zeitdauer der präoperativen Nüchternheit. Schlussfolgerung: Der Patientenkomfort ist durch eine traditionelle Nüchternheitsregelung beeinträchtigt, und Minimierung der präoperativen Nüchternzeiten wird von den Patienten gewünscht. Anstrengungen mit dem Ziel der Reduktion von präoperativer Angst und Nervosität bergen jedoch zusätzliches großes Potenzial für eine Steigerung der perioperativen Behandlungsqualität aus Sicht der Patiente


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    The aim of the study was the application of a full body inertial measurement system (IMS) for a kinematic analysis of the discus throw and the evaluation of its applicability. For this purpose, one male sports student performed three discus throws equipped with the IMS. All trials were additionally filmed by high-speed video. The results indicate that perfor-mance-relevant information can be obtained regarding the temporal coordination of the body segments and body joint angles. Limitations exist for the accurate detection of the last foot contact related instant and the discus release instant by solely using the IMS data

    A coproduct structure on the formal affine Demazure algebra

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    In the present paper we generalize the coproduct structure on nil Hecke rings introduced and studied by Kostant-Kumar to the context of an arbitrary algebraic oriented cohomology theory and its associated formal group law. We then construct an algebraic model of the T-equivariant oriented cohomology of the variety of complete flags.Comment: 28 pages; minor revision of the previous versio

    Empirical comparison of high gradient achievement for different metals in DC and pulsed mode

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    For the SwissFEL project, an advanced high gradient low emittance gun is under development. Reliable operation with an electric field, preferably above 125 MV/m at a 4 mm gap, in the presence of an UV laser beam, has to be achieved in a diode configuration in order to minimize the emittance dilution due to space charge effects. In the first phase, a DC breakdown test stand was used to test different metals with different preparation methods at voltages up to 100 kV. In addition high gradient stability tests were also carried out over several days in order to prove reliable spark-free operation with a minimum dark current. In the second phase, electrodes with selected materials were installed in the 250 ns FWHM, 500 kV electron gun and tested for high gradient breakdown and for quantum efficiency using an ultra-violet laser.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables. Follow up from FEL 2008 conference (Geyongju Korea 2008) New Title in JVST A (2010) : Vacuum breakdown limit and quantum efficiency obtained for various technical metals using DC and pulsed voltage source