80 research outputs found

    Standardization versus Preference for Variety in Linear Cournot Oligopoly

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    We consider a Cournot oligopoly setting in which consumers have an intrinsic preference for variety, while unit production costs of firms increase with the number of goods they produce. This environment exhibits a general under-provision of variety with respect to social welfare.Standardization; Preference for Variety; Oligopoly

    Quality-improving alliances in differentiated oligopoly

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    We study rival firms' incentives in quality-improving Research and Development (R&D) networks. The analysis stresses the role of free riding associated to collaboration and three major consequences emerge: R&D efforts decrease with the number of partners, networks of alliances are over-connected as compared to the social optimum and the profitmaximizing number of alliances is possibly non monotonic (decreasing then increasing) with respect to inverse measure of product differentiation.Vertically and horizontally Differentiated Oligopoly, Product Innovation, R&D, Alliance

    Standardization versus Preference for Variety in Linear Cournot Oligopoly

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    Document de Travail du Greqam n°2007-10We consider a Cournot oligopoly setting in which consumers have an intrinsic preference for variety, while unit production costs of firms increase with the number of goods they produce. This environment exhibits a general under-provision of variety with respect to social welfare

    Echange, réciprocité et innovation dans une communauté paysanne - Une lecture conventionnaliste

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    Cet article s'intĂ©resse aux implications des mĂ©canismes d'entraide, de rĂ©ciprocitĂ© et d'Ă©change sur l'adoption ou la non-adoption de l'innovation dans les pays en dĂ©veloppement. Une conceptualisation de ce thĂšme est proposĂ©e dans le cadre des thĂ©ories Ă©o-institutionnelles et conventionalistes. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, l'idĂ©e gĂ©nĂ©rale est de montrer comment une convention locale de solidaritĂ©, le fihavanana, peut devenir un frein Ă  l'adoption de nouvelles techniques dans la mesure oĂč elle autorise un transfert des risques liĂ©s Ă  l'innovation individuelle Ă  la communautĂ© dans son ensemble. L'analyse s'appuie sur des donnĂ©es d'enquĂȘtes, des entretiens et des observations de terrain en milieu rural Ă  Madagascar.convention, innovation, rural, communautĂ©, Madagascar

    Vieillissement et accÚs au bien vieillir : enjeux d'innovation et de régulation

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    Si la rĂ©duction des taux de mortalitĂ© est une bonne nouvelle, le vieillissement qu’elle induit est souvent source d’inquiĂ©tude. En effet,pour beaucoup de seniors, l’idĂ©e d’atteindre un Ăąge Ă©levĂ© est aussi synonyme d’un risque accru de dĂ©gradation de la qualitĂ© de vie en raison d’une perte d’autonomie et d’entrĂ©e en dĂ©pendance .La dĂ©pendance et la perte d’autonomie renvoient Ă  des Ă©tats particuliers : La dĂ©pendance est l’impossibilitĂ© partielle ou totale pour une personne d’effectuer sans aide les activitĂ©s de la vie, qu’elles soient physiques, psychiques ou sociales ; et donc de s’adapter Ă  son environnement. L’autonomie, elle, est dĂ©finie par la capacitĂ© Ă  se gouverner soi-mĂȘme (possibilitĂ© d’aides permettant l’autonomie)1. (introd.

    Pension rules and implicit marginal tax rate in France

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    International audienc

    Aging, international capital flows and long run convergence

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    This paper analyses how the economic, demographic and institutional differences between two regions -one developed and called the North, the other emerging and called the South- drive the international capital flows and explain the world economic equilibrium. To this end, we develop a simple two-period OLG model. We compare closed-economy and open-economy equilibria. We consider that openness facilitates convergence of South’s characteristics towards North’s. We examine successively the consequences of a technological catching-up, a demographic transitionand an institutional convergence of pension schemes. We determine the analytical solution of the dynamics of the world interest rate and deduce the evolution of the current accounts. These analytical results are completed by numerical simulations. They show that the technological catching-up alone leads to a welfare loss for the North in reason of capital flows towards the South. If we add to this Örst change a demographic transition, the capital demand is reduced in the South whereas its saving increases in reason of a higher life expectancy. These two effects contribute to reduce the capital flows from the North to the South. Finally, an institutional convergence of the two pension schemes reduces the South’s saving rate which increases the capital flow from the North to the South

    The south's demographic transition and international capital flows in a financially integrated world economy

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    In the coming decades, the countries of the South will be facing the aging of the population faster than the countries of the North. This will have long-term economic consequences for the South but also for the North through the changing of international capital flows. To study the latter, we build a simple two-region two-period OLG model, assuming fully integrated financial markets. This allows us to determine the analytical expression of the world interest rate dynamics at general equilibrium and the resulting capital flows accruing to each of the two regions (the North and the South). From there, we analyse how a reduction in either fertility or mortality alters the magnitude of the international capital flows. Contradictory effects are evidenced. To clear up any ambiguity and to study the South's demographic transition, which involves a succession of shocks, we propose numerical simulations. Even if the results stress that the institutional context and technological catching-up may matter, they suggest in a rather general way that the declines in both fertility and mortality tend to reduce the relative capital needs of the Southern economies and consequently their capital inflows. This, in turn, would be beneficial to the North's productive capacity, which should then hold more capital

    CRH-LaDĂ©HiS – Laboratoire de dĂ©mographie et d’histoire sociale

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    Pascal Cristofoli, ingĂ©nieur d’étudesArnaud BringĂ©, ingĂ©nieur de recherche Ă  l’INEDBĂ©nĂ©dicte Garnier, ingĂ©nieure d’études Ă  l’INED Atelier « Analyse des donnĂ©es relationnelles » Lieu d’enseignement, de discussion et de collaboration entre Ă©tudiants, ingĂ©nieurs et chercheurs associĂ©s, l’atelier vise Ă  interroger les diffĂ©rentes opĂ©rations pratiques et thĂ©oriques impliquĂ©es par la mise en Ɠuvre d’analyses relationnelles. Depuis plusieurs annĂ©es maintenant, le sĂ©minaire est organisĂ© en trois jou..

    CRH-LaDĂ©HiS – Laboratoire de dĂ©mographie et d’histoire sociale

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    Pascal Cristofoli, ingĂ©nieur d’étudesArnaud BringĂ©, ingĂ©nieur de recherche Ă  l’INEDBĂ©nĂ©dicte Garnier, ingĂ©nieure d’études Ă  l’INED Atelier « Analyse des donnĂ©es relationnelles » Lieu d’enseignement, de discussion et de collaboration entre Ă©tudiants, ingĂ©nieurs et chercheurs associĂ©s, l’atelier vise Ă  interroger les diffĂ©rentes opĂ©rations pratiques et thĂ©oriques impliquĂ©es par la mise en Ɠuvre d’analyses relationnelles. Depuis plusieurs annĂ©es maintenant, le sĂ©minaire est organisĂ© en trois jou..
