5 research outputs found

    Profil Lipida Plasma Tikus Wistar Yang Hiperkolesterolemia Pada Pemberian Gedi Merah (Abelmoschus Manihot L.)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh daun gedi merah (Abelmoschus manihot L.) terhadap kadar lipida dari plasma darah hewan uji yang menderita hiperkolesterolemia. Penelitian ini menggunakan 16 ekor tikus jantan, strain Wistar berumur 2-3 bulan dengan berat 120-250 g, dan dibagi dalam 3 tahap perlakuan. Tahap pertama, tikus diadaptasikan terlebih dahulu selama 8 hari dengan pemberian pakan standar, dan diakhiri masa adaptasi, sebanyak 3 ekor tikus dibedah untuk dianalisis kadar lipida plasmanya (Baseline). Tahap ke-2, tikus diberi pakan aterogenik selama 14 hari untuk meningkatkan kadar kolesterol plasmanya, dan diakhiri tahap ini sebanyak 3 ekor tikus dibedah untuk dianalisis kadar lipida plasmanya (kelompok Aterogenik). Tahap ke-3, tikus dibagi menjadi dua perlakuan, yakni: tikus yang diberi pakan standar (kelompok PS), dan tikus yang diberi pakan standar mengandung 36% pasta daun gedi merah (kelompok PG). Setiap perlakuan terdiri dari 5 ekor tikus dan diakhiri tahap perlakuan ini, semua tikus dibedah untuk dianalisis kadar lipida plasmaya menggunakan metode enzimatik kolorimetri. Pemberian pakan sebanyak 20 g per ekor per hari dan air minum dilakukan secara ad libitum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelompok PG secara signifikan memiliki kadartotal plasma cholesterol (TPC) yang lebih rendah daripada baseline, kelompok aterogenik dan PS, kelompok PG juga memiliki kadar kolesterol dalam partikel low density lipoproteins (k-LDL) lebih rendah daripada kelompok aterogenik, dan kelompok PG memiliki kadar trigliserida (TG) yang lebih rendah daripada kelompok aterogenik dan PS. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa mengkonsumsi pakan standar mengandung 36% pasta daun gedi merah dapat menurunkan kadar TPC, k-LDL dan trigliserida berpengaruh nyata terhadap penurunan kolesterol tikus percobaan yang hiperkolesterolemia.The purpose of this research was to study the effect of red gedi (Abelmoschus Manihot L.) leaves on the blood plasma lipid levels of the tested animals suffering from hypercholesterolemia. This study used 16 Wistar strain male rats, 2-3 months old with the body weight of 120 to 250 g. The tested animals were divided into three groups based on the treatments stages. At the first stage, all rats were adapted for 8 days with the standard food and at the end of the treatment 3 rats were dissected for plasma lipid level analysis (the baseline group). At the second stage, all rats were received atherogenic feeding for 14 days to increase the plasma cholesterol levels and at the end of the treatment 3 rats were dissected for plasma lipid level analysis (the atherogenic group). At the third stage, the rats were divided into two groups of treatments: the PS group and the PG group Each group consisted of 5 rats. The rats in The PS group were fed with standard food and the PG group were fed with the standard food containing 36% of red gedi leaf paste. At the end of the treatment, the rats were dissected for plasma lipid level analysis using enzymatic colorimetric methods. During the treatments, each rat was received 20 g of food and drinking water ad libitum. The results showedthat the total plasma cholesterol (TPC), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and triglyceride levels of the rats receiving red gedi (the PGgroup) were lower compare to the other groups (thebaseline, theatherogenicandPS groups). This studyconcludedthat consumingthe standardfoodcontaining 36% of redgedileaf paste was able to reduce the cholesterol levels of hypercholesterolemiarats

    Profil Lipida Plasma Tikus Wistar yang Hiperkolesterolemia pada Pemberian Gedi Merah (Abelmoschus manihot L.)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh daun gedi merah (Abelmoschus manihot L.) terhadap kadar lipida dari plasma darah hewan uji yang menderita hiperkolesterolemia. Penelitian ini menggunakan 16 ekor tikus jantan, strain Wistar berumur 2-3 bulan dengan berat 120-250 g, dan dibagi dalam 3 tahap perlakuan. Tahap pertama, tikus diadaptasikan terlebih dahulu selama 8 hari dengan pemberian pakan standar, dan diakhiri masa adaptasi, sebanyak 3 ekor tikus dibedah untuk dianalisis kadar lipida plasmanya (Baseline). Tahap ke-2, tikus diberi pakan aterogenik selama 14 hari untuk meningkatkan kadar kolesterol plasmanya, dan diakhiri tahap ini sebanyak 3 ekor tikus dibedah untuk dianalisis kadar lipida plasmanya (kelompok Aterogenik). Tahap ke-3, tikus dibagi menjadi dua perlakuan, yakni: tikus yang diberi pakan standar (kelompok PS), dan tikus yang diberi pakan standar mengandung 36% pasta daun gedi merah (kelompok PG). Setiap perlakuan terdiri dari 5 ekor tikus dan diakhiri tahap perlakuan ini, semua tikus dibedah untuk dianalisis kadar lipida plasmaya menggunakan metode enzimatik kolorimetri. Pemberian pakan sebanyak 20 g per ekor per hari dan air minum dilakukan secara ad libitum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelompok PG secara signifikan memiliki kadartotal plasma cholesterol (TPC) yang lebih rendah daripada baseline, kelompok aterogenik dan PS, kelompok PG juga memiliki kadar kolesterol dalam partikel low density lipoproteins (k-LDL) lebih rendah daripada kelompok aterogenik, dan kelompok PG memiliki kadar trigliserida (TG) yang lebih rendah daripada kelompok aterogenik dan PS. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa mengkonsumsi pakan standar mengandung 36% pasta daun gedi merah dapat menurunkan kadar TPC, k-LDL dan trigliserida berpengaruh nyata terhadap penurunan kolesterol tikus percobaan yang hiperkolesterolemia.The purpose of this research was to study the effect of red gedi (Abelmoschus Manihot L.) leaves on the blood plasma lipid levels of the tested animals suffering from hypercholesterolemia. This study used 16 Wistar strain male rats, 2-3 months old with the body weight of 120 to 250 g. The tested animals were divided into three groups based on the treatments stages. At the first stage, all rats were adapted for 8 days with the standard food and at the end of the treatment 3 rats were dissected for plasma lipid level analysis (the baseline group). At the second stage, all rats were received atherogenic feeding for 14 days to increase the plasma cholesterol levels and at the end of the treatment 3 rats were dissected for plasma lipid level analysis (the atherogenic group). At the third stage, the rats were divided into two groups of treatments: the PS group and the PG group Each group consisted of 5 rats. The rats in The PS group were fed with standard food and the PG group were fed with the standard food containing 36% of red gedi leaf paste. At the end of the treatment, the rats were dissected for plasma lipid level analysis using enzymatic colorimetric methods. During the treatments, each rat was received 20 g of food and drinking water ad libitum. The results showedthat the total plasma cholesterol (TPC), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and triglyceride levels of the rats receiving red gedi (the PGgroup) were lower compare to the other groups (thebaseline, theatherogenicandPS groups). This studyconcludedthat consumingthe standardfoodcontaining 36% of redgedileaf paste was able to reduce the cholesterol levels of hypercholesterolemiarats

    Model Pembelajaran Outdoor Education Berpengaruh Terhadap Keterampilan Gerak Dasar pada Muatan Pjok Kelas V SD

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    Abstract: This research is a Quasi-Experimental Research using the Outdoor Education learning model. The population in this study was the total number of grade V students at SDN 2 Taman Sari with a total of 54 students. The sampling technique in this study used a random sampling technique with the results of class V A as an Experimental class with a total of 29 students and class V B as a Control class, with a total of 25 students. The average score results shown by the experimental class in the pre-test were 63.03 and after post-test examination increased to 83.06 for the control class itself obtained the average score of the pre-test of 58.44 and the post-test increased to 70.40. The data collection technique in this study is a test of students' basic motion skills using observations in the form of pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed using the help of SPSS 25 software for windows. Hypothesis testing conducted by researchers showed that the value of the sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000 0.05 then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that there is an influence of the outdoor education learning model on the basic movement skills of grade V students of SDN 2 Taman Sari.Abstrak: Penelitian ini merupakan Quasi-Eksperimental (Penelitian Eksperimen Semu) dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Outdoor Education. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan siswa kelas V di SDN 2 Taman Sari dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 54 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik random sampling dengan hasil kelas V A sebagai kelas eksperimen dengan jumlah 29 siswa dan kelas V B sebagai kelas kontrol dengan jumlah 25 siswa. Hasil nilai rata-rata yang ditunjukkan oleh kelas eksperimen pada pre-test sebesar 63,03 dan setelah dilakukan post-test meningkat menjadi 83,06 untuk kelas kontrol sendiri diperoleh nilai rata-rata dari pre-test sebesar 58,44 dan post-test mengalami peningkatan menjadi 70,40. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah tes keterampilan gerak dasar siswa menggunakan pengamatan (observasi) berupa pre-test dan post-test. Data dianalisis menggunakan bantuan software SPSS 25 for windows. Pengujian hipotesis yang dilakukan peneliti menunjukkan bahwa nilai sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,000 0,05 maka H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya bahwa ada pengaruh dari model pembelajaran outdoor education terhadap keterampilan gerak dasar siswa kelas V di SDN 2 Taman Sari

    The Role of Specific Cellular Immune System in Chronic Hepatitis C

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    Hepatitis C virus is a RNA virus with very high speed replication. The clinical course of chronic hepatitis C is frequently asymptomatic like other hepatitis viruses. Infection of hepatitis virus will activate the immune system specifically as well as non-specifically. Mechanism of the immune system regulation is controlled by tissues consisting of antibodies cells and cytokines. In the process, all of the immune systems integrate and coordinate with the main agent-lymphocytes. Lymphocytes recognize antigens through the specific-surface antigen receptors. Following exposure to viral chronic hepatitis virus, viremia takes place within 1-2 weeks. In immuno-competent hosts, viremia will be preceded with the increase in transaminase enzyme and delayed seroconversion of antibodies will occur. Unlike other immunologic processes, these established antibodies are not protective in nature but serve only as the sign that someone has been infected by hepatitis C. In most cases of hepatitis C virus infection, this virus cannot be eradicated in the acute phase. Approximately 80-90% of acute infection progresses to be chronic infection and in 50% of the cases, there is an increase in transaminase enzyme that reveals that there is still liver cell damage. The degree of liver tissue damage in hepatitis depends on the number of virus infecting and the activity of cytotoxic T cells

    Optimasi Penggunaan High Shear Mixer pada Pembuatan Fraksi Alkaloid dari Daun Awar-awar (Ficus septica) dengan Desain Faktorial

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    Awar-awar (Ficus septica) is an Indonesian anticancer plant that contains alkaloids as the active compound. The n-hexane insoluble fraction (FTLH) is alkaloid-containing fraction obtained from the ethanolic extract of F. septica leaves (EEDFS) by fractionation using n-hexane. High shear mixer (HSM) can be used to optimize the separation processes, including fractionation. The application of HSM in the fractionation of EEDFS is affected by fractionation duration, amount of solvent per gram extract, and strirring strength. Thus, these parameters must be optimized to obtain the optimum condition for the production of FTLH with the highest alkaloid content. This study aimed to optimize the production of FTLH using HSM with factorial designs. The single factor experimental design was employed to determine the influence of the individual variable on the alkaloid content and to define the optimum range value of each variable. A full factorial design was used to determine the presence of interaction among the factors and to determine the optimal fractionation condition. The results showed that all investigated factors independently affected alkaloid contents. The solvent volume of 14-18 mL per gram extract, the fractionation duration of 2.5-5.0 minutes, and the stirring strength of 3000 rpm are the optimal range value of each factor. The optimal conditions were solvent volume of 14.0-14.4 mL/gram extract, fractionation duration of 2.5-2.7 minutes, and strirring strength at 3000 rpm. At the optimal condition, the total alkaloid content in the FTLH reached 0.1466% or 1.3 times higher than the extract (0.1128%)