744 research outputs found

    An Acid-Bath Technique to Break Seed Dormancy in Common Sunflower, Helianthus L. annuus (Asteraceae)

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    The phenomenon of seed dormancy is widespread in plants and serves to prevent all or most of a given population from germinating at the ā€œwrongā€ time, e.g., during an unusually mild fall in an area subject to typically harsh winters. Seed dormancy is an effective survival strategy in many plant populations, but may greatly complicate efforts to establish large cohorts of seedlings (groups of similar age or developmental stage) needed for re-search and other purposes. In an effort to break seed dormancy in common sunflower, Helianthus annuus L. (Asteraceae), we conducted experiments designed to compare germination times and overall germination success among groups of field-collected H. annuus seeds subjected to several treatments. Overall germination success during a 14-d period posttreatment was lowest among untreated controls and groups soaked in a disinfecting solution for 15-h (1.2% and 2.6% germination, respectively;

    Protein kinase C and rho activated coiled coil protein kinase 2 (ROCK2) modulate Alzheimer's APP metabolism and phosphorylation of the Vps10-domain protein, SorL1

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Generation of the amyloid Ī² (AĪ²) peptide of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is differentially regulated through the intracellular trafficking of the amyloid Ī² precursor protein (APP) within the secretory and endocytic pathways. Protein kinase C (PKC) and rho-activated coiled-coil kinases (ROCKs) are two "third messenger" signaling molecules that control the relative utilization of these two pathways. Several members of the Vps family of receptors (Vps35, SorL1, SorCS1) play important roles in post-<it>trans</it>-Golgi network (<it>TGN</it>) sorting and generation of APP derivatives, including AĪ² at the TGN, endosome and the plasma membrane. We now report that Vps10-domain proteins are candidate substrates for PKC and/or ROCK2 and act as phospho-state-sensitive physiological effectors for post-<it>TGN </it>sorting of APP and its derivatives.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Analysis of the SorL1 cytoplasmic tail revealed multiple consensus sites for phosphorylation by protein kinases. SorL1 was subsequently identified as a phosphoprotein, based on sensitivity of its electrophoretic migration pattern to calf intestine alkaline phosphatase and on its reaction with anti-phospho-serine antibodies. Activation of PKC resulted in increased shedding of the ectodomains of both APP and SorL1, and this was paralleled by an apparent increase in the level of the phosphorylated form of SorL1. ROCK2, the neuronal isoform of another protein kinase, was found to form complexes with SorL1, and both ROCK2 inhibition and ROCK2 knockdown enhanced generation of both soluble APP and AĪ².</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results highlight the potential importance of SorL1 in elucidating phospho-state sensitive mechanisms in the regulation of metabolism of APP and AĪ² by PKC and ROCK2.</p

    Validation of a commercially available indirect assay for SARS-CoV-2 neutralising antibodies using a pseudotyped virus assay.

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    Objectives To assess whether a commercially available CE-IVD, ELISA-based surrogate neutralisation assay (cPass, Genscript) provides a genuine measure of SARS-CoV-2 neutralisation by human sera, and further to establish whether measuring responses against the RBD of S was a diagnostically useful proxy for responses against the whole S protein. Methods Serum samples from 30 patients were assayed for anti-NP responses, for ā€˜neutralisationā€™ by the surrogate neutralisation assay and for neutralisation by SARS-CoV-2 S pseudotyped virus assays utilising two target cell lines. Correlation between assays was measured using linear regression. Results The responses observed within the surrogate neutralisation assay demonstrated an extremely strong, highly significant positive correlation with those observed in both pseudotyped virus assays. Conclusions The tested ELISA-based surrogate assay provides an immunologically useful measure of functional immune responses in a much quicker and highly automatable fashion. It also reinforces that detection of anti-RBD neutralising antibodies alone is a powerful measure of the capacity to neutralise viral infection

    Validation of a commercially available indirect assay for SARS-CoV-2 neutralising antibodies using a pseudotyped virus assay

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess whether a commercially available CE-IVD, ELISA-based surrogate neutralisation assay (cPass, Genscript) provides a genuine measure of SARS-CoV-2 neutralisation by human sera, and further to establish whether measuring responses against the RBD of S was a diagnostically useful proxy for responses against the whole S protein. METHODS: Serum samples from 30 patients were assayed for anti-NP responses, for ā€˜neutralisationā€™ by the surrogate neutralisation assay and for neutralisation by SARS-CoV-2 S pseudotyped virus assays utilising two target cell lines. Correlation between assays was measured using linear regression. RESULTS: The responses observed within the surrogate neutralisation assay demonstrated an extremely strong, highly significant positive correlation with those observed in both pseudotyped virus assays. CONCLUSIONS: The tested ELISA-based surrogate assay provides an immunologically useful measure of functional immune responses in a much quicker and highly automatable fashion. It also reinforces that detection of anti-RBD neutralising antibodies alone is a powerful measure of the capacity to neutralise viral infection


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    ABSTRACT A computational approach has been undertaken to design and assess potential Fe-Cr-Ni-Al systems to produce stable nanostructured corrosion-resistant coatings that form a protective, continuous scale of alumina or chromia at elevated temperatures. Phase diagram computation was modeled using the Thermo-Calc Ā® software and database [1, 2] to generate pseudo-ternary Fe-Cr-Ni-Al phase diagrams to help identifying compositional ranges without undesirable brittle phases. Computational modeling of the grain growth process, sintering of voids, and interface toughness determination by indentation, assessed micro-structural stability and durability of the nanocoatings fabricated by a magnetron-sputtering process. Interdiffusion of Al, Cr, and Ni was performed using the DICTRA Ā® diffusion code [3] to maximize the long-term stability of the nanocoatings. The computational results identified a new series of Fe-Cr-NiAl coatings that maintain long-term stability and a fine-grained microstructure at elevated temperatures. The formation of brittle sigma phase in Fe-Cr-Ni-Al alloys is suppressed for Al contents in excess of 4 wt.%. Grain growth modeling indicated that the columnar-grained structure with a high percentage of low-angle grain boundaries is resistant to grain growth. Sintering modeling indicated that the initial relative density of as-processed magnetron-sputtered coatings could achieve full density after a short thermal exposure or heat-treatment. Interface toughness computation indicated that Fe-Cr-Ni-Al nanocoatings exhibit high interface toughness in the range of 52-366 J/m 2 . Interdiffusion modeling using the DICTRA software package indicated that inward diffusion could result in substantial to moderate Al and Cr losses from the nanocoating to the substrate during long-term thermal exposures

    Comparison of PM-HIP to Forged SA508 Pressure Vessel Steel Under High-Dose Neutron Irradiation

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    Powder metallurgy with hot isostatic pressing (PM-HIP) is an advanced manufacturing process that is envisioned to replace forging for heavy nuclear components, including the reactor pressure vessel (RPV). But PM-HIP products must at least demonstrate comparable irradiation tolerance than forgings in order to be qualified for nuclear applications. The objective of this study is to directly compare PM-HIP to forged SA508 Grade 3 Class 1 low-alloy RPV steel at two neutron irradiation conditions: ~0.5-1.0 displacements per atom (dpa) at ~270C and ~370C. PM-HIP SA508 experiences greater irradiation hardening and embrittlement (total elongation) than forged SA508. However, uniform elongation and approximate toughness are comparable across all irradiated materials, suggesting irradiated PM-HIP SA508 exhibits superior ductility at maximum load-bearing capacity. The irradiation hardening mechanism is linked to composition rather than fabrication method. Since PM-HIP SA508 has higher Mn and Ni concentration, it is more susceptible to irradiation-induced nucleation of Mn-Ni-Si-P (MNSP) nanoprecipitates and dislocation loops, which both contribute to hardening. Conversely, the forged material nucleates fewer MNSPs, causing dislocation loops to control irradiation hardening. These results show promise for the irradiation performance of PM-HIP SA508 and can motivate future nuclear code qualification of PM-HIP fabrication for RPVs

    Effect of an extreme flood event on solute transport and resilience of a mine water treatment system in a mineralised catchment

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    Extreme rainfall events are predicted to become more frequent with climate change and can have a major bearing on instream solute and pollutant transport in mineralised catchments. The Coledale Beck catchment in north-west England was subject to an extreme rainfall event in December 2015 that equated to a 1 in 200-year event. The catchment contains the UK's first passive metal mine water treatment system, and as such had been subject to intense monitoring of solute dynamics before and after commissioning. Due to this monitoring record, the site provides a unique opportunity to assess the effects of a major storm event on (1) catchment-scale solute transport, and (2) the resilience of the new and novel passive treatment system to extreme events. Monitoring suggests a modest decline in treatment efficiency over time that is not synchronous with the storm event and explained instead by changes in system hydraulic efficiency. There was no apparent flushing of the mine system during the event that could potentially have compromised treatment system performance. Analysis of metal transport in the catchment downstream of the mine suggests relatively subtle changes in instream chemistry with modest but statistically-significant reductions in zinc in the lower catchment irrespective of flow condition after the extreme event, but most parameters of interest show no significant change. Increased export of colloidal iron and aluminium is associated with major landslips in the mid-catchment after the storm and provide fresh sorption sites to attenuate dissolved zinc more rapidly in these locations, corroborated by laboratory experiments utilising site materials to investigate the attenuation/release of metals from stream and terrestrial sediments. The data are important as they show both the resilience of passive mine water treatment systems to extreme events and the importance of catchment-scale monitoring to ensure continued effectiveness of treatment initiatives after major perturbation

    Corrigendum to Comparing Structure-Property Evolution for PM-HIP and Forged Alloy 625 Irradiated with Neutrons to 1dpa [Mater. Sci. Eng. A (2022) 144058]

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    The authors regret that after publication, they discovered that the dislocation loop number density was undercounted by a factor of 100 for both the PM-HIP and forged specimens. While this does not change the original major conclusions, this necessitates a change in the results presentation (Sections 3.2 and 4.1) and calculated hardening (Table 3, Fig. 5). Corrections to these affected sections are provided in this corrigendum

    Techniques to Facilitate the Acquisition of Accurate Spectral Measurements and Multispectral Imagery of Plant Foliage Under Artificial Lighting Conditions

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    Spectral measurements obtained in the laboratory under artificial lighting sources have been used for many years to develop spectral ā€˜librariesā€™ for various soil types, rocks and minerals, and other inanimate features occurring on or near the earthā€™s surface. Quartz halogen lamps have been shown to emit all of the electromagnetic (EMR) wavelengths required for the acquisition of quality multispectral imagery, and various techniques have been developed to facilitate the acquisition of accurate spectral measurements using such artificial lighting sources. Our objectives in this study were to evaluate the several factors of critical importance in obtaining accurate spectral measurements for plant foliage in the laboratory, including the effects of leaf orientation, excision, and background reflectance on reflectance of visible and NIR wavelengths. Results demonstrated that accurate spectral measurements and imagery of various types of foliage may be obtained using quartz halogen lighting provided that excised leaf samples are placed on an NIR-absorbent background and samples are maintained in containers designed to minimize desiccation

    Cold temperature does not affect perceived exertion in males and females during submaximal cycling

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    Background: Perceived exertion is an acknowledged indicator of exercise intensity and homeostasis disturbance of an individual, however, there are few studies that have examined the influence of cold temperatures on perceived exertion measurements. Cognition is crucial to perception and exposure to cold temperatures can elicit decrements in cognition. Aims & Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine if, and to what extent, exposure to cold environments may influence perceived exertion and cognitive ability. Study Design: Randomised controlled trial. Materials & Methods: Sixteen participants (m= 8, f= 8, age: 22.3 Ā± 1.7 years (mean Ā± SD)), completed two trials in a randomised order in COLD (5Ā°C) and CONTROL (18 Ā°C, 55% relative humidity) conditions. During each trial, following a standardised warm up, participants performed a 6-minute cycle ergometer submaximal exercise. Cognitive ability was assessed pre and post exercise with a reaction time (RT) test. Participantā€™s physiological responses were measured using Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE), Heart Rate (HR), Oxygen consumption (VO2), Minute Ventilation (VE), Tympanic (Tt) and Skin Temperature (Tsk) continuously during testing. Statistics: Two-way repeated measures Analysis of Variances (ANOVA), were between environmental conditions over time.Data are reported as mean (M) Ā± standard deviation (SD).Ordinal Friedman ANOVA tests were conducted on RPE data between environmental conditions and gender. Non-parametric descriptive statistics were reported as medians (Mdn) and inter-quartile ranges (IQR) (25thā€“75thPercentile). Statistical significance was accepted at p 0.05) reported in RPE, VO2 and VEbetween COLD and CONTROL groups, however, significant decreases in Tsk(p= 0.001) and Tt(p= 0.001) were observed in COLD compared to CONTROL groups. Additionally, no significant differences (p > 0.05) in RT occurred between COLD and CONTROL. Furthermore, no significant differences in RPE were established between genders. Conclusions: Short-term exposure to cold temperatures does not significantly affect physical exertion perception or cognitive abilit
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