555 research outputs found

    Partial radiogenic heat model for Earth revealed by geoneutrino measurements

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    The Earth has cooled since its formation, yet the decay of radiogenic isotopes, and in particular uranium, thorium and potassium, in the planet’s interior provides a continuing heat source. The current total heat flux from the Earth to space is 44:2±1.0 TW, but the relative contributions from residual primordial heat and radiogenic decay remain uncertain. However, radiogenic decay can be estimated from the flux of geoneutrinos, electrically neutral particles that are emitted during radioactive decay and can pass through the Earth virtually unaffected. Here we combine precise measurements of the geoneutrino flux from the Kamioka Liquid-Scintillator Antineutrino Detector, Japan, with existing measurements from the Borexino detector, Italy.We find that decay of uranium-238 and thorium-232 together contribute 20.0^(+8.8)_(-8.6)TW to Earth’s heat flux. The neutrinos emitted from the decay of potassium-40 are below the limits of detection in our experiments, but are known to contribute 4TW. Taken together, our observations indicate that heat from radioactive decay contributes about half of Earth’s total heat flux. We therefore conclude that Earth’s primordial heat supply has not yet been exhausted

    Constraints on θ_(13) from a three-flavor oscillation analysis of reactor antineutrinos at KamLAND

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    We present new constraints on the neutrino oscillation parameters Δm^2_(21), θ_(12), and θ_(13) from a three flavor analysis of solar and KamLAND data. The KamLAND data set includes data acquired following a radiopurity upgrade and amounts to a total exposure of 3.49 x 10^(32) target-proton-year. Under the assumption of CPT invariance, a two-flavor analysis (θ_(13) = 0) of the KamLAND and solar data yields the best-fit values tan^2θ_(12) = 0.444^(+0.036)_(-0.030) and Δm^2_(21) = 7.50^(+0.19)_(-0.20) x 10^(-5) eV^2; a three-flavor analysis with θ13 as a free parameter yields the best-fit values tan^2θ_(12) = 0.452^(+0.035)_(-0.033), Δm^2_(21) = 7.50^(+0.19)_(-0.20) x 10^(-5) eV^2, and sin^2θ_(13) = 0.020^(+0.016)_(-0.016). This θ_(13) interval is consistent with other recent work combining the CHOOZ, atmospheric and long-baseline accelerator experiments. We also present a new global θ_(13) analysis, incorporating the CHOOZ, atmospheric, and accelerator data, which indicates sin^2θ_(13) = 0.009^(+0.013)-_(0.007). A nonzero value is suggested, but only at the 79% C.L

    A search for electron antineutrinos associated with gravitational wave events GW150914 and GW151226 using KamLAND

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    We present a search, using KamLAND, a kiloton-scale anti-neutrino detector, for low-energy anti-neutrino events that were coincident with the gravitational-wave (GW) events GW150914 and GW151226, and the candidate event LVT151012. We find no inverse beta-decay neutrino events within ±500 s of either GW signal. This non-detection is used to constrain the electron anti-neutrino fluence and the total integrated luminosity of the astrophysical sources

    A search for electron antineutrinos associated with gravitational wave events GW150914 and GW151226 using KamLAND

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    We present a search, using KamLAND, a kiloton-scale anti-neutrino detector, for low-energy anti-neutrino events that were coincident with the gravitational-wave (GW) events GW150914 and GW151226, and the candidate event LVT151012. We find no inverse beta-decay neutrino events within ±500 s of either GW signal. This non-detection is used to constrain the electron anti-neutrino fluence and the total integrated luminosity of the astrophysical sources

    Early Motherhood: Maternal Challenges and Coping Strategies Among First-Time Ghanaian Mothers

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    Background: Motherhood is a joyous experience in the life of every woman. A woman’s identity is often defined by her ability to bear children in communities where motherhood is greatly valued. However, transition to motherhood comes with the demand of increasing responsibilities. This study therefore explored the challenges and coping mechanisms employed by first-time Ghanaian mothers to meet the demand of motherhood. Methods and findings: This paper employed a qualitative study design through in-depth face-to-face interviews with 15 first-time mothers at 12 months postpartum. First-time mothers identified motherhood challenges such as difficulty combining mothering and work-family dilemma and having sleepless nights. Two themes emerged as coping strategies used by first-time mothers; these include obtaining support from parents, family relatives, external sources and self-designed coping strategies. Conclusion: The paper concludes that health care providers and policy makers need to fashion out culturally capable maternal coping strategies to supplement those been practised by first-time mothers. Keywords: Early Motherhood, copying strategies, first-time mother

    La influencia de las agencias de cooperación en la institucionalización de un modelo de estado, en la era de la guerra constante. Análisis de caso: UDENOR y la Cooperación Estadounidense

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    En un escenario donde se privilegian las respuestas bélicas, las acciones donde el uso a discreción de la fuerza ya no se circunscribe a un solo momento si no se acepta y reverencia de manera constante, la guerra adquiere una cualidad civilizatoria y normativa, donde apunta a la creación de nuevas estrategias y valores que se presuponen universales. Sin embargo en una coyuntura cada vez más visual, la comunidad internacional demanda más pruebas de que todos los caminos tradicionales de solución de conflictos se han agotado antes de embarcarse en una aventura militarista, las acciones de guerra tienden a generar cada vez menos nivel de apoyo y de ahí que se requiere nuevos mecanismos mediante los cuales establecer el fortalecimiento de un escenario compacto y funcional a los intereses del orden constituido. Retóricamente se construyen zonas como vulnerables y estratégicas donde juega un papel importante la figura de la cooperación internacional, bajo la idea de que mediante la ayuda al desarrollo ya sea a través de donaciones monetarias o ayuda técnica se pueden vencer los limitantes de las redes internas que propician coyunturas caóticas. Estas agencias de cooperación pasan a suplir las falencias del Estado a la hora de satisfacer las necesidades de sus ciudadanos, en determinadas zonas estratégicas, favoreciendo la construcción de un modelo de estado funcional al orden mundial

    Nuclear matrix elements for neutrinoless double-beta decay and double-electron capture

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    A new generation of neutrinoless double beta decay experiments with improved sensitivity is currently under design and construction. They will probe inverted hierarchy region of the neutrino mass pattern. There is also a revived interest to the resonant neutrinoless double-electron capture, which has also a potential to probe lepton number conservation and to investigate the neutrino nature and mass scale. The primary concern are the nuclear matrix elements. Clearly, the accuracy of the determination of the effective Majorana neutrino mass from the measured 0\nu\beta\beta-decay half-life is mainly determined by our knowledge of the nuclear matrix elements. We review recent progress achieved in the calculation of 0\nu\beta\beta and 0\nu ECEC nuclear matrix elements within the quasiparticle random phase approximation. A considered self-consistent approach allow to derive the pairing, residual interactions and the two-nucleon short-range correlations from the same modern realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials. The effect of nuclear deformation is taken into account. A possibility to evaluate 0\nu\beta\beta-decay matrix elements phenomenologically is discussed.Comment: 24 pages; 80 references. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1101.214
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