12 research outputs found

    Model inversion of electrical engineering systems from bicausal bond graphs

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    In this paper, the application of bicausal bond graphs for model inversion of typical electrical engineering systems is emphasised. Inverse models are particularly useful for the synthesis step of the system design process. To illustrate these issues, a typical railway traction device and an Aeronautic Electro Hydrostatic Actuator are considered as case studies. From the requirements applied to the system outputs, we show how the synthesis of electrical constraints can be carried out from the inverse bicausal Bond Graph

    Bond Graph Multi-time Scale Analysis of a Railway Traction System

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    The unified formalism of bond graphs is applicable to designing, modeling and analyzing complex and heterogeneous physical systems. Moreover, various order-reduction methods can be applied directly on bond graph models in order to simplify them. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the characteristics and the advantages of the bond graph formalism, considering as an example, model simplification methods of a railway traction system. Several simulations are carried out in order to validate the simplified models. The analysis of couplings on these models highlights the elements that cause perturbations, such as mechanical resonance

    Bond Graph Based Stability Analysis of a Railway Traction System

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    This paper emphasises the interest of the Bond Graph approach for analysis and system design of heterogeneous and multi-field devices. In particular, the local stability analysis of non linear systems can be directly derived from the linearised Causal Bond Graph. This method is applied to a typical electrical engineering system: a railway traction device involving electromechanical couplings. Validity, usefulness and originality of this approach are displaye

    Méthodologie de conception systémique en génie électrique à l'aide de l'outil bond graph : application à une chaine de traction ferroviaire

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    L'hétérogénéité et le caractère souvent multidomaines des systèmes au sein desquels le Génie Electrique intervient complexifient leur analyse globale. Pourtant, l'approche système est essentielle car elle met en exergue les couplages entre éléments situés dans différentes disciplines. pour faciliter cette démarche, le formalisme de modélisation unifiant "Bond Graph" est utilisé pour visualiser les transferts énergétiques. Par ailleurs, cette méthodologie offre des perspectives intéressantes en terme d'analyse systémique, objet de ce mémoire. Deux méthodes de simplification de modèle ont été étudiées et comparées. Il s'agit de la Méthodes des Perturbations Singulières, basée sur la séparation de dynamique des éléments, et de la méthode MORA (Model Order Reduction Algorithm), basée sur l'activité énergétique. Ces méthodes peuvent nous conduire à la simplification du modèle Bond Graph en fonction de la gamme de fréquence des signaux d'entrées/sorties. Pour analyser la stabilité, la méthode du lieu des pôles et la deuxième méthode de Lyapunov ont été étudiées et appliquées à l'aide du formalisme Bond Graph. Ces différentes techniques d'analyse sont appliquées à l'aide du formalisme Bond Graph. Ces différentes techniques d'analyse sont appliquées au cas d'étude d'une chaîne de traction ferroviaire industrielle. ABSTRACT : In Electrical Engineering, the global analysis of systems is difficult because of their heterogeneity and their multidomain nature. Nevertheless, this system approach is essential because it underlines couplings between elements of different physical fields. To facilitate this analysis, the unified formalism Bond Graph is used. This modeling method illustrates the energetic transfers in the system. Moreover, this methodology offers interesting solutions in terms of system analysis. Two simplification methods have been investigated and compared, i.e. the Singular Perturbations Method (SPM), based on the dynamic analysis of elements, and the Model Order Reduction Algorithm (MORA), based on the energetic activity. By these methods, a simplified bond graph model can be obtained for a given frequency range. The stability analysis by the root locus method and the Lyapunov’s second method have been examined and applied with the Bond Graph formalism support. An industrial railway traction system is considered as the case study in the application of these different analysis techniques

    Synthesis of an electro hydrostatic actuator from bicausal bond graphs

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    In this paper, the structure of an Electro Hydrostatic Actuator (EHA) devoted to flight control surfaces is firstly described by its Causal Bond Graph (CBG). Then, verifying the inversion conditions, the Bicausal Bond Graph (BBG) can be obtained to synthesize the system inputs (electrical constraints) from the outputs (aerodynamic torque and position of the flight control surface) given by data stored during an actual "flight mission". The particular issues of filtering and of synthesis by model inversion are discussed and a first simulation set is provided to illustrate the apabilities of this approach by means of BBGs. Then, the same process is applied to a more complete modeling of the EHA with a BG including several non linearities inside the electro hydrostatic transmission line

    One model for one frequency range : comparison of bond graph based simplification methods

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    Time constants of electromechanical systems are spread along a large bandwidth (from microseconds to minutes : 10⁸ ratio). This issue makes difficult their analysis and increases the simulation time all the more than a system approach is considered. When only a small time interval is observed, the influence of slow modes may be neglected and vice versa. In this framework, simplifying a model with respect to the frequency range becomes really interesting. In order to simplify the model of complex devices, two model simplification methods have been applied directly on bond graphs. The Singular Perturbation Method (SPM), based on the dynamic analysis of elements, allows one to obtain several models, each one being dedicated to a class of dynamics and being simpler than the initial model. The Model Order Reduction Algorithm (MORA) is an energy-based procedure, which allows the deduction of a simplified model by suppressing the elements that are energetically inactive. Moreover, since the energy of an element depends on the frequency of the input signals, a simplified model can be obtained for the frequency range corresponding to the input signal spectrum. A railway traction system is used as our case study to compare these methods

    Méthodologie de conception systémique en génie électrique à l'aide de l'outil Bond Graph (application à une chaîne de traction ferroviaire)

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    L'hétérogénéité et le caractère multidomaines des systèmes en génie électrique complexifient leur analyse globale. Pourtant, l'approche système est essentielle car elle met en exergue les couplages entre éléments de différentes natures. Pour faciliter cette démarche, le formalisme de modélisation unifiant Bond Graph est utilisé pour visualiser les transferts énergétiques. Par ailleurs, cette méthodologie offre des outils en terme d'analyse systémique. Deux méthodes de simplification ont été étudiées et comparées, i.e. la Méthode des Perturbations Singulières, basée sur l'analyse de dynamique des éléments, et la méthode MORA (Model Order Reduction Algorithm), basée sur l'activité énergétique. Ces méthodes permettent de simplifier un modèle Bond Graph selon la gamme de fréquence. Pour analyser la stabilité, la méthode du lieu des pôles et la deuxième méthode de Lyapunov ont été étudiées à l'aide du formalisme Bond Graph. Une chaîne de traction ferroviaire est considérée comme cas d'étude.TOULOUSE-ENSEEIHT (315552331) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Prototypage rapide de commande à base de DSP : Application à un soft starter

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    International audienceDans les projets d'innovation en génie électrique, la modélisation prend une place très importante, notamment dans la conception de la loi de commande. Par ailleurs, grâce à l'outil de génération de code automatique, la validation de cette commande pourra être faite sur une plateforme de prototypage rapide de commande. Pour réduire le temps à partir de la conception de la commande au produit final, une plateforme de prototypage rapide à base de DSP a été développée. Elle permet de prendre en compte les contraintes liés aux périphériques de microprocesseur dans le modèle de simulation sous Matlab/Simulink et, grâce aux outils de Matlab/Simulink, de générer le code de commande automatiquement vers le microprocesseur. Cette plateforme contient également la partie hardware pour faciliter la conception de la carte de commande. Un cas d'étude et une application sur un projet de soft starter sont présentés pour montrer l'intérêt de cette plateforme

    Modeling and Multi-time Scale Analysis of Railway Traction Systems Using Bond Graphs

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    The unified and global formalism of bond graph is suitable for modeling complex heterogeneous systems. Besides, direct application of the singular perturbation method to bond graphs can reduce or simplify the obtained models. In this paper, we take two different railway traction systems as case study. The first one consisting of a DC motor coupled with a mechanical load is relatively simple in order to show the advantages of these methods. The second corresponds to an actual railway traction system (the BB 36000 locomotive) composed of an asynchronous motor with direct field oriented control. By using the singular perturbation method, the bond graphs of these systems are simplified and reduced. To validate these simplifications, numerical simulations are carried out in both of the normal operating mode and the short-circuit mode. The analysis of couplings on the simplified bond graph allows us to find the dynamic elements associated to the main phenomena, such as resonance, which disturbs the system

    Bond Graph Modeling of an Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator for Aeronautic Applications

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    International audienceElectrical actuators are arriving onboard aircrafts. At the same time, computer simulations are more and more used to realize pre-studies concerning systems on board aircrafts. In this context, actuator models are needed. The objective of this paper is to present how an actuator can be modeled with the Bond Graph method. A complete Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator is modeled, from the electrical power supply to the flight control surface. To perform electrical network simulations, Saber software is greatly used in aeronautic. The Bond Graph model is therefore translated into an equivalent electrical circuit to use it directly on Saber. A validation is achieved with a reference model. Due to the adaptability of a Bond Graph design, the actuator model's accuracy can be easily fixed to the desired level