11 research outputs found


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    This aims of the study is to determine the potential for carbon deposits and uptake in Angsana (Pterocarpus indicus Willd) tree species. This research was carried out in December 2019. To determine the potential for carbon storage, the Allometric Equation formula was used to estimate biomass stored in it. A half of the biomass is carbon content stored. The results of this study showed that the largest estimation of carbon storage in green space of Ilir Barat I District at the point of observation of GOR / PSCC with a total carbon content of 17,999 tons / ha with an individual number of 23 species of Angsana plants (Pterocarpus indicus Willd). For the District of Ilir Barat I in the City of Palembang, it is expected to increase the number of Angsana (Pterocarpus indicus Willd) plants because these plants can absorb enough carbon and have strong root

    Sea Surface Temperature and Wind Velocity in Batam Waters Its Relation to Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)

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    This study aimed to observe the characteristics of sea surface temperature (SST) and wind velocity and its relation with the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) in the waters of Batam. The data used in this study were the SST datasets and the wind speed of 2016 in the waters of Batam. The method used in this research were the visual analysis using the data ocean view (ODV) to observe at the spatial and temporal distribution of the SST and the wind speed in Batam waters at different seasons. The next method is a fast Fourier transform (FFT). The earlier monsoon season that occurred in April has the highest wind speed with the value of 3.9 MS ** - 1 for components U. As for the V, the component has the highest value of -3.6 MS ** - 1. The SST Batam observed high in April occurred on 19-04-2016 with a value of 304.2 ° K (31.05 ° C). West monsoon winds that occurred in January has the highest wind speed with a value of 4.5 MS ** - 1 for components U. As for the V, the component has the highest value of 5.2 MS ** - 1 in the waters of Batam. The highest SST in Batam was  occurred in January on 19-01-2016 with a value of 302.8 ° K (29.65 ° C). Based on the results of the FFT, wind speed and SST in the waters of the Island has a dominant 6-month period (semiannual)


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui proses pembelajaran dan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi ciri-ciri makhluk hidup menggunakan video animasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 1 Siantan dengan subjek penelitian adalah kelas VII A dengan jumlah 35 siswa.Penelitian yang dilaksanakan dalam 4 tahap, yakni tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi.Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran telah terlaksana sesuai dengan rencana, pada siklus I 100% dan pada siklus II sebesar 100%. Ketuntasan hasil belajar pada siklus I hanya 51,43%, dan meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 94,29%. Dengan demikian menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan media video animasi dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi ciri-ciri makhluk hidup.   Kata Kunci: Hasil Belajar, Media Video Animasi Abstract: This study aims to determine the learning process and to improve student’s learning outcomes on the material characteristics of living things using animationvideo. The method used is a classroom action research. The research was conducted in SMP Negeri 1 Siantan,the research subject is class VII A with the number of 35 students. The study was conducted in four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The results showed that the implementation of learning has been implemented according to plan, in the first cycle is 100% and the second cycle is 100%. Learning outcomes in the first cycle is 51.43%, and in the second cycle is 94.29%. We assume that themedia can improve student learning outcomes on the material characteristics of living things.   Keywords: Results Learning, Media of AnimationVideo

    Pembuatan Plang Denah Lokasi Penentuan Daerah Penangkapan Ikan Berbasis Teknologi Bawah Air untuk Masyarakat Teluk Mata Ikan, Nongsa Batam

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    This community service begins with the understanding that the Geospatial Information Law No. 4 of 2011 mandates that geospatial information must be disseminated and known to the wider community. On the basis of this geospatial information law, community service activities are carried out for coastal communities and small islands regarding the understanding and skills of the Nongsa community, regarding the determination and mapping of fishing areas (MFA), and chlorophyll maps and depth maps, for approaches to Potential locations in the DPI are important so that coastal communities and small islands recognize the potential and spatial problems on Batam Island. This problem will certainly have an impact on the economy of coastal communities, with it being very difficult to determine the location of fishing, which is the main livelihood for the community. This activity includes the development of science and technology to the community, especially in the use of marine technology that can assist in determining fishing areas which will later help and create independence for coastal communities in Mubut Darat in determining fishing spots or areas in the area. The output of this community service program is increasing the understanding and skills of the community in the Nongsa sub-district, Batam regarding the determination and mapping of fishing areas (MFA), providing planks, making maps of fishing areas and developing teaching materials (textbooks) in Batam City. This activity ran smoothly and provided very new knowledge for the people on the island of Batam-Nongsa.Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini diawali dasar pemahaman bahwa UU informasi geospasial nomor 4 Tahun 2011 mengamanatkan bahwa informasi geospasial wajib disebarkan dan diketahui oleh masyarakat luas. Atas dasar UU informasi geospasial ini, sehingga kegiatan  pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan bagi masyarakat pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil mengenai pemahaman dan keterampilan masyarakat Nongsa, tentang penentuan dan pemetaan daerah penangkapan ikan (DPI), dan peta klorofil serta peta kedalaman, untuk pendekatan terhadap lokasi potensial dalam DPI menjadi penting agar masyarakat pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil mengenal potensi dan permasalahan spasial di Pulau Batam. Permasalahan ini tentunya akan berdampak kepada ekonomi masyarakat pesisir, dengan sangat sulitnya menentukan lokasi penangkapan ikan, yang merupakan mata pencaharian utama oleh masyarakat. Kegiatan ini meliputi pengembangan IPTEk kepada masyarakat terutama dalam pemakaian teknologi kelautan yang dapat membantu dalam menentukan daerah penangkapan ikan yang nantinya membantu serta menciptakan kemandirian masyarakat pesisir di Mubut darat dalam menentukan spot atau daerah penangkapan ikan di wilayah tersebut. Luaran program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah peningkatan pemahaman dan keterampilan masyarakat di kecamatan Nongsa, Batam tentang penentuan serta pemetaan daerah penangkapan ikan (DPI), pemberian plank, pembuatan peta pendekatan daerah penangkapan ikan dan pengembangan bahan ajar (buku ajar) di Kota Batam. Kegiatan ini berjalan dengan lancar dan memberikan pengetahuan yang sangat baru untuk masyarakat di pulau Batam- Nongsa


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    Jamur tiram merupakan tumbuhan yang tidak memeliki klorofil dan mendapatkan bahan makanan dari sisa bahan organik. Jumlah petani pembudidaya jamur tiram di kota banjarbaru sangat sedikit. Sementara itu jumlah permintaan jamur segar di pasaran semakin tahun semakin meningkat, Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan analisa teknis dari kegiatan usaha budidaya jamur tiram,dengan melakukan survey ke petani mencari data tentang proses produksi dan melakukan analisa kelayakan finansial  jamur tiram. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan survei lokasi budidaya jamur tiram yang ada di banjarbaru, menganalisa tehnik Budidaya petani  jamur tiram, melakukan Uji kelayakan usaha dengan metode perhitungan NPV, BC Ratio dan IRR. hasil penelitian ini Hasil penelitian menunjukan NPV dengan nilai positif sebesar Rp. 114.148.860,07, Internal Rate Return sebesar 79,8%, BC Ratio sebesar 4,16. Dari ketiga alat uji kelayakan financial menunjukan nilai yang positif dimana usaha ini layak untuk dilaksanakan


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    This study aimed to observe the characteristics of sea surface temperature (SST) and wind velocity and its relation with the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) in the waters of Batam. The data used in this study is the SPL and the wind speed in 2016 in the waters of Batam. The method used in this research is the visual analysis using the data ocean view (ODV) to look at the spatial and temporal distribution of the SPL and the wind speed in Batam waters at different seasons. The next method is a fast Fourier transform (FFT). Transitional season one that occurred in April seen the highest wind speed seen with the value of 3.9 m/s**-1 for components U. As for the V component has the highest value of -3.6 m/s**-1. Sea surface temperature (SST) Batam highs in April occurred on 19-04-2016 with a value of 304.2°C (31.05°C). West monsoon winds that occurred in January seen the highest wind speed with a value of 4.5 m/s**-1 for components U. As for the V component has the highest value of 5.2 MS m/s**-1 in the waters of Batam. . Sea surface temperature (SST) highest Batam in January occurred on 19-01-2016 with a value of 302.8°C (29.65°C). Based on the results of the FFT, wind speed and SPL in the waters of the island has a dominant 6-month period (semiannual)

    A Simple Aerial Photogrammetric Mapping System Overview and Image Acquisition Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

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    Aerial photogrammetry is one of the Alternative technologies for more detailed data, real time, fast and cheaper. Nowadays, many photogrammetric mapping methods have used UAV / unmanned drones or drones to retrieve and record data from an object in the earth. The application of drones in the field of geospatial science today is in great demand because of its relatively easy operation and relatively affordable cost compared to satellite systems especially high - resolution satellite imagery.  This research aims to determine the stage or overview of data retrieval process with DJI Phantom 4 (multi - rotor quad - copter drone) with processing using third party software. This research also produces 2 - dimensional high resolution image data on the research area. Utilization of third party software (Agisoft PhotoScan) making it easier to acquire and process aerial photogrammetric data. The results of aerial photogrammetric recording with a flying altitude of 70 meters obtained high resolution images with a spatial resolution of 2 inches / pixels.&nbsp

    Sea Surface Temperature and Wind Velocity in Batam Waters Its Relation to Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)

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    This study aimed to observe the characteristics of sea surface temperature (SST) and wind velocity and its relation with the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) in the waters of Batam. The data used in this study were the SST datasets and the wind speed of 2016 in the waters of Batam. The method used in this research were the visual analysis using the data ocean view (ODV) to observe at the spatial and temporal distribution of the SST and the wind speed in Batam waters at different seasons. The next method is a fast Fourier transform (FFT). The earlier monsoon season that occurred in April has the highest wind speed with the value of 3.9 MS ** - 1 for components U. As for the V, the component has the highest value of -3.6 MS ** - 1. The SST Batam observed high in April occurred on 19-04-2016 with a value of 304.2 ° K (31.05 ° C). West monsoon winds that occurred in January has the highest wind speed with a value of 4.5 MS ** - 1 for components U. As for the V, the component has the highest value of 5.2 MS ** - 1 in the waters of Batam. The highest SST in Batam was  occurred in January on 19-01-2016 with a value of 302.8 ° K (29.65 ° C). Based on the results of the FFT, wind speed and SST in the waters of the Island has a dominant 6-month period (semiannual)