106 research outputs found

    Present and Future Pharmacological Treatments for Opioid Addiction

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    When treating opioid addiction, multidisciplinary treatment is highly recommended, but pharmacotherapy plays a key role. Although the ideal goal is to achieve complete abstinence, an elevated percentage of opioid addicts requires maintenance substitution therapy. In the first section of this chapter, we will focus on the current pharmacological interventions to treat opioid addiction, such as methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone. Thanks to these medications, people are able to go back to their normal lives, by preventing withdrawal symptoms, reducing craving, and increasing their adherence to psychotherapy. In the second section, based on the evidence that addiction induces neuroadaptive changes in several neurotransmission systems, we focus on the wide range of possible pharmacological developments at the preclinical and clinical levels, which in recent years have increased considerably

    An Embedded-Sensor Approach for Concrete Resistivity Measurement in On-Site Corrosion Monitoring: Cell Constants Determination

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    [EN] The concrete electrical resistivity is a prominent parameter in structural health monitoring, since, along with corrosion potential, it provides relevant qualitative diagnosis of the reinforcement corrosion. This study proposes a simple expression to reliable determine resistivity from the concrete electrical resistance (R-E) provided by the corrosion sensor of the Integrated Network of Sensors for Smart Corrosion Monitoring (INESSCOM) we have developed. The novelty here is that distinct from common resistivity sensors, the cell constants obtained by the proposed expression are intended to be valid for any sensor implementation scenario. This was ensured by studying most significant geometrical features of the sensor in a wide set of calibration solutions. This embedded-sensor approach is intended to be applicable for R-E measurements obtained both using potential step voltammetry (PSV, used in the INESSCOM sensor for corrosion rate measurement) and alternating current methods. In this regard, we present a simple protocol to reliably determine R-E, and therefore resistivity, from PSV measurements. It consists in adding a very short potentiostatic pulse to the original technique. In this way, we are able to easy monitor resistivity along with corrosion rate through a single sensor, an advantage which is not usual in structural health monitoring.This research was funded by the pre-doctoral scholarship granted to Jose Enrique Ramon Zamora by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, grant number FPU13/00911. Funding was also provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the national program for research, development and innovation geared to societal challenges; project number BIA2016-78460-C3-3-R. The research activity reported in this paper has been partially possible thanks to the project Voltammetric Electronic Tongue for Durability Control in Concrete funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, project number SP20180245.Ramón, JE.; Martínez, I.; Gandía-Romero, JM.; Soto Camino, J. (2021). An Embedded-Sensor Approach for Concrete Resistivity Measurement in On-Site Corrosion Monitoring: Cell Constants Determination. Sensors. 21(7):1-23. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21072481S12321

    Hydronium Detection in Hardened Concrete

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    [EN] The monitoring of reinforced concrete structures allows us to detect the presence of aggressive agents into of the concrete matrix, on site and in a real time. These aggressive agents can produce the unexpected failure of the structures, thus discovering their presence is a fundamental aspect in the preservation of people safety and the durability of the structure. On the other hand, helps to reduce the cost of maintenance and repair operations, due to allow us to identify the problems faster, minimizing the intervention to be done. The present research paper was focused in the hydronium detection; the reduction of this species generates hydrogen, the hydrogen produces the embrittlement and cracking of the steel, which seriously compromises the right behaviour of the structure. The problem of hydrogen appears in industries such as ammonia processing or petrochemistry industries and nuclear power plants. All of them are industries in which a failure seriously compromises the welfare of people and the environment. Therefore, the detection of hydrogen penetration in reinforcement concrete structures in these cases are very interesting. In this study, with the purpose to detect the hydronium or hydrogen in the hardened concrete matrices is proposed the use of voltammetric sensor, which is part of a multisensory system called Electronic-Tongue. This is a preliminary study. The objective of these initial steps was to evaluate the detection capability of the sensor. Currently, have been designing a sequential test in order to evaluate the sensor in different partial hydrogen pressures with the purpose to develop mathematical models to the hydronium or hydrogen detection and quantification in hardened concrete matrix.The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the pre-doctoral scholarship granted to Ana Martínez Ibernón (FPU 16/00723). Also, to the Universitat Politècnica de València for the financial support in the project ¿Ayudas a Primeros Proyectos de Investigación (PAID-06-18)Martínez-Ibernón, A.; Gandía-Romero, JM.; Gasch, I.; Valcuende Payá, MO. (2020). Hydronium Detection in Hardened Concrete. International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE). 843-850. https://doi.org/10.23967/dbmc.2020.151S84385

    Methodologies for teaching Building Construction. Flipped Teaching

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    [EN] Traditional classes develop a passive attitude of students to their learning, which contradicts expectations in the final assessment where students are expected to demonstrate the practical skills they have been developed in the course. Construction Technology II and Construction Technology III, both are second-year undergraduate courses in the Bachelor of Building Engineering program, (Universitat Politècnica de València), subjects primarily treat the building envelope and its constructive and hydrothermal behavior. Construction Technology II and Construction Technology II, both are second-year undergraduate subjects in the Bachelor of Building Engineering program. Inside this program, we have conducted a new experiment applying Reverse Methodology, also called Flipped Teaching, in order to encourage more active students in their learning. Flipped Teaching Methodology is carried out within the aforementioned Bachelor's cited program, specifically in the English Group, composed mainly by students of the Erasmus Program. Experimental course design is presented here, which included learning activities to greater interaction student-professor and student-student during classroom activities through Individual and Group Projects and Collaborative Learning.[ES] Las clases tradicionales desarrollan una actitud pasiva de los estudiantes hacia su aprendizaje, lo que contradice las expectativas en la evaluación final donde se espera que los alumnos demuestren las habilidades prácticas que han desarrollado en el curso. Construcción II y Construcción III, son asignaturas que se imparten en Segundo curso del Grado en Arquitectura Técnica, tratando principalmente el estudio constructivo y el comportamiento higrotérmico de la envolvente del edificio. Dentro de este programa, hemos realizado un nuevo experimento aplicando la Metodología de Docencia Inversa, también llamada Flipped Teaching, con el fin de incentivar a los estudiantes de forma mas activa en su aprendizaje. La Metodología, se lleva a cabo dentro del citado programa de Grado, concretamente en el grupo de inglés, integrado principalmente por alumnos del Programa Erasmus. A continuación, se presenta el diseño del curso experimental, que incluyó actividades de aprendizaje con el objeto de  fomentar una mayor interacción entre alumno-profesor y alumno-alumno, a través de Proyectos Individuales y Grupales y Aprendizaje Colaborativo.Iborra Lucas, M.; Gandía Romero, JM. (2021). Metodologías para la enseñanza de la Construcción en Edificación. Flip Teaching. En EDIFICATE. I Congreso de Escuelas de Edificación y Arquitectura Técnica de España. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 219-231. https://doi.org/10.4995/EDIFICATE2021.2021.13600OCS21923

    Stainless Steel Voltammetric Sensor to Monitor Variations in Oxygen and Humidity Availability in Reinforcement Concrete Structures

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    [EN] The present work presents the results obtained with a stainless steel (SS) voltammetric sensor to detect variations in humidity (H2O) and oxygen (O2) availability in concretes. First, studies in solution were run by preparing several solutions to represent the different conditions that can be found in concrete pores. Second, the sensor's response was studied by varying O2 availability by argon or synthetic air bubbling. Then concrete conditions with different degrees of carbonation were simulated using solutions with a pH between 13 and 8.45. After characterization in solution, a study by means of concrete samples with several water/cement ratios (0.6, 0.5 and 0.4) was performed, in which sensors were embedded and studied under different O2 and H2O saturation conditions. The obtained results revealed that with the voltagram, it is possible to evaluate O2 availability variation from the slopes of the lines identified logarithmically in the voltagram for the obtained cathodic sweeping. All the results obtained with the sensor were correlated/validated by standard assays to characterize porosity in hardened concretes.The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the pre-doctoral scholarship granted to Ana Martinez Ibernon (FPU 16/00723). To the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for the financial support in the project "Ayudas a Primeros Proyectos de Investigacion (PAID-06-18): Lengua Electronica Voltametrica para el control de durabilidad en hormigones, SP20180245"Martínez-Ibernón, A.; Lliso-Ferrando, JR.; Gandía-Romero, JM.; Soto Camino, J. (2021). Stainless Steel Voltammetric Sensor to Monitor Variations in Oxygen and Humidity Availability in Reinforcement Concrete Structures. Sensors. 21(8):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21082851S12121

    Hormonal differences in intimate partner violence perpetrators when they cope with acute stress: A pilot study

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    Background: Only a few studies have paid attention to the ability of perpetrators of intimate partner violence (IPVAW) against women to cope with acute stress, including hormonal pa-rameters. In fact, previous studies assessed how salivary testosterone (Tsal) and cortisol (Csal) changed after coping with an acute emotional stressor (directly related to IPVAW), and they con-cluded that an imbalance between the two hormones might be characteristic of these men. Never-theless, they neglected to examine the role of other hormones, such as salivary oxytocin (OXsal), which also seemed to play an important role in behavioral regulation, and whether this response could be generalized to other types of stress not directly related to IPVAW. Methods: This study aims to assess whether IPVAW perpetrators (n = 19) present differential hormonal (Tsal, Csal, OXsal and their ratios) and psychological state (anxiety, anger, and general affect) responses when coping with an acute cognitive laboratory stressor (a set of neuropsychological tests performed in front of an expert committee) in comparison with non-violent men (n = 16). This quasi-experimental study also assessed whether the psychological state variables drive this different hormonal response. Re-sults: Our results revealed that IPVAW perpetrators had lower Csal and higher Tsal/Csal ratio levels during the post-task period, as well as higher total levels (average) of OXsal than controls. We also found that, only in IPVAW perpetrators, high levels of baseline anxiety and negative affect were related to high rises in Csal during the stress task. Conclusions: These data present a background showing that IPVAW perpetrators and non-violent men cope differently with stress. These findings might help to identify idiosyncratic profiles of IPVAW perpetrators that can then be employed to establish their therapeutic needs. Moreover, we reinforced the importance of combining biological markers with self-reports, thus increasing the reliability of these forensic assessments. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Corrosion Assessment in Reinforced Concrete Structures by Means of Embedded Sensors and Multivariate Analysis-Part 1: Laboratory Validation

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    [EN] Reinforced Concrete Structures (RCS) are a fundamental part of a country's civil infrastructure. However, RCSs are often affected by rebar corrosion, which poses a major problem because it reduces their service life. The traditionally used inspection and management methods applied to RCSs are poorly operative. Structural Health Monitoring and Management (SHMM) by means of embedded sensors to analyse corrosion in RCSs is an emerging alternative, but one that still involves different challenges. Examples of SHMM include INESSCOM (Integrated Sensor Network for Smart Corrosion Monitoring), a tool that has already been implemented in different real-life cases. Nevertheless, work continues to upgrade it. To do so, the authors of this work consider implementing a new measurement procedure to identify the triggering agent of the corrosion process by analysing the double-layer capacitance of the sensors' responses. This study was carried out on reinforced concrete specimens exposed for 18 months to different atmospheres. The results demonstrate the proposed measurement protocol and the multivariate analysis can differentiate the factor that triggers corrosion (chlorides or carbonation), even when the corrosion kinetics are similar. Data were validated by principal component analysis (PCA) and by the visual inspection of samples and rebars at the end of the study.This research was funded by the Spanish Government, grant number PID2020-119744RB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.Ramón Zamora, JE.; Lliso-Ferrando, JR.; Martínez-Ibernón, A.; Gandía-Romero, JM. (2023). Corrosion Assessment in Reinforced Concrete Structures by Means of Embedded Sensors and Multivariate Analysis-Part 1: Laboratory Validation. Sensors. 23(21):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23218869119232

    OC, HPC, UHPC and UHPFRC Corrosion Performance in the Marine Environment

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    [EN] This work aims to study the corrosion performance of six concretes in the marine environment: three ordinary concretes (C30, C40 and C50); one high-performance concrete (C90); two ultra high-performance concretes, one without fibres (C150-NF) and another one with steel fibres (C150-F). To this end, porosity and chloride ingress resistance were analysed at different ages. Resistivity was also evaluated and the corrosion rate in the embedded rebars was monitored. The results showed that C30, C40 and C50 had porosity accessible to water percentages and capillary absorption values between six- and eight-fold higher than C90 and C150-NF and C150-F, respectively. Similar differences were obtained when oxygen permeability was analysed. Chloride ingress resistance in the ordinary concretes was estimated to be one-fold lower than in C90 and two-fold lower than in C150-NF and C150-F. Presence of fibres in C150-F increased the diffusion coefficient between 5% and 50% compared to C150-NF. Fibres also affected resistivity: C150-NF had values above 5500 ohm m, but the C150-F and C90 values were between 700 and 1000 ohm m and were one-fold higher than the ordinary concretes. After 3 years, the corrosion damage in the embedded rebars exposed to a marine environment was negligible in C90, C150-NF and C150-F (9.5, 6.2 and 3.5 mg mass loss), but with higher values (between 170.4 and 328.9 mg) for C3, C40 and C50. The results allow a framework to be established to make comparisons in future studies.This research was funded by the Spanish Government, grant number PID2020-119744RB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Lliso-Ferrando, JR.; Gandía-Romero, JM.; Soto Camino, J.; Valcuende Payá, MO. (2023). OC, HPC, UHPC and UHPFRC Corrosion Performance in the Marine Environment. Buildings. 13(10):1-27. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13102439127131

    Methodology and key didactic resources used in teachinglearning process in the subjects of Construction II and III on Bachelor's Degree in Technical Architecture

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    [EN] Construction II (Flat roofs and sloped roofs) and Construction III (Facades, partitions and claddings) are two mandatoy subjects of second-year courses. The new European Higher Education Area and the competence-based learning approach required a global and integrated approach. This paper describes key methodological aspects used in both subjects and exposes those didactic resources considered essential to achieve the learning outcomes and the competences defined in the teaching guide. In addition, promoting the acquisition of transversal competences has been a key factor in the design of activities and for the selection of teaching resources. At the end of the work, the student's perception of the usefulness of the resources used is analyzed.[ES] Las asignaturas de Construcción II (Cubiertas planas y cubiertas inclinadas) y de Construcción III (Fachadas, particiones y revestimientos) son dos asignaturas obligatorias de segundo curso. El nuevo espacio europeo para la educación superior y el aprendizaje basado en competencias requirieron de un enfoque global e integrado. En el presente trabajo se describen aspectos metodológicos y se exponen aquellos recursos didácticos considerados imprescindibles para alcanzar los resultados de aprendizaje y las competencias definidas en la guía docente. El enfoque de la asignatura hacia la adquisición de competencias ha sido clave en el diseño de actividades y en la selección de los recursos. Al final del trabajo se analiza la percepción del alumno sobre la utilidad de los recursos empleados.Gandía Romero, J.; Iborra Lucas, M.; Martínez Ibernón, A. (2021). Metodología y recursos didácticos claves en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las asignaturas de Construcción II y III del Grado de Arquitectura Técnica. En EDIFICATE. I Congreso de Escuelas de Edificación y Arquitectura Técnica de España. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 147-162. https://doi.org/10.4995/EDIFICATE2021.2021.13537OCS14716

    Catalytic performance of bulk and Al2O3-supported molybdenum oxide for the production of biodiesel from oil with high free fatty acids content

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    Non-edible vegetable oils are characterized by high contents of free fatty acids (FFAs) that prevent from using the conventional basic catalysts for the production of biodiesel. In this work, solid acid catalysts are used for the simultaneous esterification and transesterification with methanol of the FFAs and triglycerides contained in sunflower oil acidified with oleic acid. Molybdenum oxide (MoO3), which has been seldom considered as a catalyst for the production of biodiesel, was used in bulk and alumina-supported forms. Results showed that bulk MoO3 is very active for both transesterification and esterification reactions, but it suffered from severe molybdenum leaching in the reaction medium. When supported on Al2O3, the MoO3 performance improved in terms of active phase utilization and stability though molybdenum leaching remained significant. The improvement of catalytic performance was ascribed to the establishment of MoO3Al2O3 interactions that favored the anchorage of molybdenum to the support and the formation of new strong acidic centers, although this effect was offset by a decrease of specific surface area. It is concluded that the development of stable catalysts based on MoO3 offers an attractive route for the valorization of oils with high FFAs content.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-096294-B-C3