152 research outputs found

    Petrogenesis of lunar rocks: Rb-Sr constraints and lack of H2O

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    Rb and Sr isotopic data and other chemical data indicate major lunar differentiation at about 4.6 AE and very limited subsequent differentiation. The constraints of limited differentiation post 4.6 AE and the apparent lack of H2O on the moon, when applied to the derivation and petrogenesis of lunar samples, suggest the following: (1) soil samples, breccias, metaclastic rocks, and feldspathic basalts represent mixtures of repeatedly-modified clastic material, which was ultimately derived from materials formed during the about 4.6 AE differentiation; and (2) mare basalts crystallized from melts which formed by partial melting and, which developed without equilibration between the melt and crystalline residuum

    Petrogenesis of lunar rocks: Rb-Sr constraints and lack of H2O

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    Rb and Sr isotopic data and other chemical data indicate major lunar differentiation at about 4.6 AE (AE = 10 to the 9th power years) and very limited subsequent differentiation. The constraints of limited differentiation after 4.6 AE and the apparent lack of H2O on the moon, when applied to the derivation and petrogenesis of lunar samples, suggest the following: (1) soil samples, breccias, metaclastic rocks, and feldspathic basalts represent mixtures of repeatedly modified clastic material, which was utimately derived from materials formed during the 4.6 AE differentiation; and (2) mare basalts crystallized from melts which formed by partial melting, and which developed without equilibrium between the melt and crystalline residuum

    GMAC: Is Half A Loaf Better Than The Whole?

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    In November 2006 General Motors sold 51% ownership of its subsidiary, the General Motors Acceptance Corporation to Cerebus Capital Management in a complicated transaction. This paper demonstrates that GMAC produced over 90% of consolidated General Motors profit over the past two decades and tries to determine why the GM team sought to sell its best player and answer the natural follow-up question: why sell 51% of GMAC, instead of all of it? A number of possible explanations are considered, including cleaning up GM’s balance sheet, unlocking the submerged market value of GMAC, and improving GMAC’s credit rating/ access to capital. The paper concludes that the partial divestiture was a sound move that could easily have resulted in better financial performance for GM than the status quo, but that the entire strategy was upset by the subprime loan crisis of 2007-08

    BAZ1B in Nucleus Accumbens Regulates Reward-Related Behaviors in Response to Distinct Emotional Stimuli

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    ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling proteins are being implicated increasingly in the regulation of complex behaviors, including models of several psychiatric disorders. Here, we demonstrate that Baz1b, an accessory subunit of the ISWI family of chromatin remodeling complexes, is upregulated in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), a key brain reward region, in both chronic cocaine-treated mice and mice that are resilient to chronic social defeat stress. In contrast, no regulation is seen in mice that are susceptible to this chronic stress. Viral-mediated overexpression of Baz1b, along with its associated subunit Smarca5, in mouse NAc is sufficient to potentiate both rewarding responses to cocaine, including cocaine self-administration, and resilience to chronic social defeat stress. However, despite these similar, proreward behavioral effects, genome-wide mapping of BAZ1B in NAc revealed mostly distinct subsets of genes regulated by these chromatin remodeling proteins after chronic exposure to either cocaine or social stress. Together, these findings suggest important roles for BAZ1B and its associated chromatin remodeling complexes in NAc in the regulation of reward behaviors to distinct emotional stimuli and highlight the stimulus-specific nature of the actions of these regulatory proteins