11 research outputs found

    Integrated circuitry for controlling analysis of a fluid

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    Circuitry for processing signals used to determining characteristics of a fluid under-test is provided. The circuitry includes a compensation device and integrated circuitry for interfacing with a tuning fork that is capable of being in contact with the fluid under-test and the compensation device. The compensation device is configured to differentially process a signal output of the tuning fork, and the differential processing of the compensation device is actively controlled by the integrated circuitry so as to produce a processed signal. The processed signal defines the characteristics of the fluid under-test, and the compensation device includes capacitive matching circuitry. Also provided are systems that incorporate the circuitry

    Multi-position fluid resonator sensors and methods

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    Fluid monitoring methods, sensors and systems are disclosed. Preferred embodiments comprise two or more mechanical resonators, preferably two or more flexural resonators configured for sensing, monitoring or evaluating one or more fluids at multiple positions within one or more fluidic systems. In the methods, sensors and systems of the invention, signals generated in response to stimulation of the mechanical resonators are communicated by multiplexing over a common communication path, and then deconvoluted with respect to the position of the resonators

    Application specific integrated circuitry for controlling analysis of a fluid

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    A circuit for determining characteristics of a fluid under-test is provided. The circuit includes analog -to-digital processing circuitry for interfacing with a sensor and host electronics. The analog to-digital processing circuitry includes a frequency generator for providing stimulus to the sensor and receiving a response signal from the sensor. Conditioning circuitry for reducing analog signal offsets in the response signal and signal detection circuitry for identifying amplitude data of the response signal are provided. Further provided is analog-to-digital conversion circuitry for converting the detected amplitude data into digital form. Memory for holding calibration data and approximated fluid characteristics of the fluid under test is included in the circuitry. The digital form of the response signal is processed in conjunction with the calibration data and approximated fluid characteristics to generate fluid characteristics of the actual fluid under-test

    Machine fluid sensor and method

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    A sensor for sensing one or more properties of a vehicle fluid has a tuning fork resonator adapted to contact the fluid. The tuning fork resonator comprises two tines and is operable to oscillate so that the two tines move in opposite phase at a frequency of less than 1 MHz while contacting the fluid to generate a resonator response indicative of one or lllore properties of the fluid. In another aspect, a sensor includes a substrate and a flexural resonator on the substrate and adapted to contact the fluid. Circuitry for operation of the resonator is on the substrate. The resonator is adapted to receive an input signal and to oscillate while contacting the fluid to generate a resonator response indicative of one or more properties of the fluid. One suitable application for the invention is monitoring the condition of a vehicle engine oil

    Machine Fluid Sensor

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    A sensor for sensing one or more properties of a vehicle fluid has a tuning fork resonator adapted to contact the fluid. The tuning fork resonator comprises two tines and is operable to oscillate so that the two tines move in opposite phase at a frequency of less than 1 MHz while contacting the fluid to generate a resonator response indicative of one or more properties of the fluid. In another aspect, a sensor includes a substrate and a flexural resonator on the substrate and adapted to eontact the fluid. Circuitry for operation of the resonator is on the substrate. The resonator is adapted to receive an input signal and to oscillate while contacting the fluid to generate a resonator response indicative of one or more properties of the fluid. One suitable application for the invention is monitoring the condition of a vehicle engine oi!

    Religion et politique dans le Caucase post-soviétique

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    Au carrefour des mondes turc, iranien et russe qui l’ont façonné à travers les siècles, le Caucase resurgit sur la scène internationale et focalise les attentions à bien des égards depuis que la dernière puissance impériale qui l’a dominé, l’Union soviétique, s’est effacée. L’objectif du présent ouvrage collectif est d’explorer les facteurs d’analyse des renouveaux religieux, chrétien et musulman mais aussi juif, yezidi, molokane ou bahai dans l’ensemble de la Transcaucasie et du Nord Caucase. Ces renouveaux religieux sont analysés dans leurs principales composantes et leurs sources locales à la lumière des influences extérieures et nombreuses interactions multiformes qui lient les deux phénomènes. Il s’agit aussi d’observer comment le politique, héritier souvent laïque d’un ancien régime athéiste, se positionne en matière religieuse pour comprendre les nouvelles politiques identitaires nationales