398 research outputs found

    Grenzen durchbrechen: Bilder der Jugend in den Romanen "Heiβer Sommer" (1974) von Uwe Timm und "Sem Tecto, entre Ruínas" (1979) von Augusto Abelaira

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    Es ist ein allgemein verbreiteter Gedanke, dass die Zukunft von der Jugend abhängt, dass die jungen Generationen die Verantwortung für den morgigen Tag tragen, und dass es in ihren Händen liegt, eine neue, bessere Welt zu schaffen. Von jungen Menschen wird heutzutage die Bereitschaft zur Suche von Alternativen zu allem bereits Etablierten erwartet sowie Innovation und stetige Geistesregeneration, um mit Schwierigkeiten umzugehen und auf neue Ideen zu kommen. Missachtung alles Konventionellen, Selbstbestimmung, intellektuelle Widerspenstigkeit und die Fähigkeit, als Antriebskraft für Veränderung zu wirken, das sind Eigenschaften, die der Jugend zugeschrieben werden und die ihren Ethos am besten ausdrücken. Im Rahmen der Thematik „Übergänge. Grenzen überschreiten in der Germanistik“ des Internationalen Kongresses Junger Germanisten, schien es mir angemessen und ebenso sehr aktuell, einen Vortrag zu halten, der in erster Linie dieses Bild der Jugend und die mit ihr assoziierte transformatorische Wirkung beleuchten könnte. Aus diesem Grunde stellte sich mir der politische, soziale und kulturelle Hintergrund der Jugendrevolte der Wilden 68er als passend zur Verwirklichung dieses Beitrags dar. [...] 1968 ist das historische Zeitfenster in "Heißer Sommer", der 1974 veröffentlichte Roman des deutschen Autors Uwe Timm und in "Sem Tecto, entre Ruínas" [Ohne Dach, zwischen Ruinen] des portugiesischen Romanschriftstellers Augusto Abelaira, aus dem Jahr 1979. Die erzählte Welt beider Romane, in denen historische Fakten und Fiktion sich vermischen, rekonstruiert den soziopolitischen Kontext der Krise und der Aufruhr der 68er. Durch die in beiden Romanen repräsentierte junge Generation offenbart sich eine weltweite Euphorie, die grenzüberschreitend in Diktaturen sowie in demokratischen Ländern zu spüren ist. Denn selbst die Studenten aus westlichen Demokratien fanden das von den Regierungen verbreitete Bild von Frieden und Wohlstand in ihren Ländern nicht vor

    Preschool teachers’ ideas about practices to promote peer relations: Using Q methodology to determine viewpoints

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    An internationally accepted definition of early childhood inclusion includes the right to achieve a sense of belonging and membership, positive social relationships, and friendships. Although Portuguese preschool curriculum guidelines value childchild interactions as an outcome by itself and as means to achieving other development and learning outcomes it does not explicitly mention social participation indicators. Additionally, information is lacking on Portuguese preschool teachers’ beliefs, priorities, and practices specifically related to the support of peer relations. This study was developed in the scope of the project Enhancing peer relationships: Preschool teachers' ideas and practices. One of its goals is to understand Portuguese preschool teacher’s ideas about what is important in supporting peer interactions, relationships, and group membership, for children with and without disabilities. To pursue this goal Q methodology was applied. We developed a Q sample consisting of 74 items that reflect a range of possible interventions targeted at enhancing social inclusion and peer interactions and relationships. The P sample was composed by 43 preschool teachers and their individual Q sorts were subjected to principal components analyses (PCA) followed by varimax rotation. A seven-component solution, explaining 55.5% of the variance, was considered the starting point for the decision-making process on the number of components to be considered as the best solution. Both statistical and conceptual criteria are being used to determine the final number of viewpoints. This presentation describes this decision-making process and the results will be discussed according to their implications for the global project.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Composite Films Based on Nanocellulose and Nanoclay Minerals as High Strength Materials with Gas Barrier Capabilities: Key Points and Challenges

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    Composites of nanocellulose with layered silicates have recently emerged as a new type of composite materials offering superior strength, as well as thermal and gas barrier properties. These organic-inorganic hybrid composites with a nacre-like structure can be obtained from renewable resources and are environmentally friendly. They can potentially be presented as a serious alternative in the near future to several polymers or other polymer-inorganic composites, for applications in food packaging or electronic devices. The discussion here will be directed to: what are the new opportunities and challenges that arise for these materials aiming at their competition with well-established materials in the market.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impact of wood combustion in fireplaces on indoor air quality

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    Trabalho apresentado em 7th Iberian Meeting Aerosol Science and Technology – RICTA19, 2019, Lisbon, Portugalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chiral Mo and W Complexes bearing Oxazoline-Cyclopentadienyl Ligands

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    Trabalho apresentado em 3rd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, 29 August - 2 September 2010, Nürnberg, GermanyN/

    The impact of COVID-19 confinement measures in the Air Quality in an urban-industrial zone in Portugal

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    Comunicação oral apresentada em 25th International Clean Air and Environment Conference CASANZ 2021, 17-21 de maio 2021, onlineThis work aims to evaluate the temporal evolution of the concentrations of pollutants PM10, NO2 and O3, from 2001 to 2020, and to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the levels of these atmospheric pollutants, in an urban-industrial zone (Paio Pires-Seixal, Portugal). The results showed that a significant improvement in air quality resulted from the large restriction of anthropogenic activities that occurred due to the pandemic, namely the March-May 2020 lockdown. The mean concentrations of PM10, NO2 and O3 in 2020 were compared with the average concentrations measured from 2014 to 2019. The most expressive reduction in NO2 (-43.9%, p=0.000) was found in April 2020, when a very expressive PM10 reduction was also registered (- 40.0%, p=0.000) and significant reductions of both pollutants were found in the months thereafter.N/

    Exposure to fine aerosols in sleeping environments of Lisbon dwellings

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    Trabalho apresentado em European Aerosol Conference 2023 (EAC2023), September 3−8, 2023, Malaga, SpainN/
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