35 research outputs found

    Discomfort experienced at the daily life of relatives of people admitted at ICU

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    This is a qualitative research that aimed to get to know the discomforts experienced at the daily life of relatives of people admitted at the intensive care unit (ICU). It happened on a general ICU at a public hospital, in Salvador-BA, by the second half of 2009. Nine relatives of people admitted were interviewed. The technique used was the analysis from the Grounded Theory. The results showed that the interaction of the families with the reality of life threat from the relative admitted, had as main discomfort, the discontinuity in their daily life, which was characterized by four categories: Living the distress of a possible loss, difficulties to take care of themselves, facing a separation in the family, suffering with changes in their social and professional lives. These discomforts can be minimized by the healthcare team’s effectiveness to the demands of the family and the support of its social network

    Benign follicular tumors

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    Benign follicular tumors comprise a large and heterogeneous group of neoplasms that share a common histogenesis and display morphological features resembling one or several portions of the normal hair follicle, or recapitulate part of its embryological development. Most cases present it as clinically nondescript single lesions and essentially of dermatological relevance. Occasionally, however, these lesions be multiple and represent a cutaneous marker of complex syndromes associated with an increased risk of visceral neoplasms. In this article, the authors present the microscopic structure of the normal hair follicle as a basis to understand the type and level of differentiation of the various follicular tumors. The main clinicopathological features and differential diagnosis of benign follicular tumors are then discussed, including dilated pore of Winer, pilar sheath acanthoma, trichoadenoma, trichilemmoma, infundibuloma, proliferating trichilemmal cyst/tumor, trichoblastoma and its variants, pilomatricoma, trichodiscoma/fibrofolliculoma, neurofollicular hamartoma and trichofolliculoma. In addition, the main syndromes presenting with multiple follicular tumors are also discussed, namely Cowden, Birt-Hogg-Dubé, Rombo and Bazex-Dupré-Christol syndromes, as well as multiple tumors of follicular infundibulum (infundibulomatosis) and multiple trichoepitheliomas. Although the diagnosis of follicular tumors relies on histological examination, we highlight the importance of their knowledge for the clinician, especially when in presence of patients with multiple lesions that may be the cutaneous marker of a cancer-prone syndrome. The dermatologist is therefore in a privileged position to recognize these lesions, which is extremely important to provide further propedeutic, appropriate referral and genetic counseling for these patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    Cognitive representations in low back pain in patients receiving chiropractic versus physiotherapy treatment

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    This study focused on cognitive representations of low back pain patients receiving chiropractic (n = 213) versus physiotherapy treatment (n = 125). Variables assessed included satisfaction with care, illness perceptions, beliefs about pain and medicines, attitudes towards doctors and medicine, suffering, adherence and functional incapacity. In the chiropractic treatment, functional incapacity was predicted by painful symptoms, suffering and personal control, and in the physiotherapy treatment by age, pain intensity, positive suffering, care satisfaction, illness identity and medication adherence. The groups differed on all cognitive variables assessed. Interventions should take into consideration cognitive dimensions, across treatment modalities.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Análise do lavado broncoalveolar em vítimas de queimaduras faciais graves Bronchoalveolar lavage analysis in victims of severe facial burns

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar o lavado broncoalveolar (LBA) de vítimas de queimaduras que inalaram fumaça a fim de identificar alterações que possam estar associadas à morte ou à sobrevida. MÉTODOS: Dezoito vítimas de queimaduras faciais foram submetidas a LBA até 24 h após o evento, sendo realizadas a análise do conteúdo celular e proteico, incluindo TNF-&#945;, HLA-DR, CD14, CD68 e iNOS. RESULTADOS: Dos 18 pacientes submetidos à broncoscopia, 8 (44,4%) morreram durante o seguimento. A média de idade dos pacientes que morreram foi significativamente maior (44,7 vs. 31,5 anos). A superfície corporal queimada foi em média de 60,1% nos pacientes que morreram e de 26,1% nos sobreviventes (p < 0,0001). Entre os 18 pacientes submetidos à broncoscopia, 11 (61,1%) apresentaram sinais endoscópicos de lesão por inalação de fumaça, e 4 (36,4%) destes faleceram. Dos 7 pacientes sem sinais de lesão por inalação de fumaça, 4 (57,1%) faleceram. A média do número de células epiteliais ciliadas no LBA dos pacientes que morreram foi significativamente maior daquela dos sobreviventes (6,6% vs. 1,4%; p = 0,03). Os demais parâmetros analisados não mostraram diferença entre os grupos. CONCLUSÕES: A superfície corporal queimada mostrou ser um fator preditivo de mortalidade. O aumento do número de células epiteliais ciliadas no LBA, denotando descamação epitelial brônquica, esteve associado à maior mortalidade de pacientes com queimaduras faciais.<br>OBJECTIVE: To analyze bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) specimens of burn victims who inhaled smoke, in order to identify alterations associated with mortality or survival. METHODS: Eighteen victims of facial burns were submitted to BAL up to 24 h after the event. We investigated cell and protein content, including TNF-&#945;, HLA-DR, CD14, CD68 and iNOS. RESULTS: Of the 18 patients submitted to bronchoscopy, 8 (44.4%) died during the follow-up period. The mean age of patients who died was significantly higher (44.7 vs. 31.5 years). On average, the patients who died had burns covering 60.1% of the total body surface area, compared with 26.1% in the survivors (p < 0.0001). Of the 18 patients submitted to bronchoscopy, 11 (61.1%) showed endoscopic signs of smoke inhalation injury, and 4 (36.4%) of those 11 died. Of the 7 patients with no signs of smoke inhalation injury, 4 (57.1%) died. The mean number of ciliated epithelial cells in the BAL fluid was significantly higher in the patients who died than in the survivors (6.6% vs. 1.4%; p = 0.03). There were no significant differences between the groups in terms of any of the other parameters evaluated. CONCLUSIONS: The total body surface area burned was a predictive factor for mortality. Increased numbers of ciliated epithelial cells in the BAL fluid, denoting bronchial epithelial desquamation, were associated with higher mortality in patients with facial burns