162 research outputs found

    Transforming a Rule-based Program

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    Conflict resolution is a form of global control used in production systems to achieve an efficient sequential execution of a rule-based program. This type of control is not used to parallel production system models [6,13]. Instead, only those programs that make no assumptions regarding conflict resolution are executed in parallel. Therefore, the initial sequential rule-based programs are either executed in parallel without their conflict resolution strategy, which normally results in incorrect behavior, or the programs are transformed in an ad hoc manner to execute on an particular parallel production system model. As a result, these programs do not exhibit the parallelism hoped for [10,13]. We believe that a second reason behind the lack of parallelism is that no formal methods of verifying the correctness of rule-based programs are utilized. By correctness, we mean verifying the behavior of the program meets the specifications given. Correctness is especially important when conflict resolution is no longer utilized. It is necessary to transform sequential rule-based programs into equivalent programs without conflict resolution. Also, the parallel execution of a rule-based program is more complex and demands these formal methods even more than its sequential counterpart. In this paper, we present preliminary ideas for an approach to designing and developing correct rule-based programs for parallel execution. We investigate the difficulty in transforming a simple sequential rule-based program to a new version of the program with no conflict resolution. Also, we investigate the use of a new programming paradigm and language that may result in more efficient programs which provably correct, and can be executed in parallel [2]

    Semantic hierarchies for extracting, modeling, and connecting compliance requirements in information security control standards

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    Companies and government organizations are increasingly compelled, if not required by law, to ensure that their information systems will comply with various federal and industry regulatory standards, such as the NIST Special Publication on Security Controls for Federal Information Systems (NIST SP-800-53), or the Common Criteria (ISO 15408-2). Such organizations operate business or mission critical systems where a lack of or lapse in security protections translates to serious confidentiality, integrity, and availability risks that, if exploited, could result in information disclosure, loss of money, or, at worst, loss of life. To mitigate these risks and ensure that their information systems meet regulatory standards, organizations must be able to (a) contextualize regulatory documents in a way that extracts the relevant technical implications for their systems, (b) formally represent their systems and demonstrate that they meet the extracted requirements following an accreditation process, and (c) ensure that all third-party systems, which may exist outside of the information system enclave as web or cloud services also implement appropriate security measures consistent with organizational expectations. This paper introduces a step-wise process, based on semantic hierarchies, that systematically extracts relevant security requirements from control standards to build a certification baseline for organizations to use in conjunction with formal methods and service agreements for accreditation. The approach is demonstrated following a case study of all audit-related controls in the SP-800-53, ISO 15408-2, and related documents. Accuracy, applicability, consistency, and efficacy of the approach were evaluated using controlled qualitative and quantitative methods in two separate studies

    Formal Verification of Pure Production Systems Programs

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    Reliability, defined as the guarantee that a program satisfies its specifications, is an important aspect of many applications for which rule-based expert systems are suited. Executing rule-based programs on a series of test cases. To show a program is reliable, it is desirable to construct formal specifications for the program and to prove that it obeys those specifications. This paper presents an assertional approach to the verification of a class of rule-based programs characterized by the absence of conflict resolution. The proof logic needed for verification is already in use by researchers in concurrent programming. The approach involves expressing the program in a language called Swarm, and its specifications as assertions over the Swarm program. Among models that employ rules-based notation, Swarm is the first to have an axiomatic proof logic. A brief review of Swarm and its proof logic is given, along with an illustration of the formal verification method used on a simple rule-based program

    Formal Derivation of Rule-Based Program

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    This paper describes a formal approach to developing concurrent rule-based programs. Our program derivation strategy starts with a formal specification of the problem. Specification refinement is used to generate an initial version of the program. Program refinement is then applied to produce a highly concurrent and efficient version of the same program. Techniques for the deriving concurrent programs through either specification or program refinement have been described in previous literature. The main contribution of this paper consists of extending the applicability of these techniques to a broad class of rule-based programs. The derivation process is supported by a powerful proof logic, a logic that recently has been extended to cover rule-based programs. The presentation centers around a rigorous and systematic derivation of a concurrent rule-based solution to a classic problem

    Applying Formal Verification Methods to Pure Rule-Based Programs

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    Reliability, defined as the guarantee that a program satisfies its specifications, is an important aspect of many applications for which rule-based expert systems are suited. Verification refer to the process used to determine the reliability of the rule-based program. Because past approaches to verification are informal, guarantees of reliability cannot fully be made without severely restricting the system. On the other hand, by constructing formal specifications for a program and showing the program satisfies those specifications, guarantees of reliability can be made. This paper presents an assertional approach to the verification of rule-based programs. The proof logical needed for verification is adopted from one already in use by researchers in concurrent programming. The approach involves using a language called Swarm, and requires one to express program specifications as assertions over the Swarm representation of the program. Among models the employ rule-based notation, Swarm is the first to have an axiomatic proof logic

    Evaluating verification awareness as a method for assessing adaptation risk

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    Self-integration requires a system to be self-aware and self-protecting of its functionality and communication processes to mitigate interference in accomplishing its goals. Incorporating self-protection into a framework for reasoning about compliance with critical requirements is a major challenge when the system’s operational environment may have uncertainties resulting in runtime changes. The reasoning should be over a range of impacts and tradeoffs in order for the system to immediately address an issue, even if only partially or imperfectly. Assuming that critical requirements can be formally specified and embedded as part of system self-awareness, runtime verification often involves extensive on-board resources and state explosion, with minimal explanation of results. Model-checking partially mitigates runtime verification issues by abstracting the system operations and architecture. However, validating the consistency of a model given a runtime change is generally performed external to the system and translated back to the operational environment, which can be inefficient.This paper focuses on codifying and embedding verification awareness into a system. Verification awareness is a type of self-awareness related to reasoning about compliance with critical properties at runtime when a system adaptation is needed. The premise is that an adaptation that interferes with a design-time proof process for requirement compliance increases the risk that the original proof process cannot be reused. The greater the risk to limiting proof process reuse, the higher the probability that the requirement would be violated by the adaptation. The application of Rice’s 1953 theorem to this domain indicates that determining whether a given adaptation inherently inhibits proof reuse is undecidable, suggesting the heuristic, comparative approach based on proof meta-data that is part of our approach. To demonstrate our deployment of verification awareness, we predefine four adaptations that are all available to three distinct wearable simulations (stress, insulin delivery, and hearables). We capture meta-data from applying automated theorem proving to wearable requirements and assess the risk among the four adaptations for limiting the proof process reuse for each of their requirements. The results show that the adaptations affect proof process reuse differently on each wearable. We evaluate our reasoning framework by embedding checkpoints on requirement compliance within the wearable code and log the execution trace of each adaptation. The logs confirm that the adaptation selected by each wearable with the lowest risk of inhibiting proof process reuse for its requirements also causes the least number of requirement failures in execution.Computer Scienc

    Would you fix this code for me? Effects of repair source and commenting on trust in code repair

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Automation and autonomous systems are quickly becoming a more engrained aspect of modern society. The need for effective, secure computer code in a timely manner has led to the creation of automated code repair techniques to resolve issues quickly. However, the research to date has largely ignored the human factors aspects of automated code repair. The current study explored trust perceptions, reuse intentions, and trust intentions in code repair with human generated patches versus automated code repair patches. In addition, comments in the headers were manipulated to determine the effect of the presence or absence of comments in the header of the code. Participants were 51 programmers with at least 3 years’ experience and knowledge of the C programming language. Results indicated only repair source (human vs. automated code repair) had a significant influence on trust perceptions and trust intentions. Specifically, participants consistently reported higher levels of perceived trustworthiness, intentions to reuse, and trust intentions for human referents compared to automated code repair. No significant effects were found for comments in the headers

    Trust perceptions of metadata in open-source software: The role of performance and reputation

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Open-source software (OSS) is a key aspect of software creation. However, little is known about programmers’ decisions to trust software from OSS websites. The current study emulated OSS websites and manipulated reputation and performance factors in the stimuli according to the heuristic-systematic processing model. We sampled professional programmers—with a minimum experience of three years—from Amazon Mechanical Turk (N = 38). We used a 3 × 3 within-subjects design to investigate the relationship between OSS reputation and performance on users’ time spent on code, the number of interface clicks, trustworthiness perceptions, and willingness to use OSS code. We found that participants spent more time on and clicked the interface more often for code that was high in reputation. Meta-information included with OSS tools was found to affect the degree to which computer programmers interact with and perceive online code repositories. Furthermore, participants reported higher levels of perceived trustworthiness in and trust toward highly reputable OSS code. Notably, we observed fewer significant main effects for the performance manipulation, which may correspond to participants considering performance attributes mainly within the context of reputation-relevant information. That is, the degree to which programmers investigate and then trust OSS code may depend on the initial reputation ratings
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