279 research outputs found

    Understanding A Common Word between Us and You through I.A. Richards\u27 New Rhetoric

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    I.A. Richards defines rhetoric as the study of misunderstandings and their remedies. I argue in this paper that A Common Word Between Us and You (ACW) - a rhetorical letter coauthored by H.R.H Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad and 38 Muslim scholars - shares Richards\u27 definition as its end and anchors his theory in practice. ACW is an attempt to avoid misunderstandings and to allow for understandings between Christians and Muslims about two of their common Scriptural commandments: love of God and love of neighbor. In Richards\u27 call for a new rhetoric, he asserts that the core of rhetoric must be about how to use language and that words and their meaning must be studied to develop a strategy that seeks exposition over persuasion if remedies for a misunderstanding is the goal. My explication of ACW will reveal that the authors\u27 invention and arrangement of arguments not only adhere to Richards\u27 assertions but also employ some of the tools Richards utilized to achieve expository rhetoric

    The Marshall Space Flight Center Fault Detection Diagnosis and Recovery Laboratory

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    The Fault Detection Diagnosis and Recovery Lab (FDDR) has been developed to support development of,fault detection algorithms for the flight computer aboard the Ares I and follow-on vehicles. It consists of several workstations using Ethernet and TCP/IP to simulate communications between vehicle sensors, flight computers, and ground based support computers. Isolation of tasks between workstations was set up intentionally to limit information flow and provide a realistic simulation of communication channels within the vehicle and between the vehicle and ground station

    Managing clustering effects and learning effects in the design and analysis of multicentre randomised trials: a survey to establish current practice.

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    BACKGROUND:Patient outcomes can depend on the treating centre, or health professional, delivering the intervention. A health professional's skill in delivery improves with experience, meaning that outcomes may be associated with learning. Considering differences in intervention delivery at trial design will ensure that any appropriate adjustments can be made during analysis. This work aimed to establish practice for the allowance of clustering and learning effects in the design and analysis of randomised multicentre trials. METHODS:A survey that drew upon quotes from existing guidelines, references to relevant publications and example trial scenarios was delivered. Registered UK Clinical Research Collaboration Registered Clinical Trials Units were invited to participate. RESULTS:Forty-four Units participated (N = 50). Clustering was managed through design by stratification, more commonly by centre than by treatment provider. Managing learning by design through defining a minimum expertise level for treatment provider was common (89%). One-third reported experience in expertise-based designs. The majority of Units had adjusted for clustering during analysis, although approaches varied. Analysis of learning was rarely performed for the main analysis (n = 1), although it was explored by other means. The insight behind the approaches used within and reasons for, or against, alternative approaches were provided. CONCLUSIONS:Widespread awareness of challenges in designing and analysing multicentre trials is identified. Approaches used, and opinions on these, vary both across and within Units, indicating that approaches are dependent on the type of trial. Agreeing principles to guide trial design and analysis across a range of realistic clinical scenarios should be considered

    Manipulating prohibitin levels provides evidence for an in vivo role in androgen regulation of prostate tumours

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    Current hormonal therapies for prostate cancer are effective initially, but inevitably tumours progress to an advanced, metastatic stage, often referred to as ‘androgen independent’. However, the androgen receptor (AR) signalling pathway is still key for their growth. It is speculated that tumours escape hormonal control via reduction in corepressor proteins. Manipulating such proteins is thus a potential therapeutic strategy to halt or even reverse tumour progression. We aimed to elucidate the effects of altering levels of the AR corepressor and androgen-target protein prohibitin (PHB) on prostate tumour growth. Prostate cancer cells incorporating an integrated androgen-responsive reporter gene and stably expressing vectors to inducibly overexpress or knockdown PHB were generated and used to assess effects on androgen signalling (by real time imaging) and tumour growth both in culture and in vivo. PHB overexpression inhibited AR activity and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) expression as well as androgen-dependent growth of cells, inducing rapid accumulation in G0/G1. Conversely, reduction in PHB increased AR activity, PSA expression, androgen-mediated growth and S-phase entry. In vivo, doxycycline-induced PHB regulation resulted in marked changes in AR activity, and showed significant effects upon tumour growth. Overexpression led to tumour growth arrest and protection from hormonal starvation, whereas RNAi knockdown resulted in accelerated tumour growth, even in castrated mice. This study provides proof of principle that i) reduction in PHB promotes both androgen-dependent and ‘androgen-independent’ tumour growth, and ii) altering AR activity via increasing levels or activity of corepressors is a valid therapeutic strategy for advanced prostate cancer

    Évaluation d’un programme de recherche canadien pour les rĂ©sidents en anesthĂ©siologie par rapport aux normes nationales Ă  l’aide d’un modĂšle logique : une Ă©tude d’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ©

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    Background: Canadian specialty training programs are expected to deliver curriculum content and assess competencies related to the CanMEDS Scholar role. We evaluated our residency research program and benchmarked it against national norms for quality improvement purposes. Methods: In 2021, we reviewed departmental curriculum documents and surveyed current and recently graduated residents.  We applied a logic model framework to assess if our program’s inputs, activities, and outputs addressed the relevant CanMeds Scholar competencies.  We then descriptively benchmarked our results against a 2021 environmental scan of Canadian anesthesiology resident research programs. Results: Local program content was successfully mapped to competencies.  The local survey response rate was 40/55 (73%).  In benchmarking, our program excelled in providing milestone-related assessments, research funding, administrative, supervisory, and methodologic support, and requiring a literature review, proposal presentation, and local abstract submission as output.  Acceptable activities to meet research requirements vary greatly among programs.  Balancing competing clinical and research responsibilities was a frequently reported challenge.   Conclusions: The logic model framework was easily applied and demonstrated our program benchmarked well against national norms.  National level dialogue is needed to develop specific, consistent scholar role activities and competency assessments to bridge the gap between expected outcome standards and education practice.Contexte : Les programmes de spĂ©cialitĂ© canadiens doivent proposer un contenu de formation en lien avec le rĂŽle CanMEDS d’érudit et Ă©valuer les compĂ©tences qui s’y attachent. Nous avons Ă©valuĂ© notre programme de rĂ©sidence en recherche par rapport aux normes nationales en la matiĂšre Ă  des fins d’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ©. MĂ©thodes : En 2021, nous avons examinĂ© les documents du programme d’études du dĂ©partement et interrogĂ© des rĂ©sidents et des mĂ©decins rĂ©cemment diplĂŽmĂ©s. Nous avons utilisĂ© un modĂšle logique pour dĂ©terminer si les intrants, les activitĂ©s et les extrants de notre programme couvraient adĂ©quatement les compĂ©tences pertinentes liĂ©es au rĂŽle CanMeds d’érudit. Nous avons ensuite comparĂ© de façon descriptive nos rĂ©sultats Ă  une analyse du milieu des programmes de rĂ©sidence canadiens en recherche en anesthĂ©siologie effectuĂ©e la mĂȘme annĂ©e. RĂ©sultats : Nous avons Ă©tabli une correspondance entre le contenu du programme local et les compĂ©tences. Le taux de rĂ©ponse Ă  l’enquĂȘte Ă©tait de 40/55 (73 %). D’aprĂšs l’analyse comparative, notre programme se dĂ©marque par l’offre d’évaluations d’étape, de fonds de recherche, de soutien administratif, de supervision, d’orientation mĂ©thodologique, et, en ce qui concerne les extrants, par l’exigence d’une analyse documentaire, de la prĂ©sentation d’une proposition et de la soumission d’un rĂ©sumĂ© Ă  l’universitĂ©. Les activitĂ©s admissibles pour rĂ©pondre aux exigences de la recherche varient considĂ©rablement d’un programme Ă  l’autre. De nombreux rĂ©pondants ont signalĂ© la difficultĂ© de concilier les responsabilitĂ©s cliniques et de recherche. Conclusions : L’application du modĂšle logique a Ă©tĂ© aisĂ©e et elle a permis de montrer que notre programme respecte les normes nationales. Un dialogue au niveau national est nĂ©cessaire pour dĂ©finir de maniĂšre prĂ©cise et cohĂ©rente les activitĂ©s et les Ă©valuations des compĂ©tences en lien avec le rĂŽle d’érudit afin de combler le fossĂ© entre les normes quant aux rĂ©sultats attendus et les pratiques des programmes

    3-D kinematic comparison of treadmill and overground running.

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    Studies investigating the mechanics of human movement are often conducted using the treadmill. The treadmill is an attractive device for the analysis of human locomotion. Studies comparing overground and treadmill running have analyzed discrete variables, however differences in excursion from footstrike to peak angle and range of motion during stance have yet to be examined. This study aimed to examine the 3-D kinematics of the lower extremities during overground and treadmill locomotion to determine the extent to which the two modalities differ. Twelve participants ran at 4.0m/s in both treadmill and overground conditions. 3-D angular kinematic parameters during the stance phase were collected using an eight camera motion analysis system. Hip, knee and ankle joint kinematics were quantified in the sagittal, coronal and transverse planes, then compared using paired t-tests. Of the parameters analyzed hip flexion at footstrike 12° hip range of motion 17°, peak hip flexion 12.7°, hip transverse plane range of motion 8° peak knee flexion 5° and peak ankle excursion range 6.6°, coronal plane ankle angle at toe-off 6.5° and peak ankle eversion 6.3° were found to be significantly different. These results lead to the conclusion that the mechanics of treadmill locomotion cannot be generalized to overground

    Team performance indicators which differentiate between winning and losing in elite Gaelic football

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    The objective of this study was to identify performance indicators which differentiated between winning and losing elite Gaelic football teams. Eighty three technical and tactical performance variables were measured in 13 teams during 26 league and championship games throughout 2014-15. Univariate analysis of full-games revealed that winners achieved a significantly higher total score, number of scores, shots, points, points from play and goals, resulting in superior shot efficiency, average attack per score, and scores per 10 possessions. Winners gained significantly more turnovers and completed significantly less unsuccessful hand passes. Winners also performed significantly less kick outs, resulting in fewer successful kick outs and successful dead ball kick passes overall. A principal component analysis, conducted on 18 variables produced 4 components, which explained 81.9% of the variance. Both logistic regression (8.00, χ 2 (1) = 16.00, p < 0.001) and discriminant analysis (Ʌ = 0.53, χ 2 (1) = 13.77, p < 0.001) revealed that 1 component; defensive counterattacking, significantly contributed to outcome and differentiated winners from losers with a cross-validation accuracy of 87.5%. Coaches can use this information to organise their defensive system to generate opposition turnovers and also incorporate sufficient flexibility to facilitate effective transitions to exploit their own offensive counterattacking opportunities
