35 research outputs found

    Chinese Landscape Painting

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    Structural Liquidity as the Indicator of Interest Rate Policy

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    The article reviews basic principles and directions of the interest rate policy of the Bank of Russia in the second half of 2006. It presents some developments in bank liquidity indicators and by using a simple statistical model provides an explanation of introduction of new bank liquidity indicators in Russiarefinancing; structural liquidity; interbank market; target policy

    Methods of Evaluating the Liquidity Level for the Banking Sector

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    The purpose of this paper is to develop methods of evaluating the liquidity level for the banking sector by using a new indicator called structural liquidity. The paper carries out in detail mathematical conclusions about influence of CBR refinancing policy on the loro account and, as a consequence, on the structural liquidity. A model of determination of CBR changes in the money level supply necessary to reach the target interest rate of the Federal fund market is also proposed. The model includes the Kalman filter and offers target policy asymptotic estimatesRefinancing; structural liquidity; loro account; Kalman filter; interbank market; target policy

    Marketing of Political Parties on Social Media

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    The aim of this research is to analyze how political parties use social networks for the political marketing of their respective parties. This phenomenon has been practiced specifically in United Stated of America for many years since 2008 when Barack Obama, the President Candidate of Democratic Party started using widely social media platforms. On the other hand, this phenomenon is new in Albania. This research paper will be focused mainly on the political marketing campaign on social media platforms of Albania Socialist Party of Albania in 2013. 2013 Campaign was a total success and Socialist Party came to power after eight years through a big victory. Case of RILINDJE.net revealed the power of social networks and their importance in communicating with audiences. This research is based on the case abovementioned and the methodology in conducting is based on analyzing this case and the data obtained from it. Afterward, based on analysis extracted from the collected data authors provide suggestions for further studies regarding this topic

    Features of implementation of international norms on financing of terrorism in Azerbaijan

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    The contribution is devoted to the description of features of national implementation of treaty obligations of Azerbaijan according to the UN Convention for the Suppression of the Financing Terrorism. The basis of research is presented by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the Prevention of the Legalization of Criminally Obtained Funds or Other Property and the Financing of Terrorism”. The author pays attention to the next aspects: 1) differences between approaches of national legislation and treaty obligations; 2) modern challenges that might have impact on the efficiency of implementation of international norms on suppression of the financing of terrorism

    Giant Relapse Sigmoid Volvulus: Case Report

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    Sigmoid volvulus is one of the acute abdomen that requires endoscopic intervention and/or surgery. High recurrence rates after detorsion require patients to be operated under elective conditions. A 32 year oldmental retarded male patient was operated for recurrent sigmoid volvulus. In this study, we aimed to present a giant recurrent sigmoid volvulus case accompanied by diaphragmatic hernia


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    The major purpose of the paper is to discuss the problems relating to, and review the basic principles of, mechanism of anti-money laundering cooperation in the African Union. The latter is considered through the prism of efficiency in terms of institutional interaction among member states, and of the extent to which the potential of such interaction is fulfilled. Such approach, in turn, calls for: identification of forms in which the states in the region of concern cooperate on the subject-matter; assessment of the extent to which such forms are efficient and are comparable with those of the Council of Europe and the United Nations, and; definition of the perspectives for African Union’s anti-moneylaundering cooperation mechanism improvement. The paper includes the results of comparative analysis of various international conventions and local acts and regulations, and considers the compliance of regional “soft law” and institutional cooperation framework with the accepted anti-money-laundering standards, where it particularly discusses the characteristics of African Peer-Review Mechanism and the Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism as essential elements for African Union member states’ cooperation. The author emphasizes several discrepancies, and concludes that, despite the existence of sufficiently developed regulatory framework in the region, its commitment to antimoney-laundering, and creation of the applicable monitoring mechanism, the African Union fails so far to achieve high efficiency implementing the proposed measures

    Elektronik ticarette güven oluşturan faktörler ve satınalma niyetine etkileri üzerine bir araştırma

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    GENEL BİLGİLERİsim ve Soyadı : Vusal GAMBAROVAnabilim Dalı : İşletme Programı : Üretim Yönetimi ve Pazarlama Tez Danışmanı : Prof. Dr. F. Müge ArslanTez Türü ve Tarihi : Doktora – Mart 2014 Anahtar Kelimeler : e-Ticaret, Güven, e-Güven, Güvenilirlik, Satınalma niyeti ÖZETELEKTRONİK TİCARETTE GÜVENİ OLUŞTURAN FAKTÖRLER VE SATINALMA NİYETİNE ETKİLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMAInternet çağın hızını ve özelliklerini belirleyen bir duruma gelmiştir. Artık Internet`i sadece e-mail`i kontrol etmek için değil, hayatımızın her kısmında kullanmaktayız. Günlük hayatımızın önemli bir parçası olan alış-verişin de zamanla çevrimiçi ortama taşınması olayların doğal akışının sonucu gibi gözükmektedir. 20 seneden daha kısa bir tarihçeye sahip elektronik ticaret bugün fiziksel ticaretle yarışır duruma gelmiştir. Bu hızlı gelişim E-Ticaret konularının gerektiği kadar araştırılmasına fırsat bırakmamıştır. Bu yüzden önümüzdeki dönemde elektronik pazarlama konularının dikkat merkezinde olması olağandır. Elektronik ticaretle ilgili akademik ve pratik literatür incelendiğinde gelişiminin önündeki en önemli engellerden birinin "GÜVEN" olduğu anlaşılacaktır. Dünya e-ticaret ciroları milyarlarla doları aşsa da, halen daha güven en önemli şüphe ve kısıt olarak kalmaktadır. Güvenin elektronik ticarete etkisi ve güveni etkileyen faktörlerin araştırılması büyük önem arzetmektedir. Bu çalışmamızda bu ana model üzerinden e-güven kavramının çerçeveleri ve etkileri araştırılmaya çalışılmıştır. GENERAL KNOWLEDGEName and Surname : Vusal GAMBAROVField : Business Administration Programme : Production Management and Marketing Supervisor : Prof. Dr. F. Müge ArslanDegree Awarded and Date : Doctorate – March 2014 Keywords : e-Commerce, Trust, e-Trust, Trustworhiness, Purchase intentionABSTRACTRESEARCH ON ANTECEDENTS OF TRUST IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE AND ITS EFFECTS ON PURCHASE INTENTION Internet became a phenomenon which determines the speed and characteristic of modern era. So far we are using Internet, not only for checking e-mails, but in the whole life. As the shopping is the important piece of our daily life, it seems so ordinary that we change shopping behavior and become more online. Even e-commerce is younger than 20 years, online commerce started to compete with offline. But we can maintain that literature is not responding such great speed of development. It`ll make e-marketing topics favorite for marketing researchers for some several years. If to analyze practical and academic marketing literature we can see that `TRUST` is accepted as a main barrier for the development of e-commerce. Even global e-commerce turnover is counted with billions of dollars, consumers still have some doubts about trustworthiness of e-traders. So investigation of antecedents and consequence of e-trust getting more and more vital. In our study we tried to take a look at e-trust on the frame of general model

    Yoğun Bakımda Kronik Obstruktif Akciğer Hastalarının İzlemi

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    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a major cause of chronic morbidity and mortality in the world. According to World Health Organisation data, there are 600 million of COPD patients in the world and 2,3 million people die because of this disease per year. Most of COPD patients are needed hospitalisation at intensive care unit (ICU), due to respiratory failure. In this report, it is aimed to investigate the independent risk factors that may affect mortality of COPD cases treted and followed up at Hacettepe University Medicine Faculty Anesthesiology İntensive Care Unit via retrospective review of demographic properties, comorbidities, hospitalisation time in ICU. 36% of the fifty COPD patients were female, 64% were male. The mean age was 72,4±11,6 years. 88% of patients were admitted from Adult Emergency Clinic. Mean APACHE II score was found14,7±8,6 at admission. The mean Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) was 13,1±4. The mean duration of hospital stay was 20,14±25,3 days. The mortality rate was 18% and 12% of patients died during their hospital stay period. The mean ventilation time was 11,66±16,9 days. During follow up, acute kidney failure in 24% of patients, ARDS in 6%, gastrointestinal bleeding in 6%, pneumothorax in 2%, sepsis in 18%, ventilator associated pneumonia in 10% of patients was recorded. Patients were divided into two groups whether the patient survived until ICU or not. In patents who died in ICU, the mean duration of ICU stay (p=0,017), hospital stay before ICU admission (p=0,025) and duration of mechanic ventilation (p=0,01) were found to be longer compared to the survivors. Also the worst lactate levels (p=0,024), discharge and the worst pH levels (p=0,000), worst pCO2 levels (p=0,025) were found to be worse in patients who died in ICU than the survivors. Sepsis (p=0,000), acute kidney failure (p=0,027) and myocardial infarction (p=0,029), tracheostomy need (p=0,019), ventilator associated pneumonia (p=0,002) were statistically significantly. According to logistic regression analysis admission from Emergency Clinic, developing myocardial infarction in ICU were independent risk factors of death. We conclude that admission from the Emergency department and myocardial infarction were independent predictors of death in COPD patients admitted ICU. vii Preventive measures aimed at these factors may help to decrease the mortality in these patients.Kronik Obstruktif Akciğer Hastalığı (KOAH) tüm dünyada kronik morbidite ve mortalitenin major nedenlerinden biridir. Dünya Sağlık örgütü verilerine göre tüm dünyada 600 milyon KOAH hastası bulunmaktadır ve her yıl 2,3 milyon insan KOAH ve onun komplikasyonları sonucu ölmektedir. Çoğu KOAH hastası solunum yetmezliği nedeniyle yoğun bakıma yatış ihtiyacı göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Anesteziyoloji Yoğun Bakım Ünitesinde takip ve tedavi edilmiş KOAH olgularının retrospektif olarak incelenerek, hastaların demografik özelliklerini, komorbiditelerini, yoğun bakımda yatış sürelerini, mortalite ve mortaliteyi etkileyebilecek bağımsız risk faktörlerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yoğun bakımda tedavi edilmiş elli hastanın %36’sı kadın, %64’ü erkek idi. Yaş ortalaması 72,4±11,6 olarak bulundu. Hastaların %88’i Hacettepe Üniversitesi Büyük Acil Polikliniğinden yatırılmıştır. Kabul APACHE II skorları ortalama 14,7±8,6, kabul GCS skorları ise ortalama 13,1±4 olarak bulundu. Yoğun bakım yatış süresi ortalama 20,14±25,3 gün olarak saptandı. Yoğun bakım mortalite oranı %18 ve hastanede ölüm oranı %12 olarak bulundu. Ortalama mekanik ventilasyon süresi 11,66±16,9 gün olarak belirlendi. Takip süresince %24 hastada akut böbrek yetmezliği, %6 hastada ARDS, %6 hastada gastrointestinal kanama, %2 hastada pnömotoraks, %18 hastada sepsis, %10 hastada ventilatör ilişkili pnömoni gelişti. Hastalar yoğun bakımda ölen ve ölmeyenler olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. Yoğun bakımda ölenlerde AYBÜ yatış süresi (p=0,017), yatış öncesi hastanede kalış (p=0,025) ve mekanik ventilasyon süreleri (p=0,01) daha uzun bulundu. Ayrıca en kötü laktat düzeyi (p=0,024), taburculuk ve en kötü pH (p=0,000), en kötü PCO2 (p=0,025) değerlerinin yoğun bakımda ölenlerde daha kötü olduğu görüldü. Sepsis (p=0,000), yoğun bakımda akut böbrek yetmezliği (p=0,027) ve miyokard enfarktüsü gelişmesi (p=0,029), trakeotomi ihtiyacı (p=0,019), ventilatör ilişkili pnömoni (p=0,002) açısından da gruplar arasında anlamlı fark olduğu saptandı. Lojistik regresyon analizinde yoğun bakıma acil polikliniğinden yatış ve yoğun bakımda miyokard enfarktüsü gelişmesi ölümün bağımsız risk faktörleri olarak belirlendi. v Sonuç olarak KOAH hastalarında yoğun bakıma acil ünitesinden yatış ve yoğun bakımda miyokard enfarktüsü gelişmesi ölümün bağımsı risk faktörleridir. Bu faktörlere yönelik iyileştirici önlemler mortaliteyi azaltmada etkili olabilir