14 research outputs found

    A path model of university dropout predictors: the role of satisfaction, the use of self-regulation learning strategies and students' engagement

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    University dropout is a phenomenon that is a concern in many countries all over the world. However, although there are studies in which the direct relationship of the personal and contextual variables is observed individually to predict dropout, there is little research to know whether any of these variables mediate each other in a more dynamic and complex model. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the extent to which the intention to drop out of university courses is predicted by (i) satisfaction and expectations with the course, (ii) engagement with the course, and (iii) by the use of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) strategies. Eight hundred and seventy-seven students from two Spanish universities completed the CARE questionnaire. Path analyses were performed using Mplus 8.3. The data obtained indicate that the intention to drop out is directly and significantly explained by students´ engagement (in 17.8%) and indirectly explained by the use of SRL strategies through engagement. Changes in engagement and in the use of SRL strategies were seen to be associated with satisfaction. Finally, the effect of satisfaction and the use of SRL strategies explained a proportion of students’ engagement (53.6%). It is important for research or interventions focused on students’ intention to drop out to understand that there are multiple variables that both directly and indirectly influence those intentions.This research was funded by the Severo Ochoa Program of the Government of the Principality of Asturias, grant number BP20-116

    Bullying and cyberbullying: Variables that influence university dropout // Acoso y ciberacoso: Variables de influencia en el abandono universitario

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    The increase in dropout rates in higher education is a phenomenon that has generated a lot of interest because of the need to deal with its economic, personal, and social consequences, and because of its prevalence, estimated around 30% in Spain. There is a similar interest in violent behavior in university classrooms, which has also been seen to have increased in recent years. Given that, and the fact that research has shown personal variables to be more influential in dropout from higher education, the aim of this study is to explore whether those students who are the victims of bullying (both traditional and cyberbullying) are closer to dropping out from their degree courses. To that end, 1,653 first-year students doing various degree courses in the north of Spain were asked to complete a questionnaire. The results of a Bayesian analysis showed that students who were victims of bullying were more likely to consider dropping out than students who were not victims of bullying. In addition, variables related to social integration (support from friends and teachers) exhibited a moderating effect. These findings raise the urgent need to include intervention strategies in relation to bullying in university plans to prevent dropout

    Bullying and cyberbullying: Variables that influence university dropout

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    El aumento del abandono en los estudios superiores es un fenómeno que suscita un gran interés por la necesidad de paliar los efectos económicos, personales y sociales que genera; y por su nivel de prevalencia, que informes recientes cifran en España en torno a un 30%. Algo semejante ocurre con los comportamientos violentos en las aulas universitarias, cuyo incremento se ha constatado en los últimos tiempos. Teniendo esto en cuenta, y dado que tal y como pone de manifiesto la investigación científica son las variables personales las que parecen ejercer un mayor peso en el abandono de los estudios superiores, el objetivo que este trabajo persigue es investigar si aquellos universitarios que están siendo víctimas de acoso (acoso tradicional y ciberacoso) pueden tener un mayor planteamiento de abandono de la titulación. Para ello, se implementó un cuestionario a 1.653 estudiantes de primer curso de varias titulaciones de una universidad del norte de España. Los resultados del análisis bayesiano realizado muestran que aquellos estudiantes que son víctimas de acoso, en comparación con aquellos que no lo son, se plantean abandonar sus estudios en mayor medida, teniendo además las variables relacionadas con la integración social (apoyo de amigos y profesores) un efecto moderador. Estos hallazgos plantean la urgente necesidad de incluir estrategias de intervención sobre el acoso en los planes de prevención del abandono universitarioThe increase in dropout rates in higher education is a phenomenon that has generated a lot of interest because of the need to deal with its economic, personal, and social consequences, and because of its prevalence, estimated around 30% in Spain. There is a similar interest in violent behavior in university classrooms, which has also been seen to have increased in recent years. Given that, and the fact that research has shown personal variables to be more influential in dropout from higher education, the aim of this study is to explore whether those students who are the victims of bullying (both traditional and cyberbullying) are closer to dropping out from their degree courses. To that end, 1,653 first-year students doing various degree courses in the north of Spain were asked to complete a questionnaire. The results of a Bayesian analysis showed that students who were victims of bullying were more likely to consider dropping out than students who were not victims of bullying. In addition, variables related to social integration (support from friends and teachers) exhibited a moderating effect. These findings raise the urgent need to include intervention strategies in relation to bullying in university plans to prevent dropou

    Bullying and cyberbullying: Variables that influence university dropout // Acoso y ciberacoso: Variables de influencia en el abandono universitario

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    The increase in dropout rates in higher education is a phenomenon that has generated a lot of interest because of the need to deal with its economic, personal, and social consequences, and because of its prevalence, estimated around 30% in Spain. There is a similar interest in violent behavior in university classrooms, which has also been seen to have increased in recent years. Given that, and the fact that research has shown personal variables to be more influential in dropout from higher education, the aim of this study is to explore whether those students who are the victims of bullying (both traditional and cyberbullying) are closer to dropping out from their degree courses. To that end, 1,653 first-year students doing various degree courses in the north of Spain were asked to complete a questionnaire. The results of a Bayesian analysis showed that students who were victims of bullying were more likely to consider dropping out than students who were not victims of bullying. In addition, variables related to social integration (support from friends and teachers) exhibited a moderating effect. These findings raise the urgent need to include intervention strategies in relation to bullying in university plans to prevent dropout

    En función de la orientación recibida, ¿qué eligen hacer nuestros estudiantes en su futuro próximo?

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    L'orientació acadèmica i professional té nombroses limitacions dins del sistema educatiu i, tot i ser un dret dels estudiants dins la legislació espanyola, són diverses les millores que caldria fer per poder garantir la seva eficàcia. En aquesta investigació es presenta una anàlisi de la relació que existeix entre la percepció de l'alumnat sobre l'orientació acadèmica i professional rebuda en els seus respectius centres educatius i la selecció del itinerari un cop finalitzats els seus estudis de batxillerat. Amb una mostra de 540 individus, els resultats permeten confirmar que sols el 38.3% dels alumnes entrevistats consideren útil l'orientació rebuda, mentre que la resta dels entrevistats o bé no han rebut orientació o bé tenen una percepció negativa de la mateixa. Independentment d'això, un gran percentatge dels alumnes decideix l'itinerari que desitjaria cursar al finalitzar els seus estudis de batxillerat, fet que suposa un problema al no comptar amb la correcta informació que els centres educatius haurien d'haver proporcionat.Academic-professional guidance has numerous limitations within the educational system and, despite being a right of students within Spanish legislation, there are several improvements that should be made today to ensure its effectiveness. This research presents an analysis of the relationship that exists between the students' perception of the academic-professional guidance received in their educational centers and the selection of the itinerary after completing their Baccalaureate studies. With a sample of 540 subjects, the results confirm that only 38.3% of the students interviewed perceive the orientation received as useful, the rest being students who either have not received orientation or have a negative perception of it. Regardless of this, a large percentage of students decide the itinerary that they would like to take at the end of their studies in Baccalaureate, which is a problem because they do not have the correct information that schools should provide.La orientación académico-profesional cuenta con numerosas limitaciones dentro del sistema educativo y, a pesar de ser un derecho de los estudiantes dentro de la legislación española, varias son las mejoras que deberían realizarse en la actualidad para garantizar su eficacia. En esta investigación se presenta un análisis de la relación que existe entre la percepción del alumnado acerca de la orientación académico-profesional recibida en sus centros educativos y la selección del itinerario tras finalizar sus estudios de Bachillerato. Con una muestra de 540 sujetos, los resultados permiten confirmar que solo el 38.3% de los alumnos entrevistados percibe la orientación recibida como útil, siendo el resto de alumnos que o bien no han recibido orientación o tienen una percepción negativa de la misma. Independientemente de ello, un gran porcentaje de alumnos decide el itinerario que desearía cursar al finalizar sus estudios en Bachillerato, lo cual supone un problema al no contar con la correcta información que los centros educativos deberían proporcionarles

    Variables predictoras de la expectativa de desempeño y la intención de abandono en contexto de educación virtual de emergencia en estudiantes universitarios chilenos

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    The current context of virtual emergency education due to the COVID19 pandemic has brought new conditions to the educational scene. In this context, this research sought to evaluate the predictive capacity of engagement expectations, social support, the quality and mastery of computer resources, the High School Grades (NEM) and the score obtained in the University Selection Test (PSU) on performance expectations and the intention to drop out during the first academic semester of 2020, in Chilean university students. A predictive associative design was carried out with a cross-sectional measurement. 347 students participated. The results showed that the mastery and the perceived quality of computer resources, the perceived are not significant predictors of performance expectations and intention to drop out, as opposed to engagement and performance expectations. The PSU, social support and engagement expectations were shown to predict academic performance expectations. A predictive associative design was carried out with a cross-sectional measurement. 347 students participated. The results showed that the mastery and perceived quality of computer resources, perceived social support, NEM and PSU are not significant predictors of performance expectations and intention to drop out, as opposed to engagement and performance expectations. The PSU, social support and engagement expectations were shown to predict academic performance expectations.El actual contexto de educación virtual de emergencia producto de la pandemia del COVID19 ha traído nuevas condiciones al escenario educativo. En este contexto, esta investigación busca evaluar la capacidad predictiva de las expectativas de compromiso, el apoyo social, la calidad y dominio de los recursos informáticos, las Notas de Enseñanza Media (NEM) y el puntaje obtenido en la Prueba de Selección Universitaria (PSU) sobre las expectativas de desempeño y la intención de abandono durante el primer semestre académico del año 2020, en estudiantes universitarios chilenos. Se realizó un diseño asociativo de tipo predictivo con una medición transversal. Participaron 347 estudiantes. Los resultados mostraron que el dominio y la calidad percibida de los recursos informáticos, el apoyo social percibido, las NEM y la PSU no son predictores significativos de las expectativas de desempeño y la intención de abandono, a diferencia de las expectativas de compromiso y de desempeño. La PSU, el apoyo social y las expectativas de compromiso fueron predictoras de las expectativas de desempeño académico

    Influência da satisfação, expectativas e percepção do rendimento no abandono da universidade durante a pandemia

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    University dropout is a growing area of research owing to the diverse negative consequences it can entail. It is a complex phenomenon involving multiple variables, including emotional-motivational factors. Some of these variables, such as satisfaction with higher education and expectations of the degree, are especially relevant among first-year students, and even more so in a context of forced virtualization, as has been the case during the COVID-19 crisis. The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between emotional-motivational variables and dropout intention among a group of students, and to assess their perception of their academic performance during the pandemic. The sample for the study comprised 513 first- and second-year students from different Social Sciences and Health Sciences degrees at two Spanish public universities. An ad hoc questionnaire was used to measure dropout intention and its relationship with a series of variables. Descriptive analyses and decision tree modelling were performed. The results reveal that the most significant predictor variables to explain dropout intention are satisfaction with degree choice, expectations, and learning knowledge that is relevant to their professional future. Students’ perception that their academic performance had decreased during COVID-19 was also found to be one of the predictors of dropout. El abandono universitario es un área de investigación creciente debido a las diversas consecuencias negativas que puede acarrear. Se trata de un fenómeno complejo en el que intervienen múltiples variables, entre ellas factores emocionales-motivacionales. Algunas de estas variables, como la satisfacción con la educación superior y las expectativas de la titulación, son especialmente relevantes entre los estudiantes de primer curso, y más aún en un contexto de virtualidad forzada, como ha sido el caso de la crisis del COVID-19. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la relación entre las variables emocionales-motivacionales y la intención de abandono entre un grupo de estudiantes, así como evaluar la percepción de su rendimiento académico durante la pandemia. La muestra del estudio estuvo formada por 513 estudiantes de primer y segundo curso de diferentes titulaciones de Ciencias Sociales y Ciencias de la Salud de dos universidades públicas españolas. Se utilizó un cuestionario ad hoc para medir la intención de abandono y su relación con una serie de variables. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos y modelización en árbol de decisión. Los resultados revelan que las variables predictoras más significativas para explicar la intención de abandono son la satisfacción con la elección de la titulación, las expectativas y el aprendizaje de conocimientos relevantes para su futuro profesional. También se encontró que la percepción de los estudiantes de que su rendimiento académico había disminuido durante el COVID-19 era uno de los predictores del abandono.&nbsp

    Revista de psicología y educación

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen, palabras clave en español e inglesSe analiza la relación entre las vivencias iniciales de un grupo de estudiantes de primer curso y su intención de abandonar o no los estudios cursados. Se contó para ello con una muestra de 551 estudiantes de primer curso de una universidad del norte de España y de diferentes titulaciones, implementándose un cuestionario ad hoc para medir la intención de abandono universitario y su relación con diferentes variables. El análisis de datos se elaboró mediante el paquete estadístico SPSS v.24, realizándose análisis descriptivos y la prueba del árbol de decisión. Se observó en los resultados que las variables predictoras más relevantes para explicar la intención de permanencia eran la satisfacción con la elección de la titulación y la percepción de autoeficacia, así como los niveles bajos de ansiedad y desgaste emocional.ES

    Early and Dynamic Socio-Academic Variables Related to Dropout Intention: A Predictive Model Made during the Pandemic

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    Social and academic integration variables have been shown to be relevant for the understanding of university dropout. However, there is less evidence regarding the influence of these variables on dropout intention, as well as the predictive models that explain their relationships. Improvements in this topic become relevant considering that dropout intention stands as a useful measure to anticipate and intervene this phenomenon. The objective of the present study was to evaluate a predictive model for university dropout intention that considers the relationships between social and academic variables during the first university semester of 2020. The research was conducted using a cross-sectional associative-predictive design, with a convenience sampling (n = 711) due to the restrictions of the pandemic period. The results showed a good fit of the proposed hypothetical model that explained 38.7% of dropout intention. Both social support and perceived social isolation predicted the sense of belonging and, through it, engagement. Previous academic performance predicted early academic performance and, through it, engagement. The set of variables predicted the intention to quit through engagement. These results are a contribution both to the understanding of the phenomenon and to guide potential interventions in the early stages of the university experience

    Early and Dynamic Socio-Academic Variables Related to Dropout Intention: A Predictive Model Made during the Pandemic

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    Social and academic integration variables have been shown to be relevant for the understanding of university dropout. However, there is less evidence regarding the influence of these variables on dropout intention, as well as the predictive models that explain their relationships. Improvements in this topic become relevant considering that dropout intention stands as a useful measure to anticipate and intervene this phenomenon. The objective of the present study was to evaluate a predictive model for university dropout intention that considers the relationships between social and academic variables during the first university semester of 2020. The research was conducted using a cross-sectional associative-predictive design, with a convenience sampling (n = 711) due to the restrictions of the pandemic period. The results showed a good fit of the proposed hypothetical model that explained 38.7% of dropout intention. Both social support and perceived social isolation predicted the sense of belonging and, through it, engagement. Previous academic performance predicted early academic performance and, through it, engagement. The set of variables predicted the intention to quit through engagement. These results are a contribution both to the understanding of the phenomenon and to guide potential interventions in the early stages of the university experience