20 research outputs found


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    U radu se s dijalektološkoga aspekta analizira memoarsko djelo Venere Stojan naslovljeno Škatule-batule... Jezik je toga djela utemeljen na mjesnom govoru Maslinice na otoku Šolti. Nakon kratkoga uvodnoga osvrta na pojedine sadržaje djela slijedi dijalektološka analiza. Budući da je maslinički govor u dijalektološkoj literaturi svrstavan u štokavsko narječje, točnije u novoštokavski ikavski dijalekt, u jeziku se proučavanoga djela pronalaze i analiziraju značajke toga dijalekta, ali također i značajke čakavskoga ikavskoga dijalekta, kao i zajedničke značajke obaju dijalekata. Analiza je pokazala da je u razmatranom djelu, utemeljenom na mjesnom govoru Maslinice, više prepoznatljivo čakavskih negoli novoštokavskih ikavskih značajki.The subject of this paper’s analysis is Venera Stojan’s memoir titled Škatule-batule... from the dialectological point of view. The language of this memoir is based on the local speech of the village of Maslinica on the island of Šolta. After a brief introductory overview of particular subjects, the paper focuses on the dialectological analysis. Since the speech of Maslinica is classified in the dialectological literature as Shtokavian dialect, more spe¬cifically Neo-Shtokavian Ikavian dialect, this paper focuses on the features of this dialect within the language used in the memoir, but also the features of the Chakavian Ikavian dialect, as well as common features shared by both dialects. The analysis revealed that Stojan’s memoir, based on the local speech of Maslinica, contains more Chakavian than Neo-Shtokavian Ikavi¬an elements.Nell\u27articolo si analizza sotto l\u27aspetto dialettologico l\u27opera di Venera Stojan intitolata Škatule-batule... La lingua del testo è fondata sulla parlata locale di Maslinica sull\u27isola di Šolta (Solta). Alla breve introduzione sui contenuti del testo segue l\u27analisi dialettologica. Poiché la parlata di Maslinica nella letteratura critica della dialettologia è classificato come stocavo, per la precisione come nuovo stocavo icavo, nella lingua dell\u27opera oggetto di questo studio si riconoscono e analizzano le caratteristiche di questo dialetto, ma anche del dialetto ciacavo icavo ed anche le caratteristiche comuni di questi due dialetti. L\u27analisi ha dimostrato che nell\u27opera esaminata, fondata sulla parlata locale di Maslinica, sono più riconoscibili le caratteristiche ciacave che quelle icave


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    U radu se s dijalektološkoga aspekta analizira memoarsko djelo Venere Stojan naslovljeno Škatule-batule... Jezik je toga djela utemeljen na mjesnom govoru Maslinice na otoku Šolti. Nakon kratkoga uvodnoga osvrta na pojedine sadržaje djela slijedi dijalektološka analiza. Budući da je maslinički govor u dijalektološkoj literaturi svrstavan u štokavsko narječje, točnije u novoštokavski ikavski dijalekt, u jeziku se proučavanoga djela pronalaze i analiziraju značajke toga dijalekta, ali također i značajke čakavskoga ikavskoga dijalekta, kao i zajedničke značajke obaju dijalekata. Analiza je pokazala da je u razmatranom djelu, utemeljenom na mjesnom govoru Maslinice, više prepoznatljivo čakavskih negoli novoštokavskih ikavskih značajki.The subject of this paper’s analysis is Venera Stojan’s memoir titled Škatule-batule... from the dialectological point of view. The language of this memoir is based on the local speech of the village of Maslinica on the island of Šolta. After a brief introductory overview of particular subjects, the paper focuses on the dialectological analysis. Since the speech of Maslinica is classified in the dialectological literature as Shtokavian dialect, more spe¬cifically Neo-Shtokavian Ikavian dialect, this paper focuses on the features of this dialect within the language used in the memoir, but also the features of the Chakavian Ikavian dialect, as well as common features shared by both dialects. The analysis revealed that Stojan’s memoir, based on the local speech of Maslinica, contains more Chakavian than Neo-Shtokavian Ikavi¬an elements.Nell\u27articolo si analizza sotto l\u27aspetto dialettologico l\u27opera di Venera Stojan intitolata Škatule-batule... La lingua del testo è fondata sulla parlata locale di Maslinica sull\u27isola di Šolta (Solta). Alla breve introduzione sui contenuti del testo segue l\u27analisi dialettologica. Poiché la parlata di Maslinica nella letteratura critica della dialettologia è classificato come stocavo, per la precisione come nuovo stocavo icavo, nella lingua dell\u27opera oggetto di questo studio si riconoscono e analizzano le caratteristiche di questo dialetto, ma anche del dialetto ciacavo icavo ed anche le caratteristiche comuni di questi due dialetti. L\u27analisi ha dimostrato che nell\u27opera esaminata, fondata sulla parlata locale di Maslinica, sono più riconoscibili le caratteristiche ciacave che quelle icave


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    The temperature distributions in the n-type silicon circular plate, excited by a frequency-modulated light source from one side, are investigated theoretically in the frequency domain. The influence of the photogenerated excess carrier density on the temperature distributions is considered with respect to the sample thickness, surface quality and carrier lifetime. The presence of the thermalization and non-radiative recombination processes are taken into account. The existence of the fast and slow heat sources in the sample is recognized. It is shown that the temperature distribution on sample surfaces is a sensitive function of an excess carrier density under a bulk and surface recombination. The most favorable values of surface velocities ratio and bulk lifetime are established, assigned for a simpler and more effective analysis of the carrier influence in semiconductors. The photothermal and photoacoustic transmission detection configuration is proposed as a most suitable experimental scheme for the investigation of the excess carrier influence on the silicon surface temperatures

    Management of acute myocardial infarction in Međimurje county

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    Uvod: Unatoč pozitivnim trendovima u liječenju, kardiovaskularne bolesti i dalje su vodeći uzrok smrti u svijetu, uzimajući oko 17,9 milijuna života svake godine. Na razini Europske unije odgovorne su za 40% svih smrti. Cilj: Utvrditi učestalost bolesnika s infarktom miokarda liječenih u Županijskoj bolnici Čakovec te napraviti usporedbu bolesnika sa infarktom miokarda sa elevacijom S-T spojnice (STEMI) i infarktom miokarda bez elevacije S-T spojnice (NSTEMI) uzimajući u obzir njihovu dob, spol, zahvaćenu regiju srčanog mišića te zahvaćenost svake koronarne arterije zasebno. Materijali i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno analizom medicinske dokumentacije preuzete iz informacijskog sustava Županijske bolnice Čakovec za što se prethodno ishodilo odobrenje etičkog povjerenstva bolnice. Obrada podataka izvršena je korištenjem programske podrške Microsoft Office Excel 2013. Također je u diplomski rad uvršten prikaz slučaja. Rezultati: U navedenom razdoblju izvršeno je 275 perkutanih koronarnih intervencija (PCI) u akutnom koronarnom sindromu (AKS). Dijagnoza STEMI postavljena je u 64 slučaja dok je NSTEMI dijagnosticiran kod 211 slučaja. Ustanovljena smrtnost od AKS u koronarnoj jedinici za zadano razdoblje iznosi 4% a smrtnost kod koronarografije s izvođenjem PCI iznosi 2%. Ustanovljeno je da incidencija STEMI dijagnoze iznosi 49 na 100 000 stanovnika dok je incidencija NSTEMI dijagnoze 155 na 100 000 stanovnika. Zaključak: Analizirajući podatke dobivene retrospektivnom studijom dolazimo do zaključka da je incidencija STEMI dijagnoze za gotovo dvije trećine manja od NSTEMI dijagnoze. Podatak koji privlači pažnju je taj da je prosječna dob muškaraca sa STEMI dijagnozom 63 godine, što znači da je velik dio oboljelih još radno aktivno, a upravo taj podatak daje novu dimenziju ovoj problematici.Introduction: Despite positive trends in treatment, cardiovascular diseases are the top cause of death globally, taking about 17.9 million lives each year. In the European Union cardiovascular diseases are a sole culprit of basically 40% of all deaths. Objective: To determine the frequency of patients with myocardial infarction treated at the County Hospital Čakovec. In addition, one of research aims is to make a comparison of patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) – taking into account their age, sex, the affected region of the heart muscle and the affected region of each coronary artery separately. Case report was also included in this thesis. Materials and methods: The research was conducted by analyzing the medical documentation from the hospital information system of the Čakovec County Hospital, the use of which was previously approved by the hospital committee. Data processing was performed using Microsoft Office Excel 2013 program. Results: In this period, 275 percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) were performed for acute coronary syndrome (ACS). STEMI was diagnosed in 64 cases, while NSTEMI was diagnosed in 211 cases. The mortality rate from ACS in the coronary unit was 4%, while in the same period of time mortality rate in coronary angiography with PCI performance was 2%. It was found that the incidence of the STEMI diagnosis was 49 per 100,000 inhabitants while the incidence of NSTEMI diagnosis was 155 per 100,000 inhabitants. Conclusion: By analyzing the data obtained by the retrospective study, it can be concluded that the incidence of STEMI diagnosis is nearly two-thirds lower than NSTEMI diagnosis. One interesting fact is that the average age of men with a STEMI diagnosis is 63, which means that a large part of the patients are still working

    Management of acute myocardial infarction in Međimurje county

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    Uvod: Unatoč pozitivnim trendovima u liječenju, kardiovaskularne bolesti i dalje su vodeći uzrok smrti u svijetu, uzimajući oko 17,9 milijuna života svake godine. Na razini Europske unije odgovorne su za 40% svih smrti. Cilj: Utvrditi učestalost bolesnika s infarktom miokarda liječenih u Županijskoj bolnici Čakovec te napraviti usporedbu bolesnika sa infarktom miokarda sa elevacijom S-T spojnice (STEMI) i infarktom miokarda bez elevacije S-T spojnice (NSTEMI) uzimajući u obzir njihovu dob, spol, zahvaćenu regiju srčanog mišića te zahvaćenost svake koronarne arterije zasebno. Materijali i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno analizom medicinske dokumentacije preuzete iz informacijskog sustava Županijske bolnice Čakovec za što se prethodno ishodilo odobrenje etičkog povjerenstva bolnice. Obrada podataka izvršena je korištenjem programske podrške Microsoft Office Excel 2013. Također je u diplomski rad uvršten prikaz slučaja. Rezultati: U navedenom razdoblju izvršeno je 275 perkutanih koronarnih intervencija (PCI) u akutnom koronarnom sindromu (AKS). Dijagnoza STEMI postavljena je u 64 slučaja dok je NSTEMI dijagnosticiran kod 211 slučaja. Ustanovljena smrtnost od AKS u koronarnoj jedinici za zadano razdoblje iznosi 4% a smrtnost kod koronarografije s izvođenjem PCI iznosi 2%. Ustanovljeno je da incidencija STEMI dijagnoze iznosi 49 na 100 000 stanovnika dok je incidencija NSTEMI dijagnoze 155 na 100 000 stanovnika. Zaključak: Analizirajući podatke dobivene retrospektivnom studijom dolazimo do zaključka da je incidencija STEMI dijagnoze za gotovo dvije trećine manja od NSTEMI dijagnoze. Podatak koji privlači pažnju je taj da je prosječna dob muškaraca sa STEMI dijagnozom 63 godine, što znači da je velik dio oboljelih još radno aktivno, a upravo taj podatak daje novu dimenziju ovoj problematici.Introduction: Despite positive trends in treatment, cardiovascular diseases are the top cause of death globally, taking about 17.9 million lives each year. In the European Union cardiovascular diseases are a sole culprit of basically 40% of all deaths. Objective: To determine the frequency of patients with myocardial infarction treated at the County Hospital Čakovec. In addition, one of research aims is to make a comparison of patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) – taking into account their age, sex, the affected region of the heart muscle and the affected region of each coronary artery separately. Case report was also included in this thesis. Materials and methods: The research was conducted by analyzing the medical documentation from the hospital information system of the Čakovec County Hospital, the use of which was previously approved by the hospital committee. Data processing was performed using Microsoft Office Excel 2013 program. Results: In this period, 275 percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) were performed for acute coronary syndrome (ACS). STEMI was diagnosed in 64 cases, while NSTEMI was diagnosed in 211 cases. The mortality rate from ACS in the coronary unit was 4%, while in the same period of time mortality rate in coronary angiography with PCI performance was 2%. It was found that the incidence of the STEMI diagnosis was 49 per 100,000 inhabitants while the incidence of NSTEMI diagnosis was 155 per 100,000 inhabitants. Conclusion: By analyzing the data obtained by the retrospective study, it can be concluded that the incidence of STEMI diagnosis is nearly two-thirds lower than NSTEMI diagnosis. One interesting fact is that the average age of men with a STEMI diagnosis is 63, which means that a large part of the patients are still working

    Primjena vektoriranog potiska s osvrtom na superupravljivost istraživackog zrakoplova X-31A

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    Vectored propulsion is a new concept of aircraft attitudecontrol by engines jet-deflection. Thrust vectoring researchhas become actualized during the last ten years, mainly formilitary application.The carried out experimental projects confirm the effectivenessof the thrust-vectoring systems in both conventionalaircraft attitude control and post-stall maneuverability enhancement.Apart from military aviation, the results of thrust-vectoringresearch are applicable in civil aviation, especially in STOLand VTOL aircraft design

    Considerations Regarding Development of Alternative Propulsion in Aviation

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    Ecological indications and the depletion of fossil fuel resourcesare the main reasons for current studies of alternativepropulsion in aviation i.e. for searching for new regenerativeenergy sources. The technical and technological presumptionsfor the transfer from the conventional to alternative fuel aremore radical than the transition from piston to jet propulsion.The main problems include the production of liquefied hydrogen,the necessary aircraft structure modifications, and the requiredinfrastntcture supporl

    Aging Evaluation Programs for Jet Transport Aircraft Structural Integrity

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    The paper deals with criteria and procedures in evaluationof timely preventive maintenance recommendations that willsupport continued safe operation of aging jet transports untiltheir retirement from service. The active service life of commercialaircraft has increased in recent years as a result of low fuelcost, and increasing costs and delivery times for fleet replacements.Air transport industry consensus is that older jet transportswill continue in service despite anticipated substantial increasesin required maintenance. Design concepts, supportedby testing, have worked well due to the system that is used to ensureflying safety. Continuing structural integrity by inspectionand overhaul recommendation above the level contained inmaintenance and service bulletins is additional requirement, insuch cases. Airplane structural safety depends on the performanceof all participants in the system and the responsibility forsafety cannot be delegated to a single participant. This systemhas three major participants: the manufacturers who design,build and support airplanes in service, the airlines who operate,inspect and mantain airplanes and the airworthiness authoritieswho establish rules and regulations, approve the design andpromote airline maintenance performance