62 research outputs found

    Athanassia Zografou, Des dieux maniables. HĂ©cate & Cronos dans les Papyrus grecs magiques

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    Le titre de l’ouvrage d’A. Zografou, accompagnĂ© en couverture d’un jaspe rouge portant sur une face le visage de la Gorgone et sur l’autre un hekataion, invite d’emblĂ©e Ă  considĂ©rer les dieux dans la perspective de l’opĂ©rabilitĂ© de leur reprĂ©sentation. Cette Ă©tude s’inscrit dans le courant des recherches sur le fonctionnement du polythĂ©isme grec, en choisissant d’observer ce que deviennent deux divinitĂ©s, HĂ©cate et Cronos, au sein d’un corpus qui n’est guĂšre sollicitĂ© d’habitude par les cherc..

    Blood histamine levels (BHL) in infants and children with respiratory and non-respiratory diseases.

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    BACKGROUND: Blood histamine levels are decreased after severe allergic reactions and in various chronic diseases. AIMS: To study blood histamine levels in infants and children with acute infectious and non-infectious, non-allergic, disease. METHODS: Blood histamine levels were investigated by a fluorometric method in infants and children admitted to hospital with bronchiolitis, non-wheezing bronchitis, acute infections of the urinary tract, skin and ear-nose-throat, gastroenteritis, or hyperthermia of unknown aetiology. Results of blood histamine levels and white blood cell counts were compared with those obtained for children recovering from benign non-infectious, non-allergic illnesses. RESULTS: As compared with control children, white blood cell numbers were significantly increased in children with acute infections of the urinary tract, skin and ear-nose-throat, and were significantly decreased in children with gastroenteritis. Blood histamine levels were significantly lower in children with gastroenteritis and hyperthermia than in children with other diseases and control children. It was not possible to correlate blood histamine levels and the number of blood basophils. CONCLUSIONS: BHL are significantly decreased in infants and children with acute gastroenteritis and hyperthermia of unknown aetiology. The mechanisms responsible for the decrease in blood histamine levels in children with gastroenteritis and hyperthermia are discussed

    Verbale fluency bij gezonde ouderen: Onderzoek met drie complexe verbale fluencytaken bij gezonde ouderen en patiënten met een lichte neurocognitieve stoornis of beginnende dementie van het Alzheimertype

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    In de studie werden normgegevens verzameld voor een fonologisch alternerende taak (FAT), een semantisch alternerende taak (SAT) en een ‘excluded letter’ taak (ELT). De taken werden afgenomen bij 146 Vlaamstalige, cognitief gezonde ouderen. Gegevens van 102 personen waren bruikbaar en werden ingedeeld volgens de significante variabelen. Vervolgens werden deze taken afgenomen bij zeven patiĂ«nten met een lichte neurocognitieve stoornis (mild cognitive impairment; MCI) en zeven patiĂ«nten met een beginnende dementie van het Alzheimertype (DAT). Resultaten van de normstudie toonden aan dat opleidingsniveau een significante variabele is voor alle complexe taken en leeftijd voor de SAT en de ELT, waarbij ouderdomsgerelateerde achteruitgang het grootst was voor de ELT. Het foutenpercentage lag het hoogst voor de ELT en het laagst voor de SAT. Analyse van de duurtijd toont aan dat registratie ten minste gedurende 2 minuten dient te gebeuren. De patiĂ«ntenpopulatie scoorde significant lager dan de normgroep. Het foutenpercentage was het hoogst voor de SAT en het laagst voor de ELT

    Full spectrum of vitamin D immunomodulation in multiple sclerosis: mechanisms and therapeutic implications.

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    Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with the risk of multiple sclerosis, disease activity and progression. Results from in vitro experiments, animal models and analysis of human samples from randomized controlled trials provide comprehensive data illustrating the pleiotropic actions of Vitamin D on the immune system. They globally result in immunomodulation by decreasing differentiation of effector T and B cells while promoting regulatory subsets. Vitamin D also modulates innate immune cells such as macrophages, monocytes and dendritic cells, and acts at the level of the blood-brain barrier reducing immune cell trafficking. Vitamin D exerts additional activity within the central nervous system reducing microglial and astrocytic activation. The immunomodulatory role of Vitamin D detected in animal models of multiple sclerosis has suggested its potential therapeutic use for treating multiple sclerosis. In this review, we focus on recent published data describing the biological effects of Vitamin D in animal models of multiple sclerosis on immune cells, blood-brain barrier function, activation of glial cells and its potential neuroprotective effects. Based on the current knowledge, we also discuss optimization of therapeutic interventions with Vitamin D in patients with multiple sclerosis, as well as new technologies allowing in-depth analysis of immune cell regulations by vitamin D

    AntÎn Alvar Nuno, Cadenas invisibles. Los usas de la magia entre los esclavos en el Imperia romano, Besançon, Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2017

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    Galoppin Thomas. AntÎn Alvar Nuno, Cadenas invisibles. Los usas de la magia entre los esclavos en el Imperia romano, Besançon, Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2017. In: ASDIWAL. Revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions, n°12, 2017. pp. 185-187

    La justice du sol. Les noms divins dans les malédictions attiques au IVe-IIIe siÚcle avant notre Úre

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    International audienceCurses carved in Greek on lead lamellae (katadesmoi) and mostly deposited in funerary spots appeal to the action exerted by divinities that we frequently label as infernal or from the underworld. In fact, in the records from Attica in the Classical and early Hellenistic ages, the network of powers that are invoked involves chiefly Hermes, Persephone, the Earth, and different configurations of deities connected to the soil of the grave and a superhuman form of justice. More specifically, the choice of onomastic attributes such as Katochos, Chthonios, or the more poetical Eriounios, for Hermes, ties up a link between the constraints exerted by the god and the location of his power in the necropolis. These divine names, if they rely on a specific field of knowledge, also depend on concrete conditions of rituals, anchored in well-defined places, within the landscape of the city

    Animaux et pouvoir rituel dans les pratiques « magiques » du monde romain / Animals and Ritual Power in Ancient Roman “Magical” Practices

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    Galoppin Thomas. Animaux et pouvoir rituel dans les pratiques « magiques » du monde romain / Animals and Ritual Power in Ancient Roman “Magical” Practices. In: ASDIWAL. Revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions, n°11, 2016. pp. 187-190

    Animals and Ritual Power in the « Magical » Practices of the Roman Time

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    Les premiers siĂšcles de notre Ăšre ont lĂ©guĂ© de nombreux tĂ©moignages de pratiques dites « magiques », de l’inventaire de remĂšdes jusqu’aux rituels d’envoĂ»tement, en passant par la mise en scĂšne de pouvoirs surhumains dans la sphĂšre humaine. Dans un monde mĂ©diterranĂ©en relativement globalisĂ©, les pratiques magiques ouvrent un espace de savoirs transculturels autour de l’exercice d’un pouvoir rituel. Animaux et matiĂšres animales ont Ă©tĂ© employĂ©s dans la composition de remĂšdes mĂ©dicaux comme de rituels guĂ©risseurs, pour mettre en Ɠuvre un pouvoir rituel, invoquer les dieux, envoĂ»ter. En partant de Pline l’Ancien, des Cyranides et des papyrus de magie grecs, une enquĂȘte qui fait parler aigle, chauve-souris, chat, chien, echeneis, hyĂšne, huppe, lĂ©zards, serpents et taupe aux cĂŽtĂ©s de nombres d’autres figures animales permet d’observer leurs « cuisine », sacrifices ou mises Ă  mort rituelles, mais aussi leur participation Ă  la reprĂ©sentation des puissances surhumaines dans un contexte multiculturel, principalement entre Rome, la GrĂšce et l’Égypte. L’utilisation de l’animal dans les rites comme dans la mĂ©decine a Ă©tĂ© le lieu d’un dialogue entre diffĂ©rents domaines de savoirs et diffĂ©rentes cultures, et les modalitĂ©s d’énonciation de tels savoirs, selon le type de documentation, tĂ©moigne de la multiplicitĂ© des interprĂ©tations qui ont pu, et doivent ĂȘtre apportĂ©es aux rites. L’écriture de natures animales merveilleuses permet d’énoncer tant le pouvoir rituel que des discours physiologiques, telle la notion d’antipathie. Ce faisant, l’anthropozoologie participe Ă  une rĂ©vision de la notion mĂȘme de « magie » dans le champ de l’histoire des religions antiques.Documents from the Roman Imperial Period testify for the practice of “magic” all around the Mediterranean sea, including lists of remedies and cursing rituals, as well as the pretentions for some marvellous powers in the human sphere. In a relatively globalized world, the so-called “magical” practices are an open space for a kind of multicultural knowledge. Animals have been used in the making of medical remedies and rituals in the performance of a ritual power, to invoke the gods, or to cast curses. Getting from Pliny the Elder, the Cyranides and the greek papyri of magic, an investigation where eagle, bat, cat, dog, echeneis, hyena, hoopoe, lizards, snakes and mole talk among many other animal figures gives a chance to observe their cooking, sacrifice, or ritual killing, as well as their ability to represent the powers beyond in a multicultural context, first of all between Rome, Greece and Egypt. The use of animals in rites and medicine has been a subject of dialogue between different fields of knowledge and different cultures. The modalities of enunciation of such knowledge testify of the multiplicity of possible interpretations for the rites depending on the documentation. The writing of marvellous animal natures makes the ritual power as well as physiological discourses, such as the notion of antipathy. Then, the animal studies take part in a revising of the very notion of “magic” in the field of antic history

    Toutes les faces de la Lune: une incantation grecque d'Egypte dans l'Antiquité tardive

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    Ce chapitre présente un hymne incantatoire adressé à la Lune (Séléné) dans un papyrus grec de magie (PGM) et montre comment le poÚte a construit un portrait multiple de la divinité en innovant à partir d'une tradition littéraire
