4,126 research outputs found

    On the Gannon-Lee Singularity Theorem in Higher Dimensions

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    The Gannon-Lee singularity theorems give well-known restrictions on the spatial topology of singularity-free (i.e., nonspacelike geodesically complete), globally hyperbolic spacetimes. In this paper, we revisit these classic results in the light of recent developments, especially the failure in higher dimensions of a celebrated theorem by Hawking on the topology of black hole horizons. The global hyperbolicity requirement is weakened, and we expand the scope of the main results to allow for the richer variety of spatial topologies which are likely to occur in higher-dimensional spacetimes.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Unpowered Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 15-Percent Scale Model of a Twin-Engine Commuter Aircraft

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    An experimental investigation was conducted in the Ames 12-Foot Pressure Wind Tunnel to determine the unpowered aerodynamic characteristics of a 15-percent-scale model of a twin-engine commuter aircraft. Model longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics were examined at discrete flap deflections for various angle-of-attack and wind-tunnel-velocity ranges with the empennage on and off. Data are presented for the basic model configuration consisting of the fuselage, wing, basic wing leading edge, double slotted flaps, midengine nacelles, and empennage. Other configurations tested include a particle-span drooped leading edge (dropped outboard of the engine nacelles), a full-span drooped leading edge, low- and high-mounted engine nacelles, and a single-slotted flap. An evaluation was made of the model mounting system by comparing data obtained with the model mounted conventionally on the wind-tunnel model-support struts and the model inverted

    Soliton Solutions to the Einstein Equations in Five Dimensions

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    We present a new class of solutions in odd dimensions to Einstein's equations containing either a positive or negative cosmological constant. These solutions resemble the even-dimensional Eguchi-Hanson--(anti)-de Sitter ((A)dS) metrics, with the added feature of having Lorentzian signatures. They provide an affirmative answer to the open question as to whether or not there exist solutions with negative cosmological constant that asymptotically approach AdS5/Γ_{5}/\Gamma, but have less energy than AdS5/Γ_{5}/\Gamma. We present evidence that these solutions are the lowest-energy states within their asymptotic class.Comment: 9 pages, Latex; Final version that appeared in Phys. Rev. Lett; title changed by journal from original title "Eguchi-Hanson Solitons

    Accretion column eclipses in the X-ray pulsars GX 1+4 and RX J0812.4-3114

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    Sharp dips observed in the pulse profiles of three X-ray pulsars (GX 1+4, RX J0812.4-3114 and A 0535+26) have previously been suggested to arise from partial eclipses of the emission region by the accretion column occurring once each rotation period. We present pulse-phase spectroscopy from Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellite observations of GX 1+4 and RX J0812.4-3114 which for the first time confirms this interpretation. The dip phase corresponds to the closest approach of the column axis to the line of sight, and the additional optical depth for photons escaping from the column in this direction gives rise to both the decrease in flux and increase in the fitted optical depth measured at this phase. Analysis of the arrival time of individual dips in GX~1+4 provides the first measurement of azimuthal wandering of a neutron star accretion column. The column longitude varies stochastically with standard deviation 2-6 degrees depending on the source luminosity. Measurements of the phase width of the dip both from mean pulse profiles and individual eclipses demonstrates that the dip width is proportional to the flux. The variation is consistent with that expected if the azimuthal extent of the accretion column depends only upon the Keplerian velocity at the inner disc radius, which varies as a consequence of the accretion rate Mdot.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted by MNRAS. Included reference

    Spectral variation in the X-ray pulsar GX 1+4 during a low-flux episode

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    The X-ray pulsar GX 1+4 was observed with the RXTE satellite for a total of 51ks between 1996 July 19 - 21. During this period the flux decreased smoothly from an initial mean level of ~ 6 X 10^36 erg/s to a minimum of ~ 4 X 10^35 erg/s (2-60 keV, assuming a source distance of 10 kpc) before partially recovering towards the initial level at the end of the observation. BATSE pulse timing measurements indicate that a torque reversal took place approximately 10 d after this observation. Both the mean pulse profile and the photon spectrum varied significantly. The observed variation in the source may provide important clues as to the mechanism of torque reversals. The single best-fitting spectral model was based on a component originating from thermal photons with kT ~ 1 keV Comptonised by a plasma of temperature kT \~ 7 keV. Both the flux modulation with phase during the brightest interval and the evolution of the mean spectra over the course of the observation are consistent with variations in this model component; with, in addition, a doubling of the column density nH contributing to the mean spectral change. A strong flare of duration 50 s was observed during the interval of minimum flux, with the peak flux ~ 20 times the mean level. Although beaming effects are likely to mask the true variation in Mdot thought to give rise to the flare, the timing of a modest increase in flux prior to the flare is consistent with dual episodes of accretion resulting from successive orbits of a locally dense patch of matter in the accretion disc.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, submitted to MNRA

    High N, dry: Experimental nitrogen deposition exacerbates native shrub loss and nonnative plant invasion during extreme drought.

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    Hotter, longer, and more frequent global change-type drought events may profoundly impact terrestrial ecosystems by triggering widespread vegetation mortality. However, severe drought is only one component of global change, and ecological effects of drought may be compounded by other drivers, such as anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition and nonnative plant invasion. Elevated N deposition, for example, may reduce drought tolerance through increased plant productivity, thereby contributing to drought-induced mortality. High N availability also often favors invasive, nonnative plant species, and the loss of woody vegetation due to drought may create a window of opportunity for these invaders. We investigated the effects of multiple levels of simulated N deposition on a Mediterranean-type shrubland plant community in southern California from 2011 to 2016, a period coinciding with an extreme, multiyear drought in the region. We hypothesized that N addition would increase native shrub productivity, but that this would increase susceptibility to drought and result in increased shrub loss over time. We also predicted that N addition would favor nonnatives, especially annual grasses, leading to higher biomass and cover of these species. Consistent with these hypotheses, we found that high N availability increased native shrub canopy loss and mortality, likely due to the higher productivity and leaf area and reduced water-use efficiency we observed in shrubs subject to N addition. As native shrub cover declined, we also observed a concomitant increase in cover and biomass of nonnative annuals, particularly under high levels of experimental N deposition. Together, these results suggest that the impacts of extended drought on shrubland ecosystems may be more severe under elevated N deposition, potentially contributing to the widespread loss of native woody species and vegetation-type conversion

    Uniqueness of de Sitter space

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    All inextendible null geodesics in four dimensional de Sitter space dS^4 are complete and globally achronal. This achronality is related to the fact that all observer horizons in dS^4 are eternal, i.e. extend from future infinity scri^+ all the way back to past infinity scri^-. We show that the property of having a null line (inextendible achronal null geodesic) that extends from scri^- to scri^+ characterizes dS^4 among all globally hyperbolic and asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes satisfying the vacuum Einstein equations with positive cosmological constant. This result is then further extended to allow for a class of matter models that includes perfect fluids.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Non-Existence of Black Holes in Certain Λ<0\Lambda<0 Spacetimes

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    Assuming certain asymptotic conditions, we prove a general theorem on the non-existence of static regular (i.e., nondegenerate) black holes in spacetimes with a negative cosmological constant, given that the fundamental group of space is infinite. We use this to rule out the existence of regular negative mass AdS black holes with Ricci flat scri. For any mass, we also rule out a class of conformally compactifiable static black holes whose conformal infinity has positive scalar curvature and infinite fundamental group, subject to our asymptotic conditions. In a limited, but important, special case our result adds new support to the AdS/CFT inspired positive mass conjecture of Horowitz and Myers.Comment: 17 pages, Latex. Typos corrected, minor changes to the text. Accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Charmonium properties from lattice QCD + QED: hyperfine splitting, J/ψJ/\psi leptonic width, charm quark mass and aμca_{\mu}^c

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    We have performed the first nf=2+1+1n_f = 2+1+1 lattice QCD computations of the properties (masses and decay constants) of ground-state charmonium mesons. Our calculation uses the HISQ action to generate quark-line connected two-point correlation functions on MILC gluon field configurations that include u/du/d quark masses going down to the physical point, tuning the cc quark mass from MJ/ψM_{J/\psi} and including the effect of the cc quark's electric charge through quenched QED. We obtain MJ/ψ−MηcM_{J/\psi}-M_{\eta_c} (connected) = 120.3(1.1) MeV and interpret the difference with experiment as the impact on MηcM_{\eta_c} of its decay to gluons, missing from the lattice calculation. This allows us to determine ΔMηcannihiln\Delta M_{\eta_c}^{\mathrm{annihiln}} =+7.3(1.2) MeV, giving its value for the first time. Our result of fJ/ψ=f_{J/\psi}= 0.4104(17) GeV, gives Γ(J/ψ→e+e−)\Gamma(J/\psi \rightarrow e^+e^-)=5.637(49) keV, in agreement with, but now more accurate than experiment. At the same time we have improved the determination of the cc quark mass, including the impact of quenched QED to give m‾c(3 GeV)\overline{m}_c(3\,\mathrm{GeV}) = 0.9841(51) GeV. We have also used the time-moments of the vector charmonium current-current correlators to improve the lattice QCD result for the cc quark HVP contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. We obtain aμc=14.638(47)×10−10a_{\mu}^c = 14.638(47) \times 10^{-10}, which is 2.5σ\sigma higher than the value derived using moments extracted from some sets of experimental data on R(e+e−→hadrons)R(e^+e^- \rightarrow \mathrm{hadrons}). This value for aμca_{\mu}^c includes our determination of the effect of QED on this quantity, δaμc=0.0313(28)×10−10\delta a_{\mu}^c = 0.0313(28) \times 10^{-10}.Comment: Added extra discussion on QED setup, some new results to study the effects of strong isospin breaking in the sea (including new Fig. 1) and a fit stability plot for the hyperfine splitting (new Fig. 7). Version accepted for publication in PR
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