222 research outputs found
The potential impact of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on the realisation of socio-economic rights in the international arena: what can be learnt from the justiciability of socio-economic rights in South Africa?
The Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (the 'Optional Protocol' or the 'OP-ICESCR') has recently been adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. This document establishes a new complaints procedure for economic, social and cultural rights ('ESCR') within the United Nations human rights system. Hence, those rights ' as it is already the case for civil and political rights (CPR) ' will become quasi-justiciable at international level. Once the Optional Protocol will enter into force, individuals and groups victims of violations of any right contained in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (the 'Covenant' or the 'ICESCR') will have the possibility to submit communications to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (the 'Committee' or the 'CESCR'), as long as the state concerned is party to the OP-ICESCR
Holacracy, a modern form of organizational governance predictors for person-organization-fit and job satisfaction.
This study compares illegitimate tasks and appreciation in traditional work organisations and holacracy work organisations based in Switzerland and Germany. In addition, the study tests whether the fit between employees and holacracy organisations depends on personality characteristics. Ninety-five employees working in holacratic companies participated in an online survey with standardised questionnaires on illegitimate tasks, Big Five personality dimensions, perceived holacracy satisfaction and person-organisation fit. For the comparison of illegitimate tasks and appreciation, a propensity-matching comparison group of people working in traditional companies was used. The results revealed significantly lower illegitimate tasks t(53)â=â-2.04, pâ<â0.05, with a lower level (2.49) in holacracy than in traditional work (2.78). Concerning appreciation, the results showed significantly higher values for holacratic (5.33) than for traditional work [4.14, t(53)â=â4.86, pâ<â0.001]. Multiple linear regression of holacracy satisfaction on personality dimensions showed neuroticism (bâ=â-4.72, pâ=â0.006) as a significant predictor. Agreeableness showed marginally significant results (bâ=â2.39, pâ=â0.06). This indicates that people scoring low on neuroticism and high in agreeableness may thrive better in holacracy organisations. Based on the results, theoretical and practical implications as for example implications for corporates hiring strategy, are discussed. Finally, this study presents numerous directions for future research
Die Bankenbranche und ihre Herausforderungen mit der Generation Z : wichtige Aspekte in der Personalrekrutierung und in der Personalentwicklung
Auch in der Schweiz besteht ein FachkrĂ€ftemangel und dieser wird sich in den kommenden Jahren weiter verschĂ€rfen. Die WettbewerbsfĂ€higkeit der Unternehmen steht in AbhĂ€ngigkeit zu ihrer FĂ€higkeit, auch in Zukunft eine ausreichende Anzahl an qualifiziertem Personal an sich binden zu können. Die Generation Z mit den GeburtsjahrgĂ€ngen zwischen 1996 und 2010 ist im aktuellen Arbeitsmarkt die jĂŒngste Altersgruppe, resp. werden ihre Vertreter in den nĂ€chsten Jahren ihre berufliche Laufbahn beginnen. In der Fachliteratur werden die Merkmale und Verhaltensweisen der Generation Z breit diskutiert und mehrheitlich negativ bewertet. So soll sie ĂŒber eine tiefe Leistungsorientierung verfĂŒgen, sich primĂ€r an ihren eigenen BedĂŒrfnissen orientieren und sehr hohe AnsprĂŒche an ihr Arbeitsumfeld stellen. Gleichzeitig ist die Wirtschaft darauf angewiesen, aus dieser neuen Arbeitsgeneration hochmotivierte und leistungsfĂ€hige Mitarbeitende in ihre Organisationen integrieren zu können.
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Fragestellung, welche Aspekte bei der Rekrutierung und Entwicklung dieser Altersgruppe zu beachten sind. Sie hat zum Ziel, wichtige Vorgehensweisen bei der Personalbeschaffung und Entwicklung der Generation Z aufzuzeigen.
Damit das Thema vertieft bearbeitet werden konnte, beschrĂ€nkt sich die empirische Untersuchung auf den Wirtschaftszweig der Bankenbranche. Dazu wurden vier leitfadengestĂŒtzte Experteninterviews durchgefĂŒhrt und mit einer qualitativen Methode ausgewertet.
Mit den Ergebnissen der Untersuchung konnte die Mehrzahl der in der Theorie formulierten Thesen nicht bestĂ€tigt werden. Die Resultate zeigen deutlich positivere Merkmale und Verhaltensweisen dieser Generation auf. Es wird ersichtlich, dass auch fĂŒr die Akquisition der jĂŒngsten Arbeitsgeneration in der Bankenbranche die persönliche Beziehungspflege im Rekrutierungsprozess entscheidend ist. Dies obwohl diese Altersgruppe in einer digitalisierten Umwelt aufgewachsen ist. In dieser Branche bewerben sich Ă€usserst leistungsorientierte junge ArbeitskrĂ€fte oder angehende Lernende, die hohe Ambitionen verfolgen. Weiterbildungen absolvieren zu können, ist fĂŒr sie zentral. Die Nachvollzierbarkeit der Arbeitsinhalte und die Sinnfindung in ihrer TĂ€tigkeit hat fĂŒr sie eine hohe Bedeutung. Dies jedoch nicht, um ihren persönlichen AnsprĂŒchen gerecht zu werden, sondern um Verantwortung ĂŒbernehmen zu können. Die jĂŒngste Arbeitsgeneration zeigt ein grosses RealitĂ€tsbewusstsein und ist sich den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels und der demografischen Entwicklung im Arbeitsmarkt mit dessen Konsequenzen bewusst. Sie ist politischer geworden und fordert ein Mitspracherecht, um ihren Anliegen ein Gehör zu verschaffen. Dabei beruft sie sich auf die Erkenntnisse der Wissenschaft und vertritt ihre Meinung lautstark und kompromisslos
Gastfreundschaft durch «gastfreundschaftlichen» Stil? Eine ethnographische Fallstudie zum kommunikativen Stil einer GĂ€stefĂŒhrerin in ihren GesprĂ€chen mit GĂ€sten einer Schweizer Bergbahn
This paper analyses interactions between a host of a Swiss mountain destination and her guests. The conversations take place in a scenic gondola. The analysis is conducted in the format of an ethnographic case study and focuses on the interactantsâ speech style. The case study constitutes a part of a larger, applied and interdisciplinary project of the Business School of the University of Applied Sciences of Lucerne. The aim of the main project is to specify what could be defined as âhospitalityâ in a touristic context and to develop tools to enhance hospitality at touristic destinations in Central Switzerland.
The aim of the present ethnographic case study is to analyse interactions between hosts and their guests. It seeks to find communicative elements which let the guests perceive an inter-action as hospitable and to discuss if generic features of a âhospitable speech styleâ may be identified
Von der manuellen zur elektronischen Datenerhebung: Informationsquellen und Textanalysen
'In diesem Beitrag wird abgeklĂ€rt, ob bzw. inwieweit die neuen elektronischen Informationsquellen fĂŒr die empirische Sozialforschung nutzbar sind. Ausgehend von der Auswahl und Bearbeitung traditioneller Datenquellen werden manuell erstellte computerlesbare Dokumente, SetzbĂ€nder von Verlagen, CD-ROMs von Printmedien, Online-Datenbanken und das WWW als Informationsquellen behandelt. Die in Suchmasken, Suchmaschinen sowie externen Programmen (wie z.B. TEXTPACK) integrierten Boolschen Operatoren eröffnen auch Perspektiven fĂŒr Textanalysen. AbschlieĂend wird auf methodologische Probleme bei der Auswertung elektronischer Informationsquellen hingewiesen.' (Autorenreferat)'This article considers wether and to what extent new data sources can be used for empirical social research. A brief review of selection and analysis procedures with traditional sources of data is followed by a discussion of electronic corpora such as individual collections of 'machine-readable' documents, typeset volumes of daily newspapers, CD-ROMs of print media, online databanks, and the WWW. Textual analysis of these can utilise the Boolean operators in search engines, search frames and in software packages such as TEXTPACK. The article concludes with a discussion of methodological problems in the analysis of electronic data sources.' (author's abstract)
Middle Byzantine silk in context: integrating the textual and material evidence
This work represents the most comprehensive investigation of silk in the middle Byzantine period to date. The current interpretation of silk as an imperial prerogative confined to elite use is poorly integrated with the body of evidence and lacks explanatory value. The difficult terminology and scattered mentions in written sources limits application of conventional research methods. Although a number of silk fragments survive in institutional collections, the lack of find and contextual information represents a formidable obstacle.
This dissertation redefines silk in Byzantium by demonstrating its social importance, contribution to technology development, and integration in the regional economy. Findings are based on intensive analysis of production and consumption data from parallel investigation of texts and textile fragments according to a common framework. To aid data collection and analysis, information technology tools involving relational database methods and digital imaging were devised for this purpose. The evidence suggests that the historical process involving silk was shaped by a continuing cycle of elite differentiation and imitative reproduction, which contributed to the transmission of the material and production in the region. From a broader perspective, this work demonstrates the relevance of textile studies to the interpretation of economic and social history
Ein Kategoriensystem zur Wahrnehmung und Kodierung sprachlicher Diskriminierung
Ein Kategoriensystem zur Wahrnehmung und Kodierung sprachlicher Diskriminierung von FlĂŒchtlingen und Immigranten in mĂŒndlichen und schriftlichen Alltagsdiskursen wird vorgestellt. Unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der klassischen SĂŒndenbocktheorie sowie neuerer sozialpsychologischer AnsĂ€tze wird davon ausgegangen, daĂ sprachliche Diskriminierung die Funktionen des Trennens, des Fixierens und der Evaluation beinhaltet. Das vorgestellte Kategoriensystem erlaubt die Kodierung expliziter sowie impliziter Diskriminierungen
Bricolage: Zwischen dialektaler und globaler Variation â Wie sich Jugendliche ĂŒber Stilbasteleien sozial positionieren
The article presents a sociolinguistic analysis of dialectal conversations in the German part of Switzerland. It focusses on an adolescent peer group, whose members position themselves socially using a wide range of stylistic variation. The highschool studentsâ community situated in a rural area in the middle of the Swiss Alps co-construct their group identity deliberately combining various types of linguistic variants, styles and languages. Thus, they resort to ele-ments of a widely spread young urban street style as well as to traditional and to some extent outdated dialectal variants simultaneously. On the one hand, it is the width of the linguistic resources which is remarkable. On the other hand, it is impressive to observe the youthsâ competence in combining different variants creating their new and own communicative style. The study sheds light on the subtle stylistic techniques at work and demonstrates how much knowledge about the peer groupâs linguistic practices, preferences and resources is necessary to interpret and understand their conversations and social contextualisations. The methodolog-ical approach to the analysis of linguistic variation is a conceptual one: the main communica-tive practice in the young menâs talk are conceptualised by means of bricolage â a specific way of incorporating and adapting linguistic elements to create a new and individual speech style. The conceptual approach also allows for a comparison of the peer groupâs linguistic practices with speech styles of other young peer groups all over Europe: even if the specific resources used by the youth might differ to some extent, the way in which young urban and young rural pupils deal with linguistic variation is surprisingly similar
Double the Trouble?: An Investigation of How Social Stressors and Time Pressure Simultaneously and Interdependently Predict Sleep Quality in Social Workers
Social service employees often fulfill their mandate under tight time schedules, and deal with social stressors. This can result in significant health impairments. By means of one cross-sectional and two intensive longitudinal studies, the present paper aimed to understand how time pressure and social stressors might impact sleep quality. It was also tested whether social stressors amplified the negative association between time pressure and sleep impairments in social workers.
Study 1 was a cross-sectional questionnaire study on 52 social service employees, while study 2 included a 7-day diary study design (Nâ=â62 social workers) with up to 138 daily measurements. Study 3 applied a 2-week diary and actigraphy assessment, involving a complete social service unit sample (Nâ=â9).
Concerning the moderating role of social stressors, study 1 found social stressors to amplify the effects of time pressure on sleep latency. Multilevel regression analyses of studies 2 and 3 revealed daily time pressure to be a significant predictor of sleep fragmentation the upcoming night. Study 3 further uncovered daily social stressors to positively predicted sleep fragmentation and negatively sleep duration. Study 2 again showed the amplifying interaction effect between daily social stressors and time pressure on sleep fragmentation, but study 3 did not show that interaction.
The findings show how job stressors might disturb the sleep quality of social workers also with amplifying risk. Accordingly, social work needs work design prevention efforts that consider the complex inter-play between occupational stressors, as only then recovery processes can be protected
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