65 research outputs found

    Création et évaluation d’une bibliothèque de patrons de conception d’interface pour les formulaires web

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    RÉSUMÉ Après avoir été utilisés en architecture et en programmation orientée objet, les patrons de conception ont été appliqués aux interfaces utilisateur. Cependant, peu de patrons de conception existent sur les formulaires web, malgré le nombre de problèmes liés aux formulaires qui ont été étudiés par divers auteurs. Comme les patrons documentent les meilleures solutions à des problèmes récurrents dans un contexte donné, il semblait très pertinent de développer une bibliothèque de patrons sur la conception de formulaires. Il était raisonnable de penser que cette bibliothèque serait utile à une équipe d’ergonomes dont les membres ont des formations et des expériences différentes en ergonomie, comme c’est le cas chez Desjardins. En disposant d’une base de connaissances commune, les ergonomes utiliseront les mêmes bonnes règles de conception et leurs connaissances seront ainsi plus homogènes et plus solides. Le but de ce mémoire est de développer, tester et valider une bibliothèque de patrons de conception sur les formulaires web. Pour atteindre ce but, nous avons adopté la démarche suivante. Nous avons commencé par réaliser une revue de littérature sur les patrons de conception ainsi que sur les problèmes rencontrés lors de la conception de formulaires web. Nous avons ensuite expliqué pourquoi nous étions d’avis qu’une bibliothèque de patrons de conception serait pertinente dans le contexte actuel de Desjardins pour des équipes travaillant sur le site web. Ces revues de littérature nous ont aidés à déterminer la liste de 30 patrons à rédiger. Une fois la liste dressée, nous avons écrit les patrons en utilisant un style de rédaction web. Le problème, le contexte et la solution ont été présentés dans un tableau pour soutenir la définition des patrons. Nous avons ajouté un raisonnement, des exemples et des liens vers d’autres patrons. La bibliothèque de patrons a ensuite été rendue disponible sur le réseau interne de Desjardins. Nous avons ensuite évalué sa capacité à aider les concepteurs à créer des formulaires web plus facilement. Cette évaluation a été faite au moyen de tests menés auprès de trois groupes de sujets : quatre ergonomes expérimentés et trois ergonomes peu expérimentés travaillant sur le site www.desjardins.com, et quatre non ergonomes qui étaient sensibilisés à l’ergonomie. Nous avons recueilli les commentaires des sujets sur le travail avec les patrons de conception et l’utilisation de cette bibliothèque, le nombre de patrons consultés et le nombre de patrons utilisés par sujet ainsi que les maquettes produites suite à l’utilisation des patrons. Les principaux résultats montrent que des personnes avec moins d’expérience en ergonomie étaient capables d’arriver au même principe de solution que les ergonomes plus expérimentés. Ils indiquent également que les solutions trouvées par les participants qui appliquent les mêmes patrons sont très similaires, ce qui montre que les patrons sont compris de la même manière par tous les sujets des trois groupes. Nous avons constaté que les sujets qui utilisaient les patrons de conception dès le début de leur maquette arrivaient plus rapidement à créer une bonne structure initiale. Les sujets qui utilisaient les patrons pour valider leurs solutions recommençaient leur maquette car les solutions proposées par les patrons allaient plus loin que celles qu’ils avaient utilisés. Les commentaires des participants ont été très positifs à l'égard de la bibliothèque de patrons. Ils ont également permis de définir des axes d’amélioration, comme la création de nouveaux patrons ou la création de liens entre la bibliothèque de patrons et les normes de Desjardins traitant des formulaires.----------ABSTRACT After architecture and object-oriented programming, design patterns were applied to user interfaces. However, few design patterns exist for online application forms, and this despite a number of problems addressed in several studies. Since design patterns serve to document the best solutions to recurring problems in a given context, it seemed relevant to develop a design patterns library for online application forms. Such a library could be useful to a team of human factor engineers with different levels of training and work experience in ergonomics, as is the case at Desjardins. By working from a shared knowledge base, human factor engineers could use the same rules and help bring all team members to the same level of knowledge. The goal of this study is to develop, test and validate a design patterns library of online application forms. To reach this goal, we did the following. First we studied the literature on design patterns and on common problems met during the design of forms. Then, we demonstrated that a design patterns library is relevant in Desjardins’s current environment and for teams working on its website. The literature helped us to come with a list of 30 patterns to be written. These patterns were created with a web-style writing: short sentences and lists. The problem, the context and the solution were presented in a single table to match the definition of a design pattern. We showed the underlying rationale, examples and links to other patterns. The design pattern library was made available on Desjardins’s network. Then, we evaluated its capacity to help designers create online application forms more easily. The evaluation was made by means of a test involving three groups of subjects: four human factors professionals with experience and three human factors junior professionals currently working on the www.desjardins.com website, and four people who are not human factors specialists but have some knowledge of the discipline. During the tests, we gathered comments about working with design patterns and using the library, the numbers of design patterns read vs. used and the wireframe mock-ups made by the participants. Principal results show that the participants with limited experience in human factors were able to find the same solutions as those with more experience. We also noted that the solutions found by persons using the same design patterns were very similar, showing that the patterns are understood the same way by all participants of the three groups. We noticed that participants who used design patterns at the beginning of their work created a good structure to go on. Participants who used design patterns to validate their solutions redid their wireframe mock-ups because the design patterns’ solutions were judged superior to their own solutions. Participants’ comments on the design patterns and on the library were very positive. They also helped identify areas for improvement, such as the creation of new patterns and linking the library of design patterns to Desjardins online application form norms

    Étude et compréhension du piégeage irréversible de l'hydrogène à l'aide d'un mélange MnO2/Ag2O

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    The hydrogen risk generated by radiolysis of organic compounds during a nuclear waste transport is a major issue. The use of irreversible getters is considered to limit this risk. The aim of this work is to study one of these getters, MnO2/Ag2O, in order to better understand the trapping phenomenon and to ensure its reliability. Initially several parameters affecting the trapping kinetics were studied. It has been shown that among all MnO2 allotropic phases, the nsutite has the best trapping kinetics. Moreover, specific surface area and defect amount in MnO2 can enhance trapping performances. Ag2O weight percentage (acting as promotor) has been determined at 13 % to have the best trapping kinetics. Chemisorption of H2, which is required for its application, has been shown by using several characterization techniques such as magnetometry, infrared spectroscopy and electronic energy loss spectroscopy. The trapping irreversibility and the regeneration of the getter have been demonstrated respectively under nitrogen or air at 150 °C. Finally, proton insertion mechanism in MnO2 has been elucidated by pairs distribution function analysis through the development of a model to simulate the complex structure of MnO2. It has been shown that Ag2O is turned into Ag2CO3 during the preparation of the getter under water, which has never been demonstrated.La sûreté du risque hydrogène généré par radiolyse de matériaux organiques lors d'une phase de transport de déchets est une problématique majeure dans le domaine du nucléaire. L'utilisation de piégeurs irréversibles de H2 est envisagée afin de limiter le risque encouru. Le but de ce travail est d'étudier l'un de ces piégeurs, le mélange MnO2/Ag2O, afin de mieux comprendre le phénomène de piégeage. Dans un premier temps, différents paramètres influant sur la cinétique e piégeage ont été étudiés. Il a ainsi été déterminé que, parmi les différentes variétés allotropiques d'oxydes de manganèse, la nsutite possède la meilleure cinétique de piégeage de H2. La surface spécifique du piégeur améliore également la cinétique. La teneur massique en Ag2O dans le piégeur (promoteur du piégeage) a été déterminée à 13 %. La chimisorption de H2, requise pour l'application visée, a été mise en évidence grâce à des techniques de caractérisation telles que la magnétométrie, la spectroscopie infrarouge et de perte d'énergie des électrons. L'irréversibilité du piégeage et la régénération du piégeur après protonation ont été mis en évidence respectivement sous N2 et sous air à 150 °C. Le mécanisme d'insertion du proton dans MnO2 a été déterminé par analyse de fonction de distribution de paires, grâce à l'élaboration d'un modèle permettant de simuler le matériau réel, très complexe. La transformation d'Ag2O en Ag2CO3, lors de la préparation du piégeur sous eau, a également pu être mise en évidence grâce à cette technique d'analyse innovante

    Étude et compréhension du piégeage irréversible de l'hydrogène à l'aide d'un mélange MnO2/Ag2O

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    The hydrogen risk generated by radiolysis of organic compounds during a nuclear waste transport is a major issue. The use of irreversible getters is considered to limit this risk. The aim of this work is to study one of these getters, MnO2/Ag2O, in order to better understand the trapping phenomenon and to ensure its reliability. Initially several parameters affecting the trapping kinetics were studied. It has been shown that among all MnO2 allotropic phases, the nsutite has the best trapping kinetics. Moreover, specific surface area and defect amount in MnO2 can enhance trapping performances. Ag2O weight percentage (acting as promotor) has been determined at 13 % to have the best trapping kinetics. Chemisorption of H2, which is required for its application, has been shown by using several characterization techniques such as magnetometry, infrared spectroscopy and electronic energy loss spectroscopy. The trapping irreversibility and the regeneration of the getter have been demonstrated respectively under nitrogen or air at 150 °C. Finally, proton insertion mechanism in MnO2 has been elucidated by pairs distribution function analysis through the development of a model to simulate the complex structure of MnO2. It has been shown that Ag2O is turned into Ag2CO3 during the preparation of the getter under water, which has never been demonstrated.La sûreté du risque hydrogène généré par radiolyse de matériaux organiques lors d'une phase de transport de déchets est une problématique majeure dans le domaine du nucléaire. L'utilisation de piégeurs irréversibles de H2 est envisagée afin de limiter le risque encouru. Le but de ce travail est d'étudier l'un de ces piégeurs, le mélange MnO2/Ag2O, afin de mieux comprendre le phénomène de piégeage. Dans un premier temps, différents paramètres influant sur la cinétique e piégeage ont été étudiés. Il a ainsi été déterminé que, parmi les différentes variétés allotropiques d'oxydes de manganèse, la nsutite possède la meilleure cinétique de piégeage de H2. La surface spécifique du piégeur améliore également la cinétique. La teneur massique en Ag2O dans le piégeur (promoteur du piégeage) a été déterminée à 13 %. La chimisorption de H2, requise pour l'application visée, a été mise en évidence grâce à des techniques de caractérisation telles que la magnétométrie, la spectroscopie infrarouge et de perte d'énergie des électrons. L'irréversibilité du piégeage et la régénération du piégeur après protonation ont été mis en évidence respectivement sous N2 et sous air à 150 °C. Le mécanisme d'insertion du proton dans MnO2 a été déterminé par analyse de fonction de distribution de paires, grâce à l'élaboration d'un modèle permettant de simuler le matériau réel, très complexe. La transformation d'Ag2O en Ag2CO3, lors de la préparation du piégeur sous eau, a également pu être mise en évidence grâce à cette technique d'analyse innovante

    Uma comparação dos conceitos de firma e de empresário em EM Schumpeter e Veblen

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    Descreve o conceito de firma e, por conseguinte, o papel do empresário, conforme são apresentados nas obras de Joseph Schumpeter e Thorstein Veblen, economistas considerados heterodoxos. O capítulo 1 analisa a firma e o empresário na teoria neoclássica. O capítulo 2 explora os conceitos de firma e de empresário em Schumpeter. O capítulo seguinte discute a firma e o empresário em Veblen. Visualizando a perspectiva de cada autor, pode-se melhor entender as dimensões da firma e seus inevitáveis impactos na sociedade. E também, o quão controverso é o assunto

    Redes neurais autoassociatovas com restrições de balanço para reconciliação de dados em plantas químicas

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    No contexto da nova onda de transformações digitais conhecida como 4ª revolução industrial, técnicas baseadas em Inteligência Artificial tem se popularizado para resolver problemas típicos da indústria como a reconciliação de dados. Para este fim, algoritmos de machine learning se apresentam como uma alternativa promissora frente às abordagens clássicas de programação não linear, devido ao seu menor custo computacional. Neste trabalho investiga-se o uso de redes neuronais autoassociativas para reconciliar variáveis de uma planta simulada de produção de fenilbenzeno em estado estacionário. O desempenho da rede é avaliado assim como as implicações de combiná-la com equações de balanço de massa. As técnicas utilizadas apresentaram bons resultados, sendo capaz de produzir estimativas melhores do que as medições originais e sugerindo que o desempenho do modelo pode ser melhorado pela inserção de equações fenomenológicas na função objetivo

    Yellow fever: profile of cases and factors associated with death in a hospital in the State of Rio de Janeiro, 2017–2018

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil clínico-epidemiológico dos casos confirmados de febre amarela internados em hospital geral de referência para doenças infecciosas no estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, de 11 de março de 2017 a 15 de junho de 2018, durante recente surto e fatores associados ao óbito. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional retrospectivo, com análise de bases de dados secundários da vigilância epidemiológica local e coleta complementar de dados nas fichas de investigação epidemiológica e prontuários clínicos. As variáveis analisadas incluíram dados demográficos, epidemiológicos, clínicos e laboratoriais. Foi conduzida análise estatística descritiva bivariada e múltipla por regressão logística para estudo de fatores associados ao óbito. RESULTADOS: Foram internados 52 casos confirmados, 86,5% deles homens, com mediana de idade de 49,5 anos e 40,4% trabalhadores rurais. Os sinais e sintomas mais frequentes foram: febre (90,4%), icterícia (86,5%), náuseas e/ou vômitos (69,2%), alterações de excreção renal (53,8%), hemorragias (50%) e dor abdominal (48,1%), com comorbidade em 38,5% dos casos. A letalidade foi de 40,4%. Os fatores associados significativamente à maior chance de óbito na análise bivariada foram: hemorragia, alterações de excreção renal e valores máximos de bilirrubina direta, aspartato aminotransferase (AST), alanina aminotransferase (ALT), ureia e creatinina. Na análise múltipla por regressão logística, apenas alterações de excreção renal e ALT permaneceram como preditores significativos de maior chance de óbito. Observou-se ainda efeito limítrofe para AST. Os pontos de corte identificados como de alto risco para óbito foram ALT > 4.000 U/L e AST > 6.000 U/L. CONCLUSÕES: O estudo contribuiu para o conhecimento do perfil de casos confirmados de febre amarela com gravidade alta. Os principais fatores associados ao óbito foram a alteração da excreção renal e a elevação sérica de transaminases, sobretudo a ALT. A letalidade elevada reforça a necessidade de diagnóstico e tratamento precoces, e a importância do incremento da cobertura vacinal.OBJECTIVE: Describe the clinical and epidemiological profile of confirmed cases of yellow fever whose patients were hospitalized in a general hospital for infectious diseases in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from March 11, 2017 to June 15, 2018, during a recent outbreak and factors associated with death. METHODS: This is a retrospective observational study with analysis of secondary databases of local epidemiological surveillance system, and complementary data collection from epidemiological investigation records and clinical records. Study variables included demographic, epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory data. A descriptive statistical analysis and a bivariate and multivariate analysis by logistic regression were performed to analyze factors associated with death. RESULTS: Fifty-two patients diagnosed with yellow fever were hospitalized, 86.5% male patients, median age 49.5 years, 40.4% rural workers. The most frequent signs and symptoms were fever (90.4%), jaundice (86.5%), nausea and/or vomiting (69.2%), changes in renal excretion (53.8%), bleeding (50%), and abdominal pain (48.1%), with comorbidity in 38.5% of all cases. The lethality rate was 40.4%. Factors significantly associated with a higher chance of death in the bivariate analysis were: bleeding, changes in renal excretion, and maximum values of direct bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), urea, and creatinine. In the multivariate analysis by logistic regression, only changes in renal excretion and ALT remained significant predictors of higher chance of death. A threshold effect was also observed for AST. The cutoff points identified as high risk for death were ALT > 4,000 U/L and AST > 6,000 U/L. CONCLUSIONS: This study contributed to the knowledge on the profile of confirmed cases of high severity yellow fever. The main factors associated with death were changes in renal excretion and elevated serum transaminases, especially ALT. High lethality emphasizes the need for early diagnosis and treatment, and the importance of increasing vaccination coverage

    Intoxicação por chá de Brugmansia suaveolens (trombeta de anjo) em paciente jovem previamente hígido: relato de caso

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     Introdução: A Brugmansia suaveolens, conhecida como “trombeta de anjo,” é uma planta com alcaloides anticolinérgicos que provocam inibição da atividade de receptores muscarínicos no sistema nervoso central e periférico. Sua toxicidade resulta em agitação, alucinações, hipertermia, taquicardia, rabdomiolise, insuficiência renal e morte. Objetivo: Descrever um caso de intoxicação aguda por chá de trombeta, cursando com hepatite fulminante. Materiais e Métodos: Trata-se de um relato de caso, com dados clínicos e laboratoriais coletados a partir dos registros em prontuário. Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido foi obtido com familiar e o projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Relato de Caso: Masculino de 19 anos, saudável, internado por quadro de febre de 41°C e crises convulsivas tônico-clônicas generalizadas, evoluindo para intubação orotraqueal. Apresentava midríase fixa e rigidez de nuca. Família relata que o paciente tinha feito uso de chá de “trombeta de anjo”. À admissão, realizou tomografia computadorizada de crânio, que não evidenciou desvio de linha média, líquor sem alterações, gasometria arterial com acidose metabólica grave, insuficiência renal aguda com necessidade dialítica e insuficiência hepática aguda fulminante. Conclusões: A intoxicação pelo “chá de trombeta” é uma emergência neurológica que deve ser rapidamente reconhecida por ser potencialmente fatal. Tendo meningite como diagnóstico diferencial, é importante obter história clínica completa para investigar possível contato prévio com a planta. Para nosso conhecimento, esse é o primeiro caso a relatar quadro de hepatite fulminante pela “trombeta de anjo,” além dos sintomas neurológicos já descritos em literatura, o que corrobora ainda mais para a importância do tema em questão.INTRODUCTION: Brugmansia suaveolens, popularly known as “angel’s trumpet,” is a plant with anticholinergic alkaloids that inhibit the activity of muscarinic receptors in the central and peripheral nervous system. Its toxicity results in agitation, hallucinations, hyperthermia, tachycardia, rhabdomyolysis, renal failure, and death. OBJECTIVE: Report a case of acute intoxication due to ingestion of “angel’s trumpet” tea, with associated fulminant hepatitis. METHODS: We present a case report with clinical and laboratory data collected from medical records. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee, and Written Informed Consent was obtained from a legally responsive relative. CASE REPORT: A healthy 19-year-old male was hospitalized with a fever of 41°C and generalized tonic-clonic seizures, progressing to orotracheal intubation. He exhibited fixed mydriasis and neck stiffness. We were informed by the family that the patient had made use of the tea from the “angel’s trumpet” plant. At admission, he performed a computerized cranial tomography, which showed no midline shift, cerebrospinal fluid without alterations, arterial blood gas analysis with severe metabolic acidosis, acute renal failure requiring dialysis, and fulminant acute liver failure. CONCLUSIONS: “Trumpet tea” intoxication is a neurological emergency that must be quickly recognized for its potential fatal effects. With meningitis as a differential diagnosis, it is important to collect a complete history taking to investigate possible previous contact with the plant. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of fulminant hepatitis caused by “angel’s trumpet,” in addition to the neurological symptoms already described in the literature, which further corroborates the importance of the topic in question
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