1,444 research outputs found

    The immunohistochemical expression of leptin in lymph node metastasis from laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)

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    Introduction: Leptin is a proteohormone produced predominantly by white adipocytes and primarily known for its key role in the control of food intake and sense of satiety. From its discover leptin has been found in different body districts, involved in always new functions and processes. In the last years numerous relationships between leptin and cancer has been found. The aim of this study is to test the leptin positivity in human primitive laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and in its lymph node metastasis. Materials and methods: Leptin positivity was detected by immunohistochemical analysis on pathological samples from 18 patients subjected to laryngectomy and neck dissection for SCC. Results: During the study we pointed out a statistically significant relationship (p < 0.05) between leptin positivity levels and tumor differentiation grade, in particular we observed that a decrease in tumor leptin production correlates with higher level of cancer histological dedifferentiation. Conclusion: Our research on leptin expression in laryngeal squamous neoplastic pathology is aimed to the attempt of establishing a more precise patient risk stratification thanks to a new marker able to give a contribution to the identification of patient with poor prognosis and at risk of failure of actual standard therapy

    Dupilumab in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps: Real life data in a multicentric Sicilian experience

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    Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of dupilumab during the first year of treatment in a real-life setting, focusing on improvement in nasal polyp score (NPS) as well as specific symptoms, quality of life and olfactory function. Methodology/principal: A multicentric observational cohort study was carried out. A total of 170 patients were enrolled in the Otorhinolaryngology Unit of the three University Hospitals and considered for dupilumab therapy. All recorder characteristics were age (at the first dupilumab application visit), sex, smoke habits, previous local and systemic corticosteroid therapy, history of endoscopic sinus surgery, number of previous endoscopic sinus surgery, concomitant asthma, history of an allergic condition, immunoglobulin E (IgE), allergy to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Aspirin Exacerbated Respiratory Disease (AERD), other comorbidities associated, blood eosinophils, nasal polyp score, sinonasal outcome test 22 (SNOT 22), sniffin' stick test, the start date of dupilumab therapy and number of doses of dupilumab and eventually, Dupilumab's adverse events related to administration. The Wilcoxon test for dependent samples was performed to compare variables. Statistical significance was assumed for p values < 0.05. Results: A statistically significant reduction in SNOT-22 and NPS was shown at the 6th and 12th month compared to baseline values (p < 0.001 for both comparisons). A statistically significant increase value at the Sniffin' sticks test was shown in the 6th and 12th month compared to baseline values (p < 0.001 for both comparisons). At the 12-month follow-up, according to EUFOREA indications, all patients were considered to remain in treatment with dupilumab and continued the treatment because of a reduced NPS, improved quality of life and a reduced need for system corticosteroids. Dupilumab seemed to be well tolerated by all patients. Any adverse effect of the drug led to the quit of biological treatment. Conclusions: This multi-centric real-life study supported the effectiveness of dupilumab as an add-on therapy to intranasal corticosteroids in patients with severe uncontrolled CRSwNP in improvement of quality of life, severity of symptoms, polyp size reduction and smell function. Furthermore, our data support the safety profile of monoclonal therapy with dupilumab

    Influence of Topological Edge States on the Properties of Al/Bi2Se3/Al Hybrid Josephson Devices

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    In superconductor-topological insulator-superconductor hybrid junctions, the barrier edge states are expected to be protected against backscattering, to generate unconventional proximity effects, and, possibly, to signal the presence of Majorana fermions. The standards of proximity modes for these types of structures have to be settled for a neat identification of possible new entities. Through a systematic and complete set of measurements of the Josephson properties we find evidence of ballistic transport in coplanar Al-Bi2Se3-Al junctions that we attribute to a coherent transport through the topological edge state. The shunting effect of the bulk only influences the normal transport. This behavior, which can be considered to some extent universal, is fairly independent of the specific features of superconducting electrodes. A comparative study of Shubnikov - de Haas oscillations and Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy gave an experimental signature compatible with a two dimensional electron transport channel with a Dirac dispersion relation. A reduction of the size of the Bi2Se3 flakes to the nanoscale is an unavoidable step to drive Josephson junctions in the proper regime to detect possible distinctive features of Majorana fermions.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Importance of activity data for improving the residential wood combustion emission inventory at regional level

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    The contribution of residential wood combustion (RWC) to emission inventory at local level was estimated using a bottomeup approach for the Lombardy Region of North Italy. A survey, based on the CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing) method, has been undertaken through 18,000 interviews. The interviews had the objective to characterize the RWC use in this region, in term of both total and municipal wood consumption. Details on the type of appliances used in RWC were also gathered. The results of the survey were then statistically analyzed in order to allow an estimate of RWC with high spatial resolution (i.e., at municipal level) in relation to the size and altitude of the territory. The work provides new evidence of the importance of wood combustion as a key source for PM and NMVOC emissions at local level, and thus highlights the importance of technological improvements and new policies aimed at emission reduction in this sector. Considering the great differences in average PM emission factors between low efficiency appliances (fireplaces, old stoves) and high efficiency ones (new stoves, pellet burners), this work emphasizes the importance of obtaining more detailed information on the types of wood appliances used for arriving at a reliable PM emission inventory for RWC

    Numerical Investigation, Including Experimental Validation, of an Axially Blown, Stable Arc in Argon

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    In this work we present the outcome of a numerical validation study conducted with an arc model developed within a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool. The numerical investigations were aimed at reproducing the spatially resolved temperature data obtained with an experiment in which an axially symmetric argon arc was established in the observation region. The full absorption spectrum has been computed for argon and then compressed with minimum loss of information to a relatively small set of bands. The latter has been used for solving the radiative transfer equation in a computationally affordable, yet accurate way. The comparison between the arc temperature simulated with the reduced absorption data and the measured one is presented

    Alimentação de duas espécies do gênero Pseudoplatystoma do Rio Negro, Pantanal da Nhecolândia, MS, Brasil.

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    Este trabalho investigou a dieta e reprodução de duas espécies de peixes Siluriformes migradores do rio Negro, Pantanal da Nhecolândia, sob a influência do pulso de inundação. As amostras foram realizadas com o uso de redes de espera e tarrafas com diversas malhagens. De cada exemplar capturado foram obtidas as seguintes informações: comprimento total, comprimento padrão, peso total, grau de repleção e peso estomacal. Para estudo de sobreposição alimentar foi utilizado o índice de Morisita-Horn e para o estudo da dieta o Índice Alimentar. Foram capturados 225 exemplares da espécie Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (Pintado) e 85 da espécie Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum (Cachara). Destes, foram obtidos 58 estômagos com algum conteúdo. Ambas as espécies intensificaram a tomada de alimento após o período de inundação e apresentaram consumo diferenciado de recursos alimentares, com sobreposições alimentares quase inexistentes. O Índice Alimentar demonstrou uma diferenciação bastante clara nas dietas destes dois peixes piscívoros, demonstrando através de suas presas que ambas convivem explorando os recursos por meio de comportamentos distintos. This study investigated the diet and reproduction of two species of Siluriforms fish, migrating from Negro river, Pantanal of Nhecolandia, under the influence of the inundation pulse. The samples were obtained using gill net and casting seine with different screen sizes. The following informations were obtained form each specimen: total and standard length, total weight, gut fullness and stomachic weight. The Morisita-Horn index was used to study the food overlap and the food index for diet. A total of 225 specimens of Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (Pintado) and 85 of Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum (Cachara) species were captured. From these samples, 58 stomachs had some content. Both species intensified the taking of food after the inundation period and presented differentiated consumption of food resources, with very low frequency of food overlap. The food index demonstrated a great differentiation in the diets of these two predators species, showing by their preys that both live exploiting the resources by distinct behaviours

    Integrated Cascade Process for the Catalytic Conversion of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural to Furanic and TetrahydrofuranicDiethers as Potential Biofuels

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    The depletion of fossil resources is driving the research towards alternative renewable ones. Under this perspective, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) represents a key molecule deriving from biomass characterized by remarkable potential as platform chemical. In this work, for the first time, the hydrogenation of HMF in ethanol was selectively addressed towards 2,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)furan (BHMF) or 2,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)tetrahydrofuran (BHMTHF) by properly tuning the reaction conditions in the presence of the same commercial catalyst (Ru/C), reaching the highest yields of 80 and 93 mol%, respectively. These diols represent not only interesting monomers but strategic precursors for two scarcely investigated ethoxylated biofuels, 2,5-bis(ethoxymethyl)furan (BEMF) and 2,5-bis(ethoxymethyl)tetrahydrofuran (BEMTHF). Therefore, the etherification with ethanol of pure BHMF and BHMTHF and of crude BHMF, as obtained from hydrogenation step, substrates scarcely investigated in the literature, was performed with several commercial heterogeneous acid catalysts. Among them, the zeolite HZSM-5 (Si/Al=25) was the most promising system, achieving the highest BEMF yield of 74 mol%. In particular, for the first time, the synthesis of the fully hydrogenated diether BEMTHF was thoroughly studied, and a novel cascade process for the tailored conversion of HMF to the diethyl ethers BEMF and BEMTHF was proposed

    Woodchip size effect on combustion temperatures and volatiles in a small-scale fixed bed biomass boiler

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    Biomass combustion performance is greatly affected by the particle size distribution, which influences heat and mass transport phenomena. The present work investigates the effect of woodchip size distribution on combustion in a 140 kW underfeed stoker boiler. Three different fuel sizes were prepared, and their combustion performance was measured by monitoring temperatures inside and above the fire pit and the gas composition above the fuel bed. The gas composition was then correlated to the particle mean diameter. Although minor effects could be detected in the temperature and composition of the flue gases, a more uniform spatial distribution of volatiles was observed when employing bigger woodchips. The present results can improve the understanding of the impact of fuel size on the performance of woodchip-fired boilers and can be valuably used for numerical model validation

    An Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Exhaust Gas Recirculation in a Small-Scale Fixed Bed Biomass Boiler

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    Exhaust gas recirculation is a technique that allows for controlling the combustion chamber temperature and reducing the NOx and particle matter emissions. Moreover, it helps to mitigate soot formation and ash agglomeration in combustion systems. The present study investigated the effect of exhaust gas recirculation on combustion temperatures of a 140 kW underfed stoker biomass boiler. To this purpose, a wide range of operating conditions were used, collecting data regarding flue gas and fixed bed temperatures. It turned out that the recirculating ratio has a significant effect on the temperatures in the primary combustion zone, affecting the thermal gradient and the main thermal zones of the biomass combusting bed. The obtained results can be useful for lumped parameter modeling, or CFD validation purposes