85 research outputs found

    The circumstellar envelopes of the Cepheids L Car and RS Pup - Comparative study in the infrared with Spitzer, VLT/VISIR and VLTI/MIDI

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    19 pages, 16 figuresInternational audience[Abridged] - Context: Circumstellar envelopes (CSEs) around Cepheids are particularly interesting as they could impact the Cepheid distance scale, and imply stellar mass loss. Aims: Our goal is to establish the spatial and spectral properties of the CSEs of L Car and RS Pup. This is done through a parametrization of the envelopes in terms of fractional flux (with respect to the star) and angular size. - Methods: We retrieved archival Spitzer images of the two stars (3.5-70 mic), and obtained new imaging with the VLT/VISIR camera in BURST mode (8.6-11.9 mic), as well as interferometry with VLTI/MIDI (8-13 mic). This combination allows us to probe the envelopes over arcminute to milliarcsecond scales. - Results: The CSE of RS Pup is resolved at 24 and 70 mic by Spitzer, and around 10 mic by MIDI and VISIR. The compact envelope of L Car is resolved only in the VISIR and MIDI observations. However, the properties of the IR excesses differ considerably : a warm component is present around both stars at a spatial scale of a few 100 to a few 1 000 AU, but RS Pup presents in addition a large (several 100 000 AU) and cold (~40 K) dusty envelope. - Conclusions: We propose that the reflection nebula surrounding RS Pup has an interstellar origin, while the warm CSEs of both stars were created by ongoing stellar mass loss. Such warm circumstellar envelopes are probably common around Cepheids

    Observational calibration of the projection factor of Cepheids I. The Type II Cepheid kappa Pavonis

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    The distances of pulsating stars, in particular Cepheids, are commonly measured using the parallax of pulsation technique. The different versions of this technique combine measurements of the linear diameter variation (from spectroscopy) and the angular diameter variation (from photometry or interferometry) amplitudes, to retrieve the distance in a quasi-geometrical way. However, the linear diameter amplitude is directly proportional to the projection factor (hereafter p-factor), which is used to convert spectroscopic radial velocities (i.e., disk integrated) into pulsating (i.e., photospheric) velocities. The value of the p-factor and its possible dependence on the pulsation period are still widely debated. Our goal is to measure an observational value of the p-factor of the type-II Cepheid kappa Pavonis, whose parallax was measured with an accuracy of 5% using HST/FGS. We used this parallax as a starting point to derive the p-factor of kappa Pav, using the SPIPS technique, which is a robust version of the parallax-of-pulsation method that employs radial velocity, interferometric and photometric data. We applied this technique to a combination of new VLTI/PIONIER optical interferometric angular diameters, new CORALIE and HARPS radial velocities, as well as multi-colour photometry and radial velocities from the literature. We obtain a value of p = 1.26 +/- 0.07 for the p-factor of kappa Pav. This result agrees with several of the recently derived Period-p-factor relationships from the literature, as well as previous observational determinations for Cepheids. Individual estimates of the p-factor are fundamental to calibrating the parallax of pulsation distances of Cepheids. Together with previous observational estimates, the projection factor we obtain points to a weak dependence of the p-factor on period.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted in A&

    Spatially extended emission around the Cepheid RS Puppis in near-infrared hydrogen lines. Adaptive optics imaging with VLT/NACO

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    It has been recently discovered that Cepheids harbor circumstellar envelopes (CSEs). RS Pup is the Cepheid that presents the most prominent circumstellar envelope known, the origin of which is not yet understood. Our purpose is to estimate the flux contribution of the CSE around RS Pup at the one arcsecond scale (~2000 AU) and to investigate its geometry, especially regarding asymmetries, to constrain its physical properties. We obtained near-infrared images in two narrow band filters centered on \lambda = 1.644 and 2.180 \mu m (NB 1.64 and IB 2.18, respectively) that comprise two recombination lines of hydrogen: the 12-4 and 7-4 (Brackett \gamma) transitions, respectively. We used NACO's cube mode observations in order to improve the angular resolution with the shift-and-add technique, and to qualitatively study the symmetry of the spatially extended emission from the CSE with a statistical study of the speckle noise. We probably detect at a 2\sigma level an extended emission with a relative flux (compared with the star in the same filter) of 38 ±\pm 17% in the NB 1.64 filter and 24 ±\pm 11% in the IB 2.18 filter. This emission is centered on RS Pup and does not present any detectable asymmetry. We attribute the detected emission to the likely presence of an hydrogen envelope surrounding the star

    An edge-on translucent dust disk around the nearest AGB star L2 Puppis - VLT/NACO spectro-imaging from 1.04 to 4.05 microns and VLTI interferometry

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    As the nearest known AGB star (d=64pc) and one of the brightest (mK-2), L2 Pup is a particularly interesting benchmark object to monitor the final stages of stellar evolution. We report new lucky imaging observations of this star with the VLT/NACO adaptive optics system in twelve narrow band filters covering the 1.0-4.0 microns wavelength range. These diffraction limited images reveal an extended circumstellar dust lane in front of the star, that exhibits a high opacity in the J band and becomes translucent in the H and K bands. In the L band, extended thermal emission from the dust is detected. We reproduce these observations using Monte-Carlo radiative transfer modeling of a dust disk with the RADMC-3D code. We also present new interferometric observations with the VLTI/VINCI and MIDI instruments. We measure in the K band an upper limit to the limb-darkened angular diameter of theta_LD = 17.9 +/- 1.6 mas, converting to a maximum linear radius of R = 123 +/- 14 Rsun. Considering the geometry of the extended K band emission in the NACO images, this upper limit is probably close to the actual angular diameter of the star. The position of L2 Pup in the Herzsprung-Russell diagram indicates that this star has a mass around 2 Msun and is probably experiencing an early stage of the asymptotic giant branch. We do not detect any stellar companion of L2 Pup in our adaptive optics and interferometric observations, and we attribute its apparent astrometric wobble in the Hipparcos data to variable lighting effects on its circumstellar material. We however do not exclude the presence of a binary companion, as the large loop structure extending to more than 10 AU to the North-East of the disk in our L band images may be the result of interaction between the stellar wind of L2 Pup and a hidden secondary object. The geometric configuration that we propose, with a large dust disk seen almost edge-on, appears particularly favorable to test and develop our understanding of the formation of bipolar nebulae.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    Observational calibration of the projection factor of Cepheids. II. Application to nine Cepheids with HST/FGS parallax measurements

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    The distance to pulsating stars is classically estimated using the parallax-of-pulsation (PoP) method, which combines spectroscopic radial velocity measurements and angular diameter estimates to derive the distance of the star. An important application of this method is the determination of Cepheid distances, in view of the calibration of their distance scale. However, the conversion of radial to pulsational velocities in the PoP method relies on a poorly calibrated parameter, the projection factor (p-factor). We aim to measure empirically the value of the p-factors of a homogeneous sample of nine Galactic Cepheids for which trigonometric parallaxes were measured with the Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor. We use the SPIPS algorithm, a robust implementation of the PoP method that combines photometry, interferometry, and radial velocity measurements in a global modeling of the pulsation. We obtained new interferometric angular diameters using the PIONIER instrument at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer, completed by data from the literature. Using the known distance as an input, we derive the value of the p-factor and study its dependence with the pulsation period. We find the following p-factors: 1.20 ±\pm 0.12 for RT Aur, 1.48 ±\pm 0.18 for T Vul, 1.14 ±\pm 0.10 for FF Aql, 1.31 ±\pm 0.19 for Y Sgr, 1.39 ±\pm 0.09 for X Sgr, 1.35 ±\pm 0.13 for W Sgr, 1.36 ±\pm 0.08 for β\beta Dor, 1.41 ±\pm 0.10 for ζ\zeta Gem, and 1.23 ±\pm 0.12 for \ell Car. These values are consistently close to p = 1.324 ±\pm 0.024. We observe some dispersion around this average value, but the observed distribution is statistically consistent with a constant value of the p-factor as a function of the pulsation period. The error budget of our determination of the p-factor values is presently dominated by the uncertainty on the parallax, a limitation that will soon be waived by Gaia.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Toward a renewed Galactic Cepheid distance scale from Gaia and optical interferometry

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    Through an innovative combination of multiple observing techniques and mod- eling, we are assembling a comprehensive understanding of the pulsation and close environment of Cepheids. We developed the SPIPS modeling tool that combines all observables (radial velocimetry, photometry, angular diameters from interferometry) to derive the relevant physical parameters of the star (effective temperature, infrared ex- cess, reddening,...) and the ratio of the distance and the projection factor d/p. We present the application of SPIPS to the long-period Cepheid RS Pup, for which we derive p = 1.25 +/- 0.06. The addition of this massive Cepheid consolidates the existing sample of p-factor measurements towards long-period pulsators. This allows us to conclude that p is constant or mildly variable around p = 1.29 +/- 0.04 (+/-3%) as a function of the pulsation period. The forthcoming Gaia DR2 will provide a considerable improvement in quantity and accuracy of the trigonometric parallaxes of Cepheids. From this sample, the SPIPS modeling tool will enable a robust calibration of the Cepheid distance scale.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, proceedings of the 22nd Los Alamos Stellar Pulsation Conference "Wide-field variability surveys: a 21st-century perspective" held in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile, Nov. 28-Dec. 2, 201

    Cepheid distances from the SpectroPhoto-Interferometry of Pulsating Stars (SPIPS) - Application to the prototypes delta Cep and eta Aql

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    The parallax of pulsation, and its implementations such as the Baade-Wesselink method and the infrared surface bright- ness technique, is an elegant method to determine distances of pulsating stars in a quasi-geometrical way. However, these classical implementations in general only use a subset of the available observational data. Freedman & Madore (2010) suggested a more physical approach in the implementation of the parallax of pulsation in order to treat all available data. We present a global and model-based parallax-of-pulsation method that enables including any type of observational data in a consistent model fit, the SpectroPhoto-Interferometric modeling of Pulsating Stars (SPIPS). We implemented a simple model consisting of a pulsating sphere with a varying effective temperature and a combina- tion of atmospheric model grids to globally fit radial velocities, spectroscopic data, and interferometric angular diameters. We also parametrized (and adjusted) the reddening and the contribution of the circumstellar envelopes in the near-infrared photometric and interferometric measurements. We show the successful application of the method to two stars: delta Cep and eta Aql. The agreement of all data fitted by a single model confirms the validity of the method. Derived parameters are compatible with publish values, but with a higher level of confidence. The SPIPS algorithm combines all the available observables (radial velocimetry, interferometry, and photometry) to estimate the physical parameters of the star (ratio distance/ p-factor, Teff, presence of infrared excess, color excess, etc). The statistical precision is improved (compared to other methods) thanks to the large number of data taken into account, the accuracy is improved by using consistent physical modeling and the reliability of the derived parameters is strengthened thanks to the redundancy in the data.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, A&A in pres

    Multiplicity of Galactic Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars from Gaia DR2. I. Binarity from proper motion anomaly

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    Context. Classical Cepheids (CCs) and RR Lyrae stars (RRLs) are important classes of variable stars used as standard candles to estimate galactic and extragalactic distances. Their multiplicity is imperfectly known, particularly for RRLs. Astoundingly, to date only one RRL has convincingly been demonstrated to be a binary, TU UMa, out of tens of thousands of known RRLs. Aims: Our aim is to detect the binary and multiple stars present in a sample of Milky Way CCs and RRLs. Methods: In the present article, we combine the HIPPARCOS and Gaia DR2 positions to determine the mean proper motion of the targets, and we search for proper motion anomalies (PMa) caused by close-in orbiting companions. Results: We identify 57 CC binaries from PMa out of 254 tested stars and 75 additional candidates, confirming the high binary fraction of these massive stars. For 28 binary CCs, we determine the companion mass by combining their spectroscopic orbital parameters and astrometric PMa. We detect 13 RRLs showing a significant PMa out of 198 tested stars, and 61 additional candidates. Conclusions: We determine that the binary fraction of CCs is likely above 80%, while that of RRLs is at least 7%. The newly detected systems will be useful to improve our understanding of their evolutionary states. The discovery of a significant number of RRLs in binary systems also resolves the long-standing mystery of their extremely low apparent binary fraction. Full Tables A.1 and A.3 are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/623/A11