10 research outputs found

    Defecto de Gerbode: Reporte de un caso

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    Spatialising vineyard hydric status within a Mediterraneous catchment derived from optical remote sensing

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    Le statut hydrique de la vigne est reconnu comme étant un facteur essentiel dans la production viticole. A l'échelle de la parcelle agricole, les travaux de recherche ont permis de mettre au point différentes méthodes de caractérisation du statut hydrique. Cependant, du fait de leur lourdeur de mise en oeuvre, ces méthodes sont difficilement utilisables à l'échelle de la petite région, alors qu'il existe un fort besoin d'informations sur le statut hydrique à cette échelle. L'objectif principal de ce travail est l'obtention d'un statut hydrique spatialisé en milieu viticole méditerranéen, à l'échelle de la petite région. Le site d'étude est la basse vallée de la Peyne, zone de production viticole de 65 km2, représentative du vignoble méditerranéen. La démarche générale consiste à spatialiser l'évapotranspiration réelle (ETR), choisie comme indicateur du statut hydrique, par l'intermédiaire de deux modèles spatialisées (S-SEBI, Roerink et al., 2000 et WDI, Moran et al., 1994) issus d'images de télédétection dans l'infrarouge thermique (capteur ASTER). Les résultats de ces modèles sont validés par comparaison avec des mesures et des simulations locales de l'ETR. Ces simulations, réalisées en utilisant un modèle de transfert hydriques (HYDRUS-1D, Simunek et al., 1998), représentent une solution de validation originale pour obtenir une ETR locale sur un grand nombre de sites, à un coût expérimental réduit. Une étude de sensibilité permet d'apprécier la robustesse de ces modèles spatialisés vis à vis des conditions expérimentales. Après avoir vérifié que les simulations locales réalisées avec HYDRUS 1-D pouvaient effectivement servir de données de validation, nous montrons que les modèles spatialisés testés permettent d'estimer l'ETR à l'échelle journalière avec une précision satisfaisante, le modèle S-SEBI, pourtant plus empirique, donnant de meilleurs résultats que le modèle WDI (RMSE de 0.8 mm.j-1 et 1.1 mm.j-1 respectivement). Nous montrons que ces approches de spatialisation sont sensibles aux conditions expérimentales considérées (champs d'étude spatial pour le S-SEBI, vitesse du vent pour le WDI). Enfin, les résultats de spatialisation mettent en évidence d'importantes variabilités spatio-temporelles de l'ETR sur la zone d'étude. Les structures spatiales de statut hydrique observées à partir des deux modélisations réalisées sont très similaires et semblent être fortement liées aux caractéristiques pédo-paysagères de la zone d'étudeVineyard hydric status is recognized as an essential factor for wine-producing. At the field scale, research work allowed to develop different methods for hydric status characterization. However, because of tedious implementation, these methods are useless at the watershed scale, whereas hydric status information at this scale is strongly needed. The main objective of this study is to spatialize vineyard hydric status over a Mediterranean watershed. The study site take place in the basse vallée de la Peyne, a 65 km2 wine-producing area, that is representative of the Mediterranean vineyards. The general procedure to achieve this objective was to spatialize actual evapotranspiration (ET), choose as hydric status indicator, through two spatialized models (S-SEBI Roerink et al., 2000 and WDI, Moran et al., 1994) derived from thermal infrared remote sensing imagery (ASTER sensor). The results of these models were validated by comparison with local ET measurements and simulations. These simulations made by a water transfers model (HYDRUS-1D, Simunek et al., 1998), that represent an original validation method to obtain local ET over an important number of sites, at a minimal experimental cost. A sensibility study allowed to identified the sturdiness of these spatialized models to the experimental conditions. After checking that local ET simulations obtained by the HYDRUS 1-D approach were correctly simulated, we showed that S-SEBI and WDI spatialized model, allowed to estimate ET with satisfactory accuracies. The more empiric S-SEBI model produced better results than the WDI model (RMSE about 0.8 mm.j-1 and 1.1 mm.j-1 respectively). Further, the sensibility study showed that these spatialisation approaches were sensitive to experimental conditions, (spatial extent for S-SEBI and wind speed for WDI). Finally, these spatialisation results depicted for important ET spatio-temporal variability over the Peyne watershed. The spatial patterns retrieved by the two models are similar and seems to be strongly related to pedological and landscape characteristics within the study site

    Spatialisation du statut hydrique de la vigne sur un bassin versant Méditerranéen par télédétection optique

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    Le statut hydrique de la vigne est reconnu comme étant un facteur essentiel dans la production viticole. A l'échelle de la parcelle agricole, les travaux de recherche ont permis de mettre au point différentes méthodes de caractérisation du statut hydrique. Cependant, du fait de leur lourdeur de mise en oeuvre, ces méthodes sont difficilement utilisables à l'échelle de la petite région, alors qu'il existe un fort besoin d'informations sur le statut hydrique à cette échelle. L'objectif principal de ce travail est l'obtention d'un statut hydrique spatialisé en milieu viticole méditerranéen, à l'échelle de la petite région. Le site d'étude est la basse vallée de la Peyne, zone de production viticole de 65 km2, représentative du vignoble méditerranéen. La démarche générale consiste à spatialiser l'évapotranspiration réelle (ETR), choisie comme indicateur du statut hydrique, par l'intermédiaire de deux modèles spatialisées (S-SEBI, Roerink et al., 2000 et WDI, Moran et al., 1994) issus d'images de télédétection dans l'infrarouge thermique (capteur ASTER). Les résultats de ces modèles sont validés par comparaison avec des mesures et des simulations locales de l'ETR. Ces simulations, réalisées en utilisant un modèle de transfert hydriques (HYDRUS-1D, Simunek et al., 1998), représentent une solution de validation originale pour obtenir une ETR locale sur un grand nombre de sites, à un coût expérimental réduit. Une étude de sensibilité permet d'apprécier la robustesse de ces modèles spatialisés vis à vis des conditions expérimentales. Après avoir vérifié que les simulations locales réalisées avec HYDRUS 1-D pouvaient effectivement servir de données de validation, nous montrons que les modèles spatialisés testés permettent d'estimer l'ETR à l'échelle journalière avec une précision satisfaisante, le modèle S-SEBI, pourtant plus empirique, donnant de meilleurs résultats que le modèle WDI (RMSE de 0.8 mm.j-1 et 1.1 mm.j-1 respectivement). Nous montrons que ces approches de spatialisation sont sensibles aux conditions expérimentales considérées (champs d'étude spatial pour le S-SEBI, vitesse du vent pour le WDI). Enfin, les résultats de spatialisation mettent en évidence d'importantes variabilités spatio-temporelles de l'ETR sur la zone d'étude. Les structures spatiales de statut hydrique observées à partir des deux modélisations réalisées sont très similaires et semblent être fortement liées aux caractéristiques pédo-paysagères de la zone d'étudeVineyard hydric status is recognized as an essential factor for wine-producing. At the field scale, research work allowed to develop different methods for hydric status characterization. However, because of tedious implementation, these methods are useless at the watershed scale, whereas hydric status information at this scale is strongly needed. The main objective of this study is to spatialize vineyard hydric status over a Mediterranean watershed. The study site take place in the basse vallà e de la Peyne, a 65 km2 wine-producing area, that is representative of the Mediterranean vineyards. The general procedure to achieve this objective was to spatialize actual evapotranspiration (ET), choose as hydric status indicator, through two spatialized models (S-SEBI Roerink et al., 2000 and WDI, Moran et al., 1994) derived from thermal infrared remote sensing imagery (ASTER sensor). The results of these models were validated by comparison with local ET measurements and simulations. These simulations made by a water transfers model (HYDRUS-1D, Simunek et al., 1998), that represent an original validation method to obtain local ET over an important number of sites, at a minimal experimental cost. A sensibility study allowed to identified the sturdiness of these spatialized models to the experimental conditions. After checking that local ET simulations obtained by the HYDRUS 1-D approach were correctly simulated, we showed that S-SEBI and WDI spatialized model, allowed to estimate ET with satisfactory accuracies. The more empiric S-SEBI model produced better results than the WDI model (RMSE about 0.8 mm.j-1 and 1.1 mm.j-1 respectively). Further, the sensibility study showed that these spatialisation approaches were sensitive to experimental conditions, (spatial extent for S-SEBI and wind speed for WDI). Finally, these spatialisation results depicted for important ET spatio-temporal variability over the Peyne watershed. The spatial patterns retrieved by the two models are similar and seems to be strongly related to pedological and landscape characteristics within the study site.MONTPELLIER-SupAgro La Gaillarde (341722306) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Assessment of quality of input data used to classify ecosystems according to the IUCN Red List methodology: The case of the central Chile hotspot

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    During the last decade, the IUCN has developed criteria analogous to the Red List of Threatened Species to perform similar risk assessment on ecosystems, creating the Red List of Ecosystems methodology. One of the most significant challenges for the construction of these lists is the gathering and availability of the information needed to apply the criteria. We present a complement to the IUCN's methodology to assess the threat level to ecosystems, estimating the spatial and temporal quality of the information available in scientific publications. We did this by applying the IUCN criteria to determine the threat level to the sclerophyll ecosystems of central Chile. Spatially explicit studies that identify disturbances in the structure of the vegetation were selected, making it possible to quantify effectively the reduction in the ecosystems' distribution. The spatial and temporal quality of the assessment were estimated as the percentage of the potential ecosystem distribution and the time frame recommended by the IUCN (50 years), that the studies represented for each ecosystem. The application of the methodology allowed the assessment of a high percentage of the ecosystems (85%), which were classified based on the studies with ranges of temporal quality from 30 to 100% and spatial quality from 12 to 100%. If only the assessments with more than medium spatio-temporal quality are considered (>50%), eight of the 17 evaluated ecosystems are classified in threat categories, which represents 22.9% of the study area.CONICYT/FONDAP/151100

    Age related effect on proteoglycans size in equine articular cartilage

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of age on proteoglycans size in equine articular cartilage. Cartilage samples were obtained from metacarpophalangeal joints of crossbred equines inmediatelly after slaughter, and alloted in three groups according to the equine's age: 1.5-2 years (n = 7); 4-5 years (n = 6) and over 10 years (n = 4). The cartilage extracts (100 mg /pair joints) were pooled for each age group and fractionated by exclution and ion exchange gel chromatography. Proteoglycan content of each fraction was determined by colorimetric reaction with safranine-O. The elution profile of Sepharose CL-2B, showed that proteoglycans appear as an polydisperse population of different size and similar molecular mass per age group. The size of proteoglycans decreased with age. A similar result was obtained measuring molecular mass and hydrodynamic radio values of proteoglycans when maximal absorbance values of each age group were used. These results show an inverse relationship between age and proteoglycans size of equine articular cartilage, which could affect the cartilage ability to undergo reversible compression

    Predicting vascular plant diversity in anthropogenic peatlands: comparison of modeling methods with free satellite data

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    Peatlands are ecosystems of great relevance, because they have an important number of ecological functions that provide many services to mankind. However, studies focusing on plant diversity, addressed from the remote sensing perspective, are still scarce in these environments. In the present study, predictions of vascular plant richness and diversity were performed in three anthropogenic peatlands on Chiloe Island, Chile, using free satellite data from the sensors OLI, ASTER, and MSI. Also, we compared the suitability of these sensors using two modeling methods: random forest (RF) and the generalized linear model (GLM). As predictors for the empirical models, we used the spectral bands, vegetation indices and textural metrics. Variable importance was estimated using recursive feature elimination (RFE). Fourteen out of the 17 predictors chosen by RFE were textural metrics, demonstrating the importance of the spatial context to predict species richness and diversity. Non-significant differences were found between the algorithms; however, the GLM models often showed slightly better results than the RF. Predictions obtained by the different satellite sensors did not show significant differences; nevertheless, the best models were obtained with ASTER (richness: R-2 = 0.62 and %RMSE = 17.2, diversity: R-2 = 0.71 and % RMSE = 20.2, obtained with RF and GLM respectively), followed by OLI and MSI. Diversity obtained higher accuracies than richness; nonetheless, accurate predictions were achieved for both, demonstrating the potential of free satellite data for the prediction of relevant community characteristics in anthropogenic peatland ecosystems.FONDECYT 1130935 CONICYT/FONDAP 151100

    Reservorio de carbono arbóreo en bosques siempreverdes de Chiloé, Chile

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    Artículo de publicación ISIThe carbon stock associated with tree biomass was estimated in evergreen forests near the town of Inío in Chiloé Island, Chile (43º21’ S, 74º07’ W), analyzing its relation with biotic and abiotic properties. A total of 14 sampling plots of 20×50 m were located at variable distances from Inío and different elevations, slopes and aspects. At each plot, tree density, incident solar radiation, and spectral vegetation indices were quantified based on LANDSAT satellite data. Total tree carbon stock was estimated for each tree species and in total, using known allometric biomass functions based on the diameter at breast height (DBH), of all the trees in the plot with DBH> 3 cm. Four plots presented post-fire conditions, where tree carbon content had a mean (± SE) 7.7 ± 0.78 Mg ha-1, while in the unburned plots it was 384.4 ± 120 Mg ha-1. After removing the value of one plot with high carbon content, the average was 189.7 ± 45.6 Mg ha-1. Most of the sampled properties had a limited correlation with tree carbon content (R² 0.31- 0.69). However, the amount of carbon of Nothofagus nitida was related to the total tree carbon in all the plots (post-fire and unburned) with R² = 0.96. This model substantially simplifies sampling efforts, since only DBH data of N. nitida is needed for the analyses (average of 15 individuals per plot). The tree carbon stock of forests of this area is high when compared to other forest types of the world.El reservorio de carbono asociado a la biomasa arbórea fue estimada en bosques siempreverdes cerca de Inío en la isla de Chiloé, Chile (43º21’ S, 74º07’ O), analizando su relación con propiedades bióticas y abióticas. Un total de 14 parcelas de 20×50 m fueron ubicadas a distancias variables de Inío y diferentes altitudes y pendientes. Para cada parcela, también se cuantificó la densidad total de árboles, radiación solar incidente e índices espectrales de vegetación basados en datos satelitales LANDSAT. El reservorio de carbono en los árboles por especie y total fue estimado usando funciones alométricas conocidas, basadas en el diámetro a la altura del pecho (DAP), de todos los árboles de cada parcela con DAP > 3 cm. Cuatro parcelas presentaron una condición post-incendio, donde el contenido de carbono arbóreo promedio (± EE) fue de 7,7 ± 0,78 Mg ha-1, mientras que en las áreas no incendiadas fue de 384,4 ± 120 Mg ha-1. Después de remover una parcela con contenido de carbono alto, el promedio fue de 189,7 ± 45,6 Mg ha-1. La mayor parte de las variables muestreadas tuvieron una correlación limitada con el contenido de carbono arbóreo (R² 0,31-0,69). Sin embargo, la cantidad de carbono de Nothofagus nitida se relacionó con el total de carbono arbóreo en todos las parcelas (post-incendio y no incendiadas) con un R² = 0,96. Este modelo simplifica el esfuerzo de muestreo sustancialmente, ya que solo requiere los datos de DAP de N. nitida para el análisis (promedio de 15 individuos por parcela). El reservorio de carbono arbóreo de bosques maduros en esta área es alto en comparación con otros tipos de bosque del mundo

    Evaluation of impacts of management in an anthropogenic peatland using field and remote sensing data

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    Artículo de publicación ISIPeatlands are a type of wetland characterized by the accumulation of organic matter, called peat, and are important carbon reservoirs. In areas with poor drainage, human-induced forest fires and logging can produce flooded conditions and organic matter accumulation, which generates an ecosystem called anthropogenic peatland. Productive management activities such as Sphagnum moss harvesting and livestock grazing take place there. Our hypothesis was that productive management has a strong impact on the aboveground C reservoir and increases the presence of exotic species. We established 44 sampling points in a 16-ha anthropogenic peatland on Chiloe Island, Chile, comparing productive and conservation types of managements. Carbon stocks, vegetation structure and composition variables were quantified. These variables were used to classify the ecosystem into microsites to analyze the different locations in the peatland. In addition, predictive models of aboveground carbon were created using Landsat 8 OLI and Pleiades images. The results revealed a carbon stock of 11.99 +/- 0.77 kg C m(-2), which is smaller than in natural peatlands, and showed a wide variability of conditions within the peatland itself. This variability, mainly expressed in aboveground carbon, produces microsites dominated by either shrubs, species of the genus Juncus or grasses. Productive management reduced accumulated carbon in the aboveground stock and in the woody debris. However, the strongest impact was found on the vegetation variables, with a decrease in total cover, cover of shrubs and herbaceous plants, and in vegetation height. There was also an increase in the richness and presence of exotic species. The spatial prediction of aboveground carbon yielded significant results using only spectral indices, showing also that the impact of productive management is not homogenous, being less intense in waterlogged areas. This study is the first to quantify carbon reservoirs in this type of ecosystem and to propose variables that can be used as indicators of the impact of human activities.FONDECYT 113093

    Evidence of exotoxin secretion of Piscirickettsia salmonis, the causative agent of piscirickettsiosis

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    Artículo de publicación ISIPiscirickettsia salmonis is the aetiological agent of piscirickettsiosis, a disease which affects a variety of teleost species and that is particularly severe in salmonid fish. Bacterial-free supernatants, obtained from cultures of three isolates of Piscirickettsia salmonis, were inoculated in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and in three continuous cell lines in an effort to determine the presence of secretion of extracellular products (ECPs) by this microorganism. Although steatosis was found in some liver samples, no mortalities or clinical signs occurred in the inoculated fish. Clear cytotoxicity was observed after inoculation in the cell lines CHSE-214 and ASK, derived from salmonid tissues, but not in MDBK, which is of mammalian origin. The degree of cytotoxicity of the ECPs was different among the P. salmonis isolates tested. The isolate that evidenced the highest cytotoxicity in its ECPs exhibited only an intermediate virulence level after challenging fish with bacterial suspensions of the three P. salmonis isolates. Almost complete inhibition of the cytotoxic activity of ECPs was seen after proteinase K treatment, indicating their peptidic nature, and a total preclusion of the cytotoxicity was shown after their incubation at 50 °C for 30 min. Results show that P. salmonis can produce ECPs and at least some of them are thermolabile exotoxins that probably play a role in the pathogenesis of piscirickettsiosis.This work was supported by Grant Fondecyt (Chile) 1080692